Tuesday, January 21, 2014



1 comment:

  1. DATUK YIP KUM FOOK is deceiving everyone, even his close friends he is deceiving like Mr. Steven, Ah Chia and others, he is a court case, many people are also suing him...he is a lawyer making law..it is a shame, in Malaysia for having people like that

    Maybe the court of blind justice made him win some cases because some people say that.... only Malaysians in this world are lawyers sued by people. "We have never heard of people suing lawyers" maybe these lawyers are very low standard or maybe they don't know the words law, it is very pitiful and more pitiful

    This lawyer, maybe he has never read the internet and looked on the internet because he never knew how many people complained, commented and posted on the internet about him...we know he is from a low family and sells vegetables in the Market and he works such as furniture. ..Unfortunately

    There are very good people who from poor and become rich, plus (added) they are very good and kind people, also follow the teachings of the Buddha or the advice of some teachers in Buddhism, this is called a Noble One, his good karma will always support him, like Datuk Yip who wants to support him because his mind too dirty, even ghosts also run away from him

    From Alex Chan, Kepong
    Forwarded by Buddhist group, bukit desa…kepong
