Thursday, September 25, 2014
Tiada Siapa Suka Menteri Besar “Remote Control”- Tun M
Proton Iriz meets Euro 4 regulations, foreign engines considered for markets with Euro 5 and above
By Dr Mahathir Mohamad
1. Suddenly, out of the blue almost there appeared in the Middle East a powerful force seemingly moved by a desire to set up an Islamic state, a Caliphate no less.
2. And this force has been amazingly successful. They have literally conquered swathes of Iraq and have set up a Government. They are set to advance further and the Iraqi forces have not really been able to stop them.
3. Where did they come from? Just like the Taliban they were created by the United States of America.
4. The Americans fear the rise of the Shiites, the Islamic sect that is most against the West.
5. After more than 10 years of the occupation of Iraq the Americans realised they could not stay there any longer. When they left they persuaded the majority Iraqi Shiites to form a bipartisan Government with the minority Sunni.
6. But the Shiites decided to deprive the Sunni of a role in the Government. The Sunni Vice-President was accused of plotting against the Government and he had to escape to Turkey to avoid arrest and possible execution or assassination by the Iraqi Government. And so Iraq which was once ruled by Saddam Hussein, a Sunni became a Shiite State.
7. Then came the uprisings in Syria to overthrow Bashar Assad, a Shiite. America had always wanted to replace Bashar’s Shiite Government with a Sunni Government. With Iraq and Iran under Shiite rule, a Shiite Government in Syria would tilt the balance in the Middle East in favour of the Shiite – the most violent enemy of the American.
8. And so when the attempt was made to overthrow Bashar’s Government, the Americans saw an opportunity to replace Bashar with a Sunni Government.
9. To ensure this would be the result of the civil war in Syria, America provided military aid and money to the Sunni rebels in Syria to ensure their overthrow of Bashar.
10. Many of the Sunni fighters were fanatically against the Shiite. They readily accept United States aid and then decided to cross from Syria into Iraq to overthrow the Shiite Government there. They envision a new Sunni Caliphate to rule over Sham, the territory which was divided by the British and the French into Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Palestine.
11. If the Sunnis succeed in their Islamic state it would endanger Israel and American interest in the region. Suddenly the United States find that overthrowing Bashar is not such a good idea.
12. Instead the United States should ally with Syria to fight against the jihadists from Europe now flocking to join the Sunni Islamic State forces to overthrow the Governments of Iraq and Syria. Should a fanatical Islamic state in Sham materialise, the Americans may find a more implacable enemy.
13. The United States seems unable to learn from the failures of their past strategies. They created the Taliban to fight Russia in Afghanistan. That turned awry.
14. They went to war against Afghanistan and Iraq, believing with shock and awe they would finish victorious in three months. After ten years of costly wars in these countries they have succeeded only in putting in place extremist Muslim Governments. They are now unable to extricate themselves from these two countries.
15. They tried to promote regime change in Arab countries and only succeeded in destabilizing these countries. Democracy ends with anti-Americans extreme Islamic Governments being elected. The United States now finds itself having to support undemocratic overthrows of democratically elected Governments.
16. And now the jihadists of the Islamic Caliphate. Without United States involvement in Middle Eastern affairs the American journalist would not have been beheaded.
17. The American people are hopelessly ignorant of the world outside America. They believe whatever their Governments is doing is good for America. They will never learn simply because their print and electronic media are not under their control.
18. The United States belief that change from authoritarian rule to democracy would result in friendlier Governments is naive. Decades of United States support for Israel and anti-Islamic policies have made anti-American Islamic parties popular. Once elections are held following demoralization, the Islamists would win. And anti-Americanism will be even more violent.
19. America has much to learn about foreign relations.
By Dr Mahathir Mohamad
23. I don’t for one moment regard the beheading of the American journalist as Islamic, despite the claim of ISIL. I think it is disgraceful for Muslims to do such thing. It is against the teachings of Islam. But can any young and impressionable Muslim be blamed if they are so easily mislead into committing heinous crimes to avenge the injustice and oppression of their brothers and sisters in religion.
24. It is not the religion of Islam which led the Muslims to committing heinous acts. It is simply anger, hate and rage over not being able to do anything to stop the Europeans or West from oppressing people who profess the same religion as themselves. And Europeans, most of whom are not practicing Christians, react in the same way when Christians are faced with any threat.
25. Look at the record of the Europeans, especially after they created Israel. Now, although they will not admit it, they are carrying out a crusade against Islam and the Muslims. Call it a war on terror or the clash of civilisation. But factually it is still a continuation of the crusade of the past centuries.
26. Against this modern Crusade the Muslims have no answer. They don’t have a Saladin (Salah El Din) to lead them. And over the centuries they have allowed themselves to become weak. They have ignored the injunctions of Allah in the Quran that they must be prepared to defend the ummah and Islam.
27. Their religious teachers tell them to pray to Allah for help. But they neglect to inform that in the Quran Allah enjoins upon Muslims to help themselves first if they want Allah to answer their prayers. Quite obviously the Muslims have not followed this injunction. In fact many believe that it has been preordained that they should suffer European oppression.
28. Today not a single Government of a Muslim country has dared to challenge the European. Indeed many believe that the Europeans are a superior race that they should look up to; that it is futile to defend themselves against European aggression and oppression. Not a single Muslim country dares to stand up to the Europeans.
29. Expecting no help from the Governments of Muslim countries, many angry and frustrated Muslims took upon themselves to take revenge against the hated Europeans. For this purpose they preach their version of the teachings of Islam so as to influence young Muslim to be prepared to sacrifice their lives in a holy war.
30. All Muslims truly believe that to die in the defence of Islam and the Muslims results in martyrdom and heaven in the afterlife. It is not too difficult to convince young Muslims in the face of the injustice and oppression of Muslims that the war against the Europeans is a holy war.
31. But a war against the European promises no easy victory. Seeking revenge through acts of terror is much easier. And so the so-called jihadists are prepared to commit atrocities like beheading a European and recording it for the world to see.
32. I would like to say it again, it is not Islamic this beheading. Certainly it is not Islamic for Sunnis to massacre captured Shiahs or Shiahs to murder Sunnis.
32. I would like to say it again, it is not Islamic this beheading. Certainly it is not Islamic for Sunnis to massacre captured Shiahs or Shiahs to murder Sunnis.
33. The two sects had always fought each other in their mutual belief that the other is not Muslim. But what is happening today is bloodlust which started with the fight against Jewish Zionism and the creation of the state of Israel. Unable to defeat the Jews and their nominally Christian Europeans backers, the Muslims have now turned against each other. And occasionally when they manage to capture a European, they vent their spite on him.
34. This will go on for decades and even centuries, waxing and waning, for as long as there is the state of Israel and the Palestinians are denied their right to a homeland.
35. It is the seizure of Palestinian land to form the state of Israel which triggered the violent reaction of the Muslims in the last 70 over years. The Jewish reaction to the violent struggle of the Palestinians is to out terrorise them. That in turn resulted in other Muslims joining the Palestinian struggle. Unable to wage war they resort to acts of terror. And Israeli state terror escalated.
36. Directly and indirectly the Europeans back Israeli state terrorism. And so it goes on.
37. So what is the solution? It is certainly not more suppression and oppression of the Muslim, and in particular the Palestinian.
37. So what is the solution? It is certainly not more suppression and oppression of the Muslim, and in particular the Palestinian.
38. The solution lies in fairness and justice for the Palestinians.
39. I am writing this in Chechnya, a republic in the Russian Federation. The Chechens fought a war of independence against the Russian. It was a futile war. Three million ill-equipped Chechens against 200 million Russians with one of the most powerful military force in the world. Chechnya and Grozny its capital were razed to the ground before they were forced to stop fighting.
40. After the war the Russians allocated a trillion dollars to rebuild Chechnya and Grozny. Today, eight years after war ended, there is not a trace of the massive destruction caused by Russian missiles and bombs. Instead the whole country, and in particular Grozny has been completely rebuilt.
41. And today the Chechen can once again believe and practice the Muslim religion. Beautiful mosques and religious school abound. There is no more communist sanction against Islam.
42. Chechnya remains a republic in the Russian Federation but in religion and in many ways it is independent. The relation with Russia is friendly.
43. Maybe there is something to learn from the Chechen saga. Stop the oppression of Palestine. Stop the Crusade. Stop postulating the clash of civilisation. Stop regime change. Stop supplying arms for Muslims to fight Muslims.
44. It may take time but slowly the jihadists, will have no incentive to fight.
45. Allah has ordained that the enemy of the Muslims are those who fight and oppress them. Muslims must not war against those who have not attacked them (in any way). That is the way of Islam – peace unless you war against Islam.
46. Muslims who adhere strictly to these tenets and wish to live at peace with non-Muslims can only have credibility and be listened to if the oppression of the Muslims ceases.
New Proton Iriz (P2-30A), Global Small Car Malaysia
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Dr Mahathir ulas tentang merdeka dan jiran 'kita'
Bicara Tokoh Bersama Tun Mahathir full version
Saturday, September 20, 2014
Anak berniaga
"Ketika saya bergelar PM,anak-anak saya berniaga di luar negara.
Saya tidak mahu dituduh menggunakan kedudukan membantu anak-anak dalam perniagaan"
Saya tidak mahu dituduh menggunakan kedudukan membantu anak-anak dalam perniagaan"

"Apa lagi saya nak cakap? tegur dah buat,menangis merayu pun dah buat..namun Melayu masih tidak berubah...."
- CHE DET 2002
- CHE DET 2002

Pada tahun 1990 ,Dr M mencetuskan idea East Asia Economic Group (EAEG)
Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Brunei
China, Japan, South Korea dijemput untuk mereliasasikan gagasan tersebut.
Pemimpin Barat mengkritik cadangan EAEG dan Dr M membentangkan peta dunia di atas meja dan berkata
"Ini blok kamu EU ( kesatuan Eropah ) .Kami juga mahu blok kami "
Dr M adalah pemimpin yang BERANI mengherdik pemimpin Barat wlupun mereka lebih kaya dan maju.
Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Brunei
China, Japan, South Korea dijemput untuk mereliasasikan gagasan tersebut.
Pemimpin Barat mengkritik cadangan EAEG dan Dr M membentangkan peta dunia di atas meja dan berkata
"Ini blok kamu EU ( kesatuan Eropah ) .Kami juga mahu blok kami "
Dr M adalah pemimpin yang BERANI mengherdik pemimpin Barat wlupun mereka lebih kaya dan maju.

Thursday, September 18, 2014
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
By Dr Mahathir Mohamad
1. The British are mystified by their Muslim citizens becoming “jihadists” and joining the so-called Islamic State. They are horrified by the beheading of an American journalist by “John” a British citizen and member of the IS.
2. I must admit that I, too am horrified. It is not Islamic at all. Islam does not advocate violence and terror. The people who were defeated by the Prophet were not even converted to Islam, much less executed. The Quran says, “There is no compulsion in Islam.”
3. But we are seeing more and more violence and atrocities committed by Muslims. And now we have the Islamic State “Jihadists”, some of whom come from countries where they had migrated to because life is good there. Having enjoyed the good life, why are these people opting to join revolutionary movements and live dangerous lives, fighting against the very people who are their hosts. Could it be, as some people suggest, that they have been reading books such as “Islam for Dummies?”
4. Why? Recently we saw the mass killings of Muslims and destruction of their homes and towns by Israelis in Gaza. More than 2000 Muslims have been killed. They include little children and old people, non-combatants all. Thousands more have been seriously wounded, many losing arms and legs.
5. No concern or sympathy has been shown by the Europeans and Americans. In fact the Americans gave money and arms for Israelis to kill more Muslims and destroy their homes and towns.
6. If the beheading of European Journalist is evidence of the barbarity of Muslims, cannot there be the same perception of Israeli killings of Muslims in Gaza. No. They are all terrorists, babies included, and a democratic country like Israel has every right to kill them and destroy their homes, towns and cities.
7. If we care to look back, we cannot but acknowledge that the so-called Middle Eastern Muslims were very hospitable to the Europeans before. But, the European nations played their great games there. They created the states of Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Palestine out of one single entity called Sham by the Arabs. Muslims then had no nation-states. They only regard themselves as the Muslim community, the Ummah.
8. The Europeans expelled the Turks and proceeded to divide Sham between them, although they had promised the Arabs that Sham would be liberated and handed over to the Arabs.
9. Following the European great games Iraq went to the British while Syria and Lebanon to the French. Palestine was made a British mandated territory to be returned to the Palestinians later. Palestine for centuries had been inhabited by Muslim and Christian Arabs and a small number of Jews. Under Muslim rule they lived in peace despite their different religions.
10. Then the British decided to make a Jewish state out of Palestine in order to solve the Jewish problem in Europe. Balfour, in 1917, promised to give land belonging to the Palestinian to the Zionist. It was so easy. Take other people’s land to give to the Jews without any regard for the majority Arabs living there. And the Jews celebrated the creation of Israel with massacres of Arabs and expulsion from Palestine. This was apparently sanctioned by the UN in 1948 when Israel was recognised as a state. Arab resentment was ignored.
11. Since then the Middle East has experienced no peace. Every time the Palestine Arabs tried to regain their homeland, they were prevented by the massive help and support of Israel by the European nations, in particular by America.
12. With every failure the Arabs became even more angry and determined to regain their homeland.
13. The Arab countries stopped helping the Palestinians. Undeterred, they set up Al-Fatah to throw stones at Israeli soldiers in armoured cars. The stone-throwing children were shot at by the soldiers with rubber coated and then live bullets.
14. Fatah acquired some ineffective weapons to fight in defence. They were shot and killed and thousands were captured and thrown into Israeli jails for indefinite periods without trial. Palestine lands were seized and settlements for Jews built. It was against all laws and practices which the Europeans pride in saying they uphold.
15. And so instead of stopping Israel, the Europeans continued their support with funds and arms. The Israelis actually occupied Palestine land and set up road blocks to control movements of the Palestinian and visitors. Roads were built through Palestinian land for the exclusive use of the Israelis. High walls were constructed in Palestine territory for Israeli security. Gaza is put under siege by Israel. Ships in international waters were seized by the Israeli navy.
16. Aid workers on high seas were shot and killed; their ships boarded and forced to go to Israeli ports. The aid goods were confiscated. All these are against international laws but the big powers did nothing. But these were not all. Anti-Islam and anti-Muslim sentiments and acts were exhibited by Europeans elsewhere also. Having predicted a clash of civilisations they seem bent on making it a reality.
17. In Bosnia Herzegovina 12,000 Muslim men and boys were murdered with axes and bludgeons after Dutch Nato troops who were supposed to protect them simply moved away to allow Serbs to carry out their murderous work.
17. In Bosnia Herzegovina 12,000 Muslim men and boys were murdered with axes and bludgeons after Dutch Nato troops who were supposed to protect them simply moved away to allow Serbs to carry out their murderous work.
18. Then came the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq after blaming the Muslim for the destruction of the twin towers of the world trade centre in New York. The Iraqis were not responsible for this. But Iraq was accused of having weapons of mass destruction capable of being launched against Britain within 45 minutes. Later it was admitted by the Brits that this was a lie. Unashamedly the British Prime Minister Tony Blair, who ordered the collaboration with the United States in the invasion of Iraq claimed that the attack, the massive destruction of Iraqi cities and towns and the killings of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis was in order to liberate them from Saddam Hussein. Saddam Hussein was caught and hanged. But the occupation and war continued. When finally the Americans and Europeans left Iraq, this once stable and progressive Arab country descended into anarchy and civil war with Iraqis killing Iraqis.
19. Afghanistan was invaded to overthrow the Talibans and to kill Osama bin Ladin. Osama is dead but there is no peace in Afghanistan.
20. The Iraqi and Afghan invasion was supposed to be over in three months. But after ten years and the almost total destruction of the two countries, meaningful democracy and peace have not come to these two unfortunate nations. They have been rendered totally unstable and fratricidal wars are tearing them apart.
21. The CIA has drawn up a list of Muslims to be killed. The West condemns the practices of detention without trial. Now we see in the West death sentences being passed on Muslims without trial. The intended victims are not even told about their death sentence. No attempt is made to arrest even. Drones are simply dispatched to kill these Muslims. In the case of Osama bin Ladin killer squads were dropped into Pakistan without even informing that country. And Osama’s body was thrown into the sea, a practice worthy of barbarians.
22. Through all these, the U.S, Britain and other European countries express no regret and certainly no sympathy for the Muslim victims of their war on terror. Thousands of them, men, women, children, babies, old and sick people have been and are being killed without evoking the slightest concern or regret among the Europeans.
Monday, September 15, 2014
Sunday, September 14, 2014
Melayu perlu jujur,ubah mentaliti
MINGGUAN: Semasa Tun hendak melepaskan jawatan Perdana Menteri, antara faktornya kerana Tun gagal mengubah sikap dan budaya orang Melayu. Setelah 11 tahun berlalu, bagaimana Tun melihat minda orang Melayu sekarang?
MAHATHIR: Saya bukan letak jawatan pasal saya gagal untuk mengubah minda orang Melayu tetapi sebab sudah terlalu lama. Sebenarnya banyak lagi kerja hendak kena buat tetapi kalau kita duduk terlalu lama, orang naik bosan. Ada orang bercakap bila lagi orang tua ini hendak pergi. Sebab itu saya letak jawatan. Kalau saya boleh, saya masih hendak berusaha tukar minda orang Melayu kerana bagi saya - berjaya atau tidak seseorang atau sesuatu bangsa atau negara, bergantung kepada nilai hidup yang dia pegang dan dia amal. Bukan pegang, amal sama. Antara terima dengan amal, berlainan. Kita terima, kita tahu ini baik, ini tidak baik. Kadang-kadang kita larang yang ini jangan buat, kita buat juga. Tidak apa, orang tidak tahu. Itu yang jadi masalah.
Saya punya fokus satu sahaja. Yang pertama, rajin. Rajin bekerja dan dalam apa kerja pun kita buat, mesti rajin. Sebab itu, saya cuba tunjuk masa saya jadi Perdana Menteri, 'Kepimpinan Melalui Teladan.' Kalau pemimpin malas, jangan harap orang yang di belakang dia hendak jadi rajin. Sebab itu, saya kerja lebih daripada orang lain. Ini sudah pencen 11 tahun. Saya mula kerja bila orang lain pencen, umur 56. Orang lain (umur) 56 berhenti kerja. Saya umur 56 mula kerja (jadi Perdana Menteri). Lepas itu, hendak kena tunjuk kepada orang pula, kena kerja, mesti kerja kuat. Siang malam saya kerja. Saya sebagai Perdana Menteri, tidak ada 'time' (waktu kerja) pukul 8 (pagi) sampai 5 (petang) atau pukul 9 (pagi) sampai 4 (petang). Tidak ada. Bagi saya, sepanjang masa, saya Perdana Menteri. Keluarga pun tidak ada (masa).
Sebab itu saya, kadang-kadang orang tanya, macam mana baharu balik dari luar negeri, tiba-tiba kerja. Pergi luar negeri, hari ini saya sampai, hari itu juga saya kerja atau esok saya kerja. Dahulu kalau pergi luar negeri, balik kena cuti dua minggu. Itu membazir. Sebab itu saya hendak tunjuk, tidak mati dengan kerja kuat. Mati kerana lain, bukan kerana kerja kuat.
Melihat kepada suasana sekarang, adakah Tun melihat orang Melayu masih belum rajin?
MAHATHIR: Belum rajin. Umpamanya tidak rajin belajar. Kalau kita pergi universiti, 70 peratus perempuan. Budak-budak jantan (lelaki), apa dia buat? Jadi mat rempit. Itu saya kata tidak rajin. Bila pergi universiti pula, tidak belajar betul-betul. Tidak baca buku, baca setakat disuruh sahaja. Cuti sekolah pun macam itu. Masa zaman dahulu, bila naik 'standard' (kelas), dapat buku teks baharu, saya habiskan buku teks itu tidak sampai sebulan. Ini baca setakat itu sahaja. Sepatutnya, kalau kita hendak dapat pengetahuan, kita tidak boleh baca buku teks sahaja. Kena baca macam-macam buku. Saya baca berpuluh buku terutama dalam bahasa Inggeris.
Saya malu, budak-budak Cina belajar tiga bahasa tetapi cakap bahasa Inggeris lebih fasih daripada budak-budak Melayu. Kita belajar dua bahasa sahaja, Melayu dengan Inggeris tetapi orang-orang Melayu cakap cukuplah apa hendak belajar Inggeris lagi. Cara hendak belajar Inggeris dengan membaca. Saya bukan tahu sangat grammar (tatabahasa) ini semua. Saya baca banyak. Jadi, bila saya tulis sesuatu, saya berasa tidak kena pasal sudah baca buku bahasa Inggeris. Kalau kita baca buku banyak, rajin dan kalau boleh, kita kena sebut apa yang kita baca. Bukan baca sahaja. Insya-Allah kita akan menguasai bahasa Inggeris dengan mudah. Kita seronok pula sebab kita baca buku cerita. Dalam bahasa Inggeris, banyak buku cerita. Kadang-kadang kita pegang itu, kita mula baca, hendak berhenti tidak boleh pasal seronok. Dia pandai atur. Dari bab ini kepada bab ini, ada sesuatu yang kita tertanya-tanya apa jadi. Kalau tidak baca lagi, tidak dapat jawapan.
Apabila saya kena kendali krisis kewangan hari itu (1998), saya tidak tahu pasal perbankan. Saya kena belajar pasal perbankan, kena baca buku pasal perbankan. Kalau kita rajin baca dan kalau kita boleh baca, orang Kedah kata derah-derah (nada kuat), mereka boleh acquire (dapat). Mungkin sebutan kita tidak kena tetapi sekarang ini kita boleh tengok televisyen dan dengar. Kalau kita ambil cakera padat yang ajar bahasa, kita boleh tahu macam mana hendak sebut sesuatu perkataan. Orang putih ini tidak pandai eja. Dia eja lagu lain tetapi sebut lagu lain, tidak sebagaimana kita. Kalau kita tidak dengar mereka bercakap, kita tidak tahu cakap.
Tun berusaha laksanakan Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Sains dan Matematik Dalam Bahasa Inggeris (PPSMI) tetapi sudah pun dimansuhkan. Sekarang pula, kerajaan menetapkan Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) mesti lulus Bahasa Inggeris dan pelajar universiti mesti lulus Bahasa Inggeris sebelum tamat pengajian. Macam mana Tun melihat perubahan dasar untuk mengukuhkan bahasa Inggeris?
MAHATHIR: Kita pisahkan, satu penguasaan bahasa, satu penguasaan ilmu. Kita pergi ke sekolah, bukan hendak belajar bahasa sahaja. Baik bahasa Melayu atau bahasa Inggeris. Kita hendak dapat ilmu. Ilmu yang kita dapat itu, yang datang kepada kita, kebanyakannya dalam bahasa Inggeris. Dalam primary level, adalah dalam bahasa Melayu tetapi dalam bidang sains dan matematik, ini jenis ilmu yang bergerak. Ia bukan statik. Ilmu lain statik macam Geografi dan Sejarah. Macam sejarah, kalau tahun ini ada peperangan, dia tidak boleh tukar tahun lain. Geografi pula, kalau negeri itu sempadan ia macam itu, tidak tukar. Tetapi sains, tiap-tiap hari ada orang buat penyelidikan dan dia keluar keputusan penyelidikan. Kalau cari dalam buku tidak ada, kena baca. Jadi, kalau kita tidak tahu bahasa Inggeris macam mana kerana semua kertas penyelidikan datang kepada kita dalam bahasa Inggeris, tidak datang dalam bahasa Melayu. Sebab itu, saya perkenal pembelajaran Bahasa Inggeris dalam dua subjek. Yang lain semua tidak ada dalam bahasa Melayu sebab tidak berubah. Sekarang kegunaan matematik begitu terkehadapan.
Kalau hendak hantar seseorang ke Stesen Angkasa Antarabangsa (ISS), kena tahu matematik sebab tapak pelancaran ini bergerak. Sebab itu, matematik amat penting, sains amat penting dan ini adalah ilmu yang bertambah setiap hari. Penggunaan kalkulator umpamanya, kita dahulu tulis dalam banyak huruf. Kita punya Jawi 36 dan rumi kurang sedikit tetapi kita guna nombor binari yang boleh eja sebarang. Kita kena belajar pasal ini. Kalau tidak macam mana, dalam kalkulator kita, kita tekan-tekan nombor, ia keluar nombor. Ia pakai nombor binari. Bila kita tekan, kuncinya cuma ya atau tidak sahaja, 'zero and one' (0 dan 1) tetapi dengan 0 dan 1, kita boleh eja lebih banyak benda daripada menggunakan abjad. Kita guna abjad, kita tidak boleh eja semua. Umpamanya, cakera padat video (VCD) kamu. Kamu dengar suara dengan gambar itu sempurna sebab setiap satu benda, setiap satu warna, ia ada kodnya, hanya 1010110. Ini nombor binari. Kita tidak faham benda ini.
Dalam dunia yang guna nombor binari yang boleh hasilkan komputer dan telefon. Telefon merupakan satu benda yang hebat. Dahulu kita ada stesen penyiaran. Buat rumah besar dan macam-macam kita pasang, hendak buat penyiaran dan kita ada radio hendak dengar. Sekarang dalam poket kamu, ada stesen penyiaran dan stesen penerima. Ini hasil daripada nombor binari dan sains. Kita tidak jadi orang putih kalau guna bahasa Inggeris. Saya jadi orang Melayu, lebih Melayu daripada kebanyakan orang Melayu lain.
Mengenai mesti lulus Bahasa Inggeris dalam SPM, kena belajar kalau tidak, kita tidak lulus, apa guna kita belajar. Kena ada sukatannya. Kalau kita duduk darjah satu dengan darjah lain, tentulah ada sukatan. Kalau tidak ada sukatan, macam mana kita hendak tahu. Kita juga harus ingat, hari ini bahasa dunia ialah bahasa Inggeris. Kita perlu tahu bahasa kita tetapi kita perlu tahu bahasa Inggeris. Dalam dunia sekarang, manusia mesti ada dua bahasa iaitu bahasa ibunda dan bahasa ilmu. Bahasa Inggeris ialah bahasa ilmu. Bila dia (kerajaan) kata kena lulus Bahasa Inggeris, saya sokong.
Baru-baru ini, ada 300 pemohon minta kerja di Cyberjaya. Dia ditanya dalam bahasa Inggeris tetapi minta tanya "boleh tak tanya dalam bahasa Melayu." Jadi gagallah dia, sebab orang itu hendak guna bahasa Inggeris tetapi kamu tidak faham bahasa Inggeris. Jadi dalam 300 orang, cuma tiga orang dapat kerja. Tetapi daripada 300 orang ini, apabila diberi kursus dalam bahasa Inggeris sehingga dia boleh tulis dan bercakap, dapat kerja. Hakikatnya ialah bahasa Inggeris ialah bahasa untuk kita dapat kerja dan pendapatan bagi kita. Bukan bermakna bahawa kalau kita guna bahasa Melayu, kita tidak Melayu, kita masih Melayu. Saya masih Melayu walaupun saya boleh guna bahasa Inggeris, saya ingat baik juga, bolehlah hendak bercakap dengan siapa pun dan buat ucapan pun boleh tetapi saya tidak jadi orang putih. Ini bila cakap sahaja, kata kita semua hendak bahasa Melayu. Saya ingat rugi dan bangsa kita boleh jadi bangsa yang hanya boleh bercakap tetapi bodoh. Kalau macam itu tidak apalah, tetapi semasa saya jadi Perdana Menteri, saya tidak mahu orang Melayu jadi bodoh.
Tun ada kata kaum Melayu masih kurang integriti dan bersifat malas, adakah begitu teruk pada pandangan Tun sendiri atau sudah banyak berubah berbanding dahulu?
MAHATHIR: Kalau banding dengan orang yang lebih malas, diri kita tidak teruklah. Tetapi kita kena banding diri kita dan mesti kena bersaing dengan orang, orang lain kerja kuat tetapi kita tidak kerja kuat. Kalau kita banding dengan orang malas, kita rajin tetapi kalau kita banding dengan orang lebih rajin, kita malas. Kita sekarang berlumba. Kalau kita datang daripada belakang dengan sama kelajuan dengan orang di depan, kita tidak boleh catch up (kejar). Kalau kita lebih perlahan, kita semakin lama semakin jauh. Jadi, kita kena lebih cepat daripada orang yang di hadapan kita. Kalau tidak, sampai bila kita tidak dapat kejar. Kita kena kerja lebih tekun, lebih kuat dan lebih rajin. Macam saya perkenalkan Dasar Pandang Ke Timur pasal saya perhati orang Jepun rajin bekerja. Kalau kena masuk kerja pukul 8 pagi, dia datang pukul 7.30 pagi. Masa kita perkenalkan etika kerja Jepun dalam Proton, pekerja datang awal, runding sesama mereka tentang apa sasaran hari ini dan apabila masuk waktu kerja, dia masuk kerja. Masa saya makan tempura, saya perhati orang Jepun tidak pernah duduk diam. Dia basuh yang ini dan gilap yang itu. Hendak kata dia duduk melanguk, tidak ada. Tetapi kita, tidak ada apa kerja, hisap rokok dahululah. Orang yang bekerja ada sahaja kerja. Kalau berjalan pun, dia berjalan cepat. Dia tidak ada berjalan mundar-mandir.
Generasi sekarang dibekal dengan kemudahan teknologi yang menyebabkan orang menjadi lebih malas. Adakah orang Melayu boleh bersaing?
MAHATHIR: Teknologi tidak menjadikan kita malas. Teknologi hanya memudahkan proses. Kalau mudah, kita boleh buat lebih kerja berbanding tidak ada teknologi. Kalau hendak kabad (karbaid) pokok, tidak ada tangga susah sedikitlah. Kalau ada, boleh naik lima pokok sehari atau lebih banyak lagi. Itu teknologi bukan mengurangkan beban kerja tetapi meningkatkan beban kerja pasal teknologi mempermudahkan proses. Ini kita tidak faham. Tengok sekarang orang guna telefon, dahulu hendak telefon hendak cari rumah dan dail. Kita boleh telefon sehari 10 kali mungkin. Sekarang kita boleh telefon sehari 100 kali. Ini teknologi. Bukan bermakna kita jadi lebih malas tetapi kita lebih produktif kerana ada teknologi. Kamu tidak harus jadi lebih malas tetapi harus jadi lebih produktif. Kalau hendak kejar ilmu sekarang, dalam telefon pintar ada ilmu. Semua ada. Tinggal lagi kena tekan. Kalau malas hendak tekan yang itu, kamu tidak dapat ilmu. Ini orang Melayu belum faham. Bukan bermakna dengan ada teknologi, kerja kita jadi ringan, sebaliknya dengan kerja kita ringan, kita boleh buat lebih kerja.
Jadi Tun yakin teknologi ini akan membantu orang Melayu jadi lebih berjaya?
MAHATHIR: Dia mesti rajin. Kena rajin belajar macam mana hendak guna teknologi. Dia boleh buat kerja lebih banyak daripada dahulu. Dahulu kalau hendak bercakap dengan satu orang, kena naik motokar pergi jumpa orang itu. Sekarang sudah tidak ada, cakap sahaja. Kamu boleh kendalikan satu syarikat tanpa perlu keluar rumah. Bukan bermakna kita malas duduk di rumah tetapi kita buat kerja di rumah. Kita kena rajin guna masa untuk produktiviti pengeluaran yang lebih banyak kerana kemudahan.
Kedua, berkenaan kejujuran, ikhlas dan amanah. Sekarang ini saya ada kedai roti. Saya hendak kata terus terang, saya amat malu kerana di antara pekerja Melayu, Cina atau Myanmar atau mana-mana, pekerja Melayu kadang-kadang kalau tengok duit, dia lupa, dia tak jujur. Dia nampak duit, kalau boleh sapu, dia sapu. Saya kena buang banyak orang Melayu kerana sikap ijni. Orang Cina tidak begini. Kita orang Islam. Kita tahu apa makna amanah, apa makna ikhlas. Kalau kita janji buat kerja betul, kita kena buat. Ada seorang kita lantik jadi pengurus, dia cuba kongsi dengan pekerja-pekerja, kalau buat macam ini (menipu), kita boleh sapu duit. Pekerja beritahu kita, kita buang dia. Ada juga jadi pengurus, duit dapat, tidak masuk dalam bank, sapu. Ada yang bila jual barang, dia jual barang terima duit tetapi dia rekod jualan itu batal, duit dia ambil. Ini berlaku. Tidak ada amanah.
Kalau kita ada amanah, apabila kita hendak hutang duit, orang akan beri sebab orang tahu kita akan bayar. Berapa banyak orang Melayu bila hutang, tidak bayar. Dapat biasiswa, tidak bayar balik. Bukan tidak ada duit, tetapi tidak bayar. Kita kena amanah. Apabila kita amanah, kita hutang kita bayar, orang punya duit kita urus dengan baik, kita tidak curi, orang Melayu akan jadi cukup berjaya. Kita mesti amanah supaya apabila orang beri kontrak kepada kita. Kita hendak beri kontrak, kita beri kepada Cina sebab kita tahu dia buat elok. Ini kelemahan kita, tidak amanah. Saya tidak pernah hendak tipu diri. Kalau malas, saya kata malas. Kalau orang tidak suka, tidak sukalah. Sepanjang saya jadi Presiden UMNO, saya berleter sepanjang masa.
Macam mana dengan penglibatan orang Melayu Islam dalam aktiviti jihad. Sekarang mereka sudah berani pergi ke negara lain untuk berperang dengan orang Islam sendiri. Apa pandangan Tun?
MAHATHIR: Ia bermula dengan ajaran Islam yang salah. Apa kita belajar dalam bidang agama? Macam mana hendak sembahyang, puasa, zakat, buat kerja haji. Yang ini kita kata wajib. Tetapi Islam adalah ad-din, cara hidup. Dalam cara hidup itu ada banyak perkara yang dilarang dan banyak perkara disuruh. Yang ini tidak ajar. Umpamanya dalam al-Quran disebut, orang Islam tidak boleh bunuh orang terutamanya orang Islam lain.
Kita tidak boleh persoal keislaman atau taraf keislaman orang semata-mata kerana dia berbeza sedikit daripada kita. Ya, kita tidak suka orang Syiah datang sini. Kita tidak ada masalah. Alhamdulillah, kita semua orang Melayu, Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah mengikut Imam Syafie. Imam Syafie cukup ketat. Kita tidak tolak Maliki, Hambali dan Hanafi tetapi kita tolak Syiah. Kita tidak bersetuju dengan dia, kita tidak mahu dia datang sini tetapi kita tidak boleh kata dia ini kafir. Ini sudah sampai kepada satu tahap, orang Syiah ini kafir, kita bunuh dia. Itu salah. Dia mengucap dua kalimah syahadah, dia sembahyang, dia terima nabi, dia terima Allah SWT. Sebab itu saya kata sebabnya orang ini pergi berjihad kerana tidak mengikut ajaran Islam yang sebenar. Sebaliknya, mereka ajar supaya orang Islam bermusuh dengan orang Islam.
Orang ini kata, Oh! Jihad. Bunuh orang Islam jihad. Kamu berdosa dan kamu akan pergi ke neraka pasal kamu bunuh orang Islam. Kamu tengok macam mana mereka bunuh. Letak berderet, tembak dengan pistol. Adilkah? Tidak ada bicara dan tidak ada apa. Islam mengutamakan keadilan. Apabila kamu hukum, hukumlah dengan adil. Berkali-kali disebut dalam al-Quran. Adilkah dengan tidak ada bicara, kamu bunuh dia kononnya dia bukan Islam. Tetapi orang Syiah yang dibunuh ini semua sembahyang dan orang Syiah pula bunuh orang Sunni. Di mana dalam al-Quran, disuruh Syiah dengan Sunni ini berperang. Dalam al-Quran, ada satu Islam sahaja. Kita yang buat tiga Islam, empat Islam. Sekarang ini, ada 1,000 Islam. Islam `Ayah Pin' pun ada. Benda ini semua tidak betul.aya tidak jadi orang putih.
sumber :
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
The Security of Israel
By Dr Mahathir Mohamad
1. I have been watching T.V. on the Israel bombings and rocketing of Gaza. More than 2000 Palestinian non-combatants, children, old and sick people have been killed and 6000 plus wounded. The town of Gaza has been reduced to rubble, burying unknown number of dead Palestinians. The smell of death is everywhere.
1. I have been watching T.V. on the Israel bombings and rocketing of Gaza. More than 2000 Palestinian non-combatants, children, old and sick people have been killed and 6000 plus wounded. The town of Gaza has been reduced to rubble, burying unknown number of dead Palestinians. The smell of death is everywhere.
2. But Netanyahu announced that it would continue the attack because it is necessary for Israel’s security. And America supports these massive killings of the Palestinians and the devastation of Gaza so that Israel can be secure.
3. But what about the security of the Palestinians. Aren’t they entitled to security as well?
4. To this the answer is that the Palestinians are terrorists. The Israelis on the other hand are democrats. Therefore they have a right to security. The innocent non-combatants among Palestinians have no right to security. The babies, old and sick people are all terrorists who should all be killed. Until they are all killed, the Israelis cannot feel secure.
5. If the balance of terror is measurable, it must be obvious that the Palestinians are more terrified of Israeli attacks than the Israelis fear Palestinian attacks. The Israelis openly say that they have no fear of the war that is going on.
6. So who is feeling insecure? Who is in need of security. It must be the Palestinians. But the great democracies of the West have sanctioned the mass killings of these terrified people. So it will go on.
7. The Palestinians in Gaza are fighting because for the past 7 years they have been under siege. Not only is their security threatened, they have even been denied supply of food, medicines and building materials. They cannot rebuild their homes and have to endure the coldness of winter without proper shelter.
8. Why have the Palestinians rejected a ceasefire! It is simply because when the ceasefire is over the Israelis would continue with their siege. For the sacrifices their people have made, the Palestinians would get nothing after agreeing to a ceasefire. The status quo ante remains.
9. Israeli bombardment is supposed to be directed at the rockets and tunnels. The hospitals and schools are said to be where the rockets and tunnels are. But there is no proof that this is so. Whole towns have been destroyed. Can we believe that these towns are full of rockets or the openings of tunnels. What we do know is that there were people living in these towns. And now they are dead and buried under the rubbles of their houses. The rockets continue to be fired even if they do little damage. Clearly the Israeli bombs and rockets have missed stated targets i.e. unless the targets are the civilian non-combatants, the babies, the old and the sick.
10. On the other hand Israel has rocketed schools and shelters built by the UN where children are sleeping. Is Israel saying that the UN deliberately locates their shelter near tunnels and rocket emplacements. We know the UN is hopeless and helpless but they cannot be that stupid.
11. The fact is that after the discovery of the three dead Israelis, Netanyahu promised to punish the Palestinians; not the culprits but just Palestinians; children, women, the old and the sick. And now it is doing just that. Over 2000 Palestinians for 3 Israelis is not enough. Israel wants to kill more, and very likely carry out genocide.
12. Israelis deliberately forget that when the Europeans massacred Jews in the past, they sought refuge in Muslim countries. And they lived with Arabs, Muslims and Christians in peace. Jews in German occupied France in WWII were given Muslim names by French Muslims to protect them from the Nazis. History relates that when Spanish Christians conquered the last Muslim state in Spain (Granada) the Muslims and Jews were given the option to leave Spain or convert to Christianity or be executed. The Muslims and the Jews chose to leave for the Muslim state of North Africa. And they lived together in Morocco, Algeria and even Egypt without any problem. No ghettoes or pogroms for the Jews in Muslim countries.
13. Now for Israeli security they carry out massive pogroms against the very Arabs who shared Palestine with them, who provided shelter for them in Muslim countries. For the killing of 6 million Jews by the Nazis of Germany they take revenge on innocent Arabs.
14. The Palestinian may have rockets and they dig tunnels to attack Israel. What are these rockets compared to the powerful weapons in the hands of the Israelis, the bombs and precision weapons, the tanks, ballistic missiles and UAVs that are at the disposal of the Israeli military and replenished all the time by the US.
15. And Israel is given billions of dollars together with weapons by the U.S. For what? For wars against the Palestinians. With this surely the Gazans have a right to feel their security is threatened. Don’t they have a right to equip themselves with primitive means to protect themselves?
16. Mr. Obama and Mr. Cameron, whose countries created the Jewish monster, have given open approval is given for the genocide of the Palestinians and other Arabs. It is not surprising because in the past these countries solved their problems also through genocide, through seizures of other people’s land which they now call their own.
By Dr Mahathir Mohamad
1.There was a time when Malaysia was unknown to the rest of the world.
2.When Malaysians went abroad and people ask where they came from, the reaction to their reply that they were from Malaysia, almost always evoke the comment, “Where is that?”
3.But today most foreign people would know where Malaysia is. They would even know that Malaysia succeeded in changing itself from an agricultural country to an industrial country. And today 24 million tourists visit Malaysia in one year.
4.All these did not just happen. The tourist industry has become a big contributor to the Malaysian economy because of action taken to make Malaysia well known.
5.When RM 280 million was spent to build the Sepang F1 race-track there was a lot of criticism. It seemed like a waste of money as the sport was not excelled by Malaysians.
6.One of the objectives was to promote Malaysia as a tourist destination and to showcase its attraction as a place to invest.
7.The race was watched by more than 100,000 people including almost 30,000 foreign spectators. But more importantly the race was broadcast live by more than 300 TV stations worldwide. It is estimated that more than 300 million people watch the F1 race all over the world. They not only see the car racing but also many aspects of Malaysia’s development and facilities. For three days the TV audience saw beautiful Malaysia and a lot of Malaysia’s development.
8.Advertising on Japanese TV is expensive, costing a million Ringgit for a three minute clip. But during F1 race Malaysia gets 2 hours a day for three days free TV coverage. Throughout the world 300 TV stations cover the race without our having to pay a single cent.
9.If we add up the advertising value for three days on 300 TV stations worldwide, the cost would be much more than the total cost of building the track. Multiply it with 15 years and the publicity value of that track will add up to billions.
10.If in addition we add the spending of some 30,000 tourists to see the race, the contribution to the national economy would justify the RM280 million we spent building the F1 race track.
11.These events, the F1 race, the Tour de Langkawi bicycle race, LIMA and a host of other events earn the nation a lot of money, far more than the cost of holding this events.
12.That is why I am saddened when the Government did not help out the organisers of the recently held Red Bull Air Race in Putrajaya. This race is held all over the world. Millions watch this race. The majority would be locals but many loyal followers travel to watch the race. The advertising value is very high, yet the cost of holding it is low.
13.The organisers cannot really make money from the event. But it is good advertising for the country.
14.The Government has contributed a small sum. But it should help more. And so should the big corporations.
SSK dengan 1MDB
Oleh YABhg Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad
1. Saya tertarik dengan tulisan sahabat saya Saleh Said Keruak (SSK) berkenaan 1MDB.
2. Beliau berpendapat 1MDB ialah untuk bantuan dalam bidang pelajaran. Saya akui saya tidak tahu akan kegunaan wang 1MDB untuk pelajaran. Tetapi ada iklan yang menyebut sudah lebih satu juta rakyat dapat bantuan pelajaran dari 1MDB. Bahagi 1 juta dengan 4 tahun ini bermakna 250,000 setahun. Jika benar, Alhamdulillah.
3. Yang saya tahu 1MDB diguna untuk membeli tiga buah stesen janakuasa dari YTL, Ananda Krishnan dan pemilik Jimah power plant di Negeri Sembilan. Harga pembelian lebih tinggi daripada harga pasaran. Kos tidak kurang dari 4 billion Ringgit
4. Baru-baru ini 1MDB akan memiliki sebahagian besar daripada saham stesen janakuasa yang akan dibina oleh Tenaga Nasional dan pihak lain. YTL telah tarik diri. Ramai yang menegur Tenaga kerana projek ini, kerana tidak mengadakan tawaran terbuka.
5. Pembangunan projek Tun Razak Financial Exchange di jalan Tun Razak akan di laksanakan dengan dana 1MDB juga.
6. Selain daripada itu berbillion dollar di urus melalui bank di sebuah Pulau Caribbean.
7. Sahabat saya tentu tahu bahawa dana 1MDB ini berlagak sebagai Sovereign Wealth Fund iaitu dana kekayaan Negara.
8. Banyaklah Negara pengeluar minyak mengadakan sovereign wealth fund daripada lebihan yang didapati setelah menjual beratus juta tong minyak setahun. Kuwait dan Qatar membeli banyak hotel terkemuka dengan wang yang banyak yang ada pada mereka.
9. Malaysia mengeluarkan hanya 650,000 tong sehari dan tidak ada lebihan wang daripada penjualan minyak oleh Petronas. Sebahagian besar keuntungan diserah kepada Kerajaan, selainnya untuk dilabur. Wang yang diserah ini tidak begitu besar.
10. Sebenarnya perbelanjaan Kerajaan lebih daripada pendapatan termasuk sumbangan daripada Petronas. Oleh itu bajet kita menghadapi defisit, bukan lebihan.
11. Duit untuk 1MDB bukan daripada lebihan kewangan Negara. Ia dihutang. Berbillion ringgit dihutang yang menambah hutang Negara dengan amat tinggi. Hutang oleh Negara mesti dibayar. Jika tidak kita akan muflis seperti Argentina. Sebuah Negara yang mengalami deficit tiap tahun tidak mungkin bayar hutang sebesar ini.
12. Biasanya dalam Kerajaan kita mengadakan belanjawan – iaitu catitan wang yang akan diterima oleh kerajaan bagi sesuatu tahun serta wang yang akan dibelanjakan oleh kerajaan pada tahun berkenaan. Pengurusan kewangan Negara perlu ikuti aturan peraturan. Diantaranya ialah kelulusan had siling hutang oleh Dewan Rakyat.
13. Memang saya tidak perhati betul-betul tetapi saya tidak tahu akan peruntukan dalam bajet untuk membeli stesen janakuasa atau pembangunan beberapa projek.
14. Untuk pelajaran kita tidak perlu berhutang. Sejak dahulu lagi kita peruntukkan hampir 25% dari bajet untuk pelajaran. Kita tidak pernah hutang untuk maksud ini.
15. Ada juga cerita-cerita yang merunsingkan berkenaan pembiayaan oleh 1MDB. Saya harap sahabat saya SSK dapat beri butiran lanjut dan dokumen tentang penggunaan 1MDB untuk semua tujuan, termasuk pelajaran.
Friday, September 5, 2014
Santai Bersama Raya Special - Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed
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