Sunday, September 23, 2012
Dr M: Kuasa asing mahu perubahan rejim di Malaysia
Beberapa kuasa asing sememangnya amat berharap berlaku perubahan rejim di Malaysia dengan membiayai pertubuhan propembangkang tempatan, kata bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
Beliau berkata, matlamat utama mereka ialah untuk melihat pelantikan seorang pemimpin yang boleh mengikut telunjuk mereka.
Dr Mahathir berkata, pembiayaan oleh National Endowment for Democracy dan badan tajaan spekulator matawang warga Amerika George Soros iaitu Open Society Institute (OSI), atas nama demokrasi serta kebebasan, bukan sahaja jahat malah menunjukkan niat tersembunyi bagi mengawal politik dalaman negara ini.
“Dia punya tujuan, baik liberal west, baik Soros, nak satu Perdana Menteri yang boleh dia guna.
“Sebab itu, dia nak perubahan rejim di Malaysia supaya orang yang jadi Perdana Menteri boleh ikut telunjuk dia,” katanya ketika diminta mengulas pengakuan portal berita bahawa ia menerima pembiayaan asing termasuk daripada OSI.
Terdahulu, ketika merasmikan Perundingan Pakar Peringkat Tinggi berhubung Islam dan Kesihatan Wanita anjuran Persekutuan Perancangan Kekeluargaan Antarabangsa (IPPF), Dr Mahathir berkata umat Islam perlu kembali kepada ajaran al-Quran sebagai cara hidup dan sumber kekuatan.
Beliau berkata, kejadian yang menimpa kebanyakan masyarakat Islam di dunia hari ini adalah kerana mereka terpesong daripada al-Quran.
“Kini kita kurang berpegang kepada al-Quran, tetapi lebih memberi perhatian terhadap apa yang dianjur oleh sunnah dan hadis, yang sebenarnya merupakan pilihan. Dengan itu, kita mewujudkan masalah untuk diri kita sendiri.
“Oleh itu, umat Islam perlu kembali kepada ajaran al-Quran kerana ia adalah sumber kekuatan kita untuk menjadi orang berjaya,” katanya.
SUMBER : sinar harian
Mahathir: Pemimpin guna hudud untuk dilihat Islamik
Mantan perdana menteri Tun Dr Mahathir berkata terdapat kalangan pemimpin Islam yang cenderung untuk mengguna hukuman paling berat termasuklah hudud agar mereka kelihatan lebih Islamik.
Tanpa menyebut golongan yang dimaksudkannya, beliau berkata langkah itu tidak mungkin sesuatu yang benar kerana menurutnya Islam lebih menekankan keadilan berbanding hukuman berat.
"Di Malaysia ada debat tentang hukum hudud dan kecenderungannya adalah mengenakan hukuman paling berat sebagai tanda kita lebih Islamik berbanding orang lain.
"Tetapi kita lebih gemar kepada hukuman berbanding keadilan. Dan hukuman yang kita suka jatuhkan biasanya yang paling berat yang tidak dijumpai dalam al-Quran," katanya lagi.
Beliau berkata demikian sewaktu merasmikan Runding Cara Peringkat Tinggi Pakar tentang Islam dan Kesihatan Wanita di Kuala Lumpur pagi ini.
afsiran ketepi al-Quran
Tambahnya lagi, golongan berkenaan juga tidak mengambil kira hakikat bahawa komuniti Islam wujud bersama dengan komuniti bukan Islam.
Kumpulan tersebut tidak mengambil kira perubahan semasa dalam mengeluarkan pandangan, katanya.
"Mereka berikan kita idea yg sukar untuk kita selarikan dengan idea dari sumber lain," katanya.
Perkara itu, katanya lagi berpunca daripada tafsiran Islam yang mengenepikan al-Quran sebagai rujukan utama dan melebih-lebihkan sumber lain.
"Saya percaya masalah ini datang daripada pelbagai tafsiran Islam.
"Saya dapati kita kurang mempercayai perkara yang yang terkandung dalam Quran tetapi lebih (percaya) apa yang diajarkan kepada kita dalam sunnah dan hadis - yang sebenarnya tidak wajib.
"Kita cenderung jadikan perkara yang tidak wajib itu (sebagai) wajib.
"Kerana kita buat begini, kita cipta masalah kepada kita dan orang
lain," katanya.
Justeru, beliau menggesa agar mereka yang tidak bersetuju dengan perkara itu agar menentang idea berkenaan dengan hujah agama dan bukannya menggunakan hujah dan nilai-nilai Barat.
"Ia amat penting untuk orang Islam yang tidak mengkhusus dalam agama agar mengetahui agama mereka supaya mereka boleh berhujah dengan golongan konservatif berdasarkan agama, dan bukannya berdasarkan sistem nilai yang lain," katanya.
Malaysiakini turut terlibat agenda asing - Dr. M
Portal propembangkang, Malaysiakini dilihat turut terlibat dalam agenda asing untuk menguasai politik negara dan menukar kerajaan sedia ada melalui laporan berita bertopengkan nilai demokrasi serta kebebasan bersuara.
Bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad berkata, penglibatan portal berita serta pertubuhan bukan kerajaan (NGO) dalam usaha itu adalah amat tidak sihat kerana pemimpin yang bakal dipilih nanti pasti terpaksa mengikut telunjuk pihak luar.
"Sama ada nilai liberal Barat atau (George) Soros, dia nak satu Perdana Menteri yang dia boleh guna, sebab itu dia nak regime change di Malaysia supaya orang yang jadi Perdana Menteri ikut telunjuk dia.
"Malaysiakini semua ada kaitan, kesemuanya sama," katanya kepada pemberita selepas merasmikan Majlis Pakar Perundingan Mengenai Islam dan Kesihatan Wanita di sini hari ini.
Beliau berkata demikian ketika ditanya mengenai operasi portal propembangkang, Malaysiakini serta penglibatan NGO seperti Suara Rakyat Malaysia (Suaram) yang terbukti menerima dana daripada Open Society Institute (OSI) milik Soros.
Di antara pembiayaan lain yang diterima pertubuhan berkaitan adalah daripada National Endowment For Democracy (NED) milik seorang lagi tokoh Yahudi, Carl Gershman.
Sebelum ini, wartawan veteran, YL Chong mendedahkan beliau meletak jawatan sebagai Pengarang Berita Malaysiakini lebih sedekad yang lalu kerana pengurusan portal berita propembangkang itu enggan mengakui menerima dana daripada Soros.
Menurut Chong lagi, Ketua Pengarang Kumpulan dan pengasas Malaysiakini, Steven Gan pernah mengakui portal itu akan 'mati' jika mengaku menerima dana daripada Soros.
Sementara itu, Dr. Mahathir ketika berucap memberitahu, peningkatan kes jenayah serta isu sosial di kalangan umat Islam di seluruh dunia adalah disebabkan mereka tidak mengamalkan ajaran sebenar agama itu seperti tertulis di dalam al-Quran.
"Hari ini ramai yang terikut-ikut dengan interpretasi dibuat pelbagai pihak yang mempunyai kepentingan masing-masing sehingga berjaya mengelirukan umat Islam menyebabkan mereka tidak mampu mempertahankan diri," katanya.
sumber : Utusan
Wujud campur tangan asing
Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad berkata, penyaluran dana asing untuk aktiviti pertubuhan bukan kerajaan (NGO) propembangkang membuktikan wujud campur tangan pihak luar untuk menukar kerajaan sedia ada kepada kerajaan yang boleh mengikut telunjuk mereka.
Menurut bekas Perdana Menteri, modus operandi yang digunakan adalah sama seperti di Libya, Mesir dan negara Arab lain yang mereka namakan sebagai Arab Spring, iaitu pihak asing memberi bantuan kewangan bagi membiayai aktiviti NGO mengapi-apikan rakyat supaya bangkit menentang kerajaan dan melakukan apa yang dikatakan sebagai regime change.
"Kerajaan interim Mesir telah pun menghentikan kegiatan sesetengah NGO ini yang datang dari Amerika. Mereka ini sebenarnya dibiayai oleh kerajaan (Amerika), mereka pergi ke Mesir dan cuba mempengaruhi orang Mesir dan siapa-siapa yang hendak menghadapi pilihan raya. Mesir telah menghalang mereka daripada masuk campur (dalam pilihan raya).
"Kita tak pernah campur tangan, tak pernah pergi kacau (pilihan raya negara mereka) dia punya pilihan raya, dia punyalah. Kita punya pilihan raya adalah hak rakyat kita, pasal apa dia nak cuba pengaruhi orang untuk menukar kerajaan, kerajaan yang mesra kepada mereka? Inilah tujuannya. Ini yang diuar-uarkan sebagai regime change," katanya kepada Mingguan Malaysia ketika ditemui di pejabatnya di sini kelmarin.
Dr. Mahathir diminta mengulas pendedahan akhbar kelmarin mengenai penyaluran dana asing kepada NGO dalam negara termasuk RM1.6 juta yang diterima Suara Rakyat Malaysia (Suaram) daripada National Endowment for Democracy (NED) dan RM845,835 daripada Open Society Institute (OSI), pertubuhan yang diasaskan oleh penyangak mata wang George Soros.
Menurut bekas Perdana Menteri seperti yang pernah ditulis oleh beliau di dalam blognya, apa yang dimahukan oleh pihak asing itu bukan setakat regime change atau perubahan kerajaan yang memerintah tetapi perubahan yang menyaksikan Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim menjadi Perdana Menteri Malaysia.
Beliau yakin penyaluran dana asing termasuk untuk perhimpunan Bersih dan pelbagai lagi adalah sebahagian daripada operasi untuk menyokong Anwar.
"Jerman pun bagi duit, apa kena-mengena dengan Jerman? Adakah anda tidak bersetuju dengan kerajaan sekarang dan mahu menjatuhkannya? Kalau nak bagi duit, bagi dua-dua belah (pihak). Bagi kepada pihak penyokong kerajaan dan pihak pembangkang tak apa. Tapi apabila anda memberi dana hanya kepada satu pihak bermakna anda mengapi-apikan rakyat supaya menentang kerajaan.
"Ini salah! Ia adalah hak rakyat negara ini untuk memilih kerajaan yang mereka kehendaki bukannya orang luar menentukan kerajaan yang mereka mahukan," tegasnya.
Dalam keadaan ini, Dr. Mahathir berkata, apa yang diperjuangkan oleh NGO yang menerima dana asing ini bukan lagi mewakili suara rakyat Malaysia sebaliknya suara pihak luar.
"Ia bukannya inisiatif rakyat Malaysia tetapi inisiatif orang asing. Tak kan kita hendak dikuasai oleh orang asing? Dia bagi duit sana nak bagi jatuh kerajaan supaya orang dia dapat naik dan orang dia di sini secara terang lagi bersuluh, dia nak Anwar. Jadi siapa yang nak pilih Perdana Menteri Malaysia, orang Malaysiakah orang asing?," soalnya.
Baginya beliau boleh menerima sekiranya rakyat Malaysia sendiri yang membuat keputusan hendak memilih Anwar tetapi biarlah pilihan itu dibuat tanpa dipengaruhi oleh tangan-tangan asing.
"Jika anda (pihak asing) cuba mempengaruhi pilihan orang kita dengan bagi duit, itu rasuah!" tegasnya lagi.
sumber : Utusan
Thursday, September 20, 2012
By Dr Mahathir Mohamad
Addendum to “Freedom of Expression”, updated Sept 19, 2012
1. Hillary Clinton says the film insulting to Muslims cannot be stopped because of freedom of expression.
2. The French and Italian papers published photos of a naked Duchess of Cambridge. Now a French court has ordered the publishers to surrender all the pictures to the royal couple and to stop publishing them. The Italians are also going to do the same.
3. So freedom of expression is selective, not to be used against a countess but okay for the prophet of the Muslims.
4. I know there are many hypocrites in the West but this is the mother of all Western hypocrisy.
1. Hilary Clinton defends the film which insults the Prophet of the Muslims because of freedom of expression, a part of human rights. I think Western values have gone crazy. In the name of human rights and free speech one can insult anybody. What kind of human society will we have if everyone can curse and denigrate everyone else? There will be no peace either between countries or religions or races or members of the public anywhere.
2. How would one feel if someone comes up to you and calls you “a bastard, the offspring of sex between your mother and some man who is not your legally wedded father.”
3. Well how would one feel? The Americans would feel nothing because in their society this is normal. Their mothers sleep around with just about anybody. That is the norm, they would say. So do their fathers. It is an expression of the equality of the sexes.
4. Asians, and Muslims would feel insulted. They would probably kill the persons who say such things of their mothers. Free speech, yes. But insulting speech, no! Certainly no Asian would like to be called a bastard even as a joke.
5. It would seem that the liberal West believes that free speech is licence to curse and insult other people without limit.
6. They can enjoy this licence among themselves. That’s okay. But they cannot insist that everyone accept their coarseness and lack of manners. If freedom is a part of human rights, not the rights of the West alone, Asians must have their rights to their own norms and code of morality. Otherwise Western freedom would be about denying others their freedom.
7. If that is what Western freedom is about then how others react to Western freedom must be accepted by the West as the expression of freedom of these others.
8. Western values are not universal, no matter what the Westerners claim or believe about their values. Other people and Asians have their own values. If the West believes that freedom must be enjoyed by all, must be universal, then that freedom must be extended to the values subscribed by others.
9. If you don’t believe others should have freedom to enjoy their own values then you do not really believe in freedom as a part of human rights. Of course certain events we are seeing today seem to indicate that the West has arrogated freedom to themselves only. The freedom to kill people, including innocent people, is obviously a part of Western freedom.
10. That would mean the West is more authoritarian and undemocratic than the very people they accuse of being authoritarian and undemocratic.
11. It is about time that the West rethink their beliefs in freedom. If you really believe that freedom should be enjoyed by all, then respect other peoples’ rights to their faiths, their values and their freedoms.
12. I deplore the extremely violent reactions to the film and killing of the American consul but I fully understand that some people’s feelings are stronger than some other people. In a free world the strength of these people’s feelings is their right. If there is such a thing as human rights then there should also be respect for the sensitivities of other people.
13. Otherwise stop talking about human rights and certainly stop violently promoting these so-called rights. You have no right to take the moral high ground.
source :
By Dr Mahathir Mohamad
1. An Israeli court hearing a case brought by the mother of Rachel Corrie, the American girl who was deliberately run over and killed by an Israeli soldier driving a bulldozer to destroy the home of a Palestinian in Gaza, found the case to be an accident because the Israeli soldier claimed he could not see the girl standing in the way of the bulldozer shouting for it to stop.
2. I have often enough sat in the driver’s seat of a bulldozer or mechanical hoe and I have always been able to see everything in front of me. Certainly a person standing in my way would be clearly seen by me.
3. But the Israeli court believed the soldier when he said he could not see the girl Rachel Corrie standing in front of his bulldozer. And so he ran over her crushing her under the bulldozer.
4. Even the Chinese Communist soldier stopped his tank when, in Tiananmen Square, a young man stood in the way of his vehicle. The view from the tank must be less clear. But the Israeli was driving a bulldozer which is designed to enable the driver to see clearly what is in front of him.
5. If he ran over the girl, it must be deliberate; it must be because he wanted to kill the girl.
6. It is a travesty of justice for the court to decide it was an accident, that the soldier driving the bulldozer could not see the girl.
7. The judge must be as cold-hearted as the soldier for the pain he inflicted on the grieving mother.
8. I am glad to be labelled anti-Semitic. How can I be otherwise when the Jews who so often talk of the horrors they suffered during the Holocaust show the same Nazi cruelty and hard-heartedness towards not just their enemies but even towards their allies should any try to stop the senseless killing of their Palestinian enemies.
9. Our concern and disgust over the cruel killing of Rachel Corrie is not new. When the Perdana Global Peace Foundation bought a ship to send food, medicine and construction material to the Palestinians in Gaza, she was named Rachel Corrie.
10. We were intercepted by the Israeli Navy in Gaza waters and forced to go to El Arish in Egypt. The supplies were sequestered and after some months were taken by others to Gaza. But we do not know if the people in Gaza ever got the supplies meant for them.
11. We had sympathised with the victims of the Holocaust. That sympathy was wasted and misplaced.
source :
Dr M: Boleh tegur pemimpin tapi biar beradap
Tidak salah untuk menegur pemimpin jika mereka dilihat menyimpang daripada usaha membangunkan rakyat dan negara, kata bekas Perdana Menteri Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
Bagaimanapun kata beliau, teguran harus dilakukan secara beradab dan kena pada masanya selain mengemukakan pendapat yang boleh dipertimbang pemimpin.
"Saya fikir pemimpin juga harus terbuka kepada sebarang teguran. Ketika zaman saya (sebagai Perdana Menteri), saya ditegur Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah dan (Tun) Musa Hitam, serta ramai lagi yang marah dengan saya," katanya kepada pemberita di Johor Bahru semalam
Beliau yang ditemui selepas 'Diskusi Kepimpinan Perdana Mahasiwa Universiti Teknologi Malaysia', berkata pada masa yang sama pemimpin juga tidak harus terlalu lama memegang kuasa dan berundur apabila tiba masanya, sekalipun masih popular dalam kalangan rakyat.
Untuk tujuan itu, Dr Mahathir berkata seseorang pemimpin harus bijak membaca isyarat masyarakat dan akur dengan kehendak akar umbi yang mahu mereka berundur.
Dalam pada itu, beliau berkata seseorang pemimpin juga harus diberi masa yang secukupnya untuk memimpin bagi membolehkannya melaksanakan segala usaha yang direncana demi kebaikan rakyat.
"Jika masa yang diberi terlalu pendek, seorang perdana menteri tidak akan mempunyai masa A: mempelajari bidang tugasnya, B: merangka dasar, dan melaksanakan dasar.
"Adakah lima tahun, 10 tahun? Sesetengah negara mengehadkan kepada lima tahun, itu tidak bagus. Jika seorang pemimpin sedar beliau harus berundur dan jika dia akur, saya fikir setidak-tidaknya rakyat akan terus menghargainya," kata beliau.
Katanya rakyat perlu memberi masa kepada pemimpin "melainkan jika dia sangat jahat, memenuhi saku sendiri, mengutamakan keluarga dan seumpamanya. Jika dia bukan seperti itu, anda harus benarkan dia berkhidmat sekurang-kurangnya sepenggal."
Mengenai pilihan raya umum ke-13, Dr Mahathir berkata masalah dalam Barisan Nasional (BN) kini ialah terlalu ramai yang berasakan mereka calon terbaik.
Apabila tidak dipilih sebagai calon, mereka ini akan berusaha sedaya upaya memastikan calon yang dipilih tidak menang, katanya.
Beliau juga berpandangan perasaan benci kepada kerajaan yang ditiup oleh pembangkang sekarang mampu menghalang BN daripada menguasai pilihan raya umum akan datang dengan majoriti dua pertiga.
Disebabkan sentimen itu, rakyat kata Dr Mahathir, lupa segala jasa kerajaan dan menumpukan hanya kepada perkara buruk.
"Semua pemimpin ada buruk baiknya dan anda harus pertimbang berapa banyak yang baik dan berapa banyak yang buruk. Ini semua bergantung kepada kebijaksanaan rakyat untuk memilih dan jika mereka membuat pilihan berdasarkan rasa marah atau benci atau rasuah, saya fikir mereka tidak akan dapat pemimpin yang bagus," katanya.
Mengenai diskusi bersama 2,000 pelajar sebelum itu, Dr Mahathir yakin mereka dapat membantu memacu pembangunan negara menjelang 2020, asalkan mereka berpegang kepada nilai-nilai murni dan mempunyai pemikiran yang tepat.
Beliau juga memberi jaminan suara pelajar akan terus teguh dan didengari kerajaan asalkan luahan dibuat menerusi saluran yang betul, bukan membuat bising ketika demonstrasi jalanan.
Dr Mahathir berkata semua pelajar terbabit berpotensi menjadi pemimpin pada masa depan, selagi mereka sedar bahawa perjuangan adalah untuk kepentingan rakyat bukan diri sendiri.
sumber - Bernama
Generasi muda cerdik, mulia pacu 2020
Bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad yakin generasi muda yang berilmu dan cerdik serta ditambah dengan nilai-nilai mulia mampu menjadi pemacu pertumbuhan negara menjelang 2020.
Katanya, generasi muda juga perlu bijak mengawal emosi daripada melakukan perkara-perkara yang tidak berfaedah kerana penguasaan ilmu sahaja tidak menjamin masa depan negara yang turut bergantung kepada nilai-nilai mulia serta bijak menggunakan kuasa undi memilih pemimpin.
"Generasi muda kini ramai yang bijak pandai, tetapi jika gagal kawal nafsu, emosi dan seterusnya terjebak dengan kegiatan yang bukan mencerminkan sebagai seorang pelajar seperti tindakan memijak gambar pemimpin dan melondehkan seluar, itu namanya bukan orang bijak. Nak pijak gambar pemimpin atau londeh seluar tak payah masuk universiti.
"Orang macam ini yang gagal membebaskan diri daripada tekanan kerana dipengaruhi pihak tertentu demi kepentingan peribadi, golongan inilah akan merosakkan negara," katanya di Dewan Sultan Iskandar, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) di sini hari ini.
Beliau berkata demikian ketika menyampaikan ucaptama pada Diskusi Kepimpinan Perdana Mahasiswa UTM bertajuk 'Mampukah Generasi Muda Malaysia Menjadi Pemacu Negara Menjelang 2020? Antara Realiti dan Fantasi'.
Hadir sama, Menteri Besar, Datuk Abdul Ghani Othman; Naib Canselor UTM, Prof. Datuk Dr. Zaini Ujang dan Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Pembangunan Usahawan dan Koperasi, Pelajaran dan Pengajian Tinggi negeri, Datuk Maulizan Bujang.
Kira-kira 4,500 orang hadir selain turut mengajukan beberapa persoalan dalam sesi soal jawab yang berlangsung selama setengah jam.
Kata Dr. Mahathir, kuasa mengundi yang digunakan untuk memilih pemimpin berwibawa dan cekap akan menjamin kestabilan negara secara menyeluruh, namun kehancuran akan berlaku jika tersalah memilih pemimpin.
Terdahulu, ketika menjawab satu soalan, beliau menjelaskan, generasi muda mempunyai persepsi negatif terhadap segelintir pemimpin disebabkan mereka berjuang bukan untuk agama, bangsa dan negara tetapi kepentingan peribadi.
"Saya mengingatkan segenap lapisan masyarakat agar menegur para pemimpin yang lalai dengan menggunakan kuasa dimiliki iaitu menerusi undi.
"Saya juga setuju bahawa suara mahasiswa masih relevan dan perlu didengar oleh para pemimpin, namun ia perlu disuarakan dengan cara berhemah dan penuh tertib," katanya lagi.
sumber : UTUSAN
Dr M: Jangan terlalu lama jadi pemimpin
"Seseorang pemimpin tidak seharusnya terlalu lama memegang jawatan, sebaliknya perlu berundur apabila tiba masanya walaupun masih popular di kalangan rakyat,” kata bekas Perdana Menteri Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
Tanpa menjelaskan tempoh tertentu yang sesuai untuk seorang pemimpin menyandang jawatan, beliau berkata, lebih baik jika pemimpin itu sendiri sedar masa yang sesuai untuknya berundur.
“Pemimpin jangan lama sangat mentadbir kerana nanti orang bosan. Kita mesti tahu baca pemikiran orang dan sedar bila harus berundur.
“Bagaimanapun, keadaan pastinya menjadi tidak baik jika masa yang diberikan kepada seorang pemimpin adalah terlalu pendek sehingga tidak dapat melaksanakan apa-apa. Jika masa adalah singkat, perdana menteri tidak mempunyai masa untuk mempelajari perihal tugasnya dan untuk merumuskan beberapa dasar untuk dilaksanakan.
“Rakyat perlu memberi masa kepada pemimpin kecuali pemimpin ini mempunyai sikap buruk, mengisi poket sendiri atau memberi keutamaan kepada keluarga beliau. Jika tidak, maka benarkan dia untuk memimpin sekurang-kurangnya satu penggal,” katanya ketika sidang akhbar majlis Diskusi Kepimpinan Perdana Mahasiswa UTM bersamanya di Dewan Sultan Iskandar UTM di sini, hari ini.
Hadir sama, Menteri Besar Johor, Datuk Abdul Ghani Othman; Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Pembangunan Usahawan dan Koperasi, Pelajaran dan Pengajian Tinggi negeri, Datuk Maulizan Bujang; Naib Canselor UTM, Prof Datuk Ir Dr Zaini Ujang.
Dr Mahathir yang menjadi Perdana Menteri selama 22 tahun berkata, seseorang pemimpin itu juga mesti sedia untuk ditegur dan dicabar oleh mana-mana pihak sekiranya perjuangan untuk membangunkan rakyat serta negara lari daripada landasan asal.
“Saya fikir pemimpin harus terbuka kepada sebarang teguran atau malah cabaran. Pada masa saya (sebagai Perdana Menteri), saya menerima cabaran dari Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah dan Tun Musa Hitam di samping terdapat juga pihak yang marah dengan saya.
“Selain itu, kita perlu untuk menegur mereka (pemimpin) bila ada peluang untuk berbuat sedemikian, tetapi tidak dalam cara marah atau penghinaan. Jika mereka sentiasa disanjung, mereka akan terus fikir apa yang mereka buat sentiasa betul,” katanya.
Mengulas mengenai Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 (PRU13), Mahathir berkata, masalah yang timbul dalam Barisan Nasional (BN) pada ketika ini adalah terlalu ramai pemimpin yang menganggap diri masing-masing sebagai calon terbaik.
Katanya, apabila tidak dipilih sebagai calon, timbul pula situasi di mana golongan berkenaan bertindak tidak memberi sokongan kepada calon dipilih daripada meraih kemenangan.
“Satu lagi perkara yang menghalang BN daripada menang majoriti dua pertiga secara dengan mudah adalah tindakan pembangkang yang menyemai perasaan benci dan mempengaruhi pemikiran rakyat agar melupakan perkara-perkara baik yang sudah dilakukan kerajaan.
“Harus diingat bahawa tiada pemimpin yang sempurna. Cuma rakyat perlu menilai baik dan buruk dan segalanya bergantung kepada kebijaksanaan mereka untuk memilih. Jika mereka membuat pilihan dengan perasaan benci dan marah atau rasuah saya fikir mereka tidak akan mendapat pemimpin yang baik,” katanya.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Dr.Mahathir Saran Buat Rumah Terbuka Untuk Pelancong

Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad menyarankan rakyat Malaysia mengundang pelancong asing ke rumah terbuka mereka bagi membolehkan tetamu asing itu meraikannya dengan masyarakat berbilang kaum di negara ini dalam suasana harmoni.
"Mereka mahu melihat budaya kita dan keupayaan kita hidup dalam negara berbilang bangsa tanpa rasa takut seperti yang dilihat di kebanyakan negara berbilang bangsa atau berbilang agama yang lain," katanya kepada Bernama hari ini.
Bekas perdana menteri itu ditemui pada majlis rumah terbuka sempena Aidilfitri di kediamannnya di The Mines, Seri Kembangan dekat sini. Beliau sebelum itu meraikan kedatangan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.
Katanya walaupun konsep itu bukan suatu yang baru namun ia harus melibatkan penyertaan lebih aktif daripada rakyat tanpa mengharap pemberian insentif kerajaan.
"Kita buka rumah bukanlah secara besar-besaran tetapi biarlah mereka rasa kehidupan kita setakat yang kita mampu," katanya.
sumber :
By Dr Mahathir Mohamad
1. We are 55-years old. This blessed multi-racial country of ours has been free for 55 years. For some Malaysians of 55 years and under, to be free of foreign rule is no big deal. Of course we are free, so what?
2. Jalur Gemilang! Just a rag – a strip of coloured cloth. It can be of any colour. What’s so great about the stripes, the star and the moon. Why must we be loyal to a piece of coloured cloth?
3. And the anthem. Is it relevant? Why cannot we sing some other song?
4. These are said to be symbols. Symbols of what??
5. Of course we are free of foreign rule. For these 55 and under, it is unthinkable to be under foreign rule. What we know is rule by some Malaysians. And they deny us freedom. We cannot demonstrate. We cannot step on pictures. We cannot change the colour of our flag – that rag. We cannot sing other anthems.
6. We cannot do this; we cannot do that. So where is the freedom?
7. I am past 55 years. I lived under foreign rule. I lived under the British when all white men must be addressed as Tuan (master) and white women Mem (a corruption of Madame I suppose). Ours was to obey, theirs was to command. Politics was out of bounds.
8. I lived under the Japanese. We feared for our women. They had to cut their hair short and wore men’s clothing. They hid in the attic, fearing being raped by Japanese soldiers.
9. The Kampetai or military police had a list of Chinese who had actively supported China against the Japanese. Many were executed by decapitation with the curved Japanese sword.
10. Many were arrested and tortured. Water was hosed into their stomach and then forced out through their mouths and noses. They either died or they confessed to whatever crime they were accused of. Then they were taken out and shot.
11. Thailand allowed the Japanese army to land on its beaches and to march down the Isthmus of Kra into British Malaya. After two months of retreat, the British surrendered.
12. As a reward for their cooperation, the Thais were given four northern Malay state – Kedah, Perlis, Kelantan and Terengganu.
13. I experienced Thai rules. We had to respect their flag and anthem.
14. One evening as I was passing the Alor Star Police Station I heard the anthem and I froze, looking up at the Thai flag being lowered.
15. An old Malay man cycled slowly past apparently unaware that he had to get off his bike and stand at attention.
16. The anthem ended as the flag came down. I heard a shout and a Thai soldier who had been standing at attention ran after the old cyclist. He gave a flying kick to the face and the old man fell off his bicycle, lying still on the road.
17. I did not go to his help. I was afraid of the soldier who seemed about to kick the man again. He changed his mind and went away.
18. The Allied forces won the Pacific War and the British returned. They had promised to defend us from foreign attacks. They had failed. We had to live under the Japanese and the Thais.
19. No apologies were offered. They merely threatened to depose the Malay rulers if they did not sign the MacMichael Treaty surrendering their states outright to the British. In the meantime we were ruled by the British Military Administration. No democracy.
20. Then the worm turned. The docile Malays united as never before and forced the Malayan Union to be aborted. Eventually the states of the Peninsular and then the states of Sarawak and Sabah achieved independence as Malaysia.
21. To me being independent will always be something I will cherish. As a Malaysian I don’t have to call foreigners “Master” or Tuan. We don’t have to fear foreigners in our country. We will not have our heads chopped off. We will not be kicked by foreigners in our own country.
22. Yes, our Governments are not perfect. I was expelled from my party. I was ostracised. When I retired I was treated like an enemy of the Government.
23. Others were detained without trial. A few claimed they were tortured. Maybe they were. But that is not the policy of our Governments. The law does not permit that though there are more advanced countries where torture is legalised.
24. There are good things and bad things, good governance and bad governance in independent Malaysia. It is not perfect. But which country is perfect. In America there is much inequality with 1% being extremely rich and 99% poor according to Nobel Laureate economist Joseph Stiglitz. Europe has been in financial crisis since 2008 and appears unable to get out of it.
25. In the Middle East there is the so-called Arab Spring. Many have died. Revolutionary successes have not brought the promised good Governments and prosperity yet. It will take time.
26. Where else? Africa! I don’t think the Africans are better off than Malaysians. Latin America! Yes Brazil. It’s doing well, that’s all I know. The others are not.
27. And in ASEAN. Singapore has done well. But the people seem unhappy. 15% of the population are treated as second class citizens. They are poor. The other countries are so so.
28. Am I stupid? But really there is nowhere else I would like to be other than Malaysia. It’s not a perfect country. I don’t like some of the things I see or experience. But on balance there is more good in independent Malaysia than there are bad things.
29. So I will celebrate Merdeka days. I will fly the Jalur Gemilang and I will sing the National Anthem. I am proud I am a Malaysian, a citizen of an independent country. I will not step on the pictures of people who only know how to hate and have done nothing to make this country better. By doing what they did they have demonstrated that they and the people who lead them are unfit to rule this independent country. They only know hate. Hatred does not develop nations.
30. So I will shout “Merdeka” Malaysia for Merdeka means a lot to me.
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1. We are 55-years old. This blessed multi-racial country of ours has been free for 55 years. For some Malaysians of 55 years and under, to be free of foreign rule is no big deal. Of course we are free, so what?
2. Jalur Gemilang! Just a rag – a strip of coloured cloth. It can be of any colour. What’s so great about the stripes, the star and the moon. Why must we be loyal to a piece of coloured cloth?
3. And the anthem. Is it relevant? Why cannot we sing some other song?
4. These are said to be symbols. Symbols of what??
5. Of course we are free of foreign rule. For these 55 and under, it is unthinkable to be under foreign rule. What we know is rule by some Malaysians. And they deny us freedom. We cannot demonstrate. We cannot step on pictures. We cannot change the colour of our flag – that rag. We cannot sing other anthems.
6. We cannot do this; we cannot do that. So where is the freedom?
7. I am past 55 years. I lived under foreign rule. I lived under the British when all white men must be addressed as Tuan (master) and white women Mem (a corruption of Madame I suppose). Ours was to obey, theirs was to command. Politics was out of bounds.
8. I lived under the Japanese. We feared for our women. They had to cut their hair short and wore men’s clothing. They hid in the attic, fearing being raped by Japanese soldiers.
9. The Kampetai or military police had a list of Chinese who had actively supported China against the Japanese. Many were executed by decapitation with the curved Japanese sword.
10. Many were arrested and tortured. Water was hosed into their stomach and then forced out through their mouths and noses. They either died or they confessed to whatever crime they were accused of. Then they were taken out and shot.
11. Thailand allowed the Japanese army to land on its beaches and to march down the Isthmus of Kra into British Malaya. After two months of retreat, the British surrendered.
12. As a reward for their cooperation, the Thais were given four northern Malay state – Kedah, Perlis, Kelantan and Terengganu.
13. I experienced Thai rules. We had to respect their flag and anthem.
14. One evening as I was passing the Alor Star Police Station I heard the anthem and I froze, looking up at the Thai flag being lowered.
15. An old Malay man cycled slowly past apparently unaware that he had to get off his bike and stand at attention.
16. The anthem ended as the flag came down. I heard a shout and a Thai soldier who had been standing at attention ran after the old cyclist. He gave a flying kick to the face and the old man fell off his bicycle, lying still on the road.
17. I did not go to his help. I was afraid of the soldier who seemed about to kick the man again. He changed his mind and went away.
18. The Allied forces won the Pacific War and the British returned. They had promised to defend us from foreign attacks. They had failed. We had to live under the Japanese and the Thais.
19. No apologies were offered. They merely threatened to depose the Malay rulers if they did not sign the MacMichael Treaty surrendering their states outright to the British. In the meantime we were ruled by the British Military Administration. No democracy.
20. Then the worm turned. The docile Malays united as never before and forced the Malayan Union to be aborted. Eventually the states of the Peninsular and then the states of Sarawak and Sabah achieved independence as Malaysia.
21. To me being independent will always be something I will cherish. As a Malaysian I don’t have to call foreigners “Master” or Tuan. We don’t have to fear foreigners in our country. We will not have our heads chopped off. We will not be kicked by foreigners in our own country.
22. Yes, our Governments are not perfect. I was expelled from my party. I was ostracised. When I retired I was treated like an enemy of the Government.
23. Others were detained without trial. A few claimed they were tortured. Maybe they were. But that is not the policy of our Governments. The law does not permit that though there are more advanced countries where torture is legalised.
24. There are good things and bad things, good governance and bad governance in independent Malaysia. It is not perfect. But which country is perfect. In America there is much inequality with 1% being extremely rich and 99% poor according to Nobel Laureate economist Joseph Stiglitz. Europe has been in financial crisis since 2008 and appears unable to get out of it.
25. In the Middle East there is the so-called Arab Spring. Many have died. Revolutionary successes have not brought the promised good Governments and prosperity yet. It will take time.
26. Where else? Africa! I don’t think the Africans are better off than Malaysians. Latin America! Yes Brazil. It’s doing well, that’s all I know. The others are not.
27. And in ASEAN. Singapore has done well. But the people seem unhappy. 15% of the population are treated as second class citizens. They are poor. The other countries are so so.
28. Am I stupid? But really there is nowhere else I would like to be other than Malaysia. It’s not a perfect country. I don’t like some of the things I see or experience. But on balance there is more good in independent Malaysia than there are bad things.
29. So I will celebrate Merdeka days. I will fly the Jalur Gemilang and I will sing the National Anthem. I am proud I am a Malaysian, a citizen of an independent country. I will not step on the pictures of people who only know how to hate and have done nothing to make this country better. By doing what they did they have demonstrated that they and the people who lead them are unfit to rule this independent country. They only know hate. Hatred does not develop nations.
30. So I will shout “Merdeka” Malaysia for Merdeka means a lot to me.
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By Dr Mahathir Mohamad
1. Kata Hang Tuah “Tak akan Melayu hilang di dunia.” Dapatkah kata-kata keramat ini menentu yang Melayu tak akan hilang di dunia?
2. Di Singapura kerana tidak ada lagi sekolah Melayu dan bahasa penghantar di sekolah-sekolah di Republik itu ialah Inggeris dan China; segala urusan rasmi dan tidak rasmi menggunakan Bahasa Ingggeris atau China, maka orang Melayu sudah pun tidak menggunakan Bahasa Melayu. Mereka menggunakan Bahasa Inggeris walaupun semasa bercakap dengan anak pinak, keluarga dan kawan-kawan Melayu.
3. Budaya, adat istiadat Melayu juga terhakis. Yang tinggal hanyalah agama Islam mereka.
4. KeMelayuan mereka sudah tinggal separuh. Kita boleh ramal yang hakisan keMelayuan mereka akan berterusan sehingga akan hilanglah Melayu di Singapura.
5. Di sebelah utara pula kita dapati orang keturunan Melayu yang tidak dapat bertutur kata dalam Bahasa Melayu. Mereka Islam dan bangsa rasmi mereka ialah Thai. Maka hilanglah juga Melayu disitu.
6. Tetapi di Malaysia juga kehilangan Melayu sedang berlaku. Ada anak muda Melayu yang tidak lagi ingin dikenali sebagai orang Melayu. Mereka orang Malaysia. Ada pula yang hanya akui mereka orang Islam dan tidak perlu dikaitkan diri mereka dengan kaum Melayu.
7. Tetapi yang akan menghilangkan Melayu di dunia ialah dakwaan bahawa sesiapa yang bercakap berkenaan dengan bangsa Melayu, mereka akan dituduh “racist”. Oleh itu orang Melayu sudah tidak lagi berani menyebut perkataan Melayu kerana tidak mahu dituduh “racist”.
8. Kasihan Hang Tuah. Besar kemungkinan kata-katanya tidak lagi akan menjadi kenyataan. Demikianlah apabila kita bergantung kepada kata-kata hikmat untuk nasib kita, akhirnya akan hilang hikmatnya.
sumber :
1. Kata Hang Tuah “Tak akan Melayu hilang di dunia.” Dapatkah kata-kata keramat ini menentu yang Melayu tak akan hilang di dunia?
2. Di Singapura kerana tidak ada lagi sekolah Melayu dan bahasa penghantar di sekolah-sekolah di Republik itu ialah Inggeris dan China; segala urusan rasmi dan tidak rasmi menggunakan Bahasa Ingggeris atau China, maka orang Melayu sudah pun tidak menggunakan Bahasa Melayu. Mereka menggunakan Bahasa Inggeris walaupun semasa bercakap dengan anak pinak, keluarga dan kawan-kawan Melayu.
3. Budaya, adat istiadat Melayu juga terhakis. Yang tinggal hanyalah agama Islam mereka.
4. KeMelayuan mereka sudah tinggal separuh. Kita boleh ramal yang hakisan keMelayuan mereka akan berterusan sehingga akan hilanglah Melayu di Singapura.
5. Di sebelah utara pula kita dapati orang keturunan Melayu yang tidak dapat bertutur kata dalam Bahasa Melayu. Mereka Islam dan bangsa rasmi mereka ialah Thai. Maka hilanglah juga Melayu disitu.
6. Tetapi di Malaysia juga kehilangan Melayu sedang berlaku. Ada anak muda Melayu yang tidak lagi ingin dikenali sebagai orang Melayu. Mereka orang Malaysia. Ada pula yang hanya akui mereka orang Islam dan tidak perlu dikaitkan diri mereka dengan kaum Melayu.
7. Tetapi yang akan menghilangkan Melayu di dunia ialah dakwaan bahawa sesiapa yang bercakap berkenaan dengan bangsa Melayu, mereka akan dituduh “racist”. Oleh itu orang Melayu sudah tidak lagi berani menyebut perkataan Melayu kerana tidak mahu dituduh “racist”.
8. Kasihan Hang Tuah. Besar kemungkinan kata-katanya tidak lagi akan menjadi kenyataan. Demikianlah apabila kita bergantung kepada kata-kata hikmat untuk nasib kita, akhirnya akan hilang hikmatnya.
sumber :
By Dr Mahathir Mohamad
1. It was a spectacular show – this closing ceremony of the 2012 London Olympics. It was not just about games. The organisers just could not confine themselves to sports. It was too good an opportunity for gaining political capital from the event. And so in the background, in enormous moving letters, was the word FREEDOM.
2. There was no indication as to whom it was directed and what the purpose was. But I am sure that immediately the thoughts that crossed the minds of the spectators and the millions of TV viewers all over the world was the need for freedom in many of the countries of the third world.
3. But may I suggest that we look also at the lack of freedom of the many independent countries of the world due to Western Hegemony.
4. Some of these countries had fought for independence from colonial rule. They had lost men and suffered much before winning what they believed was the freedom that came with their independence.
5. But are they free? It was Soekarno of Indonesia who quickly realised that the decolonised independent nations were not really free. They were still under the thumb of the former colonial masters – not too obvious of course but the pressure was as real as when they were the colonies of their European masters. They had to do what the ex-masters told them or face economic pressures, or political pressures or pressures by the International media controlled by them. Soekarno called this new form of colonialism – Neo Colonialism.
6. The West laughed at him but they nevertheless engineered his downfall. No one talked about Neo-Colonialism after that. Everyone decided it was a silly idea or maybe they thought it was dangerous to harbour such ideas.
7. But let us scrutinise the present state of the countries of the world in particular those which became independent after the last Great War. If we do, we cannot help but conclude that the so-called independent countries are still having to obey the orders of the former colonial powers headed by the super superpower which won the Cold War. The independent countries are told that the only system of Government they can have is the democratic system. This is not really bad. But the interference in the internal affairs of independent countries does not stop there. There must also be regime changes, so that candidates friendly to the West are installed. The laws of the countries must also be changed in order to serve the interests of the West. The countries should be borderless, should allow inflows and outflows of foreign capital, should allow foreign ownership of business and the acquisition of companies. The financial system must be those of the West.
8. When they change, all the so-called independent countries must follow suit. Naturally a few would not. Then the so-called international press would begin denigrating them. Eventually they would be classified as failed states or rogue states. When there is still no change in attitude, excuses would be found to apply sanctions. A UN agreement would be sought but if that is not forthcoming the sanctions would be applied anyway.
9. Sanction is the modern equivalent of the siege of old except that it is bigger in scope. A country under sanction will not only be deprived of food and medicine but will not be able to trade and may not fly aircrafts. To render sanctions effective the super superpower will force other countries to also apply sanctions. Failure to do so will result in their losing their facilities to finance trade etc.
10. In the so-called war against terrorism the weak countries of the world are forced to legislate against money laundering and terrorism. All financial transactions must be scrutinised ostensibly to prevent money from going to terrorists. Charities have actually to cease their activities because they are all suspected of financing terrorists. Money changers found their business being hampered through these new laws. The governments of most countries are forced to restrict their banks from dealing with the countries under sanctions.
11. If sanctions fail to bring the recalcitrant country to heel, it would be threatened with war. This is no empty threat. Countries have been invaded and occupied, their towns and cities razed to the ground and of course hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians killed and many more wounded and incapacitated.
12. Clearly the super superpower has arrogated itself the right to instruct, direct and command independent countries to legislate and act in accordance with the policies and agenda decided by it. All these countries are dragged into assisting the implementation of policies and actions decided upon by the super superpower which effectively placed them under sanction.
13. They are not free to act on their own or have their own policies. So when one talks about freedom, it should not be confined to the freedom of citizens of the country but also of the freedom of independent countries as well. It is quite clear that the so-called independent countries of the world are not free. They are therefore not really independent. They are actually under the control of the super superpower.
14. The freedom message at the closing of the London Olympics should also be noted by the powers which are denying freedom to the independent countries of the world. Then and only then can they take the moral high ground to preach or castigate the poor third world countries of denying freedom to their people.
source :
1. It was a spectacular show – this closing ceremony of the 2012 London Olympics. It was not just about games. The organisers just could not confine themselves to sports. It was too good an opportunity for gaining political capital from the event. And so in the background, in enormous moving letters, was the word FREEDOM.
2. There was no indication as to whom it was directed and what the purpose was. But I am sure that immediately the thoughts that crossed the minds of the spectators and the millions of TV viewers all over the world was the need for freedom in many of the countries of the third world.
3. But may I suggest that we look also at the lack of freedom of the many independent countries of the world due to Western Hegemony.
4. Some of these countries had fought for independence from colonial rule. They had lost men and suffered much before winning what they believed was the freedom that came with their independence.
5. But are they free? It was Soekarno of Indonesia who quickly realised that the decolonised independent nations were not really free. They were still under the thumb of the former colonial masters – not too obvious of course but the pressure was as real as when they were the colonies of their European masters. They had to do what the ex-masters told them or face economic pressures, or political pressures or pressures by the International media controlled by them. Soekarno called this new form of colonialism – Neo Colonialism.
6. The West laughed at him but they nevertheless engineered his downfall. No one talked about Neo-Colonialism after that. Everyone decided it was a silly idea or maybe they thought it was dangerous to harbour such ideas.
7. But let us scrutinise the present state of the countries of the world in particular those which became independent after the last Great War. If we do, we cannot help but conclude that the so-called independent countries are still having to obey the orders of the former colonial powers headed by the super superpower which won the Cold War. The independent countries are told that the only system of Government they can have is the democratic system. This is not really bad. But the interference in the internal affairs of independent countries does not stop there. There must also be regime changes, so that candidates friendly to the West are installed. The laws of the countries must also be changed in order to serve the interests of the West. The countries should be borderless, should allow inflows and outflows of foreign capital, should allow foreign ownership of business and the acquisition of companies. The financial system must be those of the West.
8. When they change, all the so-called independent countries must follow suit. Naturally a few would not. Then the so-called international press would begin denigrating them. Eventually they would be classified as failed states or rogue states. When there is still no change in attitude, excuses would be found to apply sanctions. A UN agreement would be sought but if that is not forthcoming the sanctions would be applied anyway.
9. Sanction is the modern equivalent of the siege of old except that it is bigger in scope. A country under sanction will not only be deprived of food and medicine but will not be able to trade and may not fly aircrafts. To render sanctions effective the super superpower will force other countries to also apply sanctions. Failure to do so will result in their losing their facilities to finance trade etc.
10. In the so-called war against terrorism the weak countries of the world are forced to legislate against money laundering and terrorism. All financial transactions must be scrutinised ostensibly to prevent money from going to terrorists. Charities have actually to cease their activities because they are all suspected of financing terrorists. Money changers found their business being hampered through these new laws. The governments of most countries are forced to restrict their banks from dealing with the countries under sanctions.
11. If sanctions fail to bring the recalcitrant country to heel, it would be threatened with war. This is no empty threat. Countries have been invaded and occupied, their towns and cities razed to the ground and of course hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians killed and many more wounded and incapacitated.
12. Clearly the super superpower has arrogated itself the right to instruct, direct and command independent countries to legislate and act in accordance with the policies and agenda decided by it. All these countries are dragged into assisting the implementation of policies and actions decided upon by the super superpower which effectively placed them under sanction.
13. They are not free to act on their own or have their own policies. So when one talks about freedom, it should not be confined to the freedom of citizens of the country but also of the freedom of independent countries as well. It is quite clear that the so-called independent countries of the world are not free. They are therefore not really independent. They are actually under the control of the super superpower.
14. The freedom message at the closing of the London Olympics should also be noted by the powers which are denying freedom to the independent countries of the world. Then and only then can they take the moral high ground to preach or castigate the poor third world countries of denying freedom to their people.
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By Dr Mahathir Mohamad
1. I am always amused when people try to analyse my opinion and actions when I was Prime Minister.
2. I am not an intellectual but I admit that I use my brain more often than most.
3. I was one with the lowest result in my Senior Cambridge Examination to be admitted in the College of Medicine. There were seven Malays whose results were all very inferior to the other students. Apparently the British were practising affirmative action in 1947. So much for being an intellectual.
4. It did not need a very intelligent person to notice that Malays were generally poor as compared to others in the state of Kedah in the 1930s, 40s and 50s, the years when I was growing up in Alor Star. They clearly faced a dilemma whether to get something of the wealth of their country for themselves or to just remain as they were. Hence the book “The Malay Dilemma”.
5. It also did not need an intellectual to learn from successful people. The Japanese and the Koreans succeeded in developing their countries after the destruction wrought by war. Obviously if we want to develop Malaysia we should learn from these successful people. Hence the Look East policy.
6. And finally if you want to go somewhere you must determine the destination. We want our country to develop. The destination must obviously be the developed countries. The steps that have to be taken must be those which lead to the status of a developed country. Hence vision 2020.
7. I must admit that if I had no authority I would not be able to do anything to achieve these targets. It is not power. It is the authority accorded the Prime Minister which is not accorded to anyone else.
8. Without that authority one can dream. Many Malaysians may have dreamed but authority gave the opportunity to implement dreams.
9. I am not a complex person. There is no mystery about what I did. If other PMs want to do what I did, they can. But if they have other agenda then they would attend to fulfilling their agenda. It is as simple as that. There really is no necessity to figure out the complexity of the thought process and the mystery of doing these simple things.
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1. I am always amused when people try to analyse my opinion and actions when I was Prime Minister.
2. I am not an intellectual but I admit that I use my brain more often than most.
3. I was one with the lowest result in my Senior Cambridge Examination to be admitted in the College of Medicine. There were seven Malays whose results were all very inferior to the other students. Apparently the British were practising affirmative action in 1947. So much for being an intellectual.
4. It did not need a very intelligent person to notice that Malays were generally poor as compared to others in the state of Kedah in the 1930s, 40s and 50s, the years when I was growing up in Alor Star. They clearly faced a dilemma whether to get something of the wealth of their country for themselves or to just remain as they were. Hence the book “The Malay Dilemma”.
5. It also did not need an intellectual to learn from successful people. The Japanese and the Koreans succeeded in developing their countries after the destruction wrought by war. Obviously if we want to develop Malaysia we should learn from these successful people. Hence the Look East policy.
6. And finally if you want to go somewhere you must determine the destination. We want our country to develop. The destination must obviously be the developed countries. The steps that have to be taken must be those which lead to the status of a developed country. Hence vision 2020.
7. I must admit that if I had no authority I would not be able to do anything to achieve these targets. It is not power. It is the authority accorded the Prime Minister which is not accorded to anyone else.
8. Without that authority one can dream. Many Malaysians may have dreamed but authority gave the opportunity to implement dreams.
9. I am not a complex person. There is no mystery about what I did. If other PMs want to do what I did, they can. But if they have other agenda then they would attend to fulfilling their agenda. It is as simple as that. There really is no necessity to figure out the complexity of the thought process and the mystery of doing these simple things.
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