Bekas Perdana Menteri Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad berkata, kedudukan kerajaan Barisan Nasional (BN) semakin kuat di bawah kepimpinan Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.
Katanya, jika Perdana Menteri memberi sedikit masa sebelum mengumumkan tarikh pilihan raya umum, sokongan ke atas BN akan berjaya dipulihkan.
"Mereka (pembangkang) kata selepas 55 tahun BN memerintah, sudah sampai masa untuk berubah. Kamu perlu berubah untuk menjadi lebih baik tapi kalau berubah jadi buruk?," katanya kepada pemberita semasa jamuan rumah terbuka beliau di The Mines yang dihadiri oleh kira-kira 10,000 orang termasuk Perdana Menteri sendiri.
Pada masa sekarang, pembangkang sedang menyemai perasaan benci di kalangan orang ramai terhadap kerajaan sebagai salah satu taktik mereka, katanya.
Katanya keutamaan mereka sekarang ini adalah untuk mewujudkan kebencian ke atas kerajaan dan termasuklah serangan-serangan yang dibuat ke atas dirinya sendiri walaupun tidak lagi memegang kuasa.
"Mengapa nak serang saya kerana saya tidak ada kuasa, macam ada kebencian terhadap saya, mereka hidup atas kebencian ini," katanya.
Katanya bagaimana boleh dikatakan kerajaan hari ini gagal kerana BN berjaya mengekalkan prestasi kewangan semasa dunia dilanda kemelut ekonomi dan ketika dunia hari ini dilanda masalah etnik dan perkauman, kerajaan BN masih mampu mengekalkan keharmonian kaum.
"Mengapa mereka (pembangkang) tidak sebutkan hal ini, sudah tentu jika disebut, rakyat tidak akan benci kerajaan," katanya.
sumber - Bernama
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Dr. M: Jangan tertipu janji pakatan pembangkang
Bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad menggesa rakyat terutama para pengundi supaya tidak tertipu dengan pakatan pembangkang diketuai Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim yang ghairah menabur janji menjelang pilihan raya umum akan datang.
Menurut beliau, sikap pembangkang menabur janji menukar Malaysia menjadi negara kebajikan merangkumi aspek seperti pemansuhan yuran pendidikan, tol serta penyediaan subsidi tinggi bagi petrol hanyalah sebahagian daripada rayuan mereka untuk menggantikan Barisan Nasional (BN).
Jika perkara sebegitu dilaksanakan, katanya, negara akan menghadapi kesukaran kewangan dalam menyediakan infrastruktur dan kemudahan seperti persekolahan serta pencen kepada rakyat seperti kegagalan yang dilalui oleh negara Sosialis dan Komunis satu masa dahulu.
Justeru katanya, sikap pembangkang menabur janji bagi menghadapi pilihan raya adalah berbeza dengan usaha melaksanakannya, sebaliknya itu hanya rayuan bagi membolehkan mereka menggantikan Barisan Nasional (BN) nanti.
"Harapan terbaik (pembangkang) ialah keupayaan memori rakyat pendek, mereka kebiasaannya lupa kepada janji-janji," katanya dalam entri blog beliau bertajuk Perubahan hari ini.
Dalam pada itu, Dr. Mahathir, membidas Anwar kerana menggunakan penyelesaian disediakan oleh Tabung Kewangan Antarabangsa (IMF) bagi menghadapi Krisis Kewangan Asia 1997-1998 sewaktu menjadi Timbalan Perdana Menteri dan Menteri Kewangan dahulu.
Akibat model IMF tersebut, katanya, bank dan syarikat tempatan menghadapi ancaman bankrap akibat pinjaman tidak berbayar di samping masalah kos import serta kos sara hidup rakyat semakin melonjak.
Katanya, rekod Anwar sebagai Menteri Kewangan adalah buruk namun gemar mendakwa kejayaan seperti Permodalan Nasional Berhad (PNB) dan Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia (UIAM) yang dilaksanakan oleh individu lain sebagai usaha beliau.
Kini sebagai pemimpin pembangkang, katanya, Anwar mendakwa akan melakukan pelbagai perubahan tetapi gagal melaksanakannya sewaktu berada di dalam kerajaan.
sumber : UTUSAN
Menurut beliau, sikap pembangkang menabur janji menukar Malaysia menjadi negara kebajikan merangkumi aspek seperti pemansuhan yuran pendidikan, tol serta penyediaan subsidi tinggi bagi petrol hanyalah sebahagian daripada rayuan mereka untuk menggantikan Barisan Nasional (BN).
Jika perkara sebegitu dilaksanakan, katanya, negara akan menghadapi kesukaran kewangan dalam menyediakan infrastruktur dan kemudahan seperti persekolahan serta pencen kepada rakyat seperti kegagalan yang dilalui oleh negara Sosialis dan Komunis satu masa dahulu.
Justeru katanya, sikap pembangkang menabur janji bagi menghadapi pilihan raya adalah berbeza dengan usaha melaksanakannya, sebaliknya itu hanya rayuan bagi membolehkan mereka menggantikan Barisan Nasional (BN) nanti.
"Harapan terbaik (pembangkang) ialah keupayaan memori rakyat pendek, mereka kebiasaannya lupa kepada janji-janji," katanya dalam entri blog beliau bertajuk Perubahan hari ini.
Dalam pada itu, Dr. Mahathir, membidas Anwar kerana menggunakan penyelesaian disediakan oleh Tabung Kewangan Antarabangsa (IMF) bagi menghadapi Krisis Kewangan Asia 1997-1998 sewaktu menjadi Timbalan Perdana Menteri dan Menteri Kewangan dahulu.
Akibat model IMF tersebut, katanya, bank dan syarikat tempatan menghadapi ancaman bankrap akibat pinjaman tidak berbayar di samping masalah kos import serta kos sara hidup rakyat semakin melonjak.
Katanya, rekod Anwar sebagai Menteri Kewangan adalah buruk namun gemar mendakwa kejayaan seperti Permodalan Nasional Berhad (PNB) dan Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia (UIAM) yang dilaksanakan oleh individu lain sebagai usaha beliau.
Kini sebagai pemimpin pembangkang, katanya, Anwar mendakwa akan melakukan pelbagai perubahan tetapi gagal melaksanakannya sewaktu berada di dalam kerajaan.
sumber : UTUSAN
By Dr Mahathir Mohamad
1. In his campaign to become President of the US Barack Obama promised change, “time for change”, he said.
2. He promised to close down Guantanamo Detention Camp.
3. He promised to stop trials of detainees by Military Courts.
4. He promised to pull out from Iraq and Afghanistan.
5. And many more.
6. Now four years into his first term he has failed to keep his promises.
7. Guantanamo is still holding so-called terrorists; still torturing them. No military courts but no trials by civilian courts either.
8. Instead of pulling out from Iraq and Afghanistan he approved a “surge” in the troops sent to this area. Later he pulled out some troops but American soldiers are still in the two countries.
9. Making promises during campaigns for elections is easy. Keeping them is a different matter. The best hope is that people’s memory is short. They would normally forget the promises.
10. Now the opposition in Malaysia have copied Obama and is promising change.
11. Give them a chance they say. The BN has ruled this country for 55 years. It is time to change. They will change this into a welfare state. Everything will be free. No fees for education. No tolls. Large subsidy for petrol. 20% royalty to oil producing states etc.etc.
12. The Socialist and Communist have tried this welfare state idea. They failed. Malaysia has no ideology. But the reality is that the Government needs money in order to develop the country and to subsidise living cost for the people. But when Government foregoes taxes, tolls and fees, it will have less money. But it will have to spend more on running an maintaining utilities, expressways, schools, operational and development cost, pension etc.
13. So where does the Government get necessary funds?
14. Borrowing is okay if the money is invested and giving a return. But borrowing money in order to just spend will lead to non-payment of debts.
15. That’s what happened to Greece. It’s bankrupt now. The whole of Europe cannot put it back together again.
16. Admittedly the BN has ruled this country every since independence. But look at the record and compare it with other countries which gained independence at the same time. Compare it even with the developed West. They are in deep financial trouble and try as they might, they have not been able to overcome the crisis.
17. Remember 1997-98 crisis. The then Deputy PM and Minister of Finance tried the IMF solution without the IMF loans. Banks and companies were faced with the threat of bankruptcy from non-performing loans. Imports cost more. Cost of living shot up.
18. The track record of the Minister of Finance then was bad although there is a fondness of claiming success brought about by other people as his success. PNB, UIA were part of the claim.
19. Now as leader of the Opposition he is claiming to bring about change. What good change did he introduce when he was in the Government? All he was interested in was getting up the leadership ladder of UMNO in order to become Prime Minister. How he achieved his objective does not bear scrutiny.
20. Five years to give a trial as Government is dangerous. Many things can be destroyed in five years. Besides the Opposition as Government will ensure there will be no return for the BN. Officers in the Government will be used to “gempar” (threaten) whoever tries to change Government.
21. Already we see this person who claims to fight for free speech suing and resorting to the courts to shut the mouth of his critics. Other powers of the Government will be similarly abused. Nepotism and cronyism will be employed as indeed they are in the party he now heads.
22. The record is there. Malaysians must not allow themselves to be hoodwinked as I was hoodwinked by the appearance of religious piety in the past.
23. The BN has listened to the people and has changed many laws and policies. All that the people need to do is to urge the BN to carry out whatever change the people desire.
25. Better the devil you know than the angel you don’t.
source :
Friday, August 17, 2012
Dr M: Hudud boleh dilaksana jika Pas sertai Umno
Umno boleh memperkenalkan hukum hudud jika Pas bergandingan dengan parti teras Barisan Nasional (BN) itu, dengan membangunkan sebuah negara Islam.
Bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad berkata, Umno amat mengalukan-alukan penyertaan Pas dalam parti itu jika ia berpisah dari Pakatan Rakyat (PR).
Beliau berkata, pelaksanaan hudud hanya dapat dilakukan jika Pas menyertai Umno untuk bersama-sama membina negara dan menggubal perundangan Islam.
“Sebelum itu, kita harus pastikan hudud yang akan dilaksanakan adalah bukan hudud Pas, sebaliknya hukum hudud yang ditetapkan oleh agama Islam.
“Pas harus keluar dari PR secepat mungkin kerana mereka saling berpelukan dengan orang kafir yang secara nyata menolak hudud,” katanya kepada Sinar Harian selepas majlis sumbangan dan berbuka puasa peringkat Dewan Undangan Negeri (Dun) Ayer Hitam, di Masjid Pekan Jerlun, di sini, semalam.
Sehubungan itu, Dr Mahathir berkata, sudah tiba masanya Pas meninggalkan PR dan menetapkan pendirian sebagai sebuah parti yang memperjuangkan Islam.
“Apabila Pas meninggalkan PR yang disertai parti bukan Islam, baru mereka boleh meneruskan perjuangannya yang didokong selama ini.
“Selagi Pas bersama parti yang tidak mengakui Islam adalah agama unggul, hukum hudud tidak dapat di laksanakan,” katanya.
Menurutnya, dunia mengiktiraf Malaysia adalah sebuah negara Islam tetapi ia tidak dapat melaksanakan hudud kerana Malaysia mempunyai kehidupan masyarakat yang berbilang kaum dan agama.
“Umno akan mewujudkan sebuah negara Islam yang lengkap jika Pas berbesar hati untuk menyertai Umno.
“Negara Islam lain juga menaruh harapan kepada Malaysia, namun masih ada orang yang cuba memecahbelahkan orang Islam. Oleh kerana itu hajat kita tidak tercapai.
“Untuk membina sebuah negara Islam, orang Melayu harus bersatu dalam satu pakatan dan membangunkannya secara lengkap.
“Kita tidak usah mempedulikan orang yang memperjuangkan hanya untuk menjadi Perdana Menteri, sebaliknya semua orang Melayu dan Islam mesti bersatu untuk membina sebuah negara Islam dan melaksanakan hudud,” katanya.
Bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad berkata, Umno amat mengalukan-alukan penyertaan Pas dalam parti itu jika ia berpisah dari Pakatan Rakyat (PR).
Beliau berkata, pelaksanaan hudud hanya dapat dilakukan jika Pas menyertai Umno untuk bersama-sama membina negara dan menggubal perundangan Islam.
“Sebelum itu, kita harus pastikan hudud yang akan dilaksanakan adalah bukan hudud Pas, sebaliknya hukum hudud yang ditetapkan oleh agama Islam.
“Pas harus keluar dari PR secepat mungkin kerana mereka saling berpelukan dengan orang kafir yang secara nyata menolak hudud,” katanya kepada Sinar Harian selepas majlis sumbangan dan berbuka puasa peringkat Dewan Undangan Negeri (Dun) Ayer Hitam, di Masjid Pekan Jerlun, di sini, semalam.
Sehubungan itu, Dr Mahathir berkata, sudah tiba masanya Pas meninggalkan PR dan menetapkan pendirian sebagai sebuah parti yang memperjuangkan Islam.
“Apabila Pas meninggalkan PR yang disertai parti bukan Islam, baru mereka boleh meneruskan perjuangannya yang didokong selama ini.
“Selagi Pas bersama parti yang tidak mengakui Islam adalah agama unggul, hukum hudud tidak dapat di laksanakan,” katanya.
Menurutnya, dunia mengiktiraf Malaysia adalah sebuah negara Islam tetapi ia tidak dapat melaksanakan hudud kerana Malaysia mempunyai kehidupan masyarakat yang berbilang kaum dan agama.
“Umno akan mewujudkan sebuah negara Islam yang lengkap jika Pas berbesar hati untuk menyertai Umno.
“Negara Islam lain juga menaruh harapan kepada Malaysia, namun masih ada orang yang cuba memecahbelahkan orang Islam. Oleh kerana itu hajat kita tidak tercapai.
“Untuk membina sebuah negara Islam, orang Melayu harus bersatu dalam satu pakatan dan membangunkannya secara lengkap.
“Kita tidak usah mempedulikan orang yang memperjuangkan hanya untuk menjadi Perdana Menteri, sebaliknya semua orang Melayu dan Islam mesti bersatu untuk membina sebuah negara Islam dan melaksanakan hudud,” katanya.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Dr M: Umno tak dihormati apabila terus lemah
Barisan Nasional tersebut sudah tidak lagi dihormati, kata bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
Beliau yang juga bekas Presiden Umno berkata, parti berusia lebih enam dekad itu semakin lemah kerana Melayu kian berpecah akibat pertumbuhan sebuah parti serpihan.
Katanya, pemimpin yang menubuhkan parti serpihan itu dinamakan “Keadilan” (kini dikenali sebagai PKR) hanya bercita-cita untuk menjadi seorang Perdana Menteri.
“Tumbuhnya Keadilan bukan untuk keadilan rakyat, sebaliknya ingin mencapai cita-cita seseorang sebagai Perdana Menteri.
“Perpecahan ini juga bukan disebabkan oleh perbezaan fahaman politik mahupun agama, tetapi kerana keinginan untuk menjadi PM sahaja,” katanya kepada Sinar Harian selepas majlis berbuka puasa di Masjid Pekan Jerlun di sini, semalam.
Ketua Umum PKR ialah Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, yang merupakan Timbalan Presiden Umno dan Timbalan Perdana Menteri. Beliau dipecat ketika era Dr Mahathir.
Dr Mahathir, Perdana Menteri Malaysia paling lama memegang jawatan itu berkata, kebanyakan orang yang menyertai PKR adalah mereka yang berasal dari Umno sendiri.
“Umno sudah tidak kuat dan semakin lemah. Apabila Umno lemah, orang sudah tidak menghormati Umno lagi.
“Kita boleh perhatikan orang Melayu juga semakin banyak menjadi pengemis. Inilah adalah kesan daripada perpecahan orang Melayu sedangkan perpaduan adalah untuk menyatukan kita semua.
“Orang Melayu berpecah disebabkan oleh orang tertentu yang bercita-cita ingin menjadi seorang PM.
“Orang ini menyebabkan Umno semakin lemah dan terpaksa meminta pertolongan daripada orang lain untuk mendapatkan kembali tempat dalam negara,” katanya.
Beliau berkata, orang Arab sentiasa padang tinggi kepada Malaysia kerana telah menjadi sebuah negara yang aman dan maju.
“Tetapi, sekiranya Melayu berpecah secara berterusan dan Umno tidak dapat menjadi sebuah kerajaan yang kuat, prestasi negara akan jatuh dan tidak akan dihormati oleh negara luar,” katanya.
Beliau yang juga bekas Presiden Umno berkata, parti berusia lebih enam dekad itu semakin lemah kerana Melayu kian berpecah akibat pertumbuhan sebuah parti serpihan.
Katanya, pemimpin yang menubuhkan parti serpihan itu dinamakan “Keadilan” (kini dikenali sebagai PKR) hanya bercita-cita untuk menjadi seorang Perdana Menteri.
“Tumbuhnya Keadilan bukan untuk keadilan rakyat, sebaliknya ingin mencapai cita-cita seseorang sebagai Perdana Menteri.
“Perpecahan ini juga bukan disebabkan oleh perbezaan fahaman politik mahupun agama, tetapi kerana keinginan untuk menjadi PM sahaja,” katanya kepada Sinar Harian selepas majlis berbuka puasa di Masjid Pekan Jerlun di sini, semalam.
Ketua Umum PKR ialah Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, yang merupakan Timbalan Presiden Umno dan Timbalan Perdana Menteri. Beliau dipecat ketika era Dr Mahathir.
Dr Mahathir, Perdana Menteri Malaysia paling lama memegang jawatan itu berkata, kebanyakan orang yang menyertai PKR adalah mereka yang berasal dari Umno sendiri.
“Umno sudah tidak kuat dan semakin lemah. Apabila Umno lemah, orang sudah tidak menghormati Umno lagi.
“Kita boleh perhatikan orang Melayu juga semakin banyak menjadi pengemis. Inilah adalah kesan daripada perpecahan orang Melayu sedangkan perpaduan adalah untuk menyatukan kita semua.
“Orang Melayu berpecah disebabkan oleh orang tertentu yang bercita-cita ingin menjadi seorang PM.
“Orang ini menyebabkan Umno semakin lemah dan terpaksa meminta pertolongan daripada orang lain untuk mendapatkan kembali tempat dalam negara,” katanya.
Beliau berkata, orang Arab sentiasa padang tinggi kepada Malaysia kerana telah menjadi sebuah negara yang aman dan maju.
“Tetapi, sekiranya Melayu berpecah secara berterusan dan Umno tidak dapat menjadi sebuah kerajaan yang kuat, prestasi negara akan jatuh dan tidak akan dihormati oleh negara luar,” katanya.
FIRM: Dr Mahathir’s ‘harsh’ tone helped propel the nation to new heights Read more: Leader who played a tough parent role - Columnist - New Straits T
A FOREIGN observer recently described Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad's world view as "harsh" even as it bears reflecting upon.
As a long-time admirer of the Tun, this writer does not necessarily disagree with the above observation of our fourth prime minister. Dr Mahathir may be harsh in the sense that tough disciplinarian parents believe they have to be tough with their children in order to be kind.
The question, of course, is whether it is relevant and appropriate for leaders to treat citizens they rule over as children.
As with bringing up children, it is worth pondering if Dr Mahathir's world view -- and therefore his utterances and methods -- is not borne out of an overpowering conviction that there really is no other choice.
Many right-thinking grown-ups will quite naturally and understandably take offence with the former prime minister treating everyone as mere children.
But it is key to understanding the man, perhaps, by separating the individual as an ordinary mortal like you and me, and as a leader who took the country to heights which even his detractors have to grudgingly concede.
As an ordinary human, Dr Mahathir has raised a brood of fine children of his own, each no doubt with an individual mind of his or her own. None more so perhaps than Datin Paduka Marina Mahathir.
But running a country is totally a different ball game from running a family. In fact, from observations gleaned from the jottings of both Dr Mahathir himself and Marina, running the country -- and before that, being an active, up-and-coming politician -- consumed much of his time, often at the expense of time with his family.
While Dr Mahathir could rely on Tun Dr Siti Hasmah Ali to run his private household, he obviously could not but husband the affairs of state alone and single-handedly, always without even consulting wife or family members, as it turned out. And husbanding state affairs in a country like ours, one can only assume, required a leader in all senses of that word and not just a national steward.
A steward may be sufficient as far as national leadership goes if most of the tasks of nation-building are already settled or if a nation does not have the difficulties that Malaysia -- given our ethnic heterogeneity -- has in forging a sufficiently broad national consensus on the way forward.
The most intractable difficulty for most, if not all emerging nations, has to do with forging broad political consensus. In the Malaysian context, we not only have to contend with all the multifarious identity issues (real even though often overlooked or altogether denied by those with a more liberal bent) but also social and economic expectations at multiple levels of sophistication.
This writer is occasionally confronted with the query as to why Malaysia chooses to compare itself with poorer and less advanced neighbours in the region, and not the more advanced nations further afield. The query can just as easily be turned on its head: why, exactly, was Malaysia able to pull away from the pack of other poor, developing nations -- even ones as well endowed with natural resources as Malaysia without the serious social fissures of a multiethnic society like ours?
Many other nations would dearly wish to be at the level of our national station right now. Why were they not able to achieve so? Could it not be because they did not have the benefit of national leaders of Dr Mahathir's calibre?
Some Malaysians today decry Dr Mahathir for causing political divisions rather than helping forge unity as an elder statesman. This writer begs to disagree.
If anything, Dr Mahathir , as the pragmatic realist that he has always been, is only bringing forth into sharp relief the deep divisions that still exist in our midst.
Malaysia today seems divided between those who still believe the unique political and economic order we have forged thus far is still relevant and those who seem to think it has outlived its usefulness. Ironically, some Malaysians hanker for a "model" more in tune with Western (universal?) norms even as the West itself is undergoing its own deep social, political and economic crisis.
Perhaps the West has finally gone "soft"? And Dr Mahathir may be warning us all against going that same way, in his usual "harsh" tone.
source :
New Straits Times
As a long-time admirer of the Tun, this writer does not necessarily disagree with the above observation of our fourth prime minister. Dr Mahathir may be harsh in the sense that tough disciplinarian parents believe they have to be tough with their children in order to be kind.
The question, of course, is whether it is relevant and appropriate for leaders to treat citizens they rule over as children.
As with bringing up children, it is worth pondering if Dr Mahathir's world view -- and therefore his utterances and methods -- is not borne out of an overpowering conviction that there really is no other choice.
Many right-thinking grown-ups will quite naturally and understandably take offence with the former prime minister treating everyone as mere children.
But it is key to understanding the man, perhaps, by separating the individual as an ordinary mortal like you and me, and as a leader who took the country to heights which even his detractors have to grudgingly concede.
As an ordinary human, Dr Mahathir has raised a brood of fine children of his own, each no doubt with an individual mind of his or her own. None more so perhaps than Datin Paduka Marina Mahathir.
But running a country is totally a different ball game from running a family. In fact, from observations gleaned from the jottings of both Dr Mahathir himself and Marina, running the country -- and before that, being an active, up-and-coming politician -- consumed much of his time, often at the expense of time with his family.
While Dr Mahathir could rely on Tun Dr Siti Hasmah Ali to run his private household, he obviously could not but husband the affairs of state alone and single-handedly, always without even consulting wife or family members, as it turned out. And husbanding state affairs in a country like ours, one can only assume, required a leader in all senses of that word and not just a national steward.
A steward may be sufficient as far as national leadership goes if most of the tasks of nation-building are already settled or if a nation does not have the difficulties that Malaysia -- given our ethnic heterogeneity -- has in forging a sufficiently broad national consensus on the way forward.
The most intractable difficulty for most, if not all emerging nations, has to do with forging broad political consensus. In the Malaysian context, we not only have to contend with all the multifarious identity issues (real even though often overlooked or altogether denied by those with a more liberal bent) but also social and economic expectations at multiple levels of sophistication.
This writer is occasionally confronted with the query as to why Malaysia chooses to compare itself with poorer and less advanced neighbours in the region, and not the more advanced nations further afield. The query can just as easily be turned on its head: why, exactly, was Malaysia able to pull away from the pack of other poor, developing nations -- even ones as well endowed with natural resources as Malaysia without the serious social fissures of a multiethnic society like ours?
Many other nations would dearly wish to be at the level of our national station right now. Why were they not able to achieve so? Could it not be because they did not have the benefit of national leaders of Dr Mahathir's calibre?
Some Malaysians today decry Dr Mahathir for causing political divisions rather than helping forge unity as an elder statesman. This writer begs to disagree.
If anything, Dr Mahathir , as the pragmatic realist that he has always been, is only bringing forth into sharp relief the deep divisions that still exist in our midst.
Malaysia today seems divided between those who still believe the unique political and economic order we have forged thus far is still relevant and those who seem to think it has outlived its usefulness. Ironically, some Malaysians hanker for a "model" more in tune with Western (universal?) norms even as the West itself is undergoing its own deep social, political and economic crisis.
Perhaps the West has finally gone "soft"? And Dr Mahathir may be warning us all against going that same way, in his usual "harsh" tone.
source :
New Straits Times
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Isu Rohingya: Mahathir optimis Myanmar dengar gesaan dunia
Bekas Perdana Menteri Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad amat optimistik bahawa kepimpinan Myanmar sekarang sedia mendengar pandangan negara jiran dan dunia dalam usaha menerima masyarakat Islam Rohingya, sejajar dengan standard hak asasi manusia antarabangsa.
Beliau berkata proses demokrasi yang sedang berlangsung di Myanmar menunjukkan bahawa kepimpinan negara itu mempunyai pendirian yang berbeza dengan kepimpinan sebelum ini.
Bagaimanapun beliau berkata proses peneriman terhadap kumpulan minoriti itu mungkin mengambil masa.
"Saya fikir kepimpinan Myanmar sekarang ini mempunyai pendirian yang berbeza. Saya tak fikir mereka tidak langsung peduli kepada pendapat-pendapat jiran-jiran mereka dan pendapat dunia.
"Akhirnya mereka tentu akan terima juga walaupun akan mengambil masa sedikit," katanya kepada pemberita di Yayasan Kepimpinan Perdana di sini hari ini.
Dr Mahatir berkata sebagai negara jiran dan angota Asean, pemimpin Malaysia juga mempunyai peranan dengan menghubungi pemimin negara tersebut dalam usaha memulihkan keharmonian dan penerimaan masyarakat itu.
"Saya fikir pemimpin Malaysia harus bercakap secara persendirian dengan pemimpin Myanmar dan saya yakin pemimpin Myanmar akan bertukar supaya menerima
lebih lagi standard-standard piawaian yang diamalkan oleh pihak lain," katanya.
Sehubungan dengan itu katanya beliau telah menulis surat kepada ikon demokrasi yang juga aktivis hak asasi manusia di Myanmar, Aung Sang Suu Kyi dua minggu lalu yang meminta agar beliau campur tangan dalam isu tersebut.
Rohingya adalah rakyat Myanmar beragama Islam yang tinggal di wilayah Arakan.
Kerajaan Myanmar mengklasifikasikan etnik Rohingya sebagai masyarakat Islam Bengali yang masuk dari Bangladesh, tetapi tidak mengiktiraf mereka sebagai rakyat Myanmar.
Pada 2012, dianggarkan 800,000 anggota masyarakat ini tinggal di Myanmar dan menurut Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu, mereka adalah antara kumpulan minoriti yang paling teruk dizalimi di dunia.
sumber - Bernama
Beliau berkata proses demokrasi yang sedang berlangsung di Myanmar menunjukkan bahawa kepimpinan negara itu mempunyai pendirian yang berbeza dengan kepimpinan sebelum ini.
Bagaimanapun beliau berkata proses peneriman terhadap kumpulan minoriti itu mungkin mengambil masa.
"Saya fikir kepimpinan Myanmar sekarang ini mempunyai pendirian yang berbeza. Saya tak fikir mereka tidak langsung peduli kepada pendapat-pendapat jiran-jiran mereka dan pendapat dunia.
"Akhirnya mereka tentu akan terima juga walaupun akan mengambil masa sedikit," katanya kepada pemberita di Yayasan Kepimpinan Perdana di sini hari ini.
Dr Mahatir berkata sebagai negara jiran dan angota Asean, pemimpin Malaysia juga mempunyai peranan dengan menghubungi pemimin negara tersebut dalam usaha memulihkan keharmonian dan penerimaan masyarakat itu.
"Saya fikir pemimpin Malaysia harus bercakap secara persendirian dengan pemimpin Myanmar dan saya yakin pemimpin Myanmar akan bertukar supaya menerima
lebih lagi standard-standard piawaian yang diamalkan oleh pihak lain," katanya.
Sehubungan dengan itu katanya beliau telah menulis surat kepada ikon demokrasi yang juga aktivis hak asasi manusia di Myanmar, Aung Sang Suu Kyi dua minggu lalu yang meminta agar beliau campur tangan dalam isu tersebut.
Rohingya adalah rakyat Myanmar beragama Islam yang tinggal di wilayah Arakan.
Kerajaan Myanmar mengklasifikasikan etnik Rohingya sebagai masyarakat Islam Bengali yang masuk dari Bangladesh, tetapi tidak mengiktiraf mereka sebagai rakyat Myanmar.
Pada 2012, dianggarkan 800,000 anggota masyarakat ini tinggal di Myanmar dan menurut Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu, mereka adalah antara kumpulan minoriti yang paling teruk dizalimi di dunia.
sumber - Bernama
Monday, August 13, 2012
Rumah Terbuka Aidilfitri 2012

Rumah terbuka aka OPEN HOUSE Aidilfitri 2012 :
YABhg Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad
58, Jalan Kuda Emas, The Mines Resort City, Seri Kembangan, Selangor
Israel Perintah Dunia Melalui Proksi - Tun M
Terdapat kebenaran kepada dakwaan bahawa Israel memerintah dunia melalui proksi, kata bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
"Saya tertanya-tanya adakah orang menyedarinya atau tidak tetapi calon-calon presiden Amerika Syarikat iaitu kuasa besar tunggal, semua perlu mendapatkan kelulusan daripada Israel.
"Calon Republikan bagi jawatan Presiden, Mitt Romney, baru sahaja menziarahi Tel Aviv dan telah membuat akur janji terbuka bahawa beliau akan lebih tegas terhadap rakyat Palestin dan Iran berbanding Obama (Pesiden Barack Obama), katanya dalam entiri terbaru dalam blognya di pada Isnin.
Dr Mahathir percaya tidak lama lagi Obama akan melakukan lawatan sama dan akan menaburkan banyak lagi janji untuk berjuang bagi Israel.
"Situasi ini ganjil dan rakyat Malaysia tidak berfikir pendekatan ini elok semasa pilihan raya umum.
"Bagaimana jika calon-calon Malaysia bagi pilihan raya terpaksa melawat negara jiran untuk berjanji persahabatan kita atau menyokong mereka?
"Pilihan raya kita adalah untuk memperoleh sokongan rakyat Malaysia untuk parti yang akan membentuk kerajaan. Apa yang negara lain berfikir mengenai dasar-dasar kerajaan kita adalah tidak relevan," katanya.
sumber - BERNAMA
"Saya tertanya-tanya adakah orang menyedarinya atau tidak tetapi calon-calon presiden Amerika Syarikat iaitu kuasa besar tunggal, semua perlu mendapatkan kelulusan daripada Israel.
"Calon Republikan bagi jawatan Presiden, Mitt Romney, baru sahaja menziarahi Tel Aviv dan telah membuat akur janji terbuka bahawa beliau akan lebih tegas terhadap rakyat Palestin dan Iran berbanding Obama (Pesiden Barack Obama), katanya dalam entiri terbaru dalam blognya di pada Isnin.
Dr Mahathir percaya tidak lama lagi Obama akan melakukan lawatan sama dan akan menaburkan banyak lagi janji untuk berjuang bagi Israel.
"Situasi ini ganjil dan rakyat Malaysia tidak berfikir pendekatan ini elok semasa pilihan raya umum.
"Bagaimana jika calon-calon Malaysia bagi pilihan raya terpaksa melawat negara jiran untuk berjanji persahabatan kita atau menyokong mereka?
"Pilihan raya kita adalah untuk memperoleh sokongan rakyat Malaysia untuk parti yang akan membentuk kerajaan. Apa yang negara lain berfikir mengenai dasar-dasar kerajaan kita adalah tidak relevan," katanya.
sumber - BERNAMA
By Dr Mahathir Mohamad
1. I wonder whether people notice it or not, but Presidential candidates of the United States of America, the sole superpower, have all to seek approval from Israel.
2. Mitt Romney, Republican candidate for President has just made the pilgrimage. And he has made a public pledge that he will be even tougher against the Palestinians and Iran than Obama.
3. Soon I am sure Obama will make this pilgrimage and will make more promises to fight for Israel.
4. I think this is odd. What if Malaysian candidates for elections have to visit a neighbouring country to pledge our friendship or support for it? We Malaysians would not think this proper. Our elections are about gaining the support of Malaysians for the party that will form the Government. What other countries think of our Government’s policies is irrelevant.
5. Apparently it is not the case with America. All candidates must literally pledge loyalty to Israel or risk losing the elections. It is not about what is good for the Unites States which counts.
6. One can imagine the policies that will be adopted by whichever Government or President wins. If accusation is made that Israel rules the world by proxy, it would appear that there is substance to that allegation. Clearly the United States cannot ignore Israel’s views when reacting to anything of concern by Israel.
Looks like the tail is wagging the dog.
source :
1. I wonder whether people notice it or not, but Presidential candidates of the United States of America, the sole superpower, have all to seek approval from Israel.
2. Mitt Romney, Republican candidate for President has just made the pilgrimage. And he has made a public pledge that he will be even tougher against the Palestinians and Iran than Obama.
3. Soon I am sure Obama will make this pilgrimage and will make more promises to fight for Israel.
4. I think this is odd. What if Malaysian candidates for elections have to visit a neighbouring country to pledge our friendship or support for it? We Malaysians would not think this proper. Our elections are about gaining the support of Malaysians for the party that will form the Government. What other countries think of our Government’s policies is irrelevant.
5. Apparently it is not the case with America. All candidates must literally pledge loyalty to Israel or risk losing the elections. It is not about what is good for the Unites States which counts.
6. One can imagine the policies that will be adopted by whichever Government or President wins. If accusation is made that Israel rules the world by proxy, it would appear that there is substance to that allegation. Clearly the United States cannot ignore Israel’s views when reacting to anything of concern by Israel.
Looks like the tail is wagging the dog.
source :
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Umat Islam diingatkan jangan berselisih faham: Dr Mahathir
LANGKAWI: Bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad mengingatkan umat Islam supaya tidak berselisih faham terutama dalam usaha merebut jawatan di peringkat kepimpinan sesebuah parti politik.
"Kita bermusuh sesama sendiri kerana fahaman politik, tidak ada sebab kita harus berpecah belah," katanya ketika berucap pada Majlis Berbuka Puasa dan menyampaikan sumbangan Hari Raya kepada anak yatim serta warga emas di Masjid A'ishah di sini, semalam.
Beliau berkata, rakyat tidak seharusnya berpecah belah kerana negara ini bukan lagi dijajah oleh orang asing.
"Jika kita bersatu sudah pasti kita akan menjadi kuat, rakyat seharusnya bersyukur kerana negara ini tidak menghadapi peperangan, bencana alam yang teruk, serta dapat hidup aman damai tanpa ada sebarang gangguan," katanya.
Beliau berkata, rakyat negara ini juga patut bersyukur kerana menerima banyak nikmat yang tidak dapat dirasai rakyat di negara lain.
sumber - BERNAMA
"Kita bermusuh sesama sendiri kerana fahaman politik, tidak ada sebab kita harus berpecah belah," katanya ketika berucap pada Majlis Berbuka Puasa dan menyampaikan sumbangan Hari Raya kepada anak yatim serta warga emas di Masjid A'ishah di sini, semalam.
Beliau berkata, rakyat tidak seharusnya berpecah belah kerana negara ini bukan lagi dijajah oleh orang asing.
"Jika kita bersatu sudah pasti kita akan menjadi kuat, rakyat seharusnya bersyukur kerana negara ini tidak menghadapi peperangan, bencana alam yang teruk, serta dapat hidup aman damai tanpa ada sebarang gangguan," katanya.
Beliau berkata, rakyat negara ini juga patut bersyukur kerana menerima banyak nikmat yang tidak dapat dirasai rakyat di negara lain.
sumber - BERNAMA
Friday, August 10, 2012
Karpal tidak akan setuju - Tun M
Penubuhan negara Islam Malaysia mengikut interpretasi Pas adalah perkara yang paling tidak dipersetujui Pengerusi DAP, Karpal Singh.
Bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad berkata, Karpal sangat tidak bersetuju dengan perjuangan itu sehingga pernah berkata 'langkah mayatnya dahulu' jika Pas mahu membentuk negara Islam.
"Dua perkara mereka (DAP) tidak setuju adalah hukum hudud dan negara Islam tetapi kita memang negara Islam, saya sudah isytiharkan dan semua orang iktiraf, tanya Palestin pun mereka iktiraf kita negara Islam.
"Dia (Karpal) tidak setuju dengan hudud itu soal lain, yang Karpal tak setuju 'Over my dead body' kalau nak jadikan Malaysia negara Islam ala Pas," katanya pada sidang akhbar selepas majlis simbolik penyampaian sumbangan sebanyak 500,000 botol 1.5 liter kepada penduduk Gaza, Palestin, di sini hari ini.
Beliau mengulas mengenai penolakan berterusan DAP terhadap pelaksanaan hukum hudud yang menjadi agenda Pas sedangkan kedua-dua parti itu berada dalam satu pakatan politik.
Berhubung reaksi beberapa ulama dan tokoh agama bahawa adalah haram umat Islam menyokong DAP kerana parti itu menentang penubuhan negara Islam dan hukum hudud, Dr. Mahathir berkata, perkara tersebut terpulang kepada umat Islam untuk menerimanya atau tidak.
"Itu pendapat mereka yang mempunyai ilmu mendalam berkaitan agama, kalau itu pendapat mereka, terpulang umat Islam menerimanya atau tidak, tetapi saya fikir orang ramai tidak akan mengikut orang-orang agama ini, ini masalah kita, semua dikatakan Islam tapi tidak diamalkan," katanya.
Dalam pada itu, mengulas keputusan kerajaan menubuhkan suruhanjaya diraja bagi menangani masalah berkaitan pendatang asing tanpa izin di Sabah, Dr. Mahathir berpendapat langkah tersebut tidak dapat menyelesaikan masalah tersebut.
Jelasnya, dari segi sejarah, masyarakat yang berada di sempadan antara Sabah dengan kawasan selatan Filipina saling berulang-alik, namun mereka memilih tinggal di Sabah kerana memikirkan ia lebih selamat.
"Mereka telah tinggal sekian lama dan berhak meminta kerakyatan. Saya berharap tiada usaha untuk keluarkan mereka. Kita pernah hantar balik tapi mereka datang semula ke Sabah sebab ini tempat tinggal mereka," katanya.
Sementara itu, berhubung pemilihan 'Janji Ditepati' sebagai tema kebangsaan sambutan Hari Kemerdekaan Ke-55, Mahathir berkata, perkara tersebut adalah hak kerajaan Pusat.
Ketika ditanya mengenai isu perbezaan tema sambutan Hari Kemerdekaan di negeri-negeri ditadbir pembangkang, jelas beliau, keadaan itu jelas menunjukkan pembangkang bingung dengan hala tuju yang hendak diambil secara bersama.
sumber :Utusan
Bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad berkata, Karpal sangat tidak bersetuju dengan perjuangan itu sehingga pernah berkata 'langkah mayatnya dahulu' jika Pas mahu membentuk negara Islam.
"Dua perkara mereka (DAP) tidak setuju adalah hukum hudud dan negara Islam tetapi kita memang negara Islam, saya sudah isytiharkan dan semua orang iktiraf, tanya Palestin pun mereka iktiraf kita negara Islam.
"Dia (Karpal) tidak setuju dengan hudud itu soal lain, yang Karpal tak setuju 'Over my dead body' kalau nak jadikan Malaysia negara Islam ala Pas," katanya pada sidang akhbar selepas majlis simbolik penyampaian sumbangan sebanyak 500,000 botol 1.5 liter kepada penduduk Gaza, Palestin, di sini hari ini.
Beliau mengulas mengenai penolakan berterusan DAP terhadap pelaksanaan hukum hudud yang menjadi agenda Pas sedangkan kedua-dua parti itu berada dalam satu pakatan politik.
Berhubung reaksi beberapa ulama dan tokoh agama bahawa adalah haram umat Islam menyokong DAP kerana parti itu menentang penubuhan negara Islam dan hukum hudud, Dr. Mahathir berkata, perkara tersebut terpulang kepada umat Islam untuk menerimanya atau tidak.
"Itu pendapat mereka yang mempunyai ilmu mendalam berkaitan agama, kalau itu pendapat mereka, terpulang umat Islam menerimanya atau tidak, tetapi saya fikir orang ramai tidak akan mengikut orang-orang agama ini, ini masalah kita, semua dikatakan Islam tapi tidak diamalkan," katanya.
Dalam pada itu, mengulas keputusan kerajaan menubuhkan suruhanjaya diraja bagi menangani masalah berkaitan pendatang asing tanpa izin di Sabah, Dr. Mahathir berpendapat langkah tersebut tidak dapat menyelesaikan masalah tersebut.
Jelasnya, dari segi sejarah, masyarakat yang berada di sempadan antara Sabah dengan kawasan selatan Filipina saling berulang-alik, namun mereka memilih tinggal di Sabah kerana memikirkan ia lebih selamat.
"Mereka telah tinggal sekian lama dan berhak meminta kerakyatan. Saya berharap tiada usaha untuk keluarkan mereka. Kita pernah hantar balik tapi mereka datang semula ke Sabah sebab ini tempat tinggal mereka," katanya.
Sementara itu, berhubung pemilihan 'Janji Ditepati' sebagai tema kebangsaan sambutan Hari Kemerdekaan Ke-55, Mahathir berkata, perkara tersebut adalah hak kerajaan Pusat.
Ketika ditanya mengenai isu perbezaan tema sambutan Hari Kemerdekaan di negeri-negeri ditadbir pembangkang, jelas beliau, keadaan itu jelas menunjukkan pembangkang bingung dengan hala tuju yang hendak diambil secara bersama.
sumber :Utusan
500,000 botol air minuman untuk penduduk Gaza

Yayasan Keamanan Dunia Perdana (PGPF) menunaikan komitmennya membantu masyarakat di Gaza, Palestin dengan menyalurkan sumbangan 500,000 botol 1.5 liter air bersih.
Mendapatkan bekalan air merupakan antara masalah utama yang dihadapi penduduk Gaza ekoran dikepung rejim Zionis dan dilaporkan mereka hanya mendapat bekalan air selama empat hingga enam jam bagi tempoh tiga hari.
Majlis simbolik penyampaian sumbangan tersebut diadakan hari ini dengan PGPF diwakili Presidennya yang juga bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad manakala Imam Utama Masjid Gaza, Sheikh Omar M.A. Fora didatangkan khas bagi mewakili penduduk Gaza.
Menurut Dr. Mahathir, bekalan 500,000 botol air bersih itu merupakan bantuan fasa pertama dan pihaknya menyasarkan sebanyak 1.5 juta botol air dapat disampaikan kepada penduduk Gaza secara keseluruhannya.
"Bersempena Ramadan yang mana rakyat di Malaysia tidak ambil kisah dengan rahmat berbuka puasa dengan air sirap, longan dan bermacam lagi jenis air, ingatan dan simpati kita adalah tetap kepada saudara kita di Gaza menerusi bantuan ini," katanya.
Jelas beliau, dana bagi membeli air bersih di Gaza itu adalah hasil kutipan 'Wakaf Air Untuk Gaza' yang dilancarkan PGPF sejak Oktober 2010 dan mendapat sokongan masyarakat umum Malaysia, syarikat-syarikat korporat serta agensi-agensi kerajaan.
Sementara itu, berhubung masalah penindasan etnik Rohingya Islam di Myanmar, Dr. Mahathir berkata, negara-negara Islam di seluruh dunia perlu bersatu dalam memberi tekanan terhadap negara tersebut.
"Malaysia sahaja tidak mungkin berjaya tetapi kalau datang umat Islam seluruh dunia, saya yakin Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (PBB) akan mengambil tindakan menyelamatkan orang Rohingya.
"Sebenarnya etnik Rohingya adalah warga Myanmar, namun masalah timbul kerana kerajaan Myanmar tidak mengiktiraf mereka. Saya berharap Myanmar yang sekarang ini berbangga dengan demokrasinya akan bertimbang rasa terhadap nasib buruk yang menimpa orang Rohingya," ujarnya.
Kata Dr. Mahathir, beliau telah mengutus surat kepada Aung San Suu Kyi lima hari lalu bagi meminta ikon demokrasi dari Myanmar itu untuk campur tangan menyelamatkan nasib etnik Rohingya.
"Saya fikir dia mempunyai pengaruh, saya berharap dia akan menyatakan sesuatu untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini," katanya.
sumber : Utusan
Mahathir: Keluar parti 'risiko' bagi BN
Di sebalik spekulasi bahawa Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 (PRU13) akan dipanggil dalam waktu terdekat, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad menegaskan, kekurangan besar yang sedang dilalui Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak selaku Perdana Menteri ialah beliau mewarisi sebuah kerajaan yang lemah.
"Masalah di sini bukan Najib... beliau pemimpin sebuah kerajaan yang lemah," kata Dr Mahathir yang menyandang jawatan Perdana Menteri selama 22 tahun sebelum bersara pada Oktober 2003.
Bercakap kepada Bloomberg, Dr Mahathir berkata, sebarang bentuk berpaling tadah akan menyebabkan "BN kalah dalam pilihan raya akan datang."
BN, perikatan 13 parti memerintah Kerajaan Pusat sejak negara merdeka. Malaysia akan menyambut Hari Kemerdekaan ke-55 31 Ogos ini. Ia akan disusuli dengan sambutan Hari
Malaysia pada 16 September.
Hasil kajian Merdeka Center diumumkan bulan lalu menyebut bahawa Najib, Perdana Menteri yang keenam, masih menikmati paras populariti 'stabil' yang positif.
Bulan lalu, dua ahli Parlimen BN dari Sabah mengisytiharkan tindakan memutuskan 'hubungan dengan parti masing-masing. Empat tahun lalu parti komponen BN di Sabah, Sapp telah keluar daripada perikatan tersebut.
Najib mengambil alih jawatan perdana menteri pada April 2009 - setahun selepas PRU12, yang menyaksikan BN hilang majoriit dua pertiga di Parlimen selain kehilangan kuasa kerajaan di empat lagi negeri.
Dalam temu bual itu, Dr Mahathir berkata, rakan Umno dalam BN iaitu MCA, Gerakan dan MIC telah berhadapan dengan masalah kepimpinan sehingga menyebabkan perikatan itu lemah.
Pun begitu menurut beliau, kedudukan BN lebih baik berbanding 2008.
"Najib lebih popular sekarang," kata Dr Mahathir, yang juga bekas Presiden Umno.
"Sebelum ini, rakyat bukan menentang BN, tetapi mereka marah dengan perdana menteri sebelum ini, keluarganya dan menantunya," kata beliau dengan merujuk kepada penggantinya, Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.
sumber :
"Masalah di sini bukan Najib... beliau pemimpin sebuah kerajaan yang lemah," kata Dr Mahathir yang menyandang jawatan Perdana Menteri selama 22 tahun sebelum bersara pada Oktober 2003.
Bercakap kepada Bloomberg, Dr Mahathir berkata, sebarang bentuk berpaling tadah akan menyebabkan "BN kalah dalam pilihan raya akan datang."
BN, perikatan 13 parti memerintah Kerajaan Pusat sejak negara merdeka. Malaysia akan menyambut Hari Kemerdekaan ke-55 31 Ogos ini. Ia akan disusuli dengan sambutan Hari
Malaysia pada 16 September.
Hasil kajian Merdeka Center diumumkan bulan lalu menyebut bahawa Najib, Perdana Menteri yang keenam, masih menikmati paras populariti 'stabil' yang positif.
Bulan lalu, dua ahli Parlimen BN dari Sabah mengisytiharkan tindakan memutuskan 'hubungan dengan parti masing-masing. Empat tahun lalu parti komponen BN di Sabah, Sapp telah keluar daripada perikatan tersebut.
Najib mengambil alih jawatan perdana menteri pada April 2009 - setahun selepas PRU12, yang menyaksikan BN hilang majoriit dua pertiga di Parlimen selain kehilangan kuasa kerajaan di empat lagi negeri.
Dalam temu bual itu, Dr Mahathir berkata, rakan Umno dalam BN iaitu MCA, Gerakan dan MIC telah berhadapan dengan masalah kepimpinan sehingga menyebabkan perikatan itu lemah.
Pun begitu menurut beliau, kedudukan BN lebih baik berbanding 2008.
"Najib lebih popular sekarang," kata Dr Mahathir, yang juga bekas Presiden Umno.
"Sebelum ini, rakyat bukan menentang BN, tetapi mereka marah dengan perdana menteri sebelum ini, keluarganya dan menantunya," kata beliau dengan merujuk kepada penggantinya, Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.
sumber :
Isu Rohingya: Mahathir minta campur tangan Suu Kyi
Bekas Perdana Menteri Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad berharap agar negara-negara Islam di seluruh dunia dapat bersama-sama memainkan peranan membantu menamatkan kesengsaraan etnik Rohingya di Myanmar.
Beliau berkata, usaha dari Malaysia semata-mata tidak mungkin mampu menyelesaikan masalah tersebut.
"Tapi kalau usaha datang dari seluruh umat Islam, negara-negara Islam dan negara-negara lain, saya yakin pihak Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (PBB) akan mengambil tindakan untuk menyelamatkan Rohingya," katanya kepada pemberita selepas menyerahkan simbolik sumbangan air bersih melalui Projek "Waqaf Water4Gaza" di sini, hari ini.
Beliau diminta mengulas dakwaan kerajaan Arab Saudi bahawa Myanmar yang majoriti penduduknya menganut agama Buddha sedang menjalankan proses pembersihan
etnik Muslim Rohingya di negara tersebut.
Dr Mahathir turut berharap agar kerajaan Myanmar yang kini telah membuka pintu kepada proses demokrasi agar bertimbang-rasa terhadap nasib buruk yang ditimpakan ke atas etnik Rohingya.
Dalam perkembangan yang sama, Dr Mahathir berkata beliau telah menulis surat kepada ikon demokrasi yang juga aktivis hak asasi manusia di Myanmar, Aung Sang Suu Kyi kira-kira lima hari lepas yang meminta agar beliau campur tangan dalam isu tersebut.
"Dia mempunyai pengaruh dan saya harap dia akan menyatakan sesuatu untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini," katanya.
Pemenang hadiah Nobel Keamanan itu baru-baru ini dilaporkan berkata "saya tidak tahu" apabila dilontarkan soalan sama ada etnik Rohingya merupakan rakyat Myanmar.
Pergolakan di negeri Rakhine antara penganut Buddha Rakhine dan Muslim Rohingya telah mengorbankan kira-kira 80 orang sejak Jun lepas.
Kerajaan Myanmar mengklasifikasikan etnik Rohingya sebagai masyarakat Islam Bengali yang masuk dari Bangladesh, tetapi tidak mengiktiraf mereka sebagai rakyat Myanmar.
sumber - Bernama
Beliau berkata, usaha dari Malaysia semata-mata tidak mungkin mampu menyelesaikan masalah tersebut.
"Tapi kalau usaha datang dari seluruh umat Islam, negara-negara Islam dan negara-negara lain, saya yakin pihak Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (PBB) akan mengambil tindakan untuk menyelamatkan Rohingya," katanya kepada pemberita selepas menyerahkan simbolik sumbangan air bersih melalui Projek "Waqaf Water4Gaza" di sini, hari ini.
Beliau diminta mengulas dakwaan kerajaan Arab Saudi bahawa Myanmar yang majoriti penduduknya menganut agama Buddha sedang menjalankan proses pembersihan
etnik Muslim Rohingya di negara tersebut.
Dr Mahathir turut berharap agar kerajaan Myanmar yang kini telah membuka pintu kepada proses demokrasi agar bertimbang-rasa terhadap nasib buruk yang ditimpakan ke atas etnik Rohingya.
Dalam perkembangan yang sama, Dr Mahathir berkata beliau telah menulis surat kepada ikon demokrasi yang juga aktivis hak asasi manusia di Myanmar, Aung Sang Suu Kyi kira-kira lima hari lepas yang meminta agar beliau campur tangan dalam isu tersebut.
"Dia mempunyai pengaruh dan saya harap dia akan menyatakan sesuatu untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini," katanya.
Pemenang hadiah Nobel Keamanan itu baru-baru ini dilaporkan berkata "saya tidak tahu" apabila dilontarkan soalan sama ada etnik Rohingya merupakan rakyat Myanmar.
Pergolakan di negeri Rakhine antara penganut Buddha Rakhine dan Muslim Rohingya telah mengorbankan kira-kira 80 orang sejak Jun lepas.
Kerajaan Myanmar mengklasifikasikan etnik Rohingya sebagai masyarakat Islam Bengali yang masuk dari Bangladesh, tetapi tidak mengiktiraf mereka sebagai rakyat Myanmar.
sumber - Bernama
Dr M: Tak seperti DAP, saya isytihar M'sia Negara Islam
Dr Mahathir Mohamad berkata, pendiriannya tidak bersetuju dengan hudud yang dituntut PAS tidak boleh disamakan dengan DAP kerana Malaysia sudah diisytiharkan sebagai negara Islam ketika zaman pentadbirannya.
Justeru, bekas perdana menteri itu menafikan dakwaan beliau anti-Islam kerana tidak melaksanakan hukuman hudud semasa pemerintahannya.
"Ada dua perkara (DAP tak setuju). Tak setuju hudud dan negara Islam.
"Saya isytihar Malaysia negara Islam. Itu saya sokong. Soal hudud ini, (ia) intrepretasi PAS dalam hudud. Itu kita tak boleh sokonglah.
"Hudud soal lain. (Pengerusi DAP) Karpal (Singh) tak setuju nak jadikan negara Islam ala PAS. Kita memang dah (isytihar negara) Islam dah," katanya.
Semalam, Ketua Umum PKR Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim mempersoalkan dakwaan bahawa DAP anti-hudud sedangkan Mahathir sebelum ini juga tidak bersetuju untuk melaksanakan hukuman itu di negara ini.
Pandangan peribadi guru pondok
Sehari sebelumnya, seorang guru pondok dalam Utusan Malaysia kelmarin bahawa haram menyokong DAP kerana parti itu didakwa "secara terang-terangan menentang penubuhan negara Islam serta pelaksanaan hukum hudud."
Sementara itu, mengulas pandangan ulama di akhbar Umno itu, Dr Mahathir berkata, kenyataan itu hanyalah pendapat seseorang yang mempunyai ilmu agama yang mendalam.
Katanya lagi, terpulang sama ada masyarakat mahu menerimanya atau tidak kerana itu merupakan pendapat peribadi.
"Kita dapat mesej daripada Allah pun kita tak turut. Saya fikir tidak akan ramai turut apa yang dia sebut.
"Saya tak tahu betul ke tak (dakwaan). Ini pendapat mereka. Pengetahuan agama saya tak begitu mendalam," katanya lagi.
sumber :
Justeru, bekas perdana menteri itu menafikan dakwaan beliau anti-Islam kerana tidak melaksanakan hukuman hudud semasa pemerintahannya.
"Ada dua perkara (DAP tak setuju). Tak setuju hudud dan negara Islam.
"Saya isytihar Malaysia negara Islam. Itu saya sokong. Soal hudud ini, (ia) intrepretasi PAS dalam hudud. Itu kita tak boleh sokonglah.
"Hudud soal lain. (Pengerusi DAP) Karpal (Singh) tak setuju nak jadikan negara Islam ala PAS. Kita memang dah (isytihar negara) Islam dah," katanya.
Semalam, Ketua Umum PKR Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim mempersoalkan dakwaan bahawa DAP anti-hudud sedangkan Mahathir sebelum ini juga tidak bersetuju untuk melaksanakan hukuman itu di negara ini.
Pandangan peribadi guru pondok
Sehari sebelumnya, seorang guru pondok dalam Utusan Malaysia kelmarin bahawa haram menyokong DAP kerana parti itu didakwa "secara terang-terangan menentang penubuhan negara Islam serta pelaksanaan hukum hudud."
Sementara itu, mengulas pandangan ulama di akhbar Umno itu, Dr Mahathir berkata, kenyataan itu hanyalah pendapat seseorang yang mempunyai ilmu agama yang mendalam.
Katanya lagi, terpulang sama ada masyarakat mahu menerimanya atau tidak kerana itu merupakan pendapat peribadi.
"Kita dapat mesej daripada Allah pun kita tak turut. Saya fikir tidak akan ramai turut apa yang dia sebut.
"Saya tak tahu betul ke tak (dakwaan). Ini pendapat mereka. Pengetahuan agama saya tak begitu mendalam," katanya lagi.
sumber :
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Hanya Umno boleh satukan orang Melayu, kata Mahathir
Hanya Umno sebuah parti terbaik dalam menyatukan orang Melayu di negara ini dan membawa pembangunan kepada rakyat, kata bekas Perdana Menteri Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
Beliau berkata, ini kerana, Umno yang mula berpolitik membantu rakyat di negara ini mencapai kemerdekaan dan seterusnya membawa pembangunan manakala parti lain untuk orang Melayu, hanyalah parti serpihan.
"Dulu waktu kita kuat, kita tak mengada-ngada buat benda yang tak baik. Kita bangunkan negara kita sampai dunia iktiraf Malaysia sebagai negara
membangun yang cukup maju.
"Ini hasil pentadbiran dilakukan sebuah parti (Barisan Nasional) yang diketuai Umno yang mewakili orang Melayu. Orang Melayu tiada niat tak baik kat
kaum lain. Kita tolong mereka dan kita tolong diri kita juga," katanya kepada pemberita selepas majlis penyampaian Ihsan Ramadan dan Aidilfitri di Masjid Tok
Bandar di sini, semalam.
Turut hadir, isteri beliau Tun Dr Siti Hasmah Mohd Ali, Timbalan Menteri Perdagangan Antarabangsa dan Industri Datuk Mukhriz Tun Dr Mahathir, Pengerusi
Badan Perhubungan Umno Kedah Datuk Ahmad Bashah Md Hanipah dan Penyelaras Parlimen Baling Datuk Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim.
Dr Mahathir berkata, kerana itu, orang Melayu perlu bersatu di bawah Umno walaupun parti itu kini dikatakan tidak begitu kuat dalam menyatukan orang
Melayu berikutan perpecahan dalam kalangan kaum berkenaan.
"(Kalau nak bersatu) Takkan badan besar masuk serpihan. Yang serpihan yang kena kembali kepada asal. Ada orang nak jadi Perdana Menteri sampai sanggup pecahkan Umno untuk dapat sokongan bagi diri dia. Dia fikir diri dia sahaja dan bukan negara serta rakyat," katanya.
Dr Mahathir berkata perjuangan Umno adalah perjuangan benar kerana itu ketika beliau memimpin Umno, beliau sanggup menerima pemimpin daripada parti
serpihan yang mahu kembali kepada Umno.
sumber - Bernama
Beliau berkata, ini kerana, Umno yang mula berpolitik membantu rakyat di negara ini mencapai kemerdekaan dan seterusnya membawa pembangunan manakala parti lain untuk orang Melayu, hanyalah parti serpihan.
"Dulu waktu kita kuat, kita tak mengada-ngada buat benda yang tak baik. Kita bangunkan negara kita sampai dunia iktiraf Malaysia sebagai negara
membangun yang cukup maju.
"Ini hasil pentadbiran dilakukan sebuah parti (Barisan Nasional) yang diketuai Umno yang mewakili orang Melayu. Orang Melayu tiada niat tak baik kat
kaum lain. Kita tolong mereka dan kita tolong diri kita juga," katanya kepada pemberita selepas majlis penyampaian Ihsan Ramadan dan Aidilfitri di Masjid Tok
Bandar di sini, semalam.
Turut hadir, isteri beliau Tun Dr Siti Hasmah Mohd Ali, Timbalan Menteri Perdagangan Antarabangsa dan Industri Datuk Mukhriz Tun Dr Mahathir, Pengerusi
Badan Perhubungan Umno Kedah Datuk Ahmad Bashah Md Hanipah dan Penyelaras Parlimen Baling Datuk Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim.
Dr Mahathir berkata, kerana itu, orang Melayu perlu bersatu di bawah Umno walaupun parti itu kini dikatakan tidak begitu kuat dalam menyatukan orang
Melayu berikutan perpecahan dalam kalangan kaum berkenaan.
"(Kalau nak bersatu) Takkan badan besar masuk serpihan. Yang serpihan yang kena kembali kepada asal. Ada orang nak jadi Perdana Menteri sampai sanggup pecahkan Umno untuk dapat sokongan bagi diri dia. Dia fikir diri dia sahaja dan bukan negara serta rakyat," katanya.
Dr Mahathir berkata perjuangan Umno adalah perjuangan benar kerana itu ketika beliau memimpin Umno, beliau sanggup menerima pemimpin daripada parti
serpihan yang mahu kembali kepada Umno.
sumber - Bernama
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Dr Mahathir mewajarkan ledakan rakyat Sabah
Mantan Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad berkata penentangan terhadap pewarganegaraan pendatang asing di Sabah adalah tidak adil dan berunsur politik.
Menulis di blog hari ini, beliau berkata ledakan rakyat Sabah adalah wajar kerana ramai pendatang terbabit telah lama tinggal di negeri ini dan mereka serta anak-anak mereka fasih berbahasa Malaysia.
Katanya, berdasarkan tempoh lamanya mereka telah tinggal di negeri itu dan menguasai bahasa kebangsaan, maka mereka layak menjadi rakyat negara ini dan memperolehi kerakyatan.
Sebagai perbandingan, Dr Mahathir berkata, kerakyatan telah diberikan kepada mereka yang tidak fasih dalam Bahasa Malaysia tetapi telah lama tinggal di Malaysia.
"Jadi mengapa tidak pendatang di Sabah yang memiliki semua kelayakan ini, boleh diterima sebagai warganegara?" soalnya sambil menambah bahawa bantahan terhadap mereka menjadi warganegara, nampaknya ada unsur politik.
Dr Mahathir membuat komen tersebut menjelang lawatan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak ke Sabah hujung minggu ini, di mana beliau juga dijangka mengumumkan terma rujukan bagi suruhanjaya siasatan diraja terhadap pendatang haram yang diberi kerakyatan di Sabah.
Mahathir telah dikaitkan dengan Projek IC - panggilan bagi satu dakwaan gerakan memberi kerakyatan kepada pendatang haram untuk tujuan politik, yang bermula pada tahun 1990-an.
Ketika sidang meja bulat Majlis Hak Asasi Negara, Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) membentangkan kajian berhubung ledakan rakyat Sabah, yang menunjukkan bahawa pada tahun 2002, lebih 200,000 warga asing meninggalkan Sabah tanpa dokumen.
Bagaimanapun, mereka kembali dengan dokumen yang sah di bawah nama yang berbeza dan memusnahkannya apabila tempohnya tamat, kata ahli Majlis Tertinggi PBS, Dr Chong Eng Leong ketika membentangkan kajian tersebut.
Menulis di blog hari ini, beliau berkata ledakan rakyat Sabah adalah wajar kerana ramai pendatang terbabit telah lama tinggal di negeri ini dan mereka serta anak-anak mereka fasih berbahasa Malaysia.
Katanya, berdasarkan tempoh lamanya mereka telah tinggal di negeri itu dan menguasai bahasa kebangsaan, maka mereka layak menjadi rakyat negara ini dan memperolehi kerakyatan.
Sebagai perbandingan, Dr Mahathir berkata, kerakyatan telah diberikan kepada mereka yang tidak fasih dalam Bahasa Malaysia tetapi telah lama tinggal di Malaysia.
"Jadi mengapa tidak pendatang di Sabah yang memiliki semua kelayakan ini, boleh diterima sebagai warganegara?" soalnya sambil menambah bahawa bantahan terhadap mereka menjadi warganegara, nampaknya ada unsur politik.
Dr Mahathir membuat komen tersebut menjelang lawatan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak ke Sabah hujung minggu ini, di mana beliau juga dijangka mengumumkan terma rujukan bagi suruhanjaya siasatan diraja terhadap pendatang haram yang diberi kerakyatan di Sabah.
Mahathir telah dikaitkan dengan Projek IC - panggilan bagi satu dakwaan gerakan memberi kerakyatan kepada pendatang haram untuk tujuan politik, yang bermula pada tahun 1990-an.
Ketika sidang meja bulat Majlis Hak Asasi Negara, Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) membentangkan kajian berhubung ledakan rakyat Sabah, yang menunjukkan bahawa pada tahun 2002, lebih 200,000 warga asing meninggalkan Sabah tanpa dokumen.
Bagaimanapun, mereka kembali dengan dokumen yang sah di bawah nama yang berbeza dan memusnahkannya apabila tempohnya tamat, kata ahli Majlis Tertinggi PBS, Dr Chong Eng Leong ketika membentangkan kajian tersebut.
By Dr Mahathir Mohamad
1. Many have asked me why we cannot do without race-based politics in Malaysia.
2. The short answer is that we all want to remember and be recognised according to our racial origins, the countries of our ancestors came from, the languages we speak, the cultures we belong to.
3. We really don’t want to say we are just Malaysians and nothing else.
4. If it is pointed out to us that in many countries where people of different racial origins live, there is no racial politics, no identification of the citizens with the countries of their origin; we will say that we are different. You cannot compare them with us. Yet on most other issues we compare ourselves with them.
5. But are we so different from them. There are actually a lot of people of foreign origins in Malaysia who seem to have forgotten their origins. These are the people of Indian, Arab, Indonesian and even Turkish and European origins who are accepted as indigenous people by all of us. They have been so accepted because they identified themselves fully with the indigenous people. They speak the language of the indigenous people habitually, practice the customs and traditions of the people they have been assimilated into and incidentally they are Muslim.
6. According to the Federal Constitution these people are Malays and are therefore indigenous and not foreign in origin.
7. There is a row in Sabah because of the number of people who have been made citizens. Some of those people had been expatriated although many returned illegally.
8. But most of these people qualify to be citizens. They have been staying in Malaysia (Sabah) for decades. They and their children speak Malay, the national language.
9. On the basis of length of stay and mastering of the national language, they qualify to be citizens of this country. And so the acquired citizenship.
10. By comparison we have many citizens who cannot speak the national language who were accepted as citizens. And we are still giving citizenship to foreigners who wish to be Malaysians on condition they have been living in this country for 10 out of the last 12 years, speak the national language and take the oath of allegiance to the country. So why cannot the migrants to Sabah who have all these qualifications be accepted as citizens? The objections for them being accepted seem to be political.
11. And so the racial factor crops up again. There was a time in the distant past when parties based on ideology contested in elections. They were all rejected in favour of race-based parties.
12. If we don’t want our politics to be race-based, then we must forget our racial origins, speak the national language as our mother tongue and swear allegiance only to this country. We can retain our religion however.
13. Maybe one day this will happen. But for the present our politics will be race-based despite our protestations that we are not. We must not even say we are multi-racial as this implies consciousness of our racial differences.
source :
1. Many have asked me why we cannot do without race-based politics in Malaysia.
2. The short answer is that we all want to remember and be recognised according to our racial origins, the countries of our ancestors came from, the languages we speak, the cultures we belong to.
3. We really don’t want to say we are just Malaysians and nothing else.
4. If it is pointed out to us that in many countries where people of different racial origins live, there is no racial politics, no identification of the citizens with the countries of their origin; we will say that we are different. You cannot compare them with us. Yet on most other issues we compare ourselves with them.
5. But are we so different from them. There are actually a lot of people of foreign origins in Malaysia who seem to have forgotten their origins. These are the people of Indian, Arab, Indonesian and even Turkish and European origins who are accepted as indigenous people by all of us. They have been so accepted because they identified themselves fully with the indigenous people. They speak the language of the indigenous people habitually, practice the customs and traditions of the people they have been assimilated into and incidentally they are Muslim.
6. According to the Federal Constitution these people are Malays and are therefore indigenous and not foreign in origin.
7. There is a row in Sabah because of the number of people who have been made citizens. Some of those people had been expatriated although many returned illegally.
8. But most of these people qualify to be citizens. They have been staying in Malaysia (Sabah) for decades. They and their children speak Malay, the national language.
9. On the basis of length of stay and mastering of the national language, they qualify to be citizens of this country. And so the acquired citizenship.
10. By comparison we have many citizens who cannot speak the national language who were accepted as citizens. And we are still giving citizenship to foreigners who wish to be Malaysians on condition they have been living in this country for 10 out of the last 12 years, speak the national language and take the oath of allegiance to the country. So why cannot the migrants to Sabah who have all these qualifications be accepted as citizens? The objections for them being accepted seem to be political.
11. And so the racial factor crops up again. There was a time in the distant past when parties based on ideology contested in elections. They were all rejected in favour of race-based parties.
12. If we don’t want our politics to be race-based, then we must forget our racial origins, speak the national language as our mother tongue and swear allegiance only to this country. We can retain our religion however.
13. Maybe one day this will happen. But for the present our politics will be race-based despite our protestations that we are not. We must not even say we are multi-racial as this implies consciousness of our racial differences.
source :
Monday, August 6, 2012
By Dr Mahathir Mohamad
1. We are used to the high moral ground taken by the Western Press. We almost cringe mentally when they criticise us for our poor record on human rights, our alleged failure to respect the rule of law, our corruption and the injustices that we perpetrate against others etc. etc.
2. We feel they are right, that they, unlike us, have and they obey high ethical codes, that they are honest and straightforward.
3. It is shocking to find that they are really no better than us, that given half a chance they would cheat and abuse their positions, that they would forget human rights.
4. We know now that their Members of Parliament as reported by their Press use public funds to furnish their homes with chandeliers etc., that they claim excessive traveling allowances. We know that their Governments sell titles.
5. Now we are witnessing their most powerful media mogul admitting that the paper he owns, “News of the World” has been hacking telephones to listen in on private conversations and to use what they hear when reporting in their paper. Now we hear of bribes given to soften reports by journalists about all kinds of shenanigans by powerful people. And their politicians are just as afraid of the Press as we are.
6. Their MPs now have an opportunity to get back at the media through their debates and through calling up not just the media people but the Chief of the Metropolitan Police to face Parliamentary Select Committees.
7. I agree that the media should play a role to stop immorality on the part of public figures. They should be the watchdog overseeing the possible impropriety of Government practices and policies. But this should not include abuses of the rights accorded to them.
8. Many of the things the Western media reports in Malaysia are far from the truth. But once one of them says something bad about this country and its Government (and other countries too) others will repeat it without any attempt to verify the truth of the reports.
9. I was reported to have practiced cronyism; that I manipulated the judiciary, that I threw into jail my deputy by Western journalists who for one reason of another had taken a dislike for me. After that every journalist when reporting about Malaysia must mention that I had practised cronyism, manipulated the judiciary and threw my deputy into jail. For that matter every book written about Malaysia must include these items. The words of the first journalist who reported this must be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. No amount of refuting the allegations by anyone would be accepted.
10. That Western journalists have accepted bribes has long been suspected. But the reporting on the hacking by the News of the World has confirmed that Western journalists are not the purveyors of truth that they are supposed to be. They will deny of course. They will write nastier reports on those who criticise them. But the fact remains that they are as unprincipled and corrupt as the people they allege to have these failings.
11. I write this piece not because I expect the Western journalist to repent or change. They will not change, especially in their opinion of native leaders who thumb noses at the West. I write simply to draw attention to the fact that western journalists, with very few exceptions, are not the impartial purveyor of truth that people assume them to be.
By Dr Mahathir Mohamad
1. We are used to the high moral ground taken by the Western Press. We almost cringe mentally when they criticise us for our poor record on human rights, our alleged failure to respect the rule of law, our corruption and the injustices that we perpetrate against others etc. etc.
2. We feel they are right, that they, unlike us, have and they obey high ethical codes, that they are honest and straightforward.
3. It is shocking to find that they are really no better than us, that given half a chance they would cheat and abuse their positions, that they would forget human rights.
4. We know now that their Members of Parliament as reported by their Press use public funds to furnish their homes with chandeliers etc., that they claim excessive traveling allowances. We know that their Governments sell titles.
5. Now we are witnessing their most powerful media mogul admitting that the paper he owns, “News of the World” has been hacking telephones to listen in on private conversations and to use what they hear when reporting in their paper. Now we hear of bribes given to soften reports by journalists about all kinds of shenanigans by powerful people. And their politicians are just as afraid of the Press as we are.
6. Their MPs now have an opportunity to get back at the media through their debates and through calling up not just the media people but the Chief of the Metropolitan Police to face Parliamentary Select Committees.
7. I agree that the media should play a role to stop immorality on the part of public figures. They should be the watchdog overseeing the possible impropriety of Government practices and policies. But this should not include abuses of the rights accorded to them.
8. Many of the things the Western media reports in Malaysia are far from the truth. But once one of them says something bad about this country and its Government (and other countries too) others will repeat it without any attempt to verify the truth of the reports.
9. I was reported to have practiced cronyism; that I manipulated the judiciary, that I threw into jail my deputy by Western journalists who for one reason of another had taken a dislike for me. After that every journalist when reporting about Malaysia must mention that I had practised cronyism, manipulated the judiciary and threw my deputy into jail. For that matter every book written about Malaysia must include these items. The words of the first journalist who reported this must be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. No amount of refuting the allegations by anyone would be accepted.
10. That Western journalists have accepted bribes has long been suspected. But the reporting on the hacking by the News of the World has confirmed that Western journalists are not the purveyors of truth that they are supposed to be. They will deny of course. They will write nastier reports on those who criticise them. But the fact remains that they are as unprincipled and corrupt as the people they allege to have these failings.
11. I write this piece not because I expect the Western journalist to repent or change. They will not change, especially in their opinion of native leaders who thumb noses at the West. I write simply to draw attention to the fact that western journalists, with very few exceptions, are not the impartial purveyor of truth that people assume them to be.
Iftar Idris Tulis bersama Tun Dr Mahathir

Iftar Idris Tulis bersama Tun Dr Mahathir
Venue : Cemerlang Heights, Taman Melati, Kuala Lumpur
Event : Iftar Ramadhan
source :
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Mukhriz: Kalau sayang Dr M, jangan malukannya lagi
Timbalan Menteri Perdagangan Antarabangsa dan Industri Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir menggesa rakyat Kedah mengembalikan pentadbiran BN jika masih sayangkan Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
Menurutnya, kekalahan BN pada pilihan raya umum lalu satu tamparan hebat kepada Dr Mahathir kerana beliau mantan perdana menteri daripada negeri itu.
"Kekalahan pada tahun 2008 mengaibkan kita. Antara yang malu adalah Tun Mahathir sebab dia orang Kedah.
"Kalau sayang Dr Mahathir jangan bagi dia malu kali kedua," kata Mukhriz pada majlis berbuka bersama media di Kuala Lumpur petang semalam.
Tambahnya lagi, tinjauannya juga mendapati pimpinan PAS Kedah sedang bergelut berebut kuasa sesama sendiri untuk bertanding dalam pilihan raya umum akan datang.
"Dalam PAS Kedah wujud perebutan kerusi kerana mereka tahu mereka bukan lagi pembangkang," katanya yang juga anggota parlimen Jerlun.
Mukhriz jadi MB Kedah?
Anak ketiga Dr Mahathir itu juga berkata, kerajaan negeri semakin tidak sensitif kepada bukan Muslim apabila mendiskriminasikan golongan itu berkaitan peraturan kunjungan pusat hiburan.
"Mereka (bukan Muslim) semakin tidak berpuas hati dengan kerajaan negeri.
"Kenyataan mereka seolah-olah menggambarkan orang bukan Islam sentiasa mengunjungi pusat hiburan dan tidak bermoral," katanya.
Kedah sebelum ini mengeluarkan arahan melarang orang Islam daripada berkunjung ke pusat hiburan pada bulan Ramadan tetapi bukan beragama Islam dibenarkan.
Mengulas ura-ura akan dicalonkan menjadi menteri besar Kedah jika BN kembali memerintah, Mukhriz hanya menjawab "sedia membantu Kedah sejak dahulu lagi".
"Dari dahulu lagi saya sedia bantu Kedah sedaya-upaya untuk menangkan Kedah semula.
"Perpaduan adalah penting untuk memenangi Kedah semula.
'Kalau tidak bersatu, jangan mimpi kita boleh menang semula dan mungkin nanti akan menyesal tak sudah," katanya tampa menyentuh secara langsung kesediaannya.
sumber :
Menurutnya, kekalahan BN pada pilihan raya umum lalu satu tamparan hebat kepada Dr Mahathir kerana beliau mantan perdana menteri daripada negeri itu.
"Kekalahan pada tahun 2008 mengaibkan kita. Antara yang malu adalah Tun Mahathir sebab dia orang Kedah.
"Kalau sayang Dr Mahathir jangan bagi dia malu kali kedua," kata Mukhriz pada majlis berbuka bersama media di Kuala Lumpur petang semalam.
Tambahnya lagi, tinjauannya juga mendapati pimpinan PAS Kedah sedang bergelut berebut kuasa sesama sendiri untuk bertanding dalam pilihan raya umum akan datang.
"Dalam PAS Kedah wujud perebutan kerusi kerana mereka tahu mereka bukan lagi pembangkang," katanya yang juga anggota parlimen Jerlun.
Mukhriz jadi MB Kedah?
Anak ketiga Dr Mahathir itu juga berkata, kerajaan negeri semakin tidak sensitif kepada bukan Muslim apabila mendiskriminasikan golongan itu berkaitan peraturan kunjungan pusat hiburan.
"Mereka (bukan Muslim) semakin tidak berpuas hati dengan kerajaan negeri.
"Kenyataan mereka seolah-olah menggambarkan orang bukan Islam sentiasa mengunjungi pusat hiburan dan tidak bermoral," katanya.
Kedah sebelum ini mengeluarkan arahan melarang orang Islam daripada berkunjung ke pusat hiburan pada bulan Ramadan tetapi bukan beragama Islam dibenarkan.
Mengulas ura-ura akan dicalonkan menjadi menteri besar Kedah jika BN kembali memerintah, Mukhriz hanya menjawab "sedia membantu Kedah sejak dahulu lagi".
"Dari dahulu lagi saya sedia bantu Kedah sedaya-upaya untuk menangkan Kedah semula.
"Perpaduan adalah penting untuk memenangi Kedah semula.
'Kalau tidak bersatu, jangan mimpi kita boleh menang semula dan mungkin nanti akan menyesal tak sudah," katanya tampa menyentuh secara langsung kesediaannya.
sumber :
Dr Mahathir Mohamad
1. Akhbar melaporkan seorang wanita Afghan ditembak mati kerana didapati bersalah dengan kesalahan berzina.
2. Ia telah dibicara satu jam dan dihukum bunuh. Dengan serta merta ia dibawa keluar, duduk ditepi longkang dengan memberi belakang kepada pembunuhnya.
3. Pembunuh bersenjata senapang mesingan menembaknya berkali-kali dengan dilihat oleh ramai lelaki yang bertepuk sorak perlakuan pembunuhan itu.
4. Badan wanita itu terguling selepas ditembak. Semua kejadian ini dirakam dengan video, termasuk bacaan Quran sebelum tembakan kononnya berkenaan jenayah zina. Tidak disebut nasib lelaki yang berzina dengannya.
5. Saya hanya ingin menarik perhatian kepada peristiwa ini. Saya ingin dengar komen pelawat ke blog saya.
1. Akhbar melaporkan seorang wanita Afghan ditembak mati kerana didapati bersalah dengan kesalahan berzina.
2. Ia telah dibicara satu jam dan dihukum bunuh. Dengan serta merta ia dibawa keluar, duduk ditepi longkang dengan memberi belakang kepada pembunuhnya.
3. Pembunuh bersenjata senapang mesingan menembaknya berkali-kali dengan dilihat oleh ramai lelaki yang bertepuk sorak perlakuan pembunuhan itu.
4. Badan wanita itu terguling selepas ditembak. Semua kejadian ini dirakam dengan video, termasuk bacaan Quran sebelum tembakan kononnya berkenaan jenayah zina. Tidak disebut nasib lelaki yang berzina dengannya.
5. Saya hanya ingin menarik perhatian kepada peristiwa ini. Saya ingin dengar komen pelawat ke blog saya.
By Dr Mahathir Mohamad
1. I seldom watch the TV but during my holidays, when I had nothing to do I was forced to watch BBC News.
2. The world is certainly going through terrible times. Greece is bankrupt and Spain, Portugal and Italy are doing badly in their finances. Britain is also going through a depressed economy with scandals plaguing their most respected banks.
3. Everywhere in Europe there are demonstrations by unemployed people. A lot of blame is directed at the capitalist system and the income gap between rich and poor. The latest trend is to “occupy” the main centers of capitalistic activities such as Wall Street in New York and HSBC bank in Hong Kong. This also happened in Australia.
4. America claims it has turned around and its economy is doing well. I do not believe this is the truth. There is a great deal of unemployment and real business is not coming back. Certainly we don’t see American products in the market. Much of the money is created by their Central banks (Federal Reserve Banks) which are privately owned. When they lose money they decide to regain it through “quantitative easing” i.e to print money. More correctly they only wrote cheques or transfer the money electronically into the books of the commercial banks and other institutions. Or they use this quantitative easing to bail out companies and banks.
5. It is obvious that Europe and America are not going to be able to restore their financial and economic health any time soon.
6. The rest of the world is affected in one way or another by the collapse of the economies of Europe and America. Even China is feeling the effect. Europe and America are big markets for the products of the world.
7. Electricity supply was also cut in many parts of America, Europe and Asia leaving millions in darkness and stopping work in industrial plants.
8. In the Arab countries the people have risen against the Government. There is civil war in Syria. The Rohingyas in Myanmar are being attacked and killed. The people in Iraq and Afghanistan are being killed by suicide bombers. In America a gunman sprayed bullets on a cinema audience killing 9 people and many others. In Norway a gunman went on a shooting spree in a youth camp killing 70 people.
9. Then there are the natural disasters. Floods swept through parts of Kyushu Islands in Japan recently leaving more than a score of people dead. Not long ago a tsunami and a massive earthquake hit Fukushima in northern Japan. This was followed by damage to a nuclear power plant exposing a great part of the area to radiation. Then there followed a severe flood.
10. Elsewhere in the world volcanic eruptions, earthquakes devastated towns and cities. Floods hit New York City and Bangkok and many parts of China again destroying buildings and cutting off water and electricity supplies. Whirlwinds hit the US repeatedly. In Africa people are starving to death.
11. Winter came early, was very severe and lasted longer, disrupting work and killing old people. And heat waves raised temperatures to above 40ºC, again killing the old and the weak. Global warming has resulted in the ice in the Arctic and Antarctic melting, threatening to raise sea levels and inundate low lying land. Some island nations may disappear into the sea.
12. In the face of all these disasters Malaysians can consider themselves fortunate. We do have mild floods, slightly raised temperatures and haze, but they are nothing compared to the disasters affecting so many parts of the world.
13. Crime rate has increased somewhat.
14. Even financially and economically we are not too badly off. The cost of living has gone up a little but people are not starving the way the Africans and some Asians are starving. A generous Government is ever ready to extend help.
15. Business is good even though we think it can be better. Our exports are high and still growing. Unemployment rate is low. Economic growth is still possible. At 4 – 5% it may not be as good as in Indonesia and the Philippines but it is far better than Europe or America or the countries of West Asia and North Africa.
16. Admittedly the cost of living has gone up. For the poor this is a burden. Of course on this issue, comparing ourself with most of the rest of the world where inflation is even higher will not be acceptable. But the fact is that in many countries not only is the inflation higher but there are food shortages also. In addition they have to accept reduced income amidst widespread unemployment we are living in troubled times. Like it or not we will feel the effects and we have to endure.
17. There will be people who would like us to ignore the fact that we are much better off than most people in the world. They would like to exploit every little misfortune that we may experience. They would even promise that they can bring about sudden prosperity, give free education, and all kinds of goodies. But observe the contradictions.
18. They promise the oil-producing states to increase the royalty from 5% to 20%. Obviously this will result in the Federal Government losing 15% of revenue from oil; and that is a big sum. The states gets their royalty based on gross income.
19. They will do away with road tolls, increase subsidies on fuel and reduce rates and taxes.
20. Their proposals will reduce Government revenue and at the same time increase Government expenditure. This is exactly what the Greek Government did, and the whole country went bankrupt.
21. Promises are deep. Barrack Obama promise “change”. Four years into his term, not a single change has been made.
22. To be in power for 56 years is a long time. But look at the progress. No other developing country has made such progress.
23. Change is not always for the better. Change can make things worse.
Beware of Greeks bearing gifts.
Beware of politicians who make promises.
source :
1. I seldom watch the TV but during my holidays, when I had nothing to do I was forced to watch BBC News.
2. The world is certainly going through terrible times. Greece is bankrupt and Spain, Portugal and Italy are doing badly in their finances. Britain is also going through a depressed economy with scandals plaguing their most respected banks.
3. Everywhere in Europe there are demonstrations by unemployed people. A lot of blame is directed at the capitalist system and the income gap between rich and poor. The latest trend is to “occupy” the main centers of capitalistic activities such as Wall Street in New York and HSBC bank in Hong Kong. This also happened in Australia.
4. America claims it has turned around and its economy is doing well. I do not believe this is the truth. There is a great deal of unemployment and real business is not coming back. Certainly we don’t see American products in the market. Much of the money is created by their Central banks (Federal Reserve Banks) which are privately owned. When they lose money they decide to regain it through “quantitative easing” i.e to print money. More correctly they only wrote cheques or transfer the money electronically into the books of the commercial banks and other institutions. Or they use this quantitative easing to bail out companies and banks.
5. It is obvious that Europe and America are not going to be able to restore their financial and economic health any time soon.
6. The rest of the world is affected in one way or another by the collapse of the economies of Europe and America. Even China is feeling the effect. Europe and America are big markets for the products of the world.
7. Electricity supply was also cut in many parts of America, Europe and Asia leaving millions in darkness and stopping work in industrial plants.
8. In the Arab countries the people have risen against the Government. There is civil war in Syria. The Rohingyas in Myanmar are being attacked and killed. The people in Iraq and Afghanistan are being killed by suicide bombers. In America a gunman sprayed bullets on a cinema audience killing 9 people and many others. In Norway a gunman went on a shooting spree in a youth camp killing 70 people.
9. Then there are the natural disasters. Floods swept through parts of Kyushu Islands in Japan recently leaving more than a score of people dead. Not long ago a tsunami and a massive earthquake hit Fukushima in northern Japan. This was followed by damage to a nuclear power plant exposing a great part of the area to radiation. Then there followed a severe flood.
10. Elsewhere in the world volcanic eruptions, earthquakes devastated towns and cities. Floods hit New York City and Bangkok and many parts of China again destroying buildings and cutting off water and electricity supplies. Whirlwinds hit the US repeatedly. In Africa people are starving to death.
11. Winter came early, was very severe and lasted longer, disrupting work and killing old people. And heat waves raised temperatures to above 40ºC, again killing the old and the weak. Global warming has resulted in the ice in the Arctic and Antarctic melting, threatening to raise sea levels and inundate low lying land. Some island nations may disappear into the sea.
12. In the face of all these disasters Malaysians can consider themselves fortunate. We do have mild floods, slightly raised temperatures and haze, but they are nothing compared to the disasters affecting so many parts of the world.
13. Crime rate has increased somewhat.
14. Even financially and economically we are not too badly off. The cost of living has gone up a little but people are not starving the way the Africans and some Asians are starving. A generous Government is ever ready to extend help.
15. Business is good even though we think it can be better. Our exports are high and still growing. Unemployment rate is low. Economic growth is still possible. At 4 – 5% it may not be as good as in Indonesia and the Philippines but it is far better than Europe or America or the countries of West Asia and North Africa.
16. Admittedly the cost of living has gone up. For the poor this is a burden. Of course on this issue, comparing ourself with most of the rest of the world where inflation is even higher will not be acceptable. But the fact is that in many countries not only is the inflation higher but there are food shortages also. In addition they have to accept reduced income amidst widespread unemployment we are living in troubled times. Like it or not we will feel the effects and we have to endure.
17. There will be people who would like us to ignore the fact that we are much better off than most people in the world. They would like to exploit every little misfortune that we may experience. They would even promise that they can bring about sudden prosperity, give free education, and all kinds of goodies. But observe the contradictions.
18. They promise the oil-producing states to increase the royalty from 5% to 20%. Obviously this will result in the Federal Government losing 15% of revenue from oil; and that is a big sum. The states gets their royalty based on gross income.
19. They will do away with road tolls, increase subsidies on fuel and reduce rates and taxes.
20. Their proposals will reduce Government revenue and at the same time increase Government expenditure. This is exactly what the Greek Government did, and the whole country went bankrupt.
21. Promises are deep. Barrack Obama promise “change”. Four years into his term, not a single change has been made.
22. To be in power for 56 years is a long time. But look at the progress. No other developing country has made such progress.
23. Change is not always for the better. Change can make things worse.
Beware of Greeks bearing gifts.
Beware of politicians who make promises.
source :
Friday, August 3, 2012
Hati-hati janji politik - Dr. Mahathir
Hati-hati janji politik - Dr. Mahathir
Bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad mengingatkan rakyat supaya berhati-hati dengan ahli politik yang sering menabur pelbagai janji, termasuk janji untuk membawa kesenangan dalam 'sekelip mata'.
Menurutnya, golongan itu akan cuba memesongkan fakta yang negara ini jauh lebih baik berbanding negara lain serta mengeksploitasi setiap kepayahan yang dilalui oleh rakyat.
"Mereka berjanji untuk memberikan kesenangan secara tiba-tiba, pendidikan percuma dan segala bentuk pemberian. Mereka juga janjikan kepada negeri-negeri pengeluar minyak untuk meningkatkan royalti daripada lima kepada 20 peratus.
"Jelas ini akan mengakibatkan Kerajaan Persekutuan kehilangan 15 peratus hasil daripada minyak dan itu adalah satu jumlah yang besar. Ini akan mengurangkan hasil kerajaan dan pada masa sama meningkatkan perbelanjaan kerajaan,'' katanya.
Beliau berkata demikian dalam entri terbaru di blognya, hari ini.
Mahathir berkata, janji-janji tersebut adalah menyamai apa yang dilakukan oleh kerajaan Greece yang akhirnya menjadikan negara itu bankrap.
Katanya, Presiden Amerika Syarikat (AS), Barack Obama juga pernah menabur pelbagai janji, tetapi sepanjang mentadbir AS, pemimpin itu gagal membawa apa jua perubahan.
"Dunia kini sedang melalui saat yang sangat dahsyat. Greece bankrap manakala kewangan Sepanyol, Portugal dan Itali semakin teruk. Britain juga akan menerima nasib sama. AS pula mendakwa ekonomi mereka sudah pulih. Saya tidak percaya ia adalah benar. Di sana (AS) masih terdapat banyak pengangguran.
"Di dunia lain pula, negara-negara Arab berdepan tentangan rakyat, perang saudara di Syria, pembunuhan etnik Rohingya di Myanmar, bencana alam, letusan gunung berapi, gempa bumi dan rakyat benua Afrika yang mati kebuluran,'' katanya.
Oleh itu, jelasnya, dalam berdepan dengan semua situasi berkenaan, rakyat Malaysia adalah rakyat yang bernasib baik.
"Kewangan dan ekonomi negara tidak seteruk negara luar. Walaupun kos sara hidup telah meningkat tetapi rakyat tidak kelaparan seperti yang dilalui rakyat di benua Afrika dan sesetengah Asia. Kerajaan (ketika ini) pemurah dan sentiasa bersedia untuk membantu.
"Eksport kita adalah tinggi dan sedang berkembang. Kadar pengangguran adalah rendah. Pertumbuhan ekonomi yang pesat iaitu pada kadar empat ke lima peratus dan ia jauh lebih baik berbanding Eropah atau AS atau negara-negara Asia Barat dan utara Afrika," tegasnya.
Atas dasar itu, katanya, rakyat perlu berhati-hati dengan apa jua janji sesetengah ahli politik yang kononnya mahu membawa perubahan di negara ini.
"Perubahan tidak sentiasa menjadi lebih baik. Perubahan boleh memburukkan lagi keadaan," jelasnya.
sumber :UTUSAN
Bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad mengingatkan rakyat supaya berhati-hati dengan ahli politik yang sering menabur pelbagai janji, termasuk janji untuk membawa kesenangan dalam 'sekelip mata'.
Menurutnya, golongan itu akan cuba memesongkan fakta yang negara ini jauh lebih baik berbanding negara lain serta mengeksploitasi setiap kepayahan yang dilalui oleh rakyat.
"Mereka berjanji untuk memberikan kesenangan secara tiba-tiba, pendidikan percuma dan segala bentuk pemberian. Mereka juga janjikan kepada negeri-negeri pengeluar minyak untuk meningkatkan royalti daripada lima kepada 20 peratus.
"Jelas ini akan mengakibatkan Kerajaan Persekutuan kehilangan 15 peratus hasil daripada minyak dan itu adalah satu jumlah yang besar. Ini akan mengurangkan hasil kerajaan dan pada masa sama meningkatkan perbelanjaan kerajaan,'' katanya.
Beliau berkata demikian dalam entri terbaru di blognya, hari ini.
Mahathir berkata, janji-janji tersebut adalah menyamai apa yang dilakukan oleh kerajaan Greece yang akhirnya menjadikan negara itu bankrap.
Katanya, Presiden Amerika Syarikat (AS), Barack Obama juga pernah menabur pelbagai janji, tetapi sepanjang mentadbir AS, pemimpin itu gagal membawa apa jua perubahan.
"Dunia kini sedang melalui saat yang sangat dahsyat. Greece bankrap manakala kewangan Sepanyol, Portugal dan Itali semakin teruk. Britain juga akan menerima nasib sama. AS pula mendakwa ekonomi mereka sudah pulih. Saya tidak percaya ia adalah benar. Di sana (AS) masih terdapat banyak pengangguran.
"Di dunia lain pula, negara-negara Arab berdepan tentangan rakyat, perang saudara di Syria, pembunuhan etnik Rohingya di Myanmar, bencana alam, letusan gunung berapi, gempa bumi dan rakyat benua Afrika yang mati kebuluran,'' katanya.
Oleh itu, jelasnya, dalam berdepan dengan semua situasi berkenaan, rakyat Malaysia adalah rakyat yang bernasib baik.
"Kewangan dan ekonomi negara tidak seteruk negara luar. Walaupun kos sara hidup telah meningkat tetapi rakyat tidak kelaparan seperti yang dilalui rakyat di benua Afrika dan sesetengah Asia. Kerajaan (ketika ini) pemurah dan sentiasa bersedia untuk membantu.
"Eksport kita adalah tinggi dan sedang berkembang. Kadar pengangguran adalah rendah. Pertumbuhan ekonomi yang pesat iaitu pada kadar empat ke lima peratus dan ia jauh lebih baik berbanding Eropah atau AS atau negara-negara Asia Barat dan utara Afrika," tegasnya.
Atas dasar itu, katanya, rakyat perlu berhati-hati dengan apa jua janji sesetengah ahli politik yang kononnya mahu membawa perubahan di negara ini.
"Perubahan tidak sentiasa menjadi lebih baik. Perubahan boleh memburukkan lagi keadaan," jelasnya.
sumber :UTUSAN
Muslim Unity in the Face of Challenges and Threats
"Muslim Unity in the Face of Challenges and Threats"
By Dr Mahathir Mohamad
There has never been a time when the Muslims are
so looked down upon, so treated with disrespect and so
oppressed as they are today. Everywhere Muslims are
bullied, detained bombed and massacred with impunity.
2. The Muslim countries are unable to do anything to
defend themselves and their people and fellow Muslims
anywhere. Some Muslim countries actually appear to be
collaborating with the oppressors of Muslims.
3. Many Muslims try to explain the sad plight of the
Muslims by saying that this world is not for us. For
us a place in heaven has been reserved. In the next
world the enemies of Islam would be punished and thrown
into hell because of what they do to us in this world.
4. Is this truly what Islam teaches us? Did the
Prophet S.A.W. accept his persecution because his place
in heaven has been assured? Did he relish the fact
that his Quraish persecutors would end up in hell?
What would have happened to the spread of Islam if the
Prophet had not struggled against his enemies,
dispatched his early followers to safe havens, migrated
to Madinah to build up the strength of the Muslims,
increasing their numbers in order to fight back? If he
had retreated to await his reward after death, we would
not be Muslims today.
5. And we know in the end he defeated his enemies and
was able to spread Islam throughout the world, to build
the greatest Empire and civilisation in history.
Clearly the Prophet did not believe that for the
Muslims this world is not important, this life is not
important, this life on earth is only for the infidels.
He not only believed that Muslims have a share of
Allah's bounties on earth but that Muslims must be
prepared to fight for their earthly share. Allah could
have said "Kun, Fayakun" "Be, and it shall be" but
Allah left His messenger to struggle and fight to
spread Islam and to gain for the Muslims their share in
this world.
6. So the idea that we must suffer in silence and
await our heaven in the next world is not Islamic. In
fact it goes against the Sunnah of the Prophet. The
Quran enjoins upon us to prepare to deter and defeat
the enemy with force of arms - with war-horses, bows
and arrows in those days. Many think that if we have
war-horses then we have fulfilled our obligations. But
what is important is not war-horses or bows and arrows.
What is important is to deter and defeat our enemies.
And to do this today we need guns and rockets, warships
and warplanes, armoured cars etc. We cannot depend on
others to supply us with these things forever, least of
all by those who are opposed to us. We need to invent,
design, produce and test our own weapons of defence.
To do this we need to have scientific and technological
knowledge and skills. Those who learn science,
mathematics and acquire technological skills are
therefore obeying and fulfilling the injunctions of
Islam. Those who prevent them from studying these
subjects by saying that only learning religion will
earn us merit are in fact going against the teachings
of Islam for they weaken the Muslim ummah and prevent
them from putting fear in the hearts of the enemies of
Islam and becoming able to defeat them. These people
who prevent Muslims from having their own capacity to
protect themselves are actually helping the oppression
of the Muslims.
7. Our enemies will always attack us because we are
weak. They will only cease to do so if we maintain a
strong enough defence capability. This is the Sunnah
of the Prophet. Just as the followers of the Prophet
had to develop and acquire skills to make bows and
arrows and other weapons, we have to develop and
acquire skills to make modern weapons.
8. Why are we not doing this? The reason is because
those who interprete Islam to us did not stress these
very fundamental teachings of Islam. In telling us
that science and technology are secular subjects which
will not earn us merit in the afterlife, they are
discouraging Muslims and their societies from
fulfilling the injunctions of Islam to be equipped with
the means of defending ourselves and to deter the
enemy. During the glorious years of the Muslim
civilisation we were not oppressed. Muslims were
respected and feared. That was because Muslim
countries were strong militarily and economically, and
advanced in the sciences. Europeans had to learn from
Muslims new knowledge as well as those of the Greeks
and others, which the Muslims had studied, translated
into Arabic and enhanced.
9. We all know that the Prophet S.A.W. brought only
one Islam. The Islam that he received from Allah
S.W.T. is only one. But today there are many Islamic
religions. There are the Sunni and the Shiah, each
divided into numerous groups by the different imams and
tarikats. Had Allah S.W.T. wanted us to have all these
religions then the Prophet would have conveyed this to
the first Muslims, would have taught Sunni Islam, Shiah
Islam etc. But we know that during his 23 years of
teaching Islam he did not speak about Sunni or Shiah or
the various tarikats. All these divisiveness in Islam
came only after he had passed away. They are the
results of differing interpretations about Islam by
different scholars through the centuries.
10. Some of these interpretations and teachings are so
different from each other that their followers actually
accuse each other of not being Muslims. Indeed they
regard many who profess to be Muslims as infidels.
Thus Sunni Muslims regard the Shiah as infidels and
vice versa.
11. In Malaysia one political party has convinced its
followers that anyone not joining or supporting it is
not a Muslim. Tens of thousands of Malay Muslims
believe this, believe even that voting for this party
in elections will guarantee a place for them in heaven.
It sounds ridiculous except that the followers are
deadly serious in their acceptance and belief, and in
their enmity towards those who do not join this party
or vote in elections for it. There is now a deep split
among the Muslims of Malaysia, caused by Muslim
politicians abusing the teachings of Islam.
12. Because of the thousands of different
interpretations of Islam and very many different sects,
each claiming to be the true followers of Islam, the
Muslims are thoroughly confused. They are even more
confused because they are told that the door of ijtihad
or interpretations of Islam is closed and they must
accept anything that had been interpreted long ago.
Yet the very people who tell us that we may not
reexamine and reinterprete Islam are themselves making
new interpretations every day. And their
interpretations are meant only to enhance their
position in the community, to ensure support for their
13. The result of this confusion is a deeply divided
ummah, prone to disputes and to fighting each other.
They are less interested in defending themselves
against the professed enemies of Islam than they are in
opposing other Muslims. That these conflicts among
Muslims will only weaken the Muslims is totally ignored
by them.
14. Disunited, confused about Islam, fighting each
other for power, lacking in essential knowledge and
skills, misapplying their God-given wealth, the Muslims
of today have reached the lowest point in their
development. Still they go on doing what is prohibited
by Islam and damaging to themselves. Still they are
not willing to see the reality of their situation or to
admit that they have deviated from the teachings of
Islam. They continue to reject the brotherhood of
15. Frustrated and angry some Muslims have resorted to
terrorism. Many believe they have been successful in
this. But what have the Muslims really gained by these
acts of terror? All that has happened is that the
enemies of Islam have found justification for putting
more pressure on the Muslims, attacking and killing
them, treating them and their religion with contempt.
16. Muslims fight and die not in order to achieve any
real objective, to free themselves from oppression for
example. They fight and they die in order to
retaliate, in order to take revenge, in order to vent
their anger.
17. Muslims seem not to plan or strategise. Even
their terror attacks seem to be random attacks,
isolated and uncoordinated. Everyone of them seems to
be acting on their own. If they plan it does not seem
to be coordinated, nor to advance their cause. Apart
from making their enemies angry and providing excuses
for them to retaliate, nothing which can contribute
towards ultimate Muslim success or victory has been
18. The Muslims have clearly lost their way. There is
a saying in Malay that when you lose your way, you must
return to the beginning and start again. With so many
contradictory interpretations of Islam over the last
1400 years, most of us have become so confused that we
really do not know whether we are right or wrong,
whether we are taking the right path or not, whether
indeed we are following the teachings of Islam.
Certainly we are nowhere near achieving the greatness
that was once Islam. If at all, we seem to be slipping
further and further away from it.
19. Since we are so confused and divided because of
the varied interpretations and teachings of Islam, we
should really return to the fundamentals of Islam, to
the original teachings of the Prophet, to the Quran and
the verified Hadiths, especially those which are clear
and indisputable and not subject to different
interpretations. What is the most fundamental teaching
of Islam. It is that Islam means peace. We greet each
other with the wish for peace. Is it just an empty
greeting which we do not mean or is it that we wish for
peace because we really want peace? If we want peace
then shouldn't we strive for peace, at least among
ourselves as Muslims first, and then with people of
other faiths.
20. The Quran states that all Muslims are brothers.
Apart from Islam advocating peace, surely brothers must
not fight each other. Brothers should love each other,
being as they are of the same family. Brothers should
be united. That is the basic teachings of Islam.
There can be no dispute about this injunction of Islam,
no difference in the interpretation of this teaching.
21. But Muslims do try to negate even this clear
teaching of Islam. They are fond of declaring that
other Muslims are not true Muslims; in fact they are
infidels because they believe in different imams,
belong to different mazhabs or sects, being Sunni or
Shiah, followers of different tarikats etc. Far from
accepting alll Muslims as their brothers they adopt
dress codes which differentiate them from other Muslims
whom they condemn as being less Muslim for not wearing
their dress. But the Quran is explicit as to who is
and who is not a Muslim. According to the Quran a
Muslim is one who "bears witness that there is no God
but Allah and Muhammad is His Prophet." Even if he or
she commits sins, big or small, he or she remains a
Muslim for as long as he or she "bears witness to Allah
as the only God that is worshipped and that Muhammad is
His Prophet."
22. So all the Muslims, all those who bear witness to
Allah as the only God that they worship and that
Muhammad is His Prophet must be brothers, must be at
peace with each other and must be united. We can have
our worldly difference, we can have our quarrels as
brothers often do, but we would still be brothers and
behave like brothers. Why should Islam advocate the
brotherhood of Muslims if they are meant to behave not
as brothers? If Muslims are expected to behave as
enemies of each other then Allah would not declare that
all Muslims are brothers.
23. Peace and the brotherhood of Muslims are
fundamental teachings of Islam. If we uphold this
fundamental injunction of Islam alone, there will be
Muslim unity and they will be strong. The Muslims were
not meant to have countries and to be divided according
to race or nation. They were, everyone of them members
of the great Muslim community, the ummah. But now the
Muslims have divided themselves into different states
and their loyalty to their state is more than to Islam.
In the pursuit of the interests of their respective
countries, they are quite prepared to fight their
Muslim brothers from other countries; they are quite
prepared to be divided, to join opposing camps, even
those of their non-Muslim enemies.
24. They are already weak. Divided they are weaker.
Unable to protect themselves from other Muslims and
from other enemies they allow themselves to be
manipulated against their co-religionists. They become
pawns in the games other people play. Truly they have
lost self-respect. Truly they are not following the
teachings of Islam.
25. Blaming others for our sad fate may only be
partially correct. But there is very little we can do
to get others, our enemies, to cease oppressing us. On
the other hand if we blame ourselves there is something
that we can do to overcome our own faults and
weaknesses. It is therefore much better if we look for
and recognise our own faults.
26. Muslims must surely know what is it that they are
doing which is wrong. Certainly their disunity, their
rejection of Islamic brotherhood is wrong. They do not
have the right priorities either, emphasising the
avoidance of minor sins while openly committing major
27. But beyond that they have, often deliberately,
ignored or misinterpreted much of the basic teachings,
the clear verses in the Quran. They often read the
verses partially, ignoring the context, the parts which
qualify the injunctions in the main parts of the
28. Very often we miss completely the message,
focusing on the form instead. Thus when we are asked
to prepare war-horses so as to deter and defeat the
enemy, it is not deterring and defeating the enemy that
we take note of. It is the keeping of horses.
Similarly when making judgement, it is not justice that
we seek to achieve, it is the process of making the
judgement. If the process is followed then even if
injustice is the result, we believe we have followed
what our religion enjoins upon us to do. We ignore
completely the injunctions of the Quran that stresses
making judgement with justice. And because we ignore
this stress on justice enjoined by Islam, we create an
image of Islam that is uncaring and unjust.
29. I will not cite more cases of the
misinterpretation and deliberate ignoring of the
teachings of Islam. It is because of this that Muslims
of today are backward, lacking in knowledge, unable to
defend themselves and their religion, and forced to
resort to terror in order to seek revenge.
30. How long can we go on doing this? Will what we
are doing today restore the greatness of our religion
and the fitrah that it should be to mankind? Will it
deliver us from oppression by our detractors?
31. Frankly I don't think so. It is not because we
are incapable of developing ourselves to the level
where others would be forced to respect us and our
religion. It is simply because we refuse to adhere to
the true teachings of Islam and to strive to better our
lot on this earth as much as we prepare for the life in
the hereafter. We pray for hassanah in this world and
for hassanah in the akhirat but we do nothing beyond
merely asking Allah to help us in this world, and in
the next. We ignore the Quranic injunction that Allah
will not change our fate unless we strive to change it
32. And so we will continue to be oppressed, to be
attacked, bombed and killed, while our religion, Islam
is condemned as false.
33. Many of you will say - who is he to talk about
Islam. Don't listen to him even if what he says is
true and is in accord with Islam.
34. That is your choice. Whether you sin or you gain
merit, Allah S.W.T. will determine.
sumber :
By Dr Mahathir Mohamad
There has never been a time when the Muslims are
so looked down upon, so treated with disrespect and so
oppressed as they are today. Everywhere Muslims are
bullied, detained bombed and massacred with impunity.
2. The Muslim countries are unable to do anything to
defend themselves and their people and fellow Muslims
anywhere. Some Muslim countries actually appear to be
collaborating with the oppressors of Muslims.
3. Many Muslims try to explain the sad plight of the
Muslims by saying that this world is not for us. For
us a place in heaven has been reserved. In the next
world the enemies of Islam would be punished and thrown
into hell because of what they do to us in this world.
4. Is this truly what Islam teaches us? Did the
Prophet S.A.W. accept his persecution because his place
in heaven has been assured? Did he relish the fact
that his Quraish persecutors would end up in hell?
What would have happened to the spread of Islam if the
Prophet had not struggled against his enemies,
dispatched his early followers to safe havens, migrated
to Madinah to build up the strength of the Muslims,
increasing their numbers in order to fight back? If he
had retreated to await his reward after death, we would
not be Muslims today.
5. And we know in the end he defeated his enemies and
was able to spread Islam throughout the world, to build
the greatest Empire and civilisation in history.
Clearly the Prophet did not believe that for the
Muslims this world is not important, this life is not
important, this life on earth is only for the infidels.
He not only believed that Muslims have a share of
Allah's bounties on earth but that Muslims must be
prepared to fight for their earthly share. Allah could
have said "Kun, Fayakun" "Be, and it shall be" but
Allah left His messenger to struggle and fight to
spread Islam and to gain for the Muslims their share in
this world.
6. So the idea that we must suffer in silence and
await our heaven in the next world is not Islamic. In
fact it goes against the Sunnah of the Prophet. The
Quran enjoins upon us to prepare to deter and defeat
the enemy with force of arms - with war-horses, bows
and arrows in those days. Many think that if we have
war-horses then we have fulfilled our obligations. But
what is important is not war-horses or bows and arrows.
What is important is to deter and defeat our enemies.
And to do this today we need guns and rockets, warships
and warplanes, armoured cars etc. We cannot depend on
others to supply us with these things forever, least of
all by those who are opposed to us. We need to invent,
design, produce and test our own weapons of defence.
To do this we need to have scientific and technological
knowledge and skills. Those who learn science,
mathematics and acquire technological skills are
therefore obeying and fulfilling the injunctions of
Islam. Those who prevent them from studying these
subjects by saying that only learning religion will
earn us merit are in fact going against the teachings
of Islam for they weaken the Muslim ummah and prevent
them from putting fear in the hearts of the enemies of
Islam and becoming able to defeat them. These people
who prevent Muslims from having their own capacity to
protect themselves are actually helping the oppression
of the Muslims.
7. Our enemies will always attack us because we are
weak. They will only cease to do so if we maintain a
strong enough defence capability. This is the Sunnah
of the Prophet. Just as the followers of the Prophet
had to develop and acquire skills to make bows and
arrows and other weapons, we have to develop and
acquire skills to make modern weapons.
8. Why are we not doing this? The reason is because
those who interprete Islam to us did not stress these
very fundamental teachings of Islam. In telling us
that science and technology are secular subjects which
will not earn us merit in the afterlife, they are
discouraging Muslims and their societies from
fulfilling the injunctions of Islam to be equipped with
the means of defending ourselves and to deter the
enemy. During the glorious years of the Muslim
civilisation we were not oppressed. Muslims were
respected and feared. That was because Muslim
countries were strong militarily and economically, and
advanced in the sciences. Europeans had to learn from
Muslims new knowledge as well as those of the Greeks
and others, which the Muslims had studied, translated
into Arabic and enhanced.
9. We all know that the Prophet S.A.W. brought only
one Islam. The Islam that he received from Allah
S.W.T. is only one. But today there are many Islamic
religions. There are the Sunni and the Shiah, each
divided into numerous groups by the different imams and
tarikats. Had Allah S.W.T. wanted us to have all these
religions then the Prophet would have conveyed this to
the first Muslims, would have taught Sunni Islam, Shiah
Islam etc. But we know that during his 23 years of
teaching Islam he did not speak about Sunni or Shiah or
the various tarikats. All these divisiveness in Islam
came only after he had passed away. They are the
results of differing interpretations about Islam by
different scholars through the centuries.
10. Some of these interpretations and teachings are so
different from each other that their followers actually
accuse each other of not being Muslims. Indeed they
regard many who profess to be Muslims as infidels.
Thus Sunni Muslims regard the Shiah as infidels and
vice versa.
11. In Malaysia one political party has convinced its
followers that anyone not joining or supporting it is
not a Muslim. Tens of thousands of Malay Muslims
believe this, believe even that voting for this party
in elections will guarantee a place for them in heaven.
It sounds ridiculous except that the followers are
deadly serious in their acceptance and belief, and in
their enmity towards those who do not join this party
or vote in elections for it. There is now a deep split
among the Muslims of Malaysia, caused by Muslim
politicians abusing the teachings of Islam.
12. Because of the thousands of different
interpretations of Islam and very many different sects,
each claiming to be the true followers of Islam, the
Muslims are thoroughly confused. They are even more
confused because they are told that the door of ijtihad
or interpretations of Islam is closed and they must
accept anything that had been interpreted long ago.
Yet the very people who tell us that we may not
reexamine and reinterprete Islam are themselves making
new interpretations every day. And their
interpretations are meant only to enhance their
position in the community, to ensure support for their
13. The result of this confusion is a deeply divided
ummah, prone to disputes and to fighting each other.
They are less interested in defending themselves
against the professed enemies of Islam than they are in
opposing other Muslims. That these conflicts among
Muslims will only weaken the Muslims is totally ignored
by them.
14. Disunited, confused about Islam, fighting each
other for power, lacking in essential knowledge and
skills, misapplying their God-given wealth, the Muslims
of today have reached the lowest point in their
development. Still they go on doing what is prohibited
by Islam and damaging to themselves. Still they are
not willing to see the reality of their situation or to
admit that they have deviated from the teachings of
Islam. They continue to reject the brotherhood of
15. Frustrated and angry some Muslims have resorted to
terrorism. Many believe they have been successful in
this. But what have the Muslims really gained by these
acts of terror? All that has happened is that the
enemies of Islam have found justification for putting
more pressure on the Muslims, attacking and killing
them, treating them and their religion with contempt.
16. Muslims fight and die not in order to achieve any
real objective, to free themselves from oppression for
example. They fight and they die in order to
retaliate, in order to take revenge, in order to vent
their anger.
17. Muslims seem not to plan or strategise. Even
their terror attacks seem to be random attacks,
isolated and uncoordinated. Everyone of them seems to
be acting on their own. If they plan it does not seem
to be coordinated, nor to advance their cause. Apart
from making their enemies angry and providing excuses
for them to retaliate, nothing which can contribute
towards ultimate Muslim success or victory has been
18. The Muslims have clearly lost their way. There is
a saying in Malay that when you lose your way, you must
return to the beginning and start again. With so many
contradictory interpretations of Islam over the last
1400 years, most of us have become so confused that we
really do not know whether we are right or wrong,
whether we are taking the right path or not, whether
indeed we are following the teachings of Islam.
Certainly we are nowhere near achieving the greatness
that was once Islam. If at all, we seem to be slipping
further and further away from it.
19. Since we are so confused and divided because of
the varied interpretations and teachings of Islam, we
should really return to the fundamentals of Islam, to
the original teachings of the Prophet, to the Quran and
the verified Hadiths, especially those which are clear
and indisputable and not subject to different
interpretations. What is the most fundamental teaching
of Islam. It is that Islam means peace. We greet each
other with the wish for peace. Is it just an empty
greeting which we do not mean or is it that we wish for
peace because we really want peace? If we want peace
then shouldn't we strive for peace, at least among
ourselves as Muslims first, and then with people of
other faiths.
20. The Quran states that all Muslims are brothers.
Apart from Islam advocating peace, surely brothers must
not fight each other. Brothers should love each other,
being as they are of the same family. Brothers should
be united. That is the basic teachings of Islam.
There can be no dispute about this injunction of Islam,
no difference in the interpretation of this teaching.
21. But Muslims do try to negate even this clear
teaching of Islam. They are fond of declaring that
other Muslims are not true Muslims; in fact they are
infidels because they believe in different imams,
belong to different mazhabs or sects, being Sunni or
Shiah, followers of different tarikats etc. Far from
accepting alll Muslims as their brothers they adopt
dress codes which differentiate them from other Muslims
whom they condemn as being less Muslim for not wearing
their dress. But the Quran is explicit as to who is
and who is not a Muslim. According to the Quran a
Muslim is one who "bears witness that there is no God
but Allah and Muhammad is His Prophet." Even if he or
she commits sins, big or small, he or she remains a
Muslim for as long as he or she "bears witness to Allah
as the only God that is worshipped and that Muhammad is
His Prophet."
22. So all the Muslims, all those who bear witness to
Allah as the only God that they worship and that
Muhammad is His Prophet must be brothers, must be at
peace with each other and must be united. We can have
our worldly difference, we can have our quarrels as
brothers often do, but we would still be brothers and
behave like brothers. Why should Islam advocate the
brotherhood of Muslims if they are meant to behave not
as brothers? If Muslims are expected to behave as
enemies of each other then Allah would not declare that
all Muslims are brothers.
23. Peace and the brotherhood of Muslims are
fundamental teachings of Islam. If we uphold this
fundamental injunction of Islam alone, there will be
Muslim unity and they will be strong. The Muslims were
not meant to have countries and to be divided according
to race or nation. They were, everyone of them members
of the great Muslim community, the ummah. But now the
Muslims have divided themselves into different states
and their loyalty to their state is more than to Islam.
In the pursuit of the interests of their respective
countries, they are quite prepared to fight their
Muslim brothers from other countries; they are quite
prepared to be divided, to join opposing camps, even
those of their non-Muslim enemies.
24. They are already weak. Divided they are weaker.
Unable to protect themselves from other Muslims and
from other enemies they allow themselves to be
manipulated against their co-religionists. They become
pawns in the games other people play. Truly they have
lost self-respect. Truly they are not following the
teachings of Islam.
25. Blaming others for our sad fate may only be
partially correct. But there is very little we can do
to get others, our enemies, to cease oppressing us. On
the other hand if we blame ourselves there is something
that we can do to overcome our own faults and
weaknesses. It is therefore much better if we look for
and recognise our own faults.
26. Muslims must surely know what is it that they are
doing which is wrong. Certainly their disunity, their
rejection of Islamic brotherhood is wrong. They do not
have the right priorities either, emphasising the
avoidance of minor sins while openly committing major
27. But beyond that they have, often deliberately,
ignored or misinterpreted much of the basic teachings,
the clear verses in the Quran. They often read the
verses partially, ignoring the context, the parts which
qualify the injunctions in the main parts of the
28. Very often we miss completely the message,
focusing on the form instead. Thus when we are asked
to prepare war-horses so as to deter and defeat the
enemy, it is not deterring and defeating the enemy that
we take note of. It is the keeping of horses.
Similarly when making judgement, it is not justice that
we seek to achieve, it is the process of making the
judgement. If the process is followed then even if
injustice is the result, we believe we have followed
what our religion enjoins upon us to do. We ignore
completely the injunctions of the Quran that stresses
making judgement with justice. And because we ignore
this stress on justice enjoined by Islam, we create an
image of Islam that is uncaring and unjust.
29. I will not cite more cases of the
misinterpretation and deliberate ignoring of the
teachings of Islam. It is because of this that Muslims
of today are backward, lacking in knowledge, unable to
defend themselves and their religion, and forced to
resort to terror in order to seek revenge.
30. How long can we go on doing this? Will what we
are doing today restore the greatness of our religion
and the fitrah that it should be to mankind? Will it
deliver us from oppression by our detractors?
31. Frankly I don't think so. It is not because we
are incapable of developing ourselves to the level
where others would be forced to respect us and our
religion. It is simply because we refuse to adhere to
the true teachings of Islam and to strive to better our
lot on this earth as much as we prepare for the life in
the hereafter. We pray for hassanah in this world and
for hassanah in the akhirat but we do nothing beyond
merely asking Allah to help us in this world, and in
the next. We ignore the Quranic injunction that Allah
will not change our fate unless we strive to change it
32. And so we will continue to be oppressed, to be
attacked, bombed and killed, while our religion, Islam
is condemned as false.
33. Many of you will say - who is he to talk about
Islam. Don't listen to him even if what he says is
true and is in accord with Islam.
34. That is your choice. Whether you sin or you gain
merit, Allah S.W.T. will determine.
sumber :
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