Friday, June 29, 2012
Galeria Perdana 3. Галерея Пердана 3
Galeria Perdana is a museum displaying gifts and awards presented to former Malaysian Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahatir and his wife, Dr. Siti Hasmah Mohd Ali. Opened in 1995, it is set a little further down the road from the Langkawi Bird Paradise in Mukim Air Hangat, approximately 11km from Kuah.
Porcelain, crystal, silver, textile and copper pieces as well as weapons, plaques, musical instruments, Islamic art and paintings are all on display at the Galeria Perdana. Spread across 5,333sqm of beautifully landscaped gardens, the museum is housed in three interconnected two-storey, oriental-style buildings.
Transformasi Minda Penyelidik Muda - Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad
Syarahan Perdana Tun Dr. Mahathir di UMP, Kuantan
Dr Mahathir Bin Mohamad, Recepient of LARIBA L...
I wish to express my sincere appreciation to the American Finance House LARIBA for conferring on me this Life Time Achievement Award for my role in resolving the financial crisis in Malaysia. I am particularly honored since I understand that I am the first ever to receive this award.
2. While I accept this recognition with much humility and appreciation, in reality it is the Malaysians who truly deserve this award. It was with the sincere support, deep understanding and full cooperation of the vast majority of the Malaysians that we succeeded in defending our economy against the deliberate attempts by certain forces to destroy it. We had to do it on our own without resorting to IMF or World Bank or other countries' help. I would therefore like to accept this prestigious award from LARIBA as an honor for the Malaysian people.
3. The Islamic world today is full of paradoxes and contradictions. Despite being resource rich, we are economically poor and weak. While some of us live amidst plenty, the majority of the ummah live in abject poverty. While there are many breakthroughs in science and technology, for most of the Muslim ummah the condition is one of widespread ignorance and backwardness.
4. This is in stark contrast to the golden age of Islam, which was a period of temporal as well as spiritual achievement, an age of conquest and brilliance. The Persian empire and much of the Roman Empire fell to the Muslims. Islam quickly established a new order stretching from the Pyrenees to the Himalayas, an empire larger than the Roman at its height.
5. How low have we fallen today, compared to what we were before. It is time for the Islamic World to take a hard look at itself and decide whether we want to move forward and how we can do so. I say whether we want to move forward because a significant number of us do not want to do so and many others are afraid to oppose them because they invoke Islam as the reason for their stand and everything that they do. Unless we decide to go forward, it is useless for us to attempt to do so.
6. Like the early Muslims, who were great traders, Malaysia believes in free trade. In Malaysia, there are no restrictions against exports or imports. We also welcome foreign direct investments (FDIs) into Malaysia and we do not restrict the repatriation of profits and capital. We established an Islamic financial system to enable Muslims to enjoy the benefits of a modern financial system, but on bases consistent with Islam. We were prudent in our financial management. We prepaid our external loans, whenever we had excess funds. The Government never, in all its history, resorted to the Central Bank for deficit financing. We created a viable and vibrant stock exchange to enable Malaysian companies to raise capital easily. We embraced privatization in a big way. We believed that the Government has to be practical and pragmatic in its development strategy, and emulate what has been successfully implemented elsewhere. There was no point in reinventing the wheel.
7. At the same time, however, we were, like the early Muslims, original in our approach. The first has to do with growth. While we did all that is traditionally required to promote GDP growth, we also ensured that there was growth with equity, a concept that was criticized by the West, which believes in the survival and prosperity of the fittest and the most efficient.
8. The objective of growth with equity has a particular significance in Malaysia with its multi- ethnic and multi religious population. The indigenous population (known as Bumiputeras), make up about 60 per cent of the population. About 90 per cent of the Bumiputeras are Muslims. In terms of wealth and income, the Bumiputeras had always lagged behind the non-Bumiputeras. In 1970, we embarked on a New Economic Policy (NEP) to ensure that the Bumiputeras enjoy their fair share of the economic pie. The NEP was not to be implemented by taking away from the rich in order to hand out to the poor. The NEP was to be implemented by ensuring that a bigger portion of an expanded economic pie goes to the Bumiputeras. We were relatively successful in this socio-economic restructuring and in the process we ensured socio- political stability in the country. As 90 per cent of the Bumiputeras are Muslim, the NEP is almost synonymous with enhancing the economic status of the ummah in Malaysia.
9. We were also original in the way we implemented privatization. While the standard practice in developing countries is to sell government assets and entities to foreigners, we sold Government assets and entities to Malaysians. Since growth with equity should be at all levels, able Bumiputeras were given more opportunities from the privatization process so as to ensure that the Bumiputeras would be represented at the topmost levels. As can be expected, this was criticized by the West which saw the profits from Malaysia's privatization slipping from their hands. They labeled the NEP as cronyism. But we were successful in balancing the wealth of our multi-ethnic population even at the highest level.
10. We also implemented a unique system of Islamic banking, called the dual system, where a full fledged Islamic banking system functions in parallel with conventional banking system. Everyone, Muslim or non- Muslim can avail themselves of the facilities of Islamic banking. It is an approach which is accepted by everyone irrespective of religion and it did not disrupt economic activities or affect growth.
11. We also established bilateral payments arrangements (BPAs) with 26 developing countries in order to reduce dependence on hard currencies to finance trade. As a result our trade with the developing countries increased by 400 per cent.
12. Our development strategy was successful. At the end of 1996, real GDP was growing at almost 8.5 percent per annum for 10 consecutive years and it looked like this rate of growth was going to continue for many more years. By 1997 total external trade reached more than 157 billion US Dollars, making Malaysia the 18th biggest exporting nation and the 17th biggest importing nation in the world, according to the World Trade Organization (WTO). The Government was enjoying a fiscal surplus. The external debt was generally low, at 40 per cent of GNP. The current account of the balance of payments had narrowed from a deficit of 10 per cent to five per cent of GNP, and was expected to improve further. Inflation was at its lowest at 2.1 per cent. On the financial front, the banking system was sound as reflected in the strong capitalization and the high asset quality. Malaysia's saving rate, at about 40 per cent of GDP, was one of the highest in the world. The national savings was sufficient to finance 95 per cent of total investment outlays.
13. Malaysia was clearly on the path of sustained growth towards achieving a developed country status by the year 2020 when the financial crisis hit the region in July 1997. Our currency was devalued to half what it was. We implemented a number of measures to contain the downturn, but all these measures failed. Many expected us to go to the IMF for loans to tide over our crisis. But we did not do that. Calling in the IMF would have been a disaster for the Malaysian ummah, as the NEP policies are not in keeping with the IMF's idea of free unfettered competition in which the strongest would take all. Equity is not of concern to the IMF. Efficiency, maximizing profit for the already rich are.
14. We had to rack our brains for a solution which would still leave us independent. Alhamdulillah, with the Guidance of Allah S.W.T., we came out with a formula that saved the nation and the Malaysian ummah. However, before I go into the formula that we implemented, namely the selective exchange control regime, let me describe what happened in July 1997.
15. When the Baht was attacked in July 1997, Malaysia was not unduly worried. We knew that the Malaysian financial situation was much healthier than that of Thailand. In the case of Thailand, the residents had been borrowing large amounts of short-term off-shore funds to finance long term domestic projects in Thailand. This strategy made sense to them since the interest rate of the US Dollar was much lower than the Baht interest rate. However, this strategy depended entirely on a stable Baht exchange rate against the US Dollar.
16. It was for this reason that the Thai Central Bank tried to defend the Baht during the initial stages of the speculative attack on the currency. If the Thai Baht depreciated, paying debts in foreign currencies would cost more Bahts. If the Thai borrowers were unable to earn enough Bahts then a financial crisis would hit Thailand and the Baht would depreciate further, deepening the financial crisis. And so the Central Bank tried defending the Baht until it had practically no reserves left. Unable to defend further the Central Bank decided to float the Baht and this resulted in a more rapid fall. Thailand was in great financial and economic trouble from which it could not come out by itself.
17. Although Malaysia was financially sound and could even prepay its debts, the theory of contagion was invoked and the Malaysian Ringgit must also depreciate. The currency traders therefore began to get rid of their Ringgit in order to save themselves. But actually they owned no Ringgit at all. They just saw a plausible excuse for the Ringgit to fall and they precipitated it in order to make a fast buck for themselves.
18. As you know currencies do not have their own sensors to monitor and react to the economic and financial performance of nations. They do not know whether a country borrowed too much or too little, whether they could pay or not pay debts, whether neighbouring currencies are sick with infectious disease, whether there is good governance or not, whether the Governments are not transparent, corrupt, given to cronyism or nepotism. Currencies do not know but people do, and currency traders in particular do. More than that the currency traders knew they could manipulate the exchange value of currencies simply by massive selling or buying of the particular currency. When the rogue traders saw that a currency might fall all they did was to ensure and hasten the process by borrowing that currency and selling it repeatedly. It is the selling by the traders that caused the currency to fall and to fall lower than justified by the economic performance of a country.
19. When the crisis hit Thailand, Malaysia's strong economic fundamentals were totally ignored by the rogue traders. Screaming `contagion' they then borrowed and sold the Malaysian Ringgit in a short-selling frenzy. It was this frenzied selling that caused the Ringgit exchange rate to depreciate sharply against the US Dollar. This was accompanied by the pulling out of foreign short-term capital from the Malaysian stock market, reducing market capitalization to a third of its original value and putting most companies in distress.
20. The leadership of the country felt helpless. We correctly identified the currency traders as the culprits behind the depreciation of the Ringgit. As can be expected, the Malaysian leaders condemned the currency traders for the rogues that they were. The Malaysian leaders were in turn condemned by about everyone, from the managers of international agencies to self-proclaimed experts and currency traders. All these people maintained at that time, that the cause of the currency devaluation was bad governance and all that was required to restore confidence and ensure recovery of the currency was to replace bad governance with good governance. These experts were convinced that the turmoil was temporary. At that early stage of the crisis, only Malaysia saw the real long-term danger in currency speculation.
21. After implementing a number of traditional measures, which failed, we decided to implement the `unorthodox' formula of selective exchange control. These measures were actually minimal. The most important were:-
i) The off-shore Ringgit market was eliminated and currency speculators were prevented from having access to Ringgit funds. This was done by `freezing' the external Ringgit accounts of the non-residents in Malaysian banks. The non-residents can continue to invest freely in Malaysia using their Ringgit funds, but they were no longer allowed to lend or sell their funds to others. Unable to borrow or buy the Ringgits, the currency traders were forced to stop their speculation.
ii) The Ringgit exchange rate was fixed against the US Dollar at 3.80, which was the rate prevailing at the time control was imposed.
iii) A "12-month rule" was imposed prohibiting the repatriation of portfolio funds for 12 months. This "12 month rule" was necessary given the prevailing instability of the financial market. There was the possibility that the bad publicity following Malaysia's `unorthodox' measures could result in massive short- term capital outflows. A 12 month restriction was therefore considered necessary. However, when the situation stabilized 6 months later, this "12-month rule" was replaced with a levy (for new funds) and subsequently even this levy was diluted further to apply only to a minimal tax on dividends in the stock market. Interestingly, when the 12-month rule expired in September 1999 there was no massive outflow. The market perception had obviously changed dramatically between September 1998 and September 1999. Foreign investors were happy with the appreciation of their shares in the KLSE and the general performance of the Malaysian economy.
22. The primary objective of Malaysia's selective exchange control regime implemented in September 1998 was for Malaysia to regain control of its economy from the currency speculators and manipulators so that Malaysians can decide the destiny of Malaysia. The measures implemented were very carefully crafted so as to optimize the positive aspects of globalization and remove the negative aspects of globalization. The positive aspects of globalization that were retained were the complete freedom in matters of international trade and foreign direct investments. The liberal regime that governed trade transactions and foreign direct investment were left unchanged. The negative aspects of globalization that were eliminated were the off-shore market for the trading of Ringgit and the free flow of short-term funds that easily destabilizes the economy. Hence the selectivity of the controls.
23. How were we able to come up with this formula, while others could not? The reason is that we took the trouble to understand how the foreign exchange market works. We spent months studying the foreign exchange market, the concept of off-shore Ringgit, the motivations of the foreign exchange traders (greed and fear), the mechanism of pricing etc. Once we understood how the foreign exchange market works, it was not difficult to come out with a solution to neutralize the currency speculators.
24. At the same time, we also undertook a thorough study of how the Central Limit Order Book or CLOB, an over the counter off-shore share market, was able to trade in Malaysian securities in Singapore. This was creating problems in the Malaysian equity market, as there was much short selling of Malaysian shares through CLOB in Singapore. As CLOB was outside Malaysia's jurisdiction, there was nothing we could do to regulate it. Once we understood the detailed mechanism, we were able to put a stop to CLOB in September 1998.
25. Once the selective exchange control measures were implemented and CLOB was closed, both the currency and the share market stabilized. The Government then took several measures to revive the economy. The interest rates were lowered and credit was increased. Government expenditure was increased by reviving projects which had been postponed during the crisis. Contracts and sub-contracts helped businesses to recover.
26. We had set up a National Economic Action Council (NEAC) in 1997, and the NEAC Executive Committee met everyday during the crisis. The Executive Committee of the NEAC gave particular attention to the operations of an asset management company (Danaharta), a bank recapitalisation company (Danamodal) and the Corporate Debt Restructuring Committee (CDRC) which were set up during the crisis to address the problems of non-performing loans (NPLs) and bank recapitalisation. Danaharta was to carve out the NPLs from the banking system so that the banks could refocus on their function of lending to revive the economy. Danamodal was to recapitulate the financial institutions and to bring up the capital strength of the banking system to a much healthier level. The role of CDRC was to provide a platform for companies and banks to come together and work out a debt- restructuring program in an informal manner.
27. Once the selective exchange control measures were implemented, the three organizations went into high gear. By March 31, 1999 Danaharta had acquired NPLs amounting to 16 billion Ringgit, Danamodal had recapitulated 10 banking institutions amounting to 6.2 billion Ringgit, and the CDRC was fully focused on the restructuring of a number of large companies.
28. The Executive Committee of the NEAC scrutinized every aspect of the economy daily. Figures on trade performance, external reserves, interest rates, lending by banks, sales of property and motor vehicles, retail sales, tonnage and containers handled by the ports, passengers and freight at the airports, details of goods manufactured and exported, details on imports, new businesses registered and bankruptcies, unemployment and job vacancies, wages, Government projects and contracts, electricity consumed etc were all laid out daily before the Committee for discussion. Quite often specific actions were immediately taken. When motor vehicles were not selling well the Committee decided on special hire-purchase terms and ensured that the prices were right.
29. Two property ownership campaigns were held to reduce the large overhang in the property sector. The developers participated enthusiastically in the property fairs bringing in their models and brochures and equipping their booths with many sales people, while banks, insurance companies, lawyers and Government officers concerned with registration of property sales and other legal procedures were all brought under one roof. A total of 6.4 billion Ringgit of properties were sold during these two campaigns.
30. Malaysia's experience in handling the economic and financial turmoil has a number of lessons for other developing countries, particularly the Organization of Islamic Conference countries. The most important lesson learnt from the experience is the need to know the true causes of the downturn, how they work and the inter-relationship between different factors. Once the details become known, it is not too difficult to design a strategy to combat the forces causing the problem. Several solutions may present themselves for any one problem and these solutions need to be debated and tried out. Back-up solutions must be ready should the chosen method fail. The implementation of strategy or solution requires hands-on action by the decision makers, at least in overseeing the implementation process and in taking corrective action.
31. Complete and continuous information on what is happening on the ground is absolutely essential. Figures, graphs and charts tell a better story than wordy reports. Explanations must be made orally by those reporting. Of course those getting the reports must be sufficiently knowledgeable on the subjects to be able to make assessments and to decide on what action has to be taken. The system is important but the people working the system are more important. In fact, the best system by itself will only deliver partial solutions at most. The people manning the system are the ones who make the system work.
32. An important lesson is that the Government must always be careful in the management of its economy. It must never allow itself to be weakened by carelessness in the maintenance of its financial and economic strength. Only with absolute vigilance can we ensure that Malaysia's rate of growth will be sufficient to achieve a developed country status as envisaged in our Vision 2020.
33. The currency crisis is an unnecessary crisis and need not have happened if the objective of the international financial system is really to facilitate trade and other economic interactions between nations, including foreign direct investments. But the big capitalist powers want more than that. They want to promote their political agenda as well, and it is because of this political agenda that the international financial system not only permitted but at times even encouraged currency trading, a totally unnecessary activity, which destroys more wealth than what is made by the unscrupulous currency traders themselves.
34. The economic future of the Muslims is in the hands of the Muslims. True, we live in a world dominated by non-Muslims economically and politically. True, we live in a world which is not particularly fond of Muslims. But there is nothing to prevent the ummah from rising again, if the ummah wants to.
35. The most important change that the Islamic world has to make is to accept reality and to adjust to it without deserting the fundamentals of Islam. I use the word fundamental deliberately because the fundamentals of Islam were what created the centuries of the glorious Islamic civilization. The so-called Islamic fundamentalists of today are interested only in the trappings of Islam and not the true fundamentals. Their way will only lead to more and deeper schism among the Muslims, retarding their progress and perpetuating their oppression by others. True `jihad' is the struggle for Muslim unity, acquisition of Muslim statecraft, knowledge and skills so that the Muslims will be freed of oppression and be able to take their place as successful members of a regenerated Muslim civilization.
36. Once again I thank LARIBA for this award.
It's not the system but the people that's bad: Dr Mahathir
Dr M: If they can make Avatar, they can make 9/11
Mahathir mahu Marina jauhi Bersih 2.0
Bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad berharap anaknya, Datin Paduka Marina Mahathir tidak meletakkan diri terlalu rapat dengan Bersih 2.0 atau gerakan lain yang antikerajaan kerana ia tidak baik untuk dirinya.
Dalam satu wawancara khas bersama The Malaysian Observer (MobTV), Dr Mahathir berkata, beliau tidak bersetuju dengan beberapa perkara yang dilakukan anaknya itu sejak akhir-akhir ini dan berharap Marina sedar akan kesilapannya.
Pada Bersih 2.0 tahun lalu dan perhimpunan Bersih 3.0 April lalu, Marina dilihat bersama dengan puluhan ribu demonstran lain menuntut lapan tuntutan yang mahukan pilihan raya umum yang bersih dan adil.
“Bersih telah dirampas oleh pemimpin pembangkang, saya tidak suka beliau meletakkan dirinya dekat dengan gerakan itu.
“Beliau tidak pernah katakan ini, tapi Bersih dan beberapa gerakan lain didakwa ada kaitan dengan lesbian, gay, biseksual dan transgender (LGBT). Dia tidak pernah kata sokong lelaki kahwin lelaki, perempuan kahwin perempuan dan saya harap dia maksudkannya,” katanya.
Katanya lagi, Marina perlu mewujudkan sempadan berkenaan isu LGBT iaitu sejauh mana beliau memberi sokongan kepada golongan itu dalam sebuah negara seperti Malaysia.
“Memang beliau seorang aktivis yang menolong ramai orang termasuklah golongan ini, tapi dia perlu jelaskan pendiriannya,” katanya.
Selain itu, Dr Mahathir turut berharap Marina menyedari apa yang dilakukannya sekarang boleh menjejaskan peluang abangnya, Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir memenangi Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-13 (PRU13) nanti.
“Saya rasa beliau bukan ahli, tetapi beliau perlu lebih sensitif mengenai nasib abangnya,” katanya.
Ditanya mengenai khabar angin yang mendakwa Mukhriz bakal dicalonkan menjadi Menteri Besar Kedah sekiranya Barisan Nasional (BN) berjaya menawan semula negeri tersebut, Dr Mahathir menegaskan ia terpulang kepada keputusan parti.
Katanya, isyarat bahawa Mukhriz mungkin menjadi calon Menteri Besar apabila parti memilihnya untuk menjadi calon Dewan Undangan Negeri (Dun) dan bukannya calon Parlimen.
“Saya akan tolong dan menyokong apa yang dilakukan Mukhriz, tetapi segalanya terpulang pada parti. Walaupun beliau tidak dipilih jadi Menteri Besar, saya akan tetap sokong,” katanya.
sumber : Sinar Harian
Dalam satu wawancara khas bersama The Malaysian Observer (MobTV), Dr Mahathir berkata, beliau tidak bersetuju dengan beberapa perkara yang dilakukan anaknya itu sejak akhir-akhir ini dan berharap Marina sedar akan kesilapannya.
Pada Bersih 2.0 tahun lalu dan perhimpunan Bersih 3.0 April lalu, Marina dilihat bersama dengan puluhan ribu demonstran lain menuntut lapan tuntutan yang mahukan pilihan raya umum yang bersih dan adil.
“Bersih telah dirampas oleh pemimpin pembangkang, saya tidak suka beliau meletakkan dirinya dekat dengan gerakan itu.
“Beliau tidak pernah katakan ini, tapi Bersih dan beberapa gerakan lain didakwa ada kaitan dengan lesbian, gay, biseksual dan transgender (LGBT). Dia tidak pernah kata sokong lelaki kahwin lelaki, perempuan kahwin perempuan dan saya harap dia maksudkannya,” katanya.
Katanya lagi, Marina perlu mewujudkan sempadan berkenaan isu LGBT iaitu sejauh mana beliau memberi sokongan kepada golongan itu dalam sebuah negara seperti Malaysia.
“Memang beliau seorang aktivis yang menolong ramai orang termasuklah golongan ini, tapi dia perlu jelaskan pendiriannya,” katanya.
Selain itu, Dr Mahathir turut berharap Marina menyedari apa yang dilakukannya sekarang boleh menjejaskan peluang abangnya, Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir memenangi Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-13 (PRU13) nanti.
“Saya rasa beliau bukan ahli, tetapi beliau perlu lebih sensitif mengenai nasib abangnya,” katanya.
Ditanya mengenai khabar angin yang mendakwa Mukhriz bakal dicalonkan menjadi Menteri Besar Kedah sekiranya Barisan Nasional (BN) berjaya menawan semula negeri tersebut, Dr Mahathir menegaskan ia terpulang kepada keputusan parti.
Katanya, isyarat bahawa Mukhriz mungkin menjadi calon Menteri Besar apabila parti memilihnya untuk menjadi calon Dewan Undangan Negeri (Dun) dan bukannya calon Parlimen.
“Saya akan tolong dan menyokong apa yang dilakukan Mukhriz, tetapi segalanya terpulang pada parti. Walaupun beliau tidak dipilih jadi Menteri Besar, saya akan tetap sokong,” katanya.
sumber : Sinar Harian
by Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad
1. We are seeing some strange things happening in Europe. This continent of rich developed countries is going through afinancial and economic crisis that resists attempts to turn it around and recover.
2. Several countries of Europe are actually going bankrupt. Greece is bankrupt. Now Spain is practically in recession. Reports indicate that Portugal and Italy are also in deep financial trouble. Even the UK and France are in trouble.
3. Where did they go wrong? It is important to know the reasons for their decline because we who are fond of copying the Europeans might be going the same way.
4. I am not an economist of course. Neither am I a financial expert. But as a layman I noticed certain things which may have a bearing on the decline of Western nations and the United States of America.
5. Simply put the decline is due largely to living beyond their means. In other words they are spending more money than they actually have or earn.
6. Younger people may not be aware of it but there was a time when all the white goods, machinery and motor vehicles that we bought were from Europe and America. Today you hardly see any of them. We now buy everything from Japan, Korea and China. The products of Europe and America are too expensive and often of poorer quality that we just don’t buy them.
7. Their high cost is due to their paying their workers wages many times higher than what they should be paid for the productivity level they achieve. They also reduce working hours per day, lesser number of working days per week. They give long holidays to their workers, high overtime allowance, generous pensions and medical care etc.
8. Even then their workers are not satisfied. They go on strike, which actually increases the cost of production. They may be given what they demanded even if their employers could not afford. The price of their products or services had to be raised again even though they were already too high and uncompetitive.
9. Rapidly they lost the market. Unemployment increased and unemployment benefits had to be paid out by the Government just when revenue decreased due to decreasing sales of their products.
10. Countries like Germany may be able to sustain the high cost of production while maintaining high living standards. This is because Germans work hard and are productive. But the poorer countries of Europe such as Greece, which tries to live like the rich, cannot. So they borrowed money.
11. We can borrow if we can invest for greater return in order to repay. When we borrow in order to just spend, we will never be able to repay. What can happen to individuals who borrow in order to spend can also happen to countries. They go bankrupt.
12. Is there a lesson in this for Malaysia? I think there is. We in Malaysia like to live well. If we cannot pay for it then we can ask the Government to pay. We believe the Government has unlimited amounts of money to pay for everything.
13. At the same time we want tax rates to be reduced. As for the tolls they should be abolished. We seem unaware that when we reduce or abolish tolls, the Government has to compensate the operators. What this means is that Government expenditure would increase just when revenue decreases. Abolishing toll does not mean we don’t pay. Through the Government we will be paying indirectly. The sad thing is that people who do not use the expressways will also pay. With tolls, only the users pay.
14. The opposition is promising increases from 5% to 20% of gross profit to be paid to the states where oil is produced. At 5% these states are already getting more than what other states get from the Federal revenue. Imagine the amount at 20%. The fact is that the oil is found in Malaysia and all Malaysians must benefit from it.
15. Then the opposition parties demand for higher education to be free for everyone. Do away with PTPTN. As far as I know only Germany, the richest country in Europe provides free tertiary education.
16. Taking all Ministries together, Malaysia spends almost 25% of its budget on education. No other country in the world developed and developing, allocate this much. Of this a very substantial portion has always been for scholarships.
17. But such is the demand for education in Malaysia that there are not enough scholarships for the deserving. Government had to launch a new scheme involving loans to cater for those who are qualified but cannot afford. The terms are very generous as the interest rate and repayment scheme permit repayment after they begin to earn an income. The loans are greatly subsidised by the Government.
18. The opposition can promise to remove all payments by the people, but all the expressways, education service and the amenities/infrastructure will have to be paid by someone. We think of the Government as some sugar daddy with unlimited funds. It is not. Government money is in fact our money acquired through taxes of all kinds. Reducing tax will mean the Government has less money, and forcing the Government to pay for all our needs will lead us to bankruptcy. That is what happens to Greece and the other European countries.
19. We are a democratic country whatever our detractors may say. The people have the power to choose their Government. Power corrupts and the right to choose who should govern the country is also a potent kind of power.
20. That power can be used to threaten the parties wishing to contest in elections. The incumbent Government is most exposed to this threat. Under threat it may forget prudence in the management of our finances. It can lead to the Grecian problem.
21. The opposition doesn’t care. For them winning the election is the only objective. Beside when they form the Government they can forget promises.
22. Remember how President Obama of the “greatest democracy in the world”, promised to close down Guantanamo detention camp two days after his installation as President. Well Guantanamo is still there.
23. The opposition will certainly forget much more easily than Mr Obama.
1. We are seeing some strange things happening in Europe. This continent of rich developed countries is going through afinancial and economic crisis that resists attempts to turn it around and recover.
2. Several countries of Europe are actually going bankrupt. Greece is bankrupt. Now Spain is practically in recession. Reports indicate that Portugal and Italy are also in deep financial trouble. Even the UK and France are in trouble.
3. Where did they go wrong? It is important to know the reasons for their decline because we who are fond of copying the Europeans might be going the same way.
4. I am not an economist of course. Neither am I a financial expert. But as a layman I noticed certain things which may have a bearing on the decline of Western nations and the United States of America.
5. Simply put the decline is due largely to living beyond their means. In other words they are spending more money than they actually have or earn.
6. Younger people may not be aware of it but there was a time when all the white goods, machinery and motor vehicles that we bought were from Europe and America. Today you hardly see any of them. We now buy everything from Japan, Korea and China. The products of Europe and America are too expensive and often of poorer quality that we just don’t buy them.
7. Their high cost is due to their paying their workers wages many times higher than what they should be paid for the productivity level they achieve. They also reduce working hours per day, lesser number of working days per week. They give long holidays to their workers, high overtime allowance, generous pensions and medical care etc.
8. Even then their workers are not satisfied. They go on strike, which actually increases the cost of production. They may be given what they demanded even if their employers could not afford. The price of their products or services had to be raised again even though they were already too high and uncompetitive.
9. Rapidly they lost the market. Unemployment increased and unemployment benefits had to be paid out by the Government just when revenue decreased due to decreasing sales of their products.
10. Countries like Germany may be able to sustain the high cost of production while maintaining high living standards. This is because Germans work hard and are productive. But the poorer countries of Europe such as Greece, which tries to live like the rich, cannot. So they borrowed money.
11. We can borrow if we can invest for greater return in order to repay. When we borrow in order to just spend, we will never be able to repay. What can happen to individuals who borrow in order to spend can also happen to countries. They go bankrupt.
12. Is there a lesson in this for Malaysia? I think there is. We in Malaysia like to live well. If we cannot pay for it then we can ask the Government to pay. We believe the Government has unlimited amounts of money to pay for everything.
13. At the same time we want tax rates to be reduced. As for the tolls they should be abolished. We seem unaware that when we reduce or abolish tolls, the Government has to compensate the operators. What this means is that Government expenditure would increase just when revenue decreases. Abolishing toll does not mean we don’t pay. Through the Government we will be paying indirectly. The sad thing is that people who do not use the expressways will also pay. With tolls, only the users pay.
14. The opposition is promising increases from 5% to 20% of gross profit to be paid to the states where oil is produced. At 5% these states are already getting more than what other states get from the Federal revenue. Imagine the amount at 20%. The fact is that the oil is found in Malaysia and all Malaysians must benefit from it.
15. Then the opposition parties demand for higher education to be free for everyone. Do away with PTPTN. As far as I know only Germany, the richest country in Europe provides free tertiary education.
16. Taking all Ministries together, Malaysia spends almost 25% of its budget on education. No other country in the world developed and developing, allocate this much. Of this a very substantial portion has always been for scholarships.
17. But such is the demand for education in Malaysia that there are not enough scholarships for the deserving. Government had to launch a new scheme involving loans to cater for those who are qualified but cannot afford. The terms are very generous as the interest rate and repayment scheme permit repayment after they begin to earn an income. The loans are greatly subsidised by the Government.
18. The opposition can promise to remove all payments by the people, but all the expressways, education service and the amenities/infrastructure will have to be paid by someone. We think of the Government as some sugar daddy with unlimited funds. It is not. Government money is in fact our money acquired through taxes of all kinds. Reducing tax will mean the Government has less money, and forcing the Government to pay for all our needs will lead us to bankruptcy. That is what happens to Greece and the other European countries.
19. We are a democratic country whatever our detractors may say. The people have the power to choose their Government. Power corrupts and the right to choose who should govern the country is also a potent kind of power.
20. That power can be used to threaten the parties wishing to contest in elections. The incumbent Government is most exposed to this threat. Under threat it may forget prudence in the management of our finances. It can lead to the Grecian problem.
21. The opposition doesn’t care. For them winning the election is the only objective. Beside when they form the Government they can forget promises.
22. Remember how President Obama of the “greatest democracy in the world”, promised to close down Guantanamo detention camp two days after his installation as President. Well Guantanamo is still there.
23. The opposition will certainly forget much more easily than Mr Obama.
Dr M: GE13 will be about race
The general election to be held within a year will centre on race as Malaysia has become more racist than ever, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said today.
The influential former prime minister told a forum on business and politics that Barisan Nasional’s (BN) weakness, after losing its customary two-thirds majority in Parliament in the March 2008 election, has forced the coalition to cater to various racial demands.
Dr Mahathir says the country has become racist more than ever. — File pic
“In this country, we are very racist, even more than before. The next election is going to be about race. Who gives what, who gets what based on race. When the government is weak, it caters to demands which are not going to be good for the country in the long run,” he said.
Dr Mahathir, who led the country for 22 years before retiring in 2003, later told reporters “the current government is inherited from the previous administration which didn’t do so well. As a result, we have a weak government.
“The old leader was replaced with a new leader who is trying hard but it is not easy. He is being pressure from all sides. If he concedes to one group, other groups are unhappy. In the end the minority prevails,” he said.
Datuk Seri Najib Razak took power in April 2009, a year after Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi led the ruling BN to its worst-ever electoral performance, ceding 82 federal seats and five state governments.
In March, Abdullah, who was handpicked by Dr Mahathir to succeed him, also said race will be the main issue for the 13th general election.
“We are always concerned about race. Because there is a tendency for certain parties to make use of these issues, as a way of getting support for them and creating problems for us,” the Kepala Batas MP said in a video interview with Bloomberg.
However, he told the business wire “the lesson we can learn is, and some people may not agree, but the fact we didn’t have two-thirds did not mean that we became weak.”
Najib took over from Abdullah ostensibly to improve on BN’s performance in the next general election.
Observers believe he requires an improvement on the 140 federal seats won and to regain some of the states lost to be assured of remaining in power.
The influential former prime minister told a forum on business and politics that Barisan Nasional’s (BN) weakness, after losing its customary two-thirds majority in Parliament in the March 2008 election, has forced the coalition to cater to various racial demands.
Dr Mahathir says the country has become racist more than ever. — File pic
“In this country, we are very racist, even more than before. The next election is going to be about race. Who gives what, who gets what based on race. When the government is weak, it caters to demands which are not going to be good for the country in the long run,” he said.
Dr Mahathir, who led the country for 22 years before retiring in 2003, later told reporters “the current government is inherited from the previous administration which didn’t do so well. As a result, we have a weak government.
“The old leader was replaced with a new leader who is trying hard but it is not easy. He is being pressure from all sides. If he concedes to one group, other groups are unhappy. In the end the minority prevails,” he said.
Datuk Seri Najib Razak took power in April 2009, a year after Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi led the ruling BN to its worst-ever electoral performance, ceding 82 federal seats and five state governments.
In March, Abdullah, who was handpicked by Dr Mahathir to succeed him, also said race will be the main issue for the 13th general election.
“We are always concerned about race. Because there is a tendency for certain parties to make use of these issues, as a way of getting support for them and creating problems for us,” the Kepala Batas MP said in a video interview with Bloomberg.
However, he told the business wire “the lesson we can learn is, and some people may not agree, but the fact we didn’t have two-thirds did not mean that we became weak.”
Najib took over from Abdullah ostensibly to improve on BN’s performance in the next general election.
Observers believe he requires an improvement on the 140 federal seats won and to regain some of the states lost to be assured of remaining in power.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Pengundi Cina penentu PRU13
Bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad percaya keputusan Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 (PRU13) bakal ditentukan oleh pengundi Cina.
Beliau yang juga bekas Presiden Umno berkata, beliau melihat undi kaum itu bakal menjadi faktor penentu siapakah yang layak mentadbir negara memandangkan Melayu bukan lagi masyarakat majoriti di negara ini.
Dr Mahathir menegaskan, faktor itu juga menjadi punca meningkatnya politik perkauman.
"Hakikatnya kesemua tiga parti Melayu cuba memikat pengundi Cina dan jadi, mereka menjadi sangat perkauman," kata beliau dipetik Astro Awani.
Beliau berkata demikan pada majlis Politik dan Perniagaan: Kaitan Malaysia' di sini semalam.
Kata Dr Mahathir, untuk memastikan Malaysia menjadi sebuah negara yang maju dan kaya, rakyat perlu memberikan sokongan majoriti kepada parti yang mempunyai agenda serta idea pembangunan yang baik.
Dalam pada itu, dipetik Bernama, Dr Mahathir berkata, rakyat Malaysia tanpa mengira kaum hendaklah sanggup melepaskan sesuatu demi mencapai pembangunan ekonomi dan kestabilan sosial jangka panjang.
"Mana-mana kaum janganlah berfikir untuk mengambil semuanya untuk mereka. Anda mesti mengakui bahawa orang lain juga perlu mendapat sebahagian.
"Semua kaum hendaklah menumpukan ke arah membangunkan ekonomi bersama, supaya pembahagian setiap orang adalah lebih besar di samping mengurangkan jurang perbezaan," katanya.
Dr Mahathir berkata, semasa pilihan raya 1955, orang Melayu telah mengambil keputusan melepaskan kerusi di kawasan di mana pengundi kebanyakannya orang Melayu.
"Bagi memastikan semua kaum bekerjasama, kawasan pilihan raya orang Melayu diberi kepada rakan kongsi mereka daripada kaum Cina dan India serta memastikan mereka menyokong calon-calon daripada Perikatan," katanya.
sumber :Sinar Harian
Beliau yang juga bekas Presiden Umno berkata, beliau melihat undi kaum itu bakal menjadi faktor penentu siapakah yang layak mentadbir negara memandangkan Melayu bukan lagi masyarakat majoriti di negara ini.
Dr Mahathir menegaskan, faktor itu juga menjadi punca meningkatnya politik perkauman.
"Hakikatnya kesemua tiga parti Melayu cuba memikat pengundi Cina dan jadi, mereka menjadi sangat perkauman," kata beliau dipetik Astro Awani.
Beliau berkata demikan pada majlis Politik dan Perniagaan: Kaitan Malaysia' di sini semalam.
Kata Dr Mahathir, untuk memastikan Malaysia menjadi sebuah negara yang maju dan kaya, rakyat perlu memberikan sokongan majoriti kepada parti yang mempunyai agenda serta idea pembangunan yang baik.
Dalam pada itu, dipetik Bernama, Dr Mahathir berkata, rakyat Malaysia tanpa mengira kaum hendaklah sanggup melepaskan sesuatu demi mencapai pembangunan ekonomi dan kestabilan sosial jangka panjang.
"Mana-mana kaum janganlah berfikir untuk mengambil semuanya untuk mereka. Anda mesti mengakui bahawa orang lain juga perlu mendapat sebahagian.
"Semua kaum hendaklah menumpukan ke arah membangunkan ekonomi bersama, supaya pembahagian setiap orang adalah lebih besar di samping mengurangkan jurang perbezaan," katanya.
Dr Mahathir berkata, semasa pilihan raya 1955, orang Melayu telah mengambil keputusan melepaskan kerusi di kawasan di mana pengundi kebanyakannya orang Melayu.
"Bagi memastikan semua kaum bekerjasama, kawasan pilihan raya orang Melayu diberi kepada rakan kongsi mereka daripada kaum Cina dan India serta memastikan mereka menyokong calon-calon daripada Perikatan," katanya.
sumber :Sinar Harian
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Dr Mahathir: Anwar saman untuk tutup mulut
Bekas perdana menteri Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad hari ini berkata tindakan Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim yang "begitu galak" memfailkan saman sekarang sebenarnya merupakan pendekatan kegemaran Ketua Pembangkang itu untuk menutup mulut orang lain.
Kata beliau, ini kerana, apabila sesuatu perkara dirujuk kepada mahkamah, ia tidak lagi boleh dibincang secara umum untuk mengelak berlaku subjudis.
"Seperti yang anda tahu, beliau telah menyaman saya dan selama empat tahun saya tak boleh membuka mulut. Itulah cara beliau berkempen, menyekat orang daripada bercakap, sedangkan beliau percaya kepada kebebasan bersuara dan perkara seumpamanya.
"Tapi, apabila orang bersuara, beliau hendak tutup mulut mereka dengan menyaman semua orang," katanya kepada pemberita di Yayasan Kepimpinan Perdana di sini hari ini.
Dr Mahathir berkata demikian apabila diminta mengulas laporan akhbar yang menyebut bahawa bekas rakan Anwar, Senator Datuk S. Nallakarupan, menuduh Ketua Pembangkang itu menggunakan saman untuk menyekat perbuatan buruknya didedah kepada umum.
Terdahulu, Dr Mahathir menerima kunjungan hormat Presiden Guinea Alpha Conde, yang melakukan lawatan rasmi pertama beliau ke Malaysia.
Mengenai pertemuan mereka yang berlangsung selama lebih kurang setengah jam, Dr Mahathir berkata Conde ingin mengetahui lebih mendalam tentang negara ini dan mempelajari cara kerajaan membangunkan Malaysia untuk beliau contohi dalam membangunkan Guinea.
Sebelum itu, Conde mengadakan perjumpaan dengan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak dan kedua-dua pemimpin bersetuju mengkaji bidang baru hubungan dua hala antara Malaysia dan Guinea.
Najib dan Conde juga menyaksikan upacara menandatangani memorandum persefahaman mengenai kerjasama dalam bidang pengajian tinggi oleh Menteri Pengajian Tinggi Datuk Seri Khaled Nordin dan Menteri Kerjasama Antarabangsa Guinea Prof Datuk Koutoub Moustapha Sano.
Najib juga meraikan presiden itu pada majlis jamuan tengah hari di kediaman rasmi beliau di Seri Perdana di sini.
sumber - Bernama
Kata beliau, ini kerana, apabila sesuatu perkara dirujuk kepada mahkamah, ia tidak lagi boleh dibincang secara umum untuk mengelak berlaku subjudis.
"Seperti yang anda tahu, beliau telah menyaman saya dan selama empat tahun saya tak boleh membuka mulut. Itulah cara beliau berkempen, menyekat orang daripada bercakap, sedangkan beliau percaya kepada kebebasan bersuara dan perkara seumpamanya.
"Tapi, apabila orang bersuara, beliau hendak tutup mulut mereka dengan menyaman semua orang," katanya kepada pemberita di Yayasan Kepimpinan Perdana di sini hari ini.
Dr Mahathir berkata demikian apabila diminta mengulas laporan akhbar yang menyebut bahawa bekas rakan Anwar, Senator Datuk S. Nallakarupan, menuduh Ketua Pembangkang itu menggunakan saman untuk menyekat perbuatan buruknya didedah kepada umum.
Terdahulu, Dr Mahathir menerima kunjungan hormat Presiden Guinea Alpha Conde, yang melakukan lawatan rasmi pertama beliau ke Malaysia.
Mengenai pertemuan mereka yang berlangsung selama lebih kurang setengah jam, Dr Mahathir berkata Conde ingin mengetahui lebih mendalam tentang negara ini dan mempelajari cara kerajaan membangunkan Malaysia untuk beliau contohi dalam membangunkan Guinea.
Sebelum itu, Conde mengadakan perjumpaan dengan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak dan kedua-dua pemimpin bersetuju mengkaji bidang baru hubungan dua hala antara Malaysia dan Guinea.
Najib dan Conde juga menyaksikan upacara menandatangani memorandum persefahaman mengenai kerjasama dalam bidang pengajian tinggi oleh Menteri Pengajian Tinggi Datuk Seri Khaled Nordin dan Menteri Kerjasama Antarabangsa Guinea Prof Datuk Koutoub Moustapha Sano.
Najib juga meraikan presiden itu pada majlis jamuan tengah hari di kediaman rasmi beliau di Seri Perdana di sini.
sumber - Bernama
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
DR M terima anugerah Di Singapura
Malaysia dipilih sebagai negara kehormat oleh JEC Asia 2012, apabila bekas Perdana Menteri Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad turut menerima penghormatan Anugerah Kecemerlangan Sepanjang Hayat dari JEC.
Industri komposit Malaysia turut diberi pengiktirafan.
Dr Mahathir, yang berkecimpung di dalam arena politik Malaysia lebih 40 tahun, menerima anugerah itu pada majlis perasmian acara tiga hari itu yang bermulai di sini semalam di Pusat Konvensyen Suntec.
Semasa tempoh 22 tahun beliau menjadi Perdana Menteri, Malaysia mengalami permodenan yang pantas dan pertumbuhan ekonomi yang kukuh.
Beliau telah memulakan banyak projek mega yang melonjakkan Malaysia di atas peta dunia.
Anugerah Kecemerlangan Sepanjang Hayat itu adalah bagi pengiktirafan usaha Dr Mahathir yang tidak pernah mengenal penat lelah sepanjang kerjaya politiknya.
Beliau bertanggung jawab mempromosikan produk, teknologi, penyelidikan dan kemahiran profesional di dalam industri komposit Malaysia.
JEC Asia 2012 turut menganugerah Kecemerlangan Perniagaan kepada Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif CTRM (Composites Technology Research Malaysia Sdn Bhd) Datuk Rosdi Mahmud, dan anugerah kepada Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Singapore Highpolymer Chemical Products Pte Ltd Tsai Chao Fang.
JEC Asia 2012 adalah satu pemeran antarabangsa berasaskan pertumbuhan kukuh pasaran komposit MEA Asia Pasifik.
Ia merupakan satu-satunya acara di Asia yang menghimpunkan kesemua pemain industri komposit global di rantau ini.
Acara itu disokong oleh persatuan komposit profesional utama dari Australia, China, India, Jepun, Malaysia, Singapura, Taiwan dan Thailand.
sumber - Bernama
Industri komposit Malaysia turut diberi pengiktirafan.
Dr Mahathir, yang berkecimpung di dalam arena politik Malaysia lebih 40 tahun, menerima anugerah itu pada majlis perasmian acara tiga hari itu yang bermulai di sini semalam di Pusat Konvensyen Suntec.
Semasa tempoh 22 tahun beliau menjadi Perdana Menteri, Malaysia mengalami permodenan yang pantas dan pertumbuhan ekonomi yang kukuh.
Beliau telah memulakan banyak projek mega yang melonjakkan Malaysia di atas peta dunia.
Anugerah Kecemerlangan Sepanjang Hayat itu adalah bagi pengiktirafan usaha Dr Mahathir yang tidak pernah mengenal penat lelah sepanjang kerjaya politiknya.
Beliau bertanggung jawab mempromosikan produk, teknologi, penyelidikan dan kemahiran profesional di dalam industri komposit Malaysia.
JEC Asia 2012 turut menganugerah Kecemerlangan Perniagaan kepada Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif CTRM (Composites Technology Research Malaysia Sdn Bhd) Datuk Rosdi Mahmud, dan anugerah kepada Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Singapore Highpolymer Chemical Products Pte Ltd Tsai Chao Fang.
JEC Asia 2012 adalah satu pemeran antarabangsa berasaskan pertumbuhan kukuh pasaran komposit MEA Asia Pasifik.
Ia merupakan satu-satunya acara di Asia yang menghimpunkan kesemua pemain industri komposit global di rantau ini.
Acara itu disokong oleh persatuan komposit profesional utama dari Australia, China, India, Jepun, Malaysia, Singapura, Taiwan dan Thailand.
sumber - Bernama
Hati-hati wujud pesaing AirAsia
Cadangan menambah syarikat perkhidmatan penerbangan tambang murah di negara ini perlu dikaji terlebih dahulu bagi memastikan ia boleh dilaksana dan berdaya maju.
Bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad berkata, mana- mana pihak yang berminat menyediakan perkhidmatan itu perlu membuat permohonan kepada kerajaan.
"Saya fikir kerajaan akan menimbangkan permohonan itu dan sudah tentu ia akan memberi faedah kepada lapangan terbang yang terlibat seperti Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur (KLIA)," katanya kepada pemberita di sini hari ini.
Beliau berkata demikian bagi mengulas kenyataan beberapa ahli Parlimen yang mencadangkan agar kerajaan memberi satu lagi lesen kepada syarikat lain untuk mengendalikan perkhidmatan sedemikian agar ia tidak dimonopoli oleh AirAsia Bhd. (AirAsia).
Sebelum itu, Dr. Mahathir merasmikan pelancaran Cabaran Basikal Bukit Antarabangsa Langkawi 2012 (LIMBC) yang turut dihadiri Ketua Eksekutif Human Voyage, Datuk Malik Mydin.
Menurut Dr. Mahathir, Malaysian Airline System Bhd. (MAS) sendiri telah mewujudkan Firefly berikutan sambutan menggalakkan daripada orang ramai terhadap penerbangan tambang murah.
"Dia nampak AirAsia maju dia pun adakan Firefly namun dalam hal ini kita nampak sekarang AirAsia yang lebih agresif," katanya.
Beliau turut mengingatkan bilangan syarikat yang mengendalikan perkhidmatan berkenaan tidak perlu terlalu banyak kerana ia mungkin akan merugikan syarikat terlibat.
"Jangan buat macam kedai nasi lemak, orang jual nasi lemak laku mereka pun nak buka kedai nasi lemak. Kalau ada 10 kedai orang nak makan, nak pergi mana. Kalau bahagi 10, semua bankrap," katanya.
Sementara itu beliau berkata, penganjuran LIMBC boleh membantu mempromosikan Langkawi sebagai destinasi pelancongan di negara ini.
"Saya harap LIMBC akan kekal di Langkawi dan berharap jangan pula ada pihak-pihak lain yang cuba membawa ia keluar dari pulau ini," katanya.
sumber : Utusan
Bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad berkata, mana- mana pihak yang berminat menyediakan perkhidmatan itu perlu membuat permohonan kepada kerajaan.
"Saya fikir kerajaan akan menimbangkan permohonan itu dan sudah tentu ia akan memberi faedah kepada lapangan terbang yang terlibat seperti Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur (KLIA)," katanya kepada pemberita di sini hari ini.
Beliau berkata demikian bagi mengulas kenyataan beberapa ahli Parlimen yang mencadangkan agar kerajaan memberi satu lagi lesen kepada syarikat lain untuk mengendalikan perkhidmatan sedemikian agar ia tidak dimonopoli oleh AirAsia Bhd. (AirAsia).
Sebelum itu, Dr. Mahathir merasmikan pelancaran Cabaran Basikal Bukit Antarabangsa Langkawi 2012 (LIMBC) yang turut dihadiri Ketua Eksekutif Human Voyage, Datuk Malik Mydin.
Menurut Dr. Mahathir, Malaysian Airline System Bhd. (MAS) sendiri telah mewujudkan Firefly berikutan sambutan menggalakkan daripada orang ramai terhadap penerbangan tambang murah.
"Dia nampak AirAsia maju dia pun adakan Firefly namun dalam hal ini kita nampak sekarang AirAsia yang lebih agresif," katanya.
Beliau turut mengingatkan bilangan syarikat yang mengendalikan perkhidmatan berkenaan tidak perlu terlalu banyak kerana ia mungkin akan merugikan syarikat terlibat.
"Jangan buat macam kedai nasi lemak, orang jual nasi lemak laku mereka pun nak buka kedai nasi lemak. Kalau ada 10 kedai orang nak makan, nak pergi mana. Kalau bahagi 10, semua bankrap," katanya.
Sementara itu beliau berkata, penganjuran LIMBC boleh membantu mempromosikan Langkawi sebagai destinasi pelancongan di negara ini.
"Saya harap LIMBC akan kekal di Langkawi dan berharap jangan pula ada pihak-pihak lain yang cuba membawa ia keluar dari pulau ini," katanya.
sumber : Utusan
Monday, June 25, 2012
Dr Mahathir: Tidak perlu guling kerajaan ala 'Arab Spring'
Usaha menjatuhkan kerajaan ala 'Arab Spring' tidak seharusnya berlaku di negara ini, kerana Malaysia jelas mempunyai sistem demokrasi lebih baik berbanding negara Timur Tengah.
Bekas Perdana Menteri Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad berkata, jika perbandingan demokrasi antara Malaysia dan negara Arab dibuat, jelas membuktikan negara mendahulukan kepentingan rakyat dalam setiap perkara.
"Arab Spring ini adalah pemberontakan rakyat menjatuhkan kerajaan di negara tersebut, jika kita bandingkan negara-negara Arab ini, mereka tidak pernah demokratik, dan pemimpin mereka menerajui negara untuk kepentingan diri dan tidak memberi keutamaan kepada rakyat.
"Rakyat semakin menderita, kadar peratusan kemiskinan meningkat, malahan ada lulusan universiti tidak mendapat pekerjaan yang seterusnya menjadi punca rakyat memberontak," katanya ketika menjawab soalan pada Majlis Bicara Bersama Negarawan bertajuk 'Komitmen Graduan Pemangkin Kemajuan Negara', di Auditorium Perubatan Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), hari ini.
Antara yang hadir pada majlis itu ialah Yang Dipertua Dewan Negara Tan Sri Abu Zahar Ujang, Ketua Pengarah Jabatan Hal Ehwal Khas, Datuk Fuad Tan Sri Hassan dan Dekan Fakulti Perubatan yang juga Pengarah Pusat Perubatan UKM Prof Datuk Dr Raymond Azman Ali.
Mengulas lanjut, Dr Mahathir berkata, 'Arab Spring' mendedahkan pemerintah negara tidak demoratik, memerintah secara autokratik hingga menyebabkan rakyat menjatuhkan kerajaan.
"Kita di sini ingin 'Arab Spring' tapi soalnya adakah kerajaan terlalu zalim? Adakah kerajaan tidak beri perhatian kepada nasib rakyat, tidak membangunkan dan memajukan negara?
"Kita buat perbandingan dengan negara Arab yang agak berlainan dengan Malaysia, justeru tidak perlu untuk kita bertindak di luar undang-undang untuk menjatuhkan kerajaan," katanya.
Dr Mahathir berkata seharusnya rakyat sedar, usaha menjatuhkan kerajaan adalah agenda pihak yang tidak yakin akan kemampuan untuk memenangi pilihan raya.
"Saya faham perasaan mereka yang tidak dapat menjadi kerajaan, mereka berfikir jika bertindak secara 'Arab Spring' dapat menjatuhkan kerajaan tanpa bergantung kepada proses pilihan raya," katanya.
Beliau turut menasihatkan rakyat bahawa penilaian menggunakan akal fikiran yang waras perlu sebelum melakukan sesuatu tindakan.
Sementara itu, mengulas isu pergolakan yang berlaku dalam kepimpinan PKR, Selangor, Dr Mahathir berkata, PKR Selangor sebenarnya dipimpin oleh seorang yang kurang berkemampuan.
"Menteri Besar Selangor Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim sebenarnya orang Umno, dan memilih parti lawan kerana kecewa tidak mendapat sesuatu, dia masuk parti lawan bukan sebab percaya kepada prinsip perjuangan, tetapi lebih kepada kerana kecewa.
"Dia ada sedikit kebolehan tentang pentadbiran tetapi tidak akan berjaya kerana dia bukan orang politik, tetapi masuk politik kerana kecewa," katanya.
Beliau berkata pergolakan tersebut sedikit sebanyak akan mengganggu perjalanan PKR Selangor, namun meminta Barisan Nasional (BN) untuk tidak terlalu gembira dengan situasi tersebut.
"Sedikit sebanyak pergolakan yang berlaku akan menjejaskan PKR, namun BN perlu terus berusaha mendapatkan kembali Selangor pada pilihan raya nanti, tak usaha pun tak boleh, dan jangan harap orang lemah saja untuk menang," katanya.
sumber - Bernama
Bekas Perdana Menteri Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad berkata, jika perbandingan demokrasi antara Malaysia dan negara Arab dibuat, jelas membuktikan negara mendahulukan kepentingan rakyat dalam setiap perkara.
"Arab Spring ini adalah pemberontakan rakyat menjatuhkan kerajaan di negara tersebut, jika kita bandingkan negara-negara Arab ini, mereka tidak pernah demokratik, dan pemimpin mereka menerajui negara untuk kepentingan diri dan tidak memberi keutamaan kepada rakyat.
"Rakyat semakin menderita, kadar peratusan kemiskinan meningkat, malahan ada lulusan universiti tidak mendapat pekerjaan yang seterusnya menjadi punca rakyat memberontak," katanya ketika menjawab soalan pada Majlis Bicara Bersama Negarawan bertajuk 'Komitmen Graduan Pemangkin Kemajuan Negara', di Auditorium Perubatan Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), hari ini.
Antara yang hadir pada majlis itu ialah Yang Dipertua Dewan Negara Tan Sri Abu Zahar Ujang, Ketua Pengarah Jabatan Hal Ehwal Khas, Datuk Fuad Tan Sri Hassan dan Dekan Fakulti Perubatan yang juga Pengarah Pusat Perubatan UKM Prof Datuk Dr Raymond Azman Ali.
Mengulas lanjut, Dr Mahathir berkata, 'Arab Spring' mendedahkan pemerintah negara tidak demoratik, memerintah secara autokratik hingga menyebabkan rakyat menjatuhkan kerajaan.
"Kita di sini ingin 'Arab Spring' tapi soalnya adakah kerajaan terlalu zalim? Adakah kerajaan tidak beri perhatian kepada nasib rakyat, tidak membangunkan dan memajukan negara?
"Kita buat perbandingan dengan negara Arab yang agak berlainan dengan Malaysia, justeru tidak perlu untuk kita bertindak di luar undang-undang untuk menjatuhkan kerajaan," katanya.
Dr Mahathir berkata seharusnya rakyat sedar, usaha menjatuhkan kerajaan adalah agenda pihak yang tidak yakin akan kemampuan untuk memenangi pilihan raya.
"Saya faham perasaan mereka yang tidak dapat menjadi kerajaan, mereka berfikir jika bertindak secara 'Arab Spring' dapat menjatuhkan kerajaan tanpa bergantung kepada proses pilihan raya," katanya.
Beliau turut menasihatkan rakyat bahawa penilaian menggunakan akal fikiran yang waras perlu sebelum melakukan sesuatu tindakan.
Sementara itu, mengulas isu pergolakan yang berlaku dalam kepimpinan PKR, Selangor, Dr Mahathir berkata, PKR Selangor sebenarnya dipimpin oleh seorang yang kurang berkemampuan.
"Menteri Besar Selangor Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim sebenarnya orang Umno, dan memilih parti lawan kerana kecewa tidak mendapat sesuatu, dia masuk parti lawan bukan sebab percaya kepada prinsip perjuangan, tetapi lebih kepada kerana kecewa.
"Dia ada sedikit kebolehan tentang pentadbiran tetapi tidak akan berjaya kerana dia bukan orang politik, tetapi masuk politik kerana kecewa," katanya.
Beliau berkata pergolakan tersebut sedikit sebanyak akan mengganggu perjalanan PKR Selangor, namun meminta Barisan Nasional (BN) untuk tidak terlalu gembira dengan situasi tersebut.
"Sedikit sebanyak pergolakan yang berlaku akan menjejaskan PKR, namun BN perlu terus berusaha mendapatkan kembali Selangor pada pilihan raya nanti, tak usaha pun tak boleh, dan jangan harap orang lemah saja untuk menang," katanya.
sumber - Bernama
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Dasar Pandang Ke Timur masih relevan
Dasar Pandang Ke Timur yang pelaksanaannya masuk tahun ke-30 tahun ini, masih lagi relevan untuk 30 tahun akan datang, kata Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad.
Bekas Perdana Menteri itu berkata, masih banyak lagi yang perlu dipelajari daripada dua negara utama bagi dasar itu, Jepun dan Korea, khususnya mengenai kebudayaan dan sistem nilai mereka termasuk disiplin, etika kerja dan semangat patriotisme.
"Saya berharap Dasar Pandang Ke Timur akan menolong kita belajar tentang kebudayaan di kedua-dua buah negara itu kerana budaya dan sistem nilai itu yang telah menggerakkan mereka begitu pantas sehinggakan meninggalkan kebanyakan negara maju jauh (mengekori) di belakang," katanya.
Dr. Mahathir berkata demikian ketika menyampaikan ucaptama pada Seminar Antarabangsa Sempena Sambutan 30 Tahun Dasar Pandang Ke Timur: Kemampanan dan Kejayaan di sini hari ini.
Beliau berkata, perlu ada universiti dan pusat latihan Jepun dan Korea yang diuruskan sendiri oleh negara berkenaan, dibina di negara ini supaya lebih ramai rakyat Malaysia dapat mempelajari budaya dan sistem nilai mereka tanpa perlu ke negara itu.
Dr. Mahathir berkata, universiti itu perlulah berupa replika kepada apa yang ada di negara mereka daripada segi seni bina, landskap dan bahasa yang digunakan.
"Jika universiti itu terletak di Malaysia, ia lebih murah tetapi seluruh persekitarannya mesti seperti di Jepun. Dengan itu, rakyat yang kurang berkemampuan boleh belajar di universiti itu, bahkan rakyat dari negara-negara membangun juga mampu masuk ke universiti ini.
"Menyerap budaya orang lain tidak akan mengubah kita. Kita masih orang Malaysia. Kita telah menerima banyak budaya barat namun kita masih kekal sebagai Melayu, Cina dan India Malaysia. Kita tidak rugi apa-apa," katanya.
Kedua-dua Dasar Pandang Ke Timur dan Wawasan 2020 diilhamkan beliau semasa menjadi Perdana Menteri.
sumber — BERNAMA
Bekas Perdana Menteri itu berkata, masih banyak lagi yang perlu dipelajari daripada dua negara utama bagi dasar itu, Jepun dan Korea, khususnya mengenai kebudayaan dan sistem nilai mereka termasuk disiplin, etika kerja dan semangat patriotisme.
"Saya berharap Dasar Pandang Ke Timur akan menolong kita belajar tentang kebudayaan di kedua-dua buah negara itu kerana budaya dan sistem nilai itu yang telah menggerakkan mereka begitu pantas sehinggakan meninggalkan kebanyakan negara maju jauh (mengekori) di belakang," katanya.
Dr. Mahathir berkata demikian ketika menyampaikan ucaptama pada Seminar Antarabangsa Sempena Sambutan 30 Tahun Dasar Pandang Ke Timur: Kemampanan dan Kejayaan di sini hari ini.
Beliau berkata, perlu ada universiti dan pusat latihan Jepun dan Korea yang diuruskan sendiri oleh negara berkenaan, dibina di negara ini supaya lebih ramai rakyat Malaysia dapat mempelajari budaya dan sistem nilai mereka tanpa perlu ke negara itu.
Dr. Mahathir berkata, universiti itu perlulah berupa replika kepada apa yang ada di negara mereka daripada segi seni bina, landskap dan bahasa yang digunakan.
"Jika universiti itu terletak di Malaysia, ia lebih murah tetapi seluruh persekitarannya mesti seperti di Jepun. Dengan itu, rakyat yang kurang berkemampuan boleh belajar di universiti itu, bahkan rakyat dari negara-negara membangun juga mampu masuk ke universiti ini.
"Menyerap budaya orang lain tidak akan mengubah kita. Kita masih orang Malaysia. Kita telah menerima banyak budaya barat namun kita masih kekal sebagai Melayu, Cina dan India Malaysia. Kita tidak rugi apa-apa," katanya.
Kedua-dua Dasar Pandang Ke Timur dan Wawasan 2020 diilhamkan beliau semasa menjadi Perdana Menteri.
sumber — BERNAMA
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Dr. Mahathir tidak faham Anwar
Bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad tidak faham mengapa Ketua Pembangkang, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim tidak menyaman bekas Penolong Gabenor Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM), Datuk Abdul Murad Khalid berhubung dakwaan mengawal 20 akaun induk bernilai RM3 bilion.
Beliau turut tertanya-tanya mengapa Anwar tidak mengulangi tindakan sama yang pernah dikenakan terhadap beliau sehingga menyebabkan bekas Perdana Menteri itu tidak boleh bercakap apa-apa mengenai perkara tersebut.
Pada masa sama, beliau juga mempersoalkan tindakan berdiam diri Anwar tidak menyaman ahli perniagaan, Umi Hafilda Ali dan Kelab Tolak Individu Bernama Anwar Ibrahim (TIBAI) yang kini lantang memperjuangkan isu tersebut.
"Beliau pernah saman saya RM100 juta disebabkan itu saya tidak boleh berkata apa-apa terhadap beliau disebabkan kes ini dirujuk ke mahkamah.
"Ternyata, Anwar amat prihatin dengan reputasinya biarpun saya hanya mengulangi penghakiman oleh mahkamah ia dianggap sebagai satu kesalahan," katanya kepada pemberita selepas majlis pelancaran Peraduan Mengarang Esei 2012 - Memupuk Minda Bakal Pemimpin di sini hari ini.
Turut hadir Pengarah Ekesekutif Perdana Leadership Faundation, Tan Sri Nik Mohamed Yaacob dan Presiden Maybank, Datuk Sri Abdul Wahid Omar.
Beliau mengulas tindakan berdiam diri ketua pembangkang itu mengenai pendedahan Abdul Murad baru baru ini serta dakwaan Ummi Hafilda bahawa beliau menyimpan dan memiliki bukti-bukti baru berhubung pemilikan 20 akaun induk oleh Anwar serta kekayaan abangnya selaku Timbalan Presiden Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR), Azmin Ali.
Sementara itu Dr. Mahathir turut ditanya pendekatan membina lebih banyak sekolah persendirian Cina dan mengiktiraf sijil peperiksaan bersatunya.
Beliau berkata, ia hanya menyukarkan rakyat berbilang kaum negara ini untuk hidup bersatu padu.
''Fakta dari dulu lagi menunjukkan bahawa sekolah vernakular boleh dibina oleh komuniti yang berbeza.
"Ia secara tidak langsung telah memberi kesan di mana golongan muda kita tidak hidup bersama dan telah menjadi halangan ke arah perpaduan di kalangan rakyat," katanya.
Dalam pada itu, beliau berkata, sekiranya perkara itu berlaku, rakyat negara ini akan terdiri daripada tiga entiti kaum yang menggunakan bahasa berbeza.
Beliau turut mengingatkan bahawa di setiap negara dunia ini bahasa kebangsaan adalah terdiri daripada bahasa peneroka asal.
sumber : UTUSAN
Beliau turut tertanya-tanya mengapa Anwar tidak mengulangi tindakan sama yang pernah dikenakan terhadap beliau sehingga menyebabkan bekas Perdana Menteri itu tidak boleh bercakap apa-apa mengenai perkara tersebut.
Pada masa sama, beliau juga mempersoalkan tindakan berdiam diri Anwar tidak menyaman ahli perniagaan, Umi Hafilda Ali dan Kelab Tolak Individu Bernama Anwar Ibrahim (TIBAI) yang kini lantang memperjuangkan isu tersebut.
"Beliau pernah saman saya RM100 juta disebabkan itu saya tidak boleh berkata apa-apa terhadap beliau disebabkan kes ini dirujuk ke mahkamah.
"Ternyata, Anwar amat prihatin dengan reputasinya biarpun saya hanya mengulangi penghakiman oleh mahkamah ia dianggap sebagai satu kesalahan," katanya kepada pemberita selepas majlis pelancaran Peraduan Mengarang Esei 2012 - Memupuk Minda Bakal Pemimpin di sini hari ini.
Turut hadir Pengarah Ekesekutif Perdana Leadership Faundation, Tan Sri Nik Mohamed Yaacob dan Presiden Maybank, Datuk Sri Abdul Wahid Omar.
Beliau mengulas tindakan berdiam diri ketua pembangkang itu mengenai pendedahan Abdul Murad baru baru ini serta dakwaan Ummi Hafilda bahawa beliau menyimpan dan memiliki bukti-bukti baru berhubung pemilikan 20 akaun induk oleh Anwar serta kekayaan abangnya selaku Timbalan Presiden Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR), Azmin Ali.
Sementara itu Dr. Mahathir turut ditanya pendekatan membina lebih banyak sekolah persendirian Cina dan mengiktiraf sijil peperiksaan bersatunya.
Beliau berkata, ia hanya menyukarkan rakyat berbilang kaum negara ini untuk hidup bersatu padu.
''Fakta dari dulu lagi menunjukkan bahawa sekolah vernakular boleh dibina oleh komuniti yang berbeza.
"Ia secara tidak langsung telah memberi kesan di mana golongan muda kita tidak hidup bersama dan telah menjadi halangan ke arah perpaduan di kalangan rakyat," katanya.
Dalam pada itu, beliau berkata, sekiranya perkara itu berlaku, rakyat negara ini akan terdiri daripada tiga entiti kaum yang menggunakan bahasa berbeza.
Beliau turut mengingatkan bahawa di setiap negara dunia ini bahasa kebangsaan adalah terdiri daripada bahasa peneroka asal.
sumber : UTUSAN
Pelajar kejururawatan perlu kuasai Bahasa Inggeris: Dr Siti Hasmah
Tun Dr Siti Hasmah Mohd Ali menasihatkan pelajar kejururawatan untuk menguasai Bahasa Inggeris dengan lebih baik memandangkan banyak terma perubatan dalam subjek sains tidak diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Melayu.
Isteri bekas perdana menteri, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad itu berkata, jururawat perlu menjadi individu yang mempunyai kebolehan berbilang dwibahasa kerana ini dapat membantu semasa berkomunikasi dengan pesakit dan keluarga mereka.
"Bukan semua pesakit dapat berkomunikasi dalam Bahasa Melayu. Apabila seseorang itu boleh menguasai pelbagai bahasa, ia banyak membantu terutama bagi mereka yang bertugas di kawasan atau daerah yang berbeza," katanya selepas merasmikan majlis graduasi Reach College di sini, hari ini.
Dr Siti Hasmah, yang juga penaung kolej itu dan bekas pengamal perubatan berkata jururawat perlu meningkatkan pengetahuan mereka memandangkan pesakit pada masa ini berpelajaran dan amat maklum dengan dunia perubatan.
"Jururawat perlu bersedia menjawab pelbagai soalan daripada pesakit dan mereka perlu meningkatkan kemahiran insaniah dan juga kualiti peribadi," katanya.
Reach College yang berpangkalan di Bandar Menjalara, menyediakan pendidikan penjagaan kesihatan melalui latihan dan pembelajaran inovatif bagi menyediakan kakitangan jagaan kesihatan yang dapat memenuhi keperluan tenaga manusia bagi pelbagai pertubuhan jagaan kesihatan di Malaysia dan seberang laut.
Sementara itu, ketua pegawai eksekutifnya, Datuk Dr Nor Aini Abu Bakar berkata, pelajar diberikan kelas tambahan Bahasa Inggeris dan latihan kemahiran insaniah yang menjadi keperluan penting bagi bakal majikan.
Katanya, pelajar didedahkan dengan pelbagai penempatan klinikal dan amali bagi membolehkan mereka menjadi lebih cekap dalam bidang pengajian mereka dan berada pada kedudukan yang baik dalam pasaran kerja.
sumber - BERNAMA
Isteri bekas perdana menteri, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad itu berkata, jururawat perlu menjadi individu yang mempunyai kebolehan berbilang dwibahasa kerana ini dapat membantu semasa berkomunikasi dengan pesakit dan keluarga mereka.
"Bukan semua pesakit dapat berkomunikasi dalam Bahasa Melayu. Apabila seseorang itu boleh menguasai pelbagai bahasa, ia banyak membantu terutama bagi mereka yang bertugas di kawasan atau daerah yang berbeza," katanya selepas merasmikan majlis graduasi Reach College di sini, hari ini.
Dr Siti Hasmah, yang juga penaung kolej itu dan bekas pengamal perubatan berkata jururawat perlu meningkatkan pengetahuan mereka memandangkan pesakit pada masa ini berpelajaran dan amat maklum dengan dunia perubatan.
"Jururawat perlu bersedia menjawab pelbagai soalan daripada pesakit dan mereka perlu meningkatkan kemahiran insaniah dan juga kualiti peribadi," katanya.
Reach College yang berpangkalan di Bandar Menjalara, menyediakan pendidikan penjagaan kesihatan melalui latihan dan pembelajaran inovatif bagi menyediakan kakitangan jagaan kesihatan yang dapat memenuhi keperluan tenaga manusia bagi pelbagai pertubuhan jagaan kesihatan di Malaysia dan seberang laut.
Sementara itu, ketua pegawai eksekutifnya, Datuk Dr Nor Aini Abu Bakar berkata, pelajar diberikan kelas tambahan Bahasa Inggeris dan latihan kemahiran insaniah yang menjadi keperluan penting bagi bakal majikan.
Katanya, pelajar didedahkan dengan pelbagai penempatan klinikal dan amali bagi membolehkan mereka menjadi lebih cekap dalam bidang pengajian mereka dan berada pada kedudukan yang baik dalam pasaran kerja.
sumber - BERNAMA
By Dr Mahathir Mohamad
1. Not many people know what these letters stand for. I too did not know until some Japanese MPs gave me a badge with “No to TPP” for me to wear.
2. They told me that TPP means Trans Pacific Partnership. It is conceived and promoted by the United States of America. Apparently Malaysia had agreed to join this new organization.
3. The MP asked me why did Malaysia join? I must admit I could not answer.
4. Apparently TPP is yet another scheme by the United States to penetrate the markets of the fast growing and rich Eastern countries (Pacific Rim).
5. Once upon a time they proposed GATT (General Agreement on Tariff and Trade). Numerous meetings were held but the rich countries were protective of their products (wheat and soya bean oil in the case of the United States). No agreement was ever reached.
6. In frustration we proposed the East Asia Economic Community so as to balance the power of the North America Free Trade Association (NAFTA) and the European Union.
7. America (James Baker) told Japan, Korea, Singapore and Indonesia to reject the EAEC. Instead America supported Australia’s proposal for APEC (Asia Pacific Economic Conference) which would include America and Australia. As usual America dominated the organisation.
8. In the meantime America proposed a borderless world and globalisation to enable America to break the tariff barriers of the countries of the world. Most countries balked at the idea of the free flow of capital and investments by the rich countries. A borderless world would not include free flow of people from the poor to the rich. So it is not a borderless world after all.
9. Unable to achieve much America then promoted bilateral free trade agreements. Singapore which is already a free market acceded and entered into an FTA with America. Now the pressure is on for Malaysia to have FTA with America and Europe.
10. Now comes the TPP – the Transpacific Partnership. Malaysia has decided to join. Japan and other SEA countries have agreed to study.
11. What the United States wants most is access to contracts for Government procurements. This is something which every country, including the United States uses to support domestic businesses and industries. Once the United States gains access, not only will it make bids but their Government pressure would be used to favour their companies.
12. I wonder whether Malaysian negotiators have studied the full implication of the TPP. When we look at previous international agreements entered into by Malaysia, we seem to be always at the losing side; e.g. we agreed to sell water to Singapore at 3 cent per 1000 gallons forever, buy military aircrafts without source codes so they cannot be used even to defend us, delay of 6 months in the construction of our naval vessels would entitle us to compensation but beyond six months no compensation and the delay was for two years, and many more.
13. I fear the TPP would not give us any worthwhile benefit. If the Government has not finalised or ratified the TPP, I hope it would study it very carefully.
source :
1. Not many people know what these letters stand for. I too did not know until some Japanese MPs gave me a badge with “No to TPP” for me to wear.
2. They told me that TPP means Trans Pacific Partnership. It is conceived and promoted by the United States of America. Apparently Malaysia had agreed to join this new organization.
3. The MP asked me why did Malaysia join? I must admit I could not answer.
4. Apparently TPP is yet another scheme by the United States to penetrate the markets of the fast growing and rich Eastern countries (Pacific Rim).
5. Once upon a time they proposed GATT (General Agreement on Tariff and Trade). Numerous meetings were held but the rich countries were protective of their products (wheat and soya bean oil in the case of the United States). No agreement was ever reached.
6. In frustration we proposed the East Asia Economic Community so as to balance the power of the North America Free Trade Association (NAFTA) and the European Union.
7. America (James Baker) told Japan, Korea, Singapore and Indonesia to reject the EAEC. Instead America supported Australia’s proposal for APEC (Asia Pacific Economic Conference) which would include America and Australia. As usual America dominated the organisation.
8. In the meantime America proposed a borderless world and globalisation to enable America to break the tariff barriers of the countries of the world. Most countries balked at the idea of the free flow of capital and investments by the rich countries. A borderless world would not include free flow of people from the poor to the rich. So it is not a borderless world after all.
9. Unable to achieve much America then promoted bilateral free trade agreements. Singapore which is already a free market acceded and entered into an FTA with America. Now the pressure is on for Malaysia to have FTA with America and Europe.
10. Now comes the TPP – the Transpacific Partnership. Malaysia has decided to join. Japan and other SEA countries have agreed to study.
11. What the United States wants most is access to contracts for Government procurements. This is something which every country, including the United States uses to support domestic businesses and industries. Once the United States gains access, not only will it make bids but their Government pressure would be used to favour their companies.
12. I wonder whether Malaysian negotiators have studied the full implication of the TPP. When we look at previous international agreements entered into by Malaysia, we seem to be always at the losing side; e.g. we agreed to sell water to Singapore at 3 cent per 1000 gallons forever, buy military aircrafts without source codes so they cannot be used even to defend us, delay of 6 months in the construction of our naval vessels would entitle us to compensation but beyond six months no compensation and the delay was for two years, and many more.
13. I fear the TPP would not give us any worthwhile benefit. If the Government has not finalised or ratified the TPP, I hope it would study it very carefully.
source :
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Dr Mahathir: 'Kita masih belum sedia untuk liberalisme'
Adalah baik untuk mempunyai kebebasan berhimpun tetapi ia perlu ada hadnya kerana sebuah kerajaan yang baik bukan hanya bertanggungjawab kepada kumpulan minoriti tetapi juga majoriti.
Bekas Perdana Menteri Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad berkata, semua kebebasan ada hadnya, hanya kerana kebebasan mungkin menceroboh atau menafikan kebebasan orang lain.
"Jadi, kita perlu menerima had ini, anda boleh mendapat kebebasan tetapi anda tidak boleh melangkaui sesetengah perkara kerana orang lain juga berhak untuk mendapat kebebasan," katanya dalam ceramahnya Akta Perhimpunan Aman 2012 - Masa Depan dan Cabaran di sini, hari ini.
Beliau berkata, kebebasan berhimpun juga tidak boleh digunakan sebagai senjata untuk memberi tekanan kepada kerajaan kerana apabila ini berlaku sepanjang masa, kerajaan tidak boleh membuat keputusan yang baik.
Dr Mahathir berkata, walaupun Malaysia bukan sebuah negara demokrasi liberal tetapi masih mengamalkan demokrasi dalam erti kata rakyat boleh mengubah kerajaan melalui proses pengundian dan dengan ini ia tidak memerlukan rakyat untuk bangkit dan mengadakan revolusi.
"Tapi mereka (pembangkang) nampaknya percaya apabila anda berikan kebebasan berhimpun, ia tiada had dan bagi mereka yang berhimpun boleh buat apa saja dan anda tidak boleh buat apa-apa terhadap mereka.
"Kita masih belum bersedia untuk liberalisme. Saya fikir ia akan mencemarkan imej negara jika kita cuba menjadi begitu liberal seperti demokrasi liberal di barat," katanya.
Beliau berkata di negara ini, ia masih terbuka untuk kritikan berbanding negara-negara lain yang (dikatakan) liberal, dan ia tidak perlu dicemari dengan demonstrasi, hanya semata-mata untuk menegakkan pendapat.
sumber - Bernama
Bekas Perdana Menteri Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad berkata, semua kebebasan ada hadnya, hanya kerana kebebasan mungkin menceroboh atau menafikan kebebasan orang lain.
"Jadi, kita perlu menerima had ini, anda boleh mendapat kebebasan tetapi anda tidak boleh melangkaui sesetengah perkara kerana orang lain juga berhak untuk mendapat kebebasan," katanya dalam ceramahnya Akta Perhimpunan Aman 2012 - Masa Depan dan Cabaran di sini, hari ini.
Beliau berkata, kebebasan berhimpun juga tidak boleh digunakan sebagai senjata untuk memberi tekanan kepada kerajaan kerana apabila ini berlaku sepanjang masa, kerajaan tidak boleh membuat keputusan yang baik.
Dr Mahathir berkata, walaupun Malaysia bukan sebuah negara demokrasi liberal tetapi masih mengamalkan demokrasi dalam erti kata rakyat boleh mengubah kerajaan melalui proses pengundian dan dengan ini ia tidak memerlukan rakyat untuk bangkit dan mengadakan revolusi.
"Tapi mereka (pembangkang) nampaknya percaya apabila anda berikan kebebasan berhimpun, ia tiada had dan bagi mereka yang berhimpun boleh buat apa saja dan anda tidak boleh buat apa-apa terhadap mereka.
"Kita masih belum bersedia untuk liberalisme. Saya fikir ia akan mencemarkan imej negara jika kita cuba menjadi begitu liberal seperti demokrasi liberal di barat," katanya.
Beliau berkata di negara ini, ia masih terbuka untuk kritikan berbanding negara-negara lain yang (dikatakan) liberal, dan ia tidak perlu dicemari dengan demonstrasi, hanya semata-mata untuk menegakkan pendapat.
sumber - Bernama
Sunday, June 17, 2012
My father’s daughter: Dr M redeeming his unpopularity thru' Marina?
THE world knows him as the former prime minister of Malaysia but to Datin Paduka Marina Mahathir, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad is the man she calls dad.
He was strict about matters pertaining to school but, at the same time, very affectionate towards his children, says this writer and human rights activist about her father.
“He cannot tolerate bad manners and rudeness,” adds Marina, 55, who is the first of seven children of the 86-year-old Mahathir and Tun Dr Siti Hasmah Mohd Ali.
“I remember as a child, he spanked me because I stuck my tongue out at our gardener.”
But when it comes to his 17 grandchildren, it is a totally different picture. The strict father turns into a much more lenient and indulgent grandfather.
“Once I smacked one of my children lightly and he scolded me: ‘Don’t smack my granddaughter’!
I respect his opinions, he respects mine
But like any child growing up with strong opinions, Marina’s obvious support for the Bersih street demonstrations last year and this year had set some tongues wagging that it had caused a serious rift between father and daughter.
Marina, however, denies this. “I took part in Bersih because I believe in fair and clean elections. I don’t think I’ve done anything wrong.
“I’ve stated my opinions and my dad has stated his opinions. Our opinions happen to be different.
“But both my father and I believe that it’s okay to have different opinions.”
She feels that some people are making a big deal out of their differences in their opinions.
“They want me to say that my dad’s opinion is wrong. I’m not going to do that. He is my father. Would you do that to your father?
“I respect his opinions the way he respects mine.”
Other Asians yearn for leader like Mahathir!
Marina also feels that her father had brought about much progress to the nation during his tenure as prime minister.
“I know people would say that I only have good things to say about him because he’s my father.
“But I’m sure that our history would reflect a much more balanced account of his contributions to this country.
“As people enjoy the fruits of development, they want more. In particular, they want more space for different ideas to be aired and for that, they need the freedom of expression and speech.”
Marina says Malaysians generally do not appreciate her father until they travel and meet foreigners, especially other Asians, who yearn for a leader like him.
Recalling a 2008 visit to the Asian University for Women, on whose International Advisory Committee she sits, in Chittagong, Bangladesh, she says the people there looked up to her father and regarded him with respect and admiration.
“I was treated like a rock star’s daughter when I was there,” she recalls. “Everywhere I went, I was greeted by journalists and people eager to meet me just because I was related to him.
“They admired dad for what he had done for Malaysia. They wished they could have a leader like him.”
Work first, popularity second
On allegations that Mahathir had curbed press freedom in Malaysia when he was the prime minister, Marina has this to offer: “He had, shall we say, a fractious relationship with the media. It was one of those things I’d always disagreed with him.
“But he was always far-sighted when it came to new technology.
“I remember one of his ministers wanted to ban the use of fax machines but he would not allow it.
“We must also not forget that he set up the Multimedia Super Corridor.
“Whatever you may say about my dad, you cannot deny that he has an intellect far superior to that of most people today. He certainly reads more than almost anyone in public office too.”
When asked about her opinion on internet forums that criticise her father, she says: “I don’t read what they say. What’s the point of reading them? They are not going to change their opinions, no matter what you do.
“My father had never gone around thinking that he’s the most popular guy on earth. If you do your job with the idea of being popular, you already have the wrong approach.
“For that matter, I don’t even read his fan forums either.”
Defending women's rights or political opportunist?
She also points out that her father was a strong supporter of women’s rights and one of the few leaders around who had the guts to stand up against those religious scholars who used religion to deny women their rights.
“Once, my friend told me that she had heard an Ustaz declaring in his religious sermon that ‘it’s better to roll in mud with a pig than shake hands with a woman’.
“Later, I told this to my mum and she related it to dad.
“Then, at the very next Umno general assembly, my father brought up what the Ustaz had said and asked how he could have forgotten that his mother, sisters and wife were also women and how he could have spoken of them in such a degrading manner.
“For saying that, my father received a standing ovation, including from those women who really should have stood up against men who have such a sexist attitude.”
source :
He was strict about matters pertaining to school but, at the same time, very affectionate towards his children, says this writer and human rights activist about her father.
“He cannot tolerate bad manners and rudeness,” adds Marina, 55, who is the first of seven children of the 86-year-old Mahathir and Tun Dr Siti Hasmah Mohd Ali.
“I remember as a child, he spanked me because I stuck my tongue out at our gardener.”
But when it comes to his 17 grandchildren, it is a totally different picture. The strict father turns into a much more lenient and indulgent grandfather.
“Once I smacked one of my children lightly and he scolded me: ‘Don’t smack my granddaughter’!
I respect his opinions, he respects mine
But like any child growing up with strong opinions, Marina’s obvious support for the Bersih street demonstrations last year and this year had set some tongues wagging that it had caused a serious rift between father and daughter.
Marina, however, denies this. “I took part in Bersih because I believe in fair and clean elections. I don’t think I’ve done anything wrong.
“I’ve stated my opinions and my dad has stated his opinions. Our opinions happen to be different.
“But both my father and I believe that it’s okay to have different opinions.”
She feels that some people are making a big deal out of their differences in their opinions.
“They want me to say that my dad’s opinion is wrong. I’m not going to do that. He is my father. Would you do that to your father?
“I respect his opinions the way he respects mine.”
Other Asians yearn for leader like Mahathir!
Marina also feels that her father had brought about much progress to the nation during his tenure as prime minister.
“I know people would say that I only have good things to say about him because he’s my father.
“But I’m sure that our history would reflect a much more balanced account of his contributions to this country.
“As people enjoy the fruits of development, they want more. In particular, they want more space for different ideas to be aired and for that, they need the freedom of expression and speech.”
Marina says Malaysians generally do not appreciate her father until they travel and meet foreigners, especially other Asians, who yearn for a leader like him.
Recalling a 2008 visit to the Asian University for Women, on whose International Advisory Committee she sits, in Chittagong, Bangladesh, she says the people there looked up to her father and regarded him with respect and admiration.
“I was treated like a rock star’s daughter when I was there,” she recalls. “Everywhere I went, I was greeted by journalists and people eager to meet me just because I was related to him.
“They admired dad for what he had done for Malaysia. They wished they could have a leader like him.”
Work first, popularity second
On allegations that Mahathir had curbed press freedom in Malaysia when he was the prime minister, Marina has this to offer: “He had, shall we say, a fractious relationship with the media. It was one of those things I’d always disagreed with him.
“But he was always far-sighted when it came to new technology.
“I remember one of his ministers wanted to ban the use of fax machines but he would not allow it.
“We must also not forget that he set up the Multimedia Super Corridor.
“Whatever you may say about my dad, you cannot deny that he has an intellect far superior to that of most people today. He certainly reads more than almost anyone in public office too.”
When asked about her opinion on internet forums that criticise her father, she says: “I don’t read what they say. What’s the point of reading them? They are not going to change their opinions, no matter what you do.
“My father had never gone around thinking that he’s the most popular guy on earth. If you do your job with the idea of being popular, you already have the wrong approach.
“For that matter, I don’t even read his fan forums either.”
Defending women's rights or political opportunist?
She also points out that her father was a strong supporter of women’s rights and one of the few leaders around who had the guts to stand up against those religious scholars who used religion to deny women their rights.
“Once, my friend told me that she had heard an Ustaz declaring in his religious sermon that ‘it’s better to roll in mud with a pig than shake hands with a woman’.
“Later, I told this to my mum and she related it to dad.
“Then, at the very next Umno general assembly, my father brought up what the Ustaz had said and asked how he could have forgotten that his mother, sisters and wife were also women and how he could have spoken of them in such a degrading manner.
“For saying that, my father received a standing ovation, including from those women who really should have stood up against men who have such a sexist attitude.”
source :
Thursday, June 14, 2012
By Dr Mahathir Mohamad
1) Lim Kit Siang is reported to have said that I am working hard to ensure the Opposition will not win because I am afraid when the Opposition Government is in place, it will act against all my “misdeeds” when I was Prime Minister.
2) No doubt he is inspired by what happened to Gadaffi and Mubarak. He would love to see me dragged to the courts and sentenced to death or to at least a life sentence. Maybe like Gadaffi I would be murdered.
3) He is right. I am afraid. I am afraid of the kind of abuse of power that has already been shown by one of Pakatan’s great leader who got a senior police officer to frighten Dr Ristina and Ummi Hafilda into withdrawing Ummi’s letter to me.
4) I am afraid of the fabrication of charges so as to put me behind bars. That I am innocent would be irrelevant. What is important is Kit Siang’s satisfaction at seeing me behind bars and more.
5) Other than this I am not afraid. I had always been careful not to abuse the power I had as PM because I was mindful of having to step down and lose power at some stage. If I had abused power my detractors would gleefully expose me and strive to put me behind bars.
6) In fact this has been tried.
7) Since retiring I have been questioned by the police and the AG’s office several times. I was also made to appear before a tribunal to be questioned by all and sundry, including representatives of the Bar Council.
So far nothing could be pinned on me.
9) The anti-corruption people can even now investigate whether I have ever received illegal gratifications, whether I have detained or thrown people into jail for personal reasons, whether I benefitted personally from any of the projects carried out during my time.
10) I have not taken anything that is not mine. In fact all gifts given to me, many very valuable, have been given to the Government including a score of expensive cars. They can be seen in Langkawi or at the old PM’s house in KL. I must admit that I ate some of the fruits given me to prevent them from going bad.
11) I had not allowed my children to do business with the Government or to be candidates in elections though they have been offered several times when I was PM and President of Umno. Only after I stepped down did I allow Mukhriz to contest.
12) Whatever money I now have is from savings during 29 years in the Government. My salaries were not big. But the Government took care of my housing, water and electricity, my travels. I don’t even spend much on food as I get invitations to functions like weddings etc.
13) I was therefore able to save my pay and allowances.
14) Except for Mirzan, my children did not get any scholarships. I believe Mirzan paid back what he owed MARA. He had the scholarship before I became a Minister, in fact when I was expelled from UMNO.
15) I have bought or been given no shares except for 200 Malayan Tobacco shares I bought long before I joined the Government. Other shares are the Unit Trusts issued by PNB and State Governments which I was obliged to buy. I own shares in MICO pharmacy in Alor Star which I set up when I was a private practitioner.
16) I am not interested in getting rich or living a life of luxury. What I have now is far more than I had hoped for when I was dreaming as a student. I am grateful to Allah for what I have and for sparing me to live this long.
17) I am ready to go when my time comes. I am conscious that all that I have will not accompany me to the grave.
18) But for as long as I can I will work hard to prevent evil people and crooks from destroying this country that I love.
source :
1) Lim Kit Siang is reported to have said that I am working hard to ensure the Opposition will not win because I am afraid when the Opposition Government is in place, it will act against all my “misdeeds” when I was Prime Minister.
2) No doubt he is inspired by what happened to Gadaffi and Mubarak. He would love to see me dragged to the courts and sentenced to death or to at least a life sentence. Maybe like Gadaffi I would be murdered.
3) He is right. I am afraid. I am afraid of the kind of abuse of power that has already been shown by one of Pakatan’s great leader who got a senior police officer to frighten Dr Ristina and Ummi Hafilda into withdrawing Ummi’s letter to me.
4) I am afraid of the fabrication of charges so as to put me behind bars. That I am innocent would be irrelevant. What is important is Kit Siang’s satisfaction at seeing me behind bars and more.
5) Other than this I am not afraid. I had always been careful not to abuse the power I had as PM because I was mindful of having to step down and lose power at some stage. If I had abused power my detractors would gleefully expose me and strive to put me behind bars.
6) In fact this has been tried.
7) Since retiring I have been questioned by the police and the AG’s office several times. I was also made to appear before a tribunal to be questioned by all and sundry, including representatives of the Bar Council.
So far nothing could be pinned on me.
9) The anti-corruption people can even now investigate whether I have ever received illegal gratifications, whether I have detained or thrown people into jail for personal reasons, whether I benefitted personally from any of the projects carried out during my time.
10) I have not taken anything that is not mine. In fact all gifts given to me, many very valuable, have been given to the Government including a score of expensive cars. They can be seen in Langkawi or at the old PM’s house in KL. I must admit that I ate some of the fruits given me to prevent them from going bad.
11) I had not allowed my children to do business with the Government or to be candidates in elections though they have been offered several times when I was PM and President of Umno. Only after I stepped down did I allow Mukhriz to contest.
12) Whatever money I now have is from savings during 29 years in the Government. My salaries were not big. But the Government took care of my housing, water and electricity, my travels. I don’t even spend much on food as I get invitations to functions like weddings etc.
13) I was therefore able to save my pay and allowances.
14) Except for Mirzan, my children did not get any scholarships. I believe Mirzan paid back what he owed MARA. He had the scholarship before I became a Minister, in fact when I was expelled from UMNO.
15) I have bought or been given no shares except for 200 Malayan Tobacco shares I bought long before I joined the Government. Other shares are the Unit Trusts issued by PNB and State Governments which I was obliged to buy. I own shares in MICO pharmacy in Alor Star which I set up when I was a private practitioner.
16) I am not interested in getting rich or living a life of luxury. What I have now is far more than I had hoped for when I was dreaming as a student. I am grateful to Allah for what I have and for sparing me to live this long.
17) I am ready to go when my time comes. I am conscious that all that I have will not accompany me to the grave.
18) But for as long as I can I will work hard to prevent evil people and crooks from destroying this country that I love.
source :
By Dr Mahathir Mohamad
1. I watched on Al Jazeera the trial of President Charles Taylor of Liberia. He was accused of war crimes. He was found guilty and sentenced to 50 years jail.
2. He is 64 years old and 50 years really means a life sentence for him. The prosecution was disappointed as they had asked for 80 years. I suppose the prosecution expects him to be discharged at the end of 80 years when he would be 144 years old! He must live to that age so he can suffer fully for his crimes.
3. There is no doubt that Taylor was guilty as charged. The prosecution told about how he was responsible for the killings in a
neighbouring country. On one occasion he did not stop a soldier from forcing a woman to carry a sack-full of decapitated heads. That was truly inhuman, more inhuman than the killings and the hideous injuries inflicted by another President on hundreds of thousands of Afghans, Iraqis and others, more inhuman than the tortures of prisoners in Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib and elsewhere.
4. Taylor had been captured in 2006. He was there at the trial.
5. But leaders of powerful countries cannot be arrested and tried, not even when their war crimes are much worse.
6. The leaders of powerful countries have starved little new-born babies, deprived them of medicine, and exposed them to depleted uranium until half-a-million of them died in Iraq. As Madeline Albright said, it was worth it.
7. Leaders of powerful nations who had set up the International Criminal Court, who had formulated the laws governing wars, who had tried war criminals and sentenced them to death; leaders of powerful countries are privileged, are above the very laws they formulated. No! They are actually heroes and their pictures are put up in the Presidential Palace with proper ceremonies, so the nation would always remember them for their bravery in killing babies and potential terrorists.
8. And we are told to apply the rule of law in our countries if we want to be democrats like them. If we don’t then we might be replaced through regime change or be arrested, tried and jailed for a hundred years. Truly we are living in a world devoted to fairness and justice, a world where full legal process would be instituted against us because we are weak. Only the weak will be punished; the strong will be celebrated as heroes for committing the same crimes.
9. Its like what our teachers told us long ago, “Do as I told you, but don’t do as I do.”
10. And the response to this would be that UMNO is much worse.
source :
1. I watched on Al Jazeera the trial of President Charles Taylor of Liberia. He was accused of war crimes. He was found guilty and sentenced to 50 years jail.
2. He is 64 years old and 50 years really means a life sentence for him. The prosecution was disappointed as they had asked for 80 years. I suppose the prosecution expects him to be discharged at the end of 80 years when he would be 144 years old! He must live to that age so he can suffer fully for his crimes.
3. There is no doubt that Taylor was guilty as charged. The prosecution told about how he was responsible for the killings in a
neighbouring country. On one occasion he did not stop a soldier from forcing a woman to carry a sack-full of decapitated heads. That was truly inhuman, more inhuman than the killings and the hideous injuries inflicted by another President on hundreds of thousands of Afghans, Iraqis and others, more inhuman than the tortures of prisoners in Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib and elsewhere.
4. Taylor had been captured in 2006. He was there at the trial.
5. But leaders of powerful countries cannot be arrested and tried, not even when their war crimes are much worse.
6. The leaders of powerful countries have starved little new-born babies, deprived them of medicine, and exposed them to depleted uranium until half-a-million of them died in Iraq. As Madeline Albright said, it was worth it.
7. Leaders of powerful nations who had set up the International Criminal Court, who had formulated the laws governing wars, who had tried war criminals and sentenced them to death; leaders of powerful countries are privileged, are above the very laws they formulated. No! They are actually heroes and their pictures are put up in the Presidential Palace with proper ceremonies, so the nation would always remember them for their bravery in killing babies and potential terrorists.
8. And we are told to apply the rule of law in our countries if we want to be democrats like them. If we don’t then we might be replaced through regime change or be arrested, tried and jailed for a hundred years. Truly we are living in a world devoted to fairness and justice, a world where full legal process would be instituted against us because we are weak. Only the weak will be punished; the strong will be celebrated as heroes for committing the same crimes.
9. Its like what our teachers told us long ago, “Do as I told you, but don’t do as I do.”
10. And the response to this would be that UMNO is much worse.
source :
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Berterima kasihlah kepada polis, tentera - Dr. M
Bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad berkata, rakyat Malaysia perlu bersyukur dan berterima kasih kepada pasukan keselamatan atas jasa mereka yang cekap menjalankan tanggungjawab menjaga negara.
Beliau berkata, kerana jasa pasukan keselamatan termasuk bekas-bekas tentera dan komando yang mempertahankan negara suatu ketika dahulu telah membolehkan rakyat hidup aman dan selamat tanpa diancam keganasan atau serangan mana-mana pihak.
"Tapi kadang-kadang ada yang tidak bersyukur dengan keamanan yang dikecapi dan ingin melihat Malaysia menjadi seperti negara Arab yang huru-hara," katanya.
Dr. Mahathir selaku Penaung Kelab Veteran Komando Malaysia (KVKM) berkata demikian ketika berucap pada Majlis Makan Malam Sempena Sambutan Jubli Perak kelab itu di Pusat Dagangan Dunia Putra di sini, malam ini.
Hadir sama isteri beliau, Tun Dr. Siti Hasmah Mohd Ali; Menteri Pertahanan, Datuk Seri Dr. Ahmad Zahid Hamidi dan Presiden KVKM, Nik Omar Al Haded Nik Mohamed Salleh.
Dr. Mahathir berkata, beliau juga kecewa ada puak-puak tertentu di negara ini yang mahu melihat kebangkitan rakyat, sekali gus menjatuhkan kerajaan.
''Itulah yang menjadi alasan mereka bertindak di luar batasan Perlembagaan dan undang-undang.
"Oleh kerana tidak pernah menang, itulah sebab mereka mahu rakyat melihat kerajaan sedia ada ditadbir secara kejam dan tidak prihatin.
"Apabila mereka tidak berjaya dalam pilihan raya, mereka akan mogok, berdemonstrasi supaya negara kita tidak aman," katanya.
Beliau berkata, walaupun begitu, kewujudan pasukan keselamatan negara telah berjaya mengekalkan keamanan negara daripada pihak-pihak yang tidak bertanggungjawab itu.
" Kita harus ingat tanpa pasukan keselamatan seperti komando dan tentera sudah pasti negara kita tidak akan aman," katanya.
Katanya, bekas anggota keselamatan diharap dapat terus menyumbang kepada keamanan dan keselamatan negara walaupun mereka sudah tidak berkhidmat lagi.
sumber : Utusan
Beliau berkata, kerana jasa pasukan keselamatan termasuk bekas-bekas tentera dan komando yang mempertahankan negara suatu ketika dahulu telah membolehkan rakyat hidup aman dan selamat tanpa diancam keganasan atau serangan mana-mana pihak.
"Tapi kadang-kadang ada yang tidak bersyukur dengan keamanan yang dikecapi dan ingin melihat Malaysia menjadi seperti negara Arab yang huru-hara," katanya.
Dr. Mahathir selaku Penaung Kelab Veteran Komando Malaysia (KVKM) berkata demikian ketika berucap pada Majlis Makan Malam Sempena Sambutan Jubli Perak kelab itu di Pusat Dagangan Dunia Putra di sini, malam ini.
Hadir sama isteri beliau, Tun Dr. Siti Hasmah Mohd Ali; Menteri Pertahanan, Datuk Seri Dr. Ahmad Zahid Hamidi dan Presiden KVKM, Nik Omar Al Haded Nik Mohamed Salleh.
Dr. Mahathir berkata, beliau juga kecewa ada puak-puak tertentu di negara ini yang mahu melihat kebangkitan rakyat, sekali gus menjatuhkan kerajaan.
''Itulah yang menjadi alasan mereka bertindak di luar batasan Perlembagaan dan undang-undang.
"Oleh kerana tidak pernah menang, itulah sebab mereka mahu rakyat melihat kerajaan sedia ada ditadbir secara kejam dan tidak prihatin.
"Apabila mereka tidak berjaya dalam pilihan raya, mereka akan mogok, berdemonstrasi supaya negara kita tidak aman," katanya.
Beliau berkata, walaupun begitu, kewujudan pasukan keselamatan negara telah berjaya mengekalkan keamanan negara daripada pihak-pihak yang tidak bertanggungjawab itu.
" Kita harus ingat tanpa pasukan keselamatan seperti komando dan tentera sudah pasti negara kita tidak akan aman," katanya.
Katanya, bekas anggota keselamatan diharap dapat terus menyumbang kepada keamanan dan keselamatan negara walaupun mereka sudah tidak berkhidmat lagi.
sumber : Utusan
Mahathir tidak takut jika PR menang PRU13 tapi ...
Bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad menegaskan, beliau tidak pernah takut jika Pakatan Rakyat (PR) memenangi Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-13 (PRU13) seperti dakwaan Penasihat DAP, Lim Kit Siang.
Menurutnya, perkara paling menakutkannya adalah penyalahgunaan kuasa oleh PR dengan menggunakan pertuduhan palsu untuk meletakkannya di dalam penjara walaupun beliau tidak bersalah.
Katanya, sudah tentu perkara ini diinspirasikan oleh kejadian yang menimpa pemimpin Mesir, Hosni Mubarak dan Libya, Muammar Gaddafi di mana mereka diburu, ditangkap dan dihukum setelah tidak lagi memerintah.
“Dia betul. Saya takut. Saya takut pada bentuk salah guna kuasa seperti yang sudah ditunjukkan seorang pemimpin besar pakatan dengan menakutkan Dr Ristina Majid dan Umi Hafilda Ali supaya menarik balik surat Umi kepada saya,” katanya dipetik daripada blognya semalam.
Dr Mahathir berkata, sepanjang pemerintahannya, beliau sentiasa berhati-hati agar tidak menyalahgunakan kuasa kerana menyedari beliau akan akan bersara dan kehilangan kuasa di suatu tahap.
“Jika saya menyalahgunakan kuasa, para pengkritik sudah tentu teruja mendedahkannya dan berusaha membawa saya ke penjara. Malah ia pernah dicuba beberapa kali.
“Sejak bersara, saya telah disoal siasat oleh polis dan Pejabat Peguam Negara beberapa kali. Saya juga hadir di hadapan tribunal yang bertanya dan mempersoalkan segalanya, termasuk wakil Majlis Peguam. Setakat ini tiada (tindakan) boleh dikenakan terhadap saya,” katanya.
sumber : Sinar Harian
Menurutnya, perkara paling menakutkannya adalah penyalahgunaan kuasa oleh PR dengan menggunakan pertuduhan palsu untuk meletakkannya di dalam penjara walaupun beliau tidak bersalah.
Katanya, sudah tentu perkara ini diinspirasikan oleh kejadian yang menimpa pemimpin Mesir, Hosni Mubarak dan Libya, Muammar Gaddafi di mana mereka diburu, ditangkap dan dihukum setelah tidak lagi memerintah.
“Dia betul. Saya takut. Saya takut pada bentuk salah guna kuasa seperti yang sudah ditunjukkan seorang pemimpin besar pakatan dengan menakutkan Dr Ristina Majid dan Umi Hafilda Ali supaya menarik balik surat Umi kepada saya,” katanya dipetik daripada blognya semalam.
Dr Mahathir berkata, sepanjang pemerintahannya, beliau sentiasa berhati-hati agar tidak menyalahgunakan kuasa kerana menyedari beliau akan akan bersara dan kehilangan kuasa di suatu tahap.
“Jika saya menyalahgunakan kuasa, para pengkritik sudah tentu teruja mendedahkannya dan berusaha membawa saya ke penjara. Malah ia pernah dicuba beberapa kali.
“Sejak bersara, saya telah disoal siasat oleh polis dan Pejabat Peguam Negara beberapa kali. Saya juga hadir di hadapan tribunal yang bertanya dan mempersoalkan segalanya, termasuk wakil Majlis Peguam. Setakat ini tiada (tindakan) boleh dikenakan terhadap saya,” katanya.
sumber : Sinar Harian
Monday, June 11, 2012
Demokrasi Ada Batasannya – Dr M
Demokrasi hanya boleh dilaksanakan apabila rakyat mengetahui tentang batasannya, kata bekas perdana menteri, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
“Apabila rakyat fikir hanya kebebasan dalam demokrasi dan tidak tahu tentang tanggungjawab yang tersirat, maka demokrasi tidak akan memberi manfaat seperti yang dijanjikan.
“Sebaliknya, ia akan menyebabkan ketidakstabilan yang menyekat pembangunan,” kata Dr Mahathir yang menyampaikan ucapannya pada majlis konvokesyen khas di Universiti Santo Toma di Manila, Ahad.
Dr Mahathir berkata, beliau hanya merujuk tentang apa yang diperhatikan di Malaysia dan negara-negara lain terutama bagi demokrasi yang baru, di mana katanya, ia sedaya-upaya untuk mengamalkan demokrasi yang hanya menerima keputusan negatif.
“Salah satu daripada negara-negara berkenaan tidak mampu untuk maju kerana terlalu banyak demokrasi,” kata beliau.
“Kerajaan belum dipilih dan mereka mengadakan demonstrasi dan bantahan umum yang menuduh kerajaan tidak betul. Kerajaan perlu menangani kekacauan ini.
Gangguan ini juga merupakan sesuatu yang serius kerana boleh menyebabkan kerajaan baru berundur, di mana Dr Mahathir berkata, ia menyebabkan pilihan raya yang baru akan diadakan, yang hanya memberikan keputusan yang sama.
“Kenapa demokrasi tidak memberikan kehidupan yang baik seperti yang dijangkakan,” soal Dr Mahathir.
“Adalah jelas bahawa mustahil bagi rakyat untuk mengawal diri mereka. (Dan) mereka terlalu ramai dan tidak bersetuju tentang semuanya. Kerajaan di kalangan rakyat, diuruskan oleh rakyat dan akhirnya akan menjadi buntu, yang tiada kerajaan, dalam anarkinya.”
“Jadi apa yang kita lakukan?” soal Dr Mahathir. “Adakah kita menerima kegagalan demokrasi, atau adakah kita akan melakukan perubahan dan mengorbankan beberapa liberalisme dalam demokrasi supaya kita dapat menghasilkan sesuatu daripada sistem itu?”
“Saya akui bahawa Malaysia bukan demokrasi yang liberal,” kata beliau.
“Kita melihat dasar demokrasi sebagai ‘jalan mudah’ untuk mengubah kerajaan. Tiada revolusi, tiada perang saudara. Hanya mengundi dan kerajaan akan akan diturunkan atau dilantik semula menuruk pilihan rakyat.”
Dr Mahathir berkata, di Malaysia, calon-calon daripada parti pembangkang boleh menang dan telah menawan banyak kerajaan negeri.
Secara jelasnya, beliau berkata, jika rakyat mahu, mereka boleh ‘menumbangkan’ parti pemerintah di bawah sistem pilihan raya yang ada sekarang.
sumber :
“Apabila rakyat fikir hanya kebebasan dalam demokrasi dan tidak tahu tentang tanggungjawab yang tersirat, maka demokrasi tidak akan memberi manfaat seperti yang dijanjikan.
“Sebaliknya, ia akan menyebabkan ketidakstabilan yang menyekat pembangunan,” kata Dr Mahathir yang menyampaikan ucapannya pada majlis konvokesyen khas di Universiti Santo Toma di Manila, Ahad.
Dr Mahathir berkata, beliau hanya merujuk tentang apa yang diperhatikan di Malaysia dan negara-negara lain terutama bagi demokrasi yang baru, di mana katanya, ia sedaya-upaya untuk mengamalkan demokrasi yang hanya menerima keputusan negatif.
“Salah satu daripada negara-negara berkenaan tidak mampu untuk maju kerana terlalu banyak demokrasi,” kata beliau.
“Kerajaan belum dipilih dan mereka mengadakan demonstrasi dan bantahan umum yang menuduh kerajaan tidak betul. Kerajaan perlu menangani kekacauan ini.
Gangguan ini juga merupakan sesuatu yang serius kerana boleh menyebabkan kerajaan baru berundur, di mana Dr Mahathir berkata, ia menyebabkan pilihan raya yang baru akan diadakan, yang hanya memberikan keputusan yang sama.
“Kenapa demokrasi tidak memberikan kehidupan yang baik seperti yang dijangkakan,” soal Dr Mahathir.
“Adalah jelas bahawa mustahil bagi rakyat untuk mengawal diri mereka. (Dan) mereka terlalu ramai dan tidak bersetuju tentang semuanya. Kerajaan di kalangan rakyat, diuruskan oleh rakyat dan akhirnya akan menjadi buntu, yang tiada kerajaan, dalam anarkinya.”
“Jadi apa yang kita lakukan?” soal Dr Mahathir. “Adakah kita menerima kegagalan demokrasi, atau adakah kita akan melakukan perubahan dan mengorbankan beberapa liberalisme dalam demokrasi supaya kita dapat menghasilkan sesuatu daripada sistem itu?”
“Saya akui bahawa Malaysia bukan demokrasi yang liberal,” kata beliau.
“Kita melihat dasar demokrasi sebagai ‘jalan mudah’ untuk mengubah kerajaan. Tiada revolusi, tiada perang saudara. Hanya mengundi dan kerajaan akan akan diturunkan atau dilantik semula menuruk pilihan rakyat.”
Dr Mahathir berkata, di Malaysia, calon-calon daripada parti pembangkang boleh menang dan telah menawan banyak kerajaan negeri.
Secara jelasnya, beliau berkata, jika rakyat mahu, mereka boleh ‘menumbangkan’ parti pemerintah di bawah sistem pilihan raya yang ada sekarang.
sumber :
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Yaman pelawa Dr Mahathir jadi penasihat ekonomi
Perdana Menteri Yaman Mohamed Salem Basendowah mempelawa bekas Perdana Menteri Malaysia Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad menjadi penasihat ekonomi khas negara itu.
Menurut kenyataan Kedutaan Besar Malaysia di Sana'a, Dr Mahathir berkunjung ke Yaman pada Khamis bagi mendapatkan penjelasan lanjut berhubung pelawaan Mohamed Salem itu.
Semasa lawatan itu, Mohamed Salem menganjurkan majlis makan tengah hari untuk Dr Mahathir, diikuti satu pertemuan yang dihadiri bekas perdana menteri Yaman, menteri daripada parti pemerintah dan pembangkang, pegawai kanan kerajaan serta seorang pegawai Bank Dunia.
Kenyataan itu juga menyebut pemimpin Yaman tersebut menyifatkan pencapaian dan transformasi negara daripada ekonomi berasaskan pertanian kepada sebuah negara maju sebagai 'Keajaiban Malaysia'.
"Beliau berharap untuk mendapatkan pandangan Dr Mahathir berhubung cara untuk membina semula Yaman," katanya.
Menurut kenyataan itu, Dr Mahathir mengambil peluang untuk berkongsi pengalaman Malaysia dan dasar yang dilaksanakan sepanjang tempoh 22 tahun beliau menjadi Perdana Menteri.
"Dr Mahathir memaklumkan kepada Perdana Menteri Yaman bahawa beliau bangga dipelawa menjadi penasihat ekonomi khas negara itu," katanya.
Mohamed Salem dilantik menjadi Perdana Menteri pada 11 Disember 2011 dan beliau kini menerajui usaha perdamaian nasional Yaman.
Dr Mahathir turut mengunjungi Presiden Yaman Abdu Rabu Mansur Hadi.
sumber - Bernama
Menurut kenyataan Kedutaan Besar Malaysia di Sana'a, Dr Mahathir berkunjung ke Yaman pada Khamis bagi mendapatkan penjelasan lanjut berhubung pelawaan Mohamed Salem itu.
Semasa lawatan itu, Mohamed Salem menganjurkan majlis makan tengah hari untuk Dr Mahathir, diikuti satu pertemuan yang dihadiri bekas perdana menteri Yaman, menteri daripada parti pemerintah dan pembangkang, pegawai kanan kerajaan serta seorang pegawai Bank Dunia.
Kenyataan itu juga menyebut pemimpin Yaman tersebut menyifatkan pencapaian dan transformasi negara daripada ekonomi berasaskan pertanian kepada sebuah negara maju sebagai 'Keajaiban Malaysia'.
"Beliau berharap untuk mendapatkan pandangan Dr Mahathir berhubung cara untuk membina semula Yaman," katanya.
Menurut kenyataan itu, Dr Mahathir mengambil peluang untuk berkongsi pengalaman Malaysia dan dasar yang dilaksanakan sepanjang tempoh 22 tahun beliau menjadi Perdana Menteri.
"Dr Mahathir memaklumkan kepada Perdana Menteri Yaman bahawa beliau bangga dipelawa menjadi penasihat ekonomi khas negara itu," katanya.
Mohamed Salem dilantik menjadi Perdana Menteri pada 11 Disember 2011 dan beliau kini menerajui usaha perdamaian nasional Yaman.
Dr Mahathir turut mengunjungi Presiden Yaman Abdu Rabu Mansur Hadi.
sumber - Bernama
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Umat Islam di Malaysia perlu bersyukur - Dr. Mahathir
Tokoh negarawan, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad mengingatkan umat Islam di Malaysia supaya bersyukur dengan nikmat keamanan dan pembangunan yang dikecapi negara sekarang.
Beliau berkata, terdapat sebahagian umat Islam negara ini yang tidak bersyukur dengan nikmat Allah SWT yang dikurniakan kepada penduduk Malaysia dalam bentuk keamanan, perlindungan daripada bencana alam dan pentadbiran kerajaan yang cekap.
''Keadaan kita sebenarnya, kita kurang bersyukur dan kalau kita pergi ke negara-negara lain, tidak payah jauh, dekat-dekat sini pun tidak apa, kita dapati bahawa keadaan mereka lebih buruk daripada kita,'' kata Perdana Menteri Malaysia Keempat itu kepada pemberita selepas merasmikan Konvensyen Saudara Muslim Peringkat Kebangsaan di Pusat Islam di sini hari ini.
Sebaliknya, umat Islam negara ini juga dihasut supaya jangan bersyukur dan diajar untuk memaki orang, katanya.
Beliau menegaskan, tidak ada negara lain yang mana umat Islam dan bangsa lain hidup dengan bahagia kecuali di Malaysia sementara dunia menyaksikan keadaan huru-hara dan bencana alam seperti taufan, gempa bumi dan ledakan gunung berapi di tempat lain.
''Jadi, janganlah buat angkara. Kalau tengok orang buat demo, demo jatuhkan kerajaan, kita pun hendak buat demo jatuhkan kerajaan, kita ada cara hendak jatuhkan kerajaan iaitu melalui pilihan raya, kalau dapat menang, menanglah, kalau kalah, kalahlah," katanya.
Beliau seterusnya mengingatkan mereka yang tidak bersyukur ini bahawa dalam al-Quran sudah disebut janji Allah SWT di mana mereka yang menidakkan nikmat Tuhan akan ditimpa azab yang pedih.
Dr. Mahathir juga berpendapat, sekiranya ajaran Islam diperjelaskan dan ditunjukkan dengan betul, ia akan dapat menyatukan seluruh penduduk negara tanpa mengira agama mereka.
Kesukaran untuk berbuat demikian menyebabkan kadang-kala segelintir penduduk bukan Islam berada dalam keadaan 'bermusuh' dengan agama itu disebabkan pandangan negatif mereka, katanya.
''Bukan kita nak paksa orang memeluk agama Islam tetapi pandangan negatif ini menyebabkan kita ini kadang-kadang macam bermusuh, itulah yang menyebabkan kita tidak dapat menyatupadukan rakyat,'' katanya.
Dr. Mahathir turut ditanyakan soalan oleh seorang wartawan dari China yang beragama Islam tentang pandangannya mengenai umat Islam di republik itu berdasarkan lawatannya ke negara itu sebelum ini.
Kata beliau, semasa lawatan ke daerah-daerah yang didiami penduduk Islam di negara itu, beliau mendapati mereka sangat patuh kepada ajaran agama.
sumber - BERNAMA
Beliau berkata, terdapat sebahagian umat Islam negara ini yang tidak bersyukur dengan nikmat Allah SWT yang dikurniakan kepada penduduk Malaysia dalam bentuk keamanan, perlindungan daripada bencana alam dan pentadbiran kerajaan yang cekap.
''Keadaan kita sebenarnya, kita kurang bersyukur dan kalau kita pergi ke negara-negara lain, tidak payah jauh, dekat-dekat sini pun tidak apa, kita dapati bahawa keadaan mereka lebih buruk daripada kita,'' kata Perdana Menteri Malaysia Keempat itu kepada pemberita selepas merasmikan Konvensyen Saudara Muslim Peringkat Kebangsaan di Pusat Islam di sini hari ini.
Sebaliknya, umat Islam negara ini juga dihasut supaya jangan bersyukur dan diajar untuk memaki orang, katanya.
Beliau menegaskan, tidak ada negara lain yang mana umat Islam dan bangsa lain hidup dengan bahagia kecuali di Malaysia sementara dunia menyaksikan keadaan huru-hara dan bencana alam seperti taufan, gempa bumi dan ledakan gunung berapi di tempat lain.
''Jadi, janganlah buat angkara. Kalau tengok orang buat demo, demo jatuhkan kerajaan, kita pun hendak buat demo jatuhkan kerajaan, kita ada cara hendak jatuhkan kerajaan iaitu melalui pilihan raya, kalau dapat menang, menanglah, kalau kalah, kalahlah," katanya.
Beliau seterusnya mengingatkan mereka yang tidak bersyukur ini bahawa dalam al-Quran sudah disebut janji Allah SWT di mana mereka yang menidakkan nikmat Tuhan akan ditimpa azab yang pedih.
Dr. Mahathir juga berpendapat, sekiranya ajaran Islam diperjelaskan dan ditunjukkan dengan betul, ia akan dapat menyatukan seluruh penduduk negara tanpa mengira agama mereka.
Kesukaran untuk berbuat demikian menyebabkan kadang-kala segelintir penduduk bukan Islam berada dalam keadaan 'bermusuh' dengan agama itu disebabkan pandangan negatif mereka, katanya.
''Bukan kita nak paksa orang memeluk agama Islam tetapi pandangan negatif ini menyebabkan kita ini kadang-kadang macam bermusuh, itulah yang menyebabkan kita tidak dapat menyatupadukan rakyat,'' katanya.
Dr. Mahathir turut ditanyakan soalan oleh seorang wartawan dari China yang beragama Islam tentang pandangannya mengenai umat Islam di republik itu berdasarkan lawatannya ke negara itu sebelum ini.
Kata beliau, semasa lawatan ke daerah-daerah yang didiami penduduk Islam di negara itu, beliau mendapati mereka sangat patuh kepada ajaran agama.
sumber - BERNAMA
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Airbus A380 mampu lonjak semula imej MAS

Bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad yakin pembelian pesawat baru Airbus A380 oleh Malaysian Airline System (MAS) mampu melonjak semula imej syarikat penerbangan itu di peringkat antarabangsa.
Katanya, ini kerana pesawat baru itu sangat efektif dan tidak menggunakan kos operasi yang tinggi berbanding pesawat lain.
"Walaupun saiznya lebih besar berbanding Boeing 747, pesawat ini sangat ekonomi kerana kos penerbangannya lebih murah," katanya kepada pemberita di sini hari ini.
Terdahulu, beliau bersama lebih 400 penumpang pesawat Airbus itu melakukan penerbangan joyride dari Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur (KLIA) ke Pulau Langkawi sebelum berpatah balik ke sini.
Turut hadir Pengerusi MAS, Tan Sri Md. Nor Yusof; Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif MAS, Ahmad Jauhari Yahya dan Ketua Pengalaman Pelanggan MAS, Datuk Mohd. Salleh Ahmad Tabrani.
Dr. Mahathir berkata, sebagai sebuah syarikat penerbangan yang sudah lama beroperasi, MAS perlu mempertingkatkan lagi mutu perkhidmatannya.
"Kita mempunyai pesawat terbaik dalam dunia, tinggal lagi untuk bersaing dengan orang lain, bukan sahaja dari segi perkhidmatan kabin tetapi juga dari segi ketepatan masa, efektif dan tidak lewat," katanya.
Sementara itu, Mohd. Salleh berkata, untuk sementara waktu, pesawat itu akan beroperasi tiga kali seminggu dari KLIA ke London sebelum beroperasi setiap hari di laluan sama dengan ketibaan pesawat baru Ogos ini.
"Selepas itu, dengan ketibaan pesawat Airbus ketiga yang dijangka pada November ini kita akan mulakan operasi penerbangan setiap hari ke Sydney, Australia.
"Kita juga merancang untuk memperluaskan lagi operasi di rantau ini dengan memasuki pasaran Jepun dan China bermula hujung tahun ini," katanya.
Pesawat A380 yang merupakan terbesar di dunia itu menggunakan enjin Rolls-Royce Trent 900 dan mampu memuatkan seramai 494 penumpang serta 25 krew kabin dan juruterbang.
sumber : Utusan
Monday, June 4, 2012
By Dr Mahathir Mohamad
1. One of the nonsense that we believe in is equality before the law. Of course this is one of the great fictions that democracy is said to uphold. But then democracy itself is often not even democratic. The people, the ordinary citizens never really govern themselves. But that is another story.
2. Now, about equality before the law that democracy is said to uphold. It is not upheld at all. Some people are actually above the law and some are far below it, i.e. they don’t really get the benefit or the protection of the law.
3. I will deal with those who do not benefit first. The democratic legal system gives the power to the courts to decide on disputes between individuals or organisations. The courts are presided over by legally qualified but very human judges. The contestants have to convince the presiding judge of their innocence.
4. Not being conversant with the laws the complainant and the defendant hire lawyers to argue their cases for them. Now some lawyers are clever and smart, but some may be just plain stupid. But both cost money. The smarter lawyers would naturally cost much more than the not-so-good ones.
5. Some lawyers have great reputations. In fact some may even be great politicians. Some of these political lawyers can be frightening to the judges.
6. The result of the inequality of representation by brilliant and fearsome lawyers on the one hand and the ordinary run-of-the-mill lawyers is most likely to be victory for the highly paid, brilliant and fearsome lawyers. The rights and wrongs of the case are of little consequence.
7. Effectively the law almost always favours the rich and not the poor. There is clearly no equality before the law. Get a good expensive lawyer and you can get away with murder. Get a bad cheap lawyer and you may be hanged for someone else’s murder.
8. International law is no better. If you lead a powerful country you can massacre a few millions and all that happens is a statue, as a war hero, will be put up in your honour.
9. If you lead a poor weak country and you act against violence by the opposition, then you may be accused of oppression and tolerating police brutality. The opposition, when they are clever enough to promise a variety of freedoms, can do no wrong even when they use violence to provoke the police into so-called acts of brutality.
10. If you are a favourite candidate of foreign powers for regime change, you can do what you like, and any Governmental action against you would be labelled as uncalled for oppression. If an election is near and the favourite is going to be a candidate and bring about regime change, then Government action against this privileged person would be regarded as attempts to undermine his chances of overthrowing the Government.
11. That the favourite purposely timed his violence just when elections are near would be ignored. That the provocation of the police is deliberate and meant to elicit “police brutality’” will also be ignored. That the police are beaten up, that police cars have their glass windshields smashed and the police car is overturned in full view of TV cameras – all these are inconsequential.
12. The main thing is the action against the favoured opposition by the Government will be deemed political rather than an exercise in legal equality by the Government.
13. The clamour is for the police to be charged for crimes against the people. Actions by the police to enforce the law must not be allowed. These must be regarded as criminal acts.
14. But blatant criminal acts by the opposition leaders must be regarded as permissible. In law they must be considered as privileged people.
15. There really is no equality before the law. Instead there is blatant inequality; there is bias in favour of some people especially the aspirants for regime change.
source :
1. One of the nonsense that we believe in is equality before the law. Of course this is one of the great fictions that democracy is said to uphold. But then democracy itself is often not even democratic. The people, the ordinary citizens never really govern themselves. But that is another story.
2. Now, about equality before the law that democracy is said to uphold. It is not upheld at all. Some people are actually above the law and some are far below it, i.e. they don’t really get the benefit or the protection of the law.
3. I will deal with those who do not benefit first. The democratic legal system gives the power to the courts to decide on disputes between individuals or organisations. The courts are presided over by legally qualified but very human judges. The contestants have to convince the presiding judge of their innocence.
4. Not being conversant with the laws the complainant and the defendant hire lawyers to argue their cases for them. Now some lawyers are clever and smart, but some may be just plain stupid. But both cost money. The smarter lawyers would naturally cost much more than the not-so-good ones.
5. Some lawyers have great reputations. In fact some may even be great politicians. Some of these political lawyers can be frightening to the judges.
6. The result of the inequality of representation by brilliant and fearsome lawyers on the one hand and the ordinary run-of-the-mill lawyers is most likely to be victory for the highly paid, brilliant and fearsome lawyers. The rights and wrongs of the case are of little consequence.
7. Effectively the law almost always favours the rich and not the poor. There is clearly no equality before the law. Get a good expensive lawyer and you can get away with murder. Get a bad cheap lawyer and you may be hanged for someone else’s murder.
8. International law is no better. If you lead a powerful country you can massacre a few millions and all that happens is a statue, as a war hero, will be put up in your honour.
9. If you lead a poor weak country and you act against violence by the opposition, then you may be accused of oppression and tolerating police brutality. The opposition, when they are clever enough to promise a variety of freedoms, can do no wrong even when they use violence to provoke the police into so-called acts of brutality.
10. If you are a favourite candidate of foreign powers for regime change, you can do what you like, and any Governmental action against you would be labelled as uncalled for oppression. If an election is near and the favourite is going to be a candidate and bring about regime change, then Government action against this privileged person would be regarded as attempts to undermine his chances of overthrowing the Government.
11. That the favourite purposely timed his violence just when elections are near would be ignored. That the provocation of the police is deliberate and meant to elicit “police brutality’” will also be ignored. That the police are beaten up, that police cars have their glass windshields smashed and the police car is overturned in full view of TV cameras – all these are inconsequential.
12. The main thing is the action against the favoured opposition by the Government will be deemed political rather than an exercise in legal equality by the Government.
13. The clamour is for the police to be charged for crimes against the people. Actions by the police to enforce the law must not be allowed. These must be regarded as criminal acts.
14. But blatant criminal acts by the opposition leaders must be regarded as permissible. In law they must be considered as privileged people.
15. There really is no equality before the law. Instead there is blatant inequality; there is bias in favour of some people especially the aspirants for regime change.
source :
By Dr Mahathir Mohamad
1. I was in Penang recently, having been invited to give a talk by the Penang Mubarak (Council of Former Elected Representatives). On the way to Tanjung Bungah I was surprised to see the same wooden zinc-roofed shacks, which were there 60 years ago. The difference is that they are stuck between the slender beautiful high-rise flats favoured by Penang. Their ramshackle appearance seems out of place amidst the modern dwellings of the Penangites.
2. Why are the Penang Malays still living in these hovels? Yes, Kuala Lumpur has Malay slumps. But these are mostly built by new urban migrants. The Government has succeeded to rehouse most of the squatters in modern high-rise buildings so that, passing along the main roads, one does not see the slums anymore.
3. But the Penang Malays live in the same old shacks that housed them long ago. And they are an eyesore.
4. New modern flats are being built everywhere in Penang, including on reclaimed land. I would have thought that a resettlement of the Malay squatters would have been one of the objectives of the Governments of Penang. Even the old water-villages along Weld Quay have been tidied up, though they still throw their rubbish in the sea.
5. I was told that the Malay squatters are living on land belonging to rich landlords. They face the threat of expulsion any time. Indeed some of them have already been thrown out to make way for the high-rise flats. I wonder where they are housed now.
6. Someone should make a study of these Penang Malays. What is their source of income? Could it be that the occupants of these shacks are the children of the original occupants? It cannot be. Education and better employment opportunities should have increased their incomes and enable them to afford better accommodation. We see this all over Malaysia. It cannot be that Penang Malays are an exception.
7. Tanjung Bungah, the Cape of Flowers is now highly developed. But the ramshackle sheds which serve as shops still line the road. Apparently some Malays sell food there. But the smelly vegetable “garden” where human excrements were used as fertilizers have disappeared.
8. Penang still promotes itself as the Pearl of the Orient. But the Malay shacks, the water village and the rubbish in the sea belie the claim.
source :
1. I was in Penang recently, having been invited to give a talk by the Penang Mubarak (Council of Former Elected Representatives). On the way to Tanjung Bungah I was surprised to see the same wooden zinc-roofed shacks, which were there 60 years ago. The difference is that they are stuck between the slender beautiful high-rise flats favoured by Penang. Their ramshackle appearance seems out of place amidst the modern dwellings of the Penangites.
2. Why are the Penang Malays still living in these hovels? Yes, Kuala Lumpur has Malay slumps. But these are mostly built by new urban migrants. The Government has succeeded to rehouse most of the squatters in modern high-rise buildings so that, passing along the main roads, one does not see the slums anymore.
3. But the Penang Malays live in the same old shacks that housed them long ago. And they are an eyesore.
4. New modern flats are being built everywhere in Penang, including on reclaimed land. I would have thought that a resettlement of the Malay squatters would have been one of the objectives of the Governments of Penang. Even the old water-villages along Weld Quay have been tidied up, though they still throw their rubbish in the sea.
5. I was told that the Malay squatters are living on land belonging to rich landlords. They face the threat of expulsion any time. Indeed some of them have already been thrown out to make way for the high-rise flats. I wonder where they are housed now.
6. Someone should make a study of these Penang Malays. What is their source of income? Could it be that the occupants of these shacks are the children of the original occupants? It cannot be. Education and better employment opportunities should have increased their incomes and enable them to afford better accommodation. We see this all over Malaysia. It cannot be that Penang Malays are an exception.
7. Tanjung Bungah, the Cape of Flowers is now highly developed. But the ramshackle sheds which serve as shops still line the road. Apparently some Malays sell food there. But the smelly vegetable “garden” where human excrements were used as fertilizers have disappeared.
8. Penang still promotes itself as the Pearl of the Orient. But the Malay shacks, the water village and the rubbish in the sea belie the claim.
source :
Oleh Dr Mahathir Mohamad
1. Kita sudah merdeka selama 55 tahun dan telah mengadakan 12 Pilihan Raya Umum. Walaupun parti-parti bukan dari Perikatan atau Barisan Nasional telah berjaya menawan dan mendiri Kerajaan dibeberapa negeri di Semenanjung dan di Sabah, tetapi Perikatan dan Barisan Nasional tidak pernah kalah di peringkat Pusat. Perikatan dan Barisan Nasional terus menjadi Kerajaan diperingkat Pusat, peringkat yang paling berkuasa di Malaysia.
2. Memang pada 1969 Perikatan hampir kalah tetapi kuasa kekal di tangan Perikatan dan akhirnya beberapa parti lawan telah menyertai Perikatan untuk menubuh Barisan Nasional yang terus memerintah.
3. Barisan Nasional menghadapi beberapa masalah dalaman tetapi berjaya mengatasinya dan mengekal kuasanya di Peringkat Pusat. Serpihan dari UMNO yang diusahakan oleh Tengku Razaleigh dan Anwar Ibrahim tidak berjaya mengalahkan Barisan Nasional.
4. Pada 2008 kebencian terhadap pemerintahan Abdullah menyebabkan ramai dari penyokong UMNO dan parti-parti komponen lain mengurangkan sokongan kepada Barisan Nasional sehingga lima buah negeri dapat ditawan oleh parti-parti bukan Barisan Nasional. Di peringkat Pusat majoriti Barisan Nasional menurun sehingga tidak dapat menguasai 2/3 dari kerusi Parlimen. Namun Barisan Nasional masih dapat mendiri Kerajaan di peringkat Pusat.
5. Kemenangan yang berturut-turut sejak merdeka melumpuhkan semangat parti-parti bukan Barisan Nasional. Percubaan oleh Anwar Ibrahim untuk menyeludup masuk ke dalam UMNO supaya dapat merebut kuasa dari dalam juga gagal.
6. Yang terpaksa diakui oleh semua pihak, semua rakyat Malaysia dan juga pemerhati asing ialah sehingga kini proses pilihanraya tidak dapat menjatuhkan Barisan Nasional. Majoriti rakyat Malaysia tetap memberi kemenangan kepada Barisan Nasional. Kenapa tidak. Semua terpaksa terima hakikat bahawa Kerajaan-Kerajaan Barisan Nasional telah membawa banyak kemajuan dan nikmat lain kepada rakyat. Barisan Nasional berjaya membawa keamanan dan kesejahteraan kepada Negara Malaysia. Tiap seorang dari rakyat Malaysia dapat mengecapi kehidupan yang lebih mewah dan lebih bahagia di bawah pemerintahan Barisan Nasional. Segala percubaan oleh parti-parti lawan untuk mengurangkan sokongan dan persepsi baik terhadap Barisan Nasional dan pemerintah yang didirikan olehnya tidak berjaya.
7. Memandang kepada sejarah Malaysia merdeka dan keputusan- keputusan pilihanraya, parti lawan tentu kurang yakin mereka akan menang PRU 13 dan mendirikan Kerajaan Pusat. Cara demokrasi tidak boleh menjayakan mereka. Melihat penggulingan Kerajaan di Negara-negara Arab, tentulah terlintas di hati pemimpin-pemimpin parti lawan bahawa cara-cara demonstrasi ganas dan berpanjangan lebih mungkin memberi kejayaan kepada cita-cita mereka.
8. Tetapi mereka perlu menunjuk kepada rakyat, dan lebih utama kepada dunia luar bahawa Kerajaan Barisan Nasional di Malaysia adalah zalim dan menindas rakyat seperti Kerajaan-Kerajaan kuku besi Negara Arab.
9. Maka diciptalah Bersih. Kononnya pilihanraya di Malaysia ditipu oleh Kerajaan Pusat, walau apapun bukti bahawa di Malaysia parti lawan boleh menang dan telah menang berkali-kali jika rakyat menyokong mereka dan sebaliknya di Negara Arab bukan sahaja Kerajaan yang digulingkan tidak pernah kalah tetapi pilihanraya memberi kemenangan 99% kepada pemerintah, masih juga didakwa Pilihan Raya Umum ditipu oleh Kerajaan Malaysia.
10. Kerajaan bertindak untuk meneluskan lagi proses pilihanraya mengikut kehendak parti lawan. Tetapi masih juga dituduh yang Kerajaan menipu.
11. Banyaklah lagi tuduhan kezaliman dan kemungkaran yang dilempar kepada Kerajaan semata-semata untuk memburukkan imej Kerajaan.
12. Tunjuk-tunjuk perasaan Bersih yang besar dan ganas adalah persediaan untuk menolak keputusan PRU 13 jika parti lawan gagal memenanginya. Kekalahan mereka akan dituruti dengan demonstrasi ganas yang tidak berhenti-henti supaya keputusan pilihanraya ditolak dan satu Kerajaan lain didirikan, yang ditunjuk oleh parti lawan. Kemudian mereka akan berusaha untuk mengadakan pilihanraya sekali lagi yang boleh dimanipulasi oleh mereka.
13. Sudah tentu sebelum Kerajaan pilihan rakyat digulingkan, negara akan diserang bertubi-tubi dengan demo ganas dan huru-hara. Perancangan dan perusahaan akan diganggu mungkin dengan mogok di sana sini anjuran parti lawan.
14. Kestabilan negara akan tergugat. Polis dituduh melakukan keganasan supaya mereka tidak dapat kawal huru-hara dan demo dengan cara berkesan.
15. Kuasa-kuasa asing akan mengecam Kerajaan pilihan rakyat kerana kononnya mengguna kekerasan menghalang kebebasan bersuara dan berdemo. Malaysia akan dicap sebagai Police State.
16. Malaysia yang telah memberi banyak nikmat dan kebahagiaan kepada rakyatnya, yang telah diiktiraf sebagai Negara yang termaju di antara negara membangun, Malaysia yang bangun dengan pesatnya akan bertukar menjadi negara yang tidak lagi stabil dan maju, dan tidak lagi memberi kebahagiaan dan rahmat kepada rakyatnya. Mereka tidak percaya dengan demokrasi maka akan hilanglah hak rakyat untuk memilih Kerajaan.
17. Negara ini akan menjadi miskin dan Wawasan 2020 tidak akan menjadi kenyataan. Inilah yang akan berlaku kerana parti bukan Barisan Nasional kecewa tidak dapat ke Putrajaya. Jika dengan cara ganas mereka, mereka berjaya merebut kuasa, percayalah demokrasi akan dihapuskan dan nasib yang buruk akan menimpa Negara tercinta ini.
sumber :
1. Kita sudah merdeka selama 55 tahun dan telah mengadakan 12 Pilihan Raya Umum. Walaupun parti-parti bukan dari Perikatan atau Barisan Nasional telah berjaya menawan dan mendiri Kerajaan dibeberapa negeri di Semenanjung dan di Sabah, tetapi Perikatan dan Barisan Nasional tidak pernah kalah di peringkat Pusat. Perikatan dan Barisan Nasional terus menjadi Kerajaan diperingkat Pusat, peringkat yang paling berkuasa di Malaysia.
2. Memang pada 1969 Perikatan hampir kalah tetapi kuasa kekal di tangan Perikatan dan akhirnya beberapa parti lawan telah menyertai Perikatan untuk menubuh Barisan Nasional yang terus memerintah.
3. Barisan Nasional menghadapi beberapa masalah dalaman tetapi berjaya mengatasinya dan mengekal kuasanya di Peringkat Pusat. Serpihan dari UMNO yang diusahakan oleh Tengku Razaleigh dan Anwar Ibrahim tidak berjaya mengalahkan Barisan Nasional.
4. Pada 2008 kebencian terhadap pemerintahan Abdullah menyebabkan ramai dari penyokong UMNO dan parti-parti komponen lain mengurangkan sokongan kepada Barisan Nasional sehingga lima buah negeri dapat ditawan oleh parti-parti bukan Barisan Nasional. Di peringkat Pusat majoriti Barisan Nasional menurun sehingga tidak dapat menguasai 2/3 dari kerusi Parlimen. Namun Barisan Nasional masih dapat mendiri Kerajaan di peringkat Pusat.
5. Kemenangan yang berturut-turut sejak merdeka melumpuhkan semangat parti-parti bukan Barisan Nasional. Percubaan oleh Anwar Ibrahim untuk menyeludup masuk ke dalam UMNO supaya dapat merebut kuasa dari dalam juga gagal.
6. Yang terpaksa diakui oleh semua pihak, semua rakyat Malaysia dan juga pemerhati asing ialah sehingga kini proses pilihanraya tidak dapat menjatuhkan Barisan Nasional. Majoriti rakyat Malaysia tetap memberi kemenangan kepada Barisan Nasional. Kenapa tidak. Semua terpaksa terima hakikat bahawa Kerajaan-Kerajaan Barisan Nasional telah membawa banyak kemajuan dan nikmat lain kepada rakyat. Barisan Nasional berjaya membawa keamanan dan kesejahteraan kepada Negara Malaysia. Tiap seorang dari rakyat Malaysia dapat mengecapi kehidupan yang lebih mewah dan lebih bahagia di bawah pemerintahan Barisan Nasional. Segala percubaan oleh parti-parti lawan untuk mengurangkan sokongan dan persepsi baik terhadap Barisan Nasional dan pemerintah yang didirikan olehnya tidak berjaya.
7. Memandang kepada sejarah Malaysia merdeka dan keputusan- keputusan pilihanraya, parti lawan tentu kurang yakin mereka akan menang PRU 13 dan mendirikan Kerajaan Pusat. Cara demokrasi tidak boleh menjayakan mereka. Melihat penggulingan Kerajaan di Negara-negara Arab, tentulah terlintas di hati pemimpin-pemimpin parti lawan bahawa cara-cara demonstrasi ganas dan berpanjangan lebih mungkin memberi kejayaan kepada cita-cita mereka.
8. Tetapi mereka perlu menunjuk kepada rakyat, dan lebih utama kepada dunia luar bahawa Kerajaan Barisan Nasional di Malaysia adalah zalim dan menindas rakyat seperti Kerajaan-Kerajaan kuku besi Negara Arab.
9. Maka diciptalah Bersih. Kononnya pilihanraya di Malaysia ditipu oleh Kerajaan Pusat, walau apapun bukti bahawa di Malaysia parti lawan boleh menang dan telah menang berkali-kali jika rakyat menyokong mereka dan sebaliknya di Negara Arab bukan sahaja Kerajaan yang digulingkan tidak pernah kalah tetapi pilihanraya memberi kemenangan 99% kepada pemerintah, masih juga didakwa Pilihan Raya Umum ditipu oleh Kerajaan Malaysia.
10. Kerajaan bertindak untuk meneluskan lagi proses pilihanraya mengikut kehendak parti lawan. Tetapi masih juga dituduh yang Kerajaan menipu.
11. Banyaklah lagi tuduhan kezaliman dan kemungkaran yang dilempar kepada Kerajaan semata-semata untuk memburukkan imej Kerajaan.
12. Tunjuk-tunjuk perasaan Bersih yang besar dan ganas adalah persediaan untuk menolak keputusan PRU 13 jika parti lawan gagal memenanginya. Kekalahan mereka akan dituruti dengan demonstrasi ganas yang tidak berhenti-henti supaya keputusan pilihanraya ditolak dan satu Kerajaan lain didirikan, yang ditunjuk oleh parti lawan. Kemudian mereka akan berusaha untuk mengadakan pilihanraya sekali lagi yang boleh dimanipulasi oleh mereka.
13. Sudah tentu sebelum Kerajaan pilihan rakyat digulingkan, negara akan diserang bertubi-tubi dengan demo ganas dan huru-hara. Perancangan dan perusahaan akan diganggu mungkin dengan mogok di sana sini anjuran parti lawan.
14. Kestabilan negara akan tergugat. Polis dituduh melakukan keganasan supaya mereka tidak dapat kawal huru-hara dan demo dengan cara berkesan.
15. Kuasa-kuasa asing akan mengecam Kerajaan pilihan rakyat kerana kononnya mengguna kekerasan menghalang kebebasan bersuara dan berdemo. Malaysia akan dicap sebagai Police State.
16. Malaysia yang telah memberi banyak nikmat dan kebahagiaan kepada rakyatnya, yang telah diiktiraf sebagai Negara yang termaju di antara negara membangun, Malaysia yang bangun dengan pesatnya akan bertukar menjadi negara yang tidak lagi stabil dan maju, dan tidak lagi memberi kebahagiaan dan rahmat kepada rakyatnya. Mereka tidak percaya dengan demokrasi maka akan hilanglah hak rakyat untuk memilih Kerajaan.
17. Negara ini akan menjadi miskin dan Wawasan 2020 tidak akan menjadi kenyataan. Inilah yang akan berlaku kerana parti bukan Barisan Nasional kecewa tidak dapat ke Putrajaya. Jika dengan cara ganas mereka, mereka berjaya merebut kuasa, percayalah demokrasi akan dihapuskan dan nasib yang buruk akan menimpa Negara tercinta ini.
sumber :
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