Sunday, April 27, 2014
Obama: Malaysia won't succeed if minorities are oppressed
Obama's message to young people: Think about others
Friday, April 25, 2014
Hi - Tech Transportation of the President of the US
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Dr Mahathir Mohamad
9. Kita lihat dalam sejarah raja dan orang kuat pun akhirnya dihadapkan dengan tindakan keras dan ganas oleh rakyat untuk menjatuhkan mereka. Inilah yang berlaku kepada beberapa raja dan diktator di Timur Tengah.
1. Di mana Negara pun akan ada orang yang berkuasa. Mereka berada di berbagai peringkat. Di Negara yang demokratik pun terdapat orang yang berkuasa. Budaya orang Malaysia pula demikian sehingga orang yang berkuasa lebih berkuasa kerana tidak akan ada sesiapa yang akan menegur. Orang yang berkuasa boleh buat apa sahaja termasuk yang tidak dibenar. Hanya jika diadakan pemilihan oleh rakyat atau pengikut barulah ketidakpuasan hati mereka dilahirkan. Walaupun demikian faktor lain sering menenggelamkan faktor salahguna kuasa.
2. Saya mengaku bahawa inilah pengalaman saya semasa menjadi pemimpin yang berkuasa. Jarang terdengar teguran melainkan oleh musuh terutama parti lawan. Dan teguran oleh musuh jarang dapat diterima kerana ini memang sifat mereka. Saya dapati teguran pihak ketiga, pihak yang tidak punyai kepentingan biasanya lebih ikhlas dan perlu ditimbang secara serius.
3. Kebiasaannya ramai yang bersedia untuk menyokong dan memuji apa sahaja yang dilakukan oleh orang yang berkuasa. Sokongan mereka mungkin kerana mereka betul-betul dan ikhlas berpendapat apa yang dilakukan memang baik atau buruk. Tetapi ada juga yang menyokong dan mengiakan apa sahaja kerana ini akan disukai oleh yang berkuasa. Dan ini juga akan meningkat pengaruh mereka dan banyaklah nikmat yang akan dikecapi oleh mereka.
4. Mereka yang dapat mempengaruhi orang yang berkuasa sebenarnya mendapat sedikit dari kuasa itu. Lebih kuat pengaruh lebih banyaklah kuasa yang didapati oleh mereka. Dan ramailah mereka yang cuba mendekati dan mengelilingi seseorang yang berkuasa. Mereka akan cuba pengaruhi pihak yang berkuasa sehingga pendapat mereka sahaja yang diterima. Apabila ini berlaku maka kuasa yang didapati oleh mereka amatlah besar, begitu besar sehingga tiada pendapat atau nasihat lain yang akan diterima.
5. Jika pendapat mereka ini baik dan hanya untuk menjayakan pihak berkuasa tidaklah sukar untuk diterima. Malangnya yang kerap berlaku apabila sahaja seseorang atau sekumpulan orang keliling sudah dapat menguasai fikiran dan tindakan orang yang berkuasa, maka bermulalah usaha untuk memperalatkan orang yang berkuasa untuk kepentingan diri.
6. Ramai akan sedar dan melihat kesan buruk dari orang sekeliling pihak berkuasa. Ramai yang akan bercakap berkenaan perkara ini, Ramai yang tidak senang tentang apa yang sedang berlaku.
7. Tetapi di Malaysia mereka tidak sanggup untuk menasihat pihak berkuasa, takut dimarahi atau dipandang serong.
8. Tanpa teguran yang berani oleh mereka, maka akan lebih buruklah prestasi pihak berkuasa. Kemarahan orang akan meningkat menjadi kebencian.
9. Kita lihat dalam sejarah raja dan orang kuat pun akhirnya dihadapkan dengan tindakan keras dan ganas oleh rakyat untuk menjatuhkan mereka. Inilah yang berlaku kepada beberapa raja dan diktator di Timur Tengah.
10. Rakyat Malaysia belum tahu cara yang ganas. Mereka mungkin mengguna pilihanraya untuk memperbetulkan keadaan.
11. Tetapi janganlah kita terlalu yakin yang mereka terus berlembut.
12. Dalam sejarah raja yang berkuasa mutlak pun tindakan ganas untuk menyatukannya pernah berlaku. Sultan Mahmud dibunuh walau pun tabiat orang Melayu tidak menderhaka kepada raja.
13. Jika hendak berkuasa lama jangan salahguna kuasa yang diberi walaupun ada yang menasihat kita kebal dan segala salahlaku kita tidak akan diketahui dan jika diketahui pun tidak ada yang berani membuat apa-apa.
14. Pembodek diantara penasihat dan orang keliling ialah sebabnya yang berkuasa menyalahguna kuasa sehingga tersingkir.
15. Kuasa membawa kepada korapsi dan kuasa mutlak akan menyebabkan korapsi yang tidak terhad.
16. Bahasa Mat Salleh berbunyi “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely”.
17. Mereka yang pegang kepada perpatah ini akan bertegas elak atau gugurkan sahaja kuasa. Bangsa yang korap dan negara yang terkenal dengan bangsa yang korap tidak mungkin maju, bahkan akan runtuh.
By Dr Mahathir Mohamad
1.We all know what a lobby is. But in the U.S. lobby refers largely to people specialising in influencing the Government through their contacts with the Congressmen and Senators and members of the Government including the President. We don’t have lobbyistsin Malaysia. They would be considered as cronies of the Government.
2.In the U.S. the lobbyists are paid to work for certain interests. The Cuban lobby at one time lobbied successfully for the U.S. Government to purchase sugar from Cuba. There was also a lobby firm which was hired by Malaysia to influence the U.S. Government not to undermine the tin, rubber and palm oil markets. We were not very successful.
3.But the most powerful lobby in the U.S. is the AIPAC (America Israel Public Affairs Committee). It can reach the President, all members of the American Government and all Congressmen and Senators as well as their staff at any time. This lobby which was responsible for U.S. support for the setting up of Israel and subsequent pro-Israel policies, is so powerful that candidates for President and other offices in the U.S. Government have to literally pledge support for Israel to his lobby or they would lose in elections.
4.An American Congressman of five terms lost the election after he wrote a book exposing the influence of the Jewish lobby. So powerful is AIPAC that not only does it ensure U.S. support for Israel policies but also U.S. funding of billions of dollars to the Israel Government.
5.For the U.S. the lobby system is totally democratic as ownership of firearms by all citizens is democratic. Malaysians would never think of condemning this system. For Malaysians, especially the liberal NGOs, and the opposition, everything and anything that is done by the U.S. and the West are regarded as democratic. They would never condemn the US for this blatant fee-based influence-pedalling.
6.And of course we will agree to the TPPA irrespective of how much the majority of Malaysians are against it.
7.Clearly while the West condemns us for not allowing freedom of the press and cronyism, the west is blatantly practising censorship and cronyism.
8.I will not mention other undemocratic practises of the great advocates and crusaders for democracy and clean Government. Tapping phone calls and writing dossiers on their own citizens are now accepted democratic practices in the name of patriotism and national security.
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Saturday, April 19, 2014
Hudud : Lama2 Org Islam Takde Tangan - Mahathir
Monday, April 14, 2014
Friday, April 11, 2014
Dr Mahathir Mohamad
7. Saya kembali ke tanah air pada 28 hb. November 1985. Semasa berada di luar Negara tidak ada apa-apa yang berlaku yang tidak boleh ditangani oleh Timbalan Perdana Menteri yang memangku jawatan Perdana Menteri.
1. Semasa saya menjadi Perdana Menteri, masalah keselamatan Negara dipikul bersama oleh saya dan Timbalan Perdana Menteri.
2. Adakalanya saya memegang jawatan Menteri Pertahanan dan Timbalan Perdana Menteri memegang jawatan Menteri Dalam Negeri yang bertanggunjawab ke atas Polis. Adakalanya apabila saya tentukan saya sebagai Perdana Menteri akan mengambil tugas Menteri Dalam Negeri, maka Timbalan Perdana Menteri akan dilantik sebagai Menteri Pertahanan. Hanya beberapa kali apabila keadaan mendesak maka jawatan Menteri Pertahanan diberi kepada Menteri biasa. Amalan ini disebabkan soal keselamatan Negara begitu penting.
3. Pada 20 November 1985, saya mengepalai satu rombongan swasta yang amat besar kerana saya anggap terdapat banyak peluang dagangan dengan Negara Cina yang baru sahaja dibuka untuk penyertaan peniaga luar.
4. Saya tidak ingat yang Tun Musa datang berjumpa saya untuk saya tidak pergi ke Beijing tetapi beliau berada di lapangan terbang bersama dengan ramai orang yang ingin ucap selamat pemergian saya ke Cina. Di waktu itu pun saya tidak ingat yang Tun Musa menasihat supaya saya tidak pergi luar negeri.
5. Kejadian peristiwa Memali berlaku pada 19 November 1985, sehari sebelum saya terbang. Memanglah dalam operasi polis seperti ini kemalangan boleh berlaku. 4 anggota polis terbunuh dan 16 penjenayah. Ramai juga yang cedera.
6. Saya begitu yakin yang Timbalan Perdana Menteri dapat menangani keadaan sehingga saya melantik beliau sebagai Pemangku Perdana Menteri. Beliaulah yang menjawab YB Tuan Gooi Hock Seng (Bukit Bendera) yang telah mohon menangguh mesyuarat Dewan Rakyat pada 20 hb. November 1985 untuk membincang “Perintah Berkurung akibat Pembunuhan di Baling Kedah” (Hansard).
7. Saya kembali ke tanah air pada 28 hb. November 1985. Semasa berada di luar Negara tidak ada apa-apa yang berlaku yang tidak boleh ditangani oleh Timbalan Perdana Menteri yang memangku jawatan Perdana Menteri.
8. Sesuatu jawatan mempunyai tanggungjawabnya. Dari segi tindakan terhadap jenayah tanggungjawab ini dipikul oleh anggota Polis. Dari segi keputusan mengambil tindakan terhadap ancaman keselamatan Negara yang besar Menteri bertanggungjawab, sekurang-kurangnya merestui tindakan.
9. Tun Musa telah akui beliau bertanggungjawab. Dalam sistem kabinet yang kita amalkan semua anggota kabinet, terutama Perdana Menteri bertanggungjawab.
10. Saya tidak fikir Tun Musa telah ramal tentang kehilangan nyawa yang akan berlaku hasil keputusan yang dibuat olehnya. Seperti yang disebut olehnya di waktu menjawab usul oleh YB Tuan Gooi Hock Seng, “adalah menjadi tugas dan tanggungjawab Kerajaan untuk mempastikan supaya keselamatan Negara wujud pada setiap masa demi kesejahteraan rakyat jelata dan demi kestabilan Negara pada keseluruhannya. Sebab itulah Kerajaan tidak akan berkompromi………..”
11. Soal peristiwa saya kononnya tidak ada dalam negeri semasa peristiwa berlaku bukan disebar oleh saya. Dalam buku saya pun saya tidak sebut perkara ini. Yang diketahui umum ialah Dato Musa Hitam ialah Menteri Dalam Negeri, disamping menjadi Timbalan Perdana Menteri pada masa itu. Sebagai Menteri Dalam Negeri rundingan dan laporan oleh Ketua Polis Negara dibuat kepadanya. Menteri Dalam Negeri juga terlibat dalam memutuskan tindakan yang diambil. Jika hanya apabila semua berjalan dengan baik pengakuan bertanggungjwab dibuat, tentulah ini kurang manis.
12. Harus diingat bahawa anggota polis dibunuh sebelum polis menembak balas. Amat malang sekali sementara kematian Ibrahim dan pengikutnya diingati, bahkan dilaung sebagai syahid, kematian anggota polis yang menjaga keselamatan kita dilupakan.
13. Ya. Sepatutunya insiden ini tidak berlaku. Tetapi sanggupkah kita membiar sehingga sesuatu itu sudah melarat baharu kita ambil tindakan. Lihatlah keadaan yang sedang berlaku di beberapa Negara sekarang ini kerana polis tidak dibenar bertindak secara berkesan.
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
By Dr Mahathir Mohamad
1. Putrajaya is blooming. The trees along Persiaran Utara and Leboh Sentosa are like sakura trees, sometimes covered with pink and white flowers completely or with some leaves and more flowers.
2. It has never been like this. Perhaps it is because of the dry weather.
3. Unfortunately when it rains the flowers drop. But then the grounds under the trees are covered with pink and white petals, like snow.
4. It will not last long. But hurry to see Putrajaya in springtime.
By Dr Mahathir Mohamad
6. One can condemn any race or any nation for anything whether false or true but no one may condemn the Jews. If anyone does that, his statements or his book or article will not be published. Only unknown publishers or the writers themselves may publish. The great bookshops will not sell them.
1. During the time when I was leading the Government, I was accused by Western nations, in particular by the Western media of controlling the press. Since retirement I read a lot about the administration of Western countries. The censorship they practise on their press and publication is more stringent than anything we have seen here.
2. The American and Western media and publishers are totally forbidden to say anything unseemly about the Jews and in particular Israel. They may also not report about the unAmerican activities of the Jews in their own country.
3. I read a book on banking, on the setting up of the central banking system, on how the banks finance both sides in the wars of Europe, how they actually manipulate the politicians into going into meaningless wars so they can earn profits from lending the money they created out of thin air. They abuse the financial systems to such an extent that financial crises would plague the countries and even the world every now and again. And when they go bankrupt they force Government’s to borrow money from them to bail out their companies and banks.
4. The creator of the banking system and the setting up of the Federal Reserve System as the central bank of the United States was Rothschild and members of his family. Almost all the other great bankers in the U.S. and European countries were people with clearly Jewish names. Yet throughout the book of 600 over pages there was no mention at all that they were Jews.
5. Why is this so? It is because effectively this fact is not allowed to be mentioned. The Jews of the world demand that nothing bad may be said about Jews. All Western Governments all concur. Any unsavoury reference to the Jews and to their depredations will earn the condemnation not just of the Jews but also of Western Governments as “anti semitic.” In today’s world no one is allowed to be anti-semitic (Incidentally the Arabs are also Semitic people). And the media and publishers must never publish anything that may be considered anti-semitic. If they try they will be censored.
6. One can condemn any race or any nation for anything whether false or true but no one may condemn the Jews. If anyone does that, his statements or his book or article will not be published. Only unknown publishers or the writers themselves may publish. The great bookshops will not sell them.
7. It is clear that there is censorship in the West and it is even more rigid. In fact there are Western countries which have laws to punish anti-semitic utterances.
8. When a British journalist, David Irving, wrote that the number of Jews killed by the German Nazis may not be 6 million but less, he was arrested when he visited Austria, tried and jailed for being anti-semitic. That is the extent of censorship in Europe. Even if you say anything supposedly anti-semitic in another country, you may be jailed by any European country.
9. The West has therefore no right to lecture others about freedom of speech, of the media or of publication. They themselves do not practice what they preach. They are the worst censors in the world.
Dr Mahathir Mohamad

5. Semua perbelanjaan pentadbiran termasuk political pension Raja, gaji dan elaun pegawai dan kakitangan sehingga ke budak pejabat diurus oleh Perbendaharaan. Keperluan untuk berhutang atau jualan tanah tidak lagi timbul.
1. Sebelum British menakluki negeri-negeri Melayu, sistem pemerintahan adalah Raja berkuasa penuh. Semua perolehan hasil dan cukai adalah milik Raja. Pembiayaan pemerintahan dan pembangunan diperuntukkan oleh Raja.
2. Banyaklah penipuan berlaku semasa cukai dikutip. Yang didapati oleh Raja biasanya sedikit sahaja.
3. Kekurangan kewangan menjadi masalah kepada Raja. Bagi mengatasinya Raja terpaksa jual atau pajak tanah. Dengan itu wilayah negeri-negeri Melayu merosot dan menjadi semakin kecil.
4. Apabila British mengambil alih pemerintahan negeri-negeri Melayu, cukai dipungut dengan lebih tersusun dan dimasukkan ke dalam Perbendaharaan negeri dan persekutuan.
5. Semua perbelanjaan pentadbiran termasuk political pension Raja, gaji dan elaun pegawai dan kakitangan sehingga ke budak pejabat diurus oleh Perbendaharaan. Keperluan untuk berhutang atau jualan tanah tidak lagi timbul.
6. Pegawai pentadbir Melayu yang mengetuai gerakan untuk Kemerdekaan kagum dengan sistem yang diperkenalkan oleh British. Oleh itu, apabila sistem pentadbiran Malaya merdeka dirancang, mereka memilih demokrasi dengan Raja berperlembagaan dan dewan perundangan (Parlimen) yang dipilih oleh rakyat. Pentadbiran di serah kepada sebuah Kabinet yang terdiri dari pemimpin parti yang menang. Raja tidak lagi berkuasa penuh. Namun tandatangan Raja yang memerintah diperlukan bagi mengesahkan undang-undang. Kuasa ini adalah formal kerana Raja dikehendaki terima nasihat daripada Perdana Menteri atau Menteri Besar. Hanya berkenaan perkara yang melibat diri Raja-Raja sahaja yang Raja berperlembagaan berkuasa.
7. Kepimpinan dalam Kerajaan diberi kuasa hanya untuk pentadbiran negara dan bukan untuk diri sendiri. Tetapi budaya Melayu adalah demikian mereka akan akur arahan ketua-ketua tertinggi tanpa mengambil kira samada arahan mengikuti undang-undang atau tidak. Oleh sebab ini, kuasa orang yang berkuasa menjadi mutlak dan ramailah yang mendekati diri dengan yang berkuasa untuk mengguna kuasa itu untuk kepentingan diri. Untuk tujuan ini biasanya orang-orang ini akan membodek dan menawar pemberian sebahagian dari pendapatan mereka dari perniagaan yang mereka dapat hasil pertolongan pihak berkuasa kepada yang berkuasa. Maka berlakulah rasuah oleh yang berkuasa.
8. Kuasa mutlak, sama ada dianugerah oleh undang-undang atau adat budaya keMelayuan amat merbahaya. Ia akan meningkat ke tahap yang tidak dapat diterima oleh rakyat. Sebelum sampai tahap ini, eloklah pihak berkenaan diberitahu. Janganlah orang yang berkuasa mutlak atau tidak melanggar perlembagaan, undang-undang atau dasar-dasar Negara.
By Dr Mahathir Mohamad
1. The raw hatred for Proton by some members of the media is quite unprecedented. Nothing is right about Proton. It should really be bankrupted and closed down. That will reduce the price of cars so everyone in Malaysia can own a foreign made car.
2. Firstly car prices are high because taxes are high. But the detractors will say the taxes are high to protect Proton.
3. The protection for Proton is minimal. Most of the exemption from tax that Proton gets can also be obtained by foreign cars if they are prepared to have 90% local contents and are made locally which Proton has achieved.
4. But who cares whether the local contents are high or low. I think we should care because the local contents and local car production have created almost 250,000 high-income jobs directly and indirectly. Imported fully-built-up cars create jobs in their own countries. Do we want 250,000 people to lose their jobs so foreign workers will benefit!
5. Then there is the acquisition of technology and engineering knowhow. We were just assembling foreign cars at inflated cost due to very low deletion allowances in 1983 when Proton was launched. Today we have the capacity to design, build prototypes, test and produce our own cars. Acquiring this capacity carries some cost. But because of Proton’s needs we have produced highly qualified engineers and technicians. And we are not penalised by low deletion allowance for high cost parts.
6. Do we need this capacity? We have ambitions to become a developed country. Can a country of consumers of foreign products ever become a developed country? We see some very rich countries with no industrial capacity at all. They buy everything from foreign countries. Can we say they are developed? We need industrial capacities and sophistication if we aim to become a truly developed country. We need scientists, engineers, inventors, innovators, highly skilled workers etc. etc. We will not have them if we cannot create jobs for them. Proton create those jobs.
7. How much has the Government paid to have Proton? Four hundred million Ringgit. Proton borrowed 800 million Ringgit which it had repaid. Compare this with what a Japanese company and the GM in the U.S. spent recently merely to develop and produce electric and hybrid cars – 5 billion US dollars each. They have still not got it right. To start an automotive company in Europe and America at the time we started would require billions of dollars. The Government spent only 120 million US Dollars.
8. The Malaysian Government promised to give 200 million Ringgit a year for Proton’s research in hybrids and electric cars. Hardly a fraction of this fund has been given to Proton. There is no record of 3 billion Ringgit being given to Proton by the Government. On the other hand Proton financed the construction of the Tanjung Malim Plant at 1.8 billion Ringgit using internal funds. Incidentally the Government has collected billions of Ringgit from Proton through various taxes, directly and indirectly. Of course the Government would collect the same or more from imports. But to import, the outflow of funds would be more than the taxes collected.
9. But let us close down Proton and buy foreign cars. The outflow of Malaysian money due to import of cars every year totals 20+ billion Ringgit. Automotive components and cars exported from Malaysia earn us four billion Ringgit. Net outflow is 16+ billion Ringgit. Close down Proton and the outflow would be 20 billion Ringgit or more.
10. Government is subsidising fuel amounting to almost 24 billion Ringgit a year. The tax on cars is high because the Government needs to recoup some of the subsidy money. With or without Proton the taxes are needed by Government. Outflow of funds will increase our trade deficits.
11. The sales of Proton cars has not been good lately. The new management and owners have to do a lot of cleaning up. Proton has now decided not to produce inferior cars for the Malaysian market and then upgrade them for the foreign markets. That was the original policy.
12. Proton now produces cars for domestic and the world market conforming to Euro 5 and other world standards. Go test the Prevé or Suprima S. They are superior to the old Proton cars. Proton intends to keep up with the sophistication of the imports. In fact in many respects they are superior to imports of the same class. Imports were given exemptions from conforming to Malaysian standards. Proton never seek to be exempted.
13. But superiority comes with a cost. Malaysians complain about the performance of Proton cars before but now that we produce better cars Malaysians must be prepared to pay a little bit more. Remember even the best brands have to recall hundreds of thousands because defect cause accidents and deaths.
14. If we look around we see many of the European and American brands have disappeared. But Proton is still around. That in itself is a minor miracle in the automotive world.
15. Proton is determined to not only survive but to do well as an industry and a business. The detractors can say what they like. That will not deter Proton. We in Proton look upon our work as a mission. We think we are contributing to the development of Malaysia as a really developed country. It will take a little time. But we are determined to make a success of this the only car from a developing country.
By Dr Mahathir Mohamad
1. The MCA has decided practically unanimously to rejoin the Government as members of the cabinet. This should be welcomed by Malaysians; not all of course, but a majority.
2. Many have criticized the role played by the MCA in the Malaysian Government. It is obvious that UMNO dominated the Government. But then UMNO has always been and even now is by far the biggest party in the BN coalition. Malay dominance in the political field is due to their numerical strength as voters and as elected members. It is an accepted fact, as much as Chinese dominance in the economic field is a reality we must accept.
3. In Malaysia up till now there cannot be one race dominating both the economic field as well as the political field. The best that can happen is a sharing of political and economic power with one race dominant in one field and another in the other.
4. But what cannot be denied is that the partnership between particularly UMNO and MCA, the second biggest party, kept this country stable and able to develop for over half a century. Even the blind and the deaf must admit the good performance of the country lead by UMNO representing the Malays, MCA representing the Chinese and MIC representing the Indians and later together with the indigenous peoples of Sabah and Sarawak.
5. Of course no one is fully satisfied. But in a partnership you cannot get 100% of what you think you are entitled to. UMNO, MCA and MIC and the other ethnic parties must accept the need to sacrifice some in order to gain some. If no one wants to sacrifice anything, there cannot be a partnership. In the end no one gets anything. The bickering and animosity will cause the country to be unstable and unable to develop. It is the inability to make some concessions and sacrifices that has led to what is happening in the countries of the Middle East.
6. In the 13th General Election, the DAP dangled before the eyes of the Chinese that this time (kali ini) they can grab both political and economic dominance. They point to the Perak model where when Pakatan won the head of Government was a Malay but he was totally subservient to the DAP (Chinese). When the Pakatan Government with Nizar of PAS as the MB was brought down, the DAP told the Chinese that they had lost a Chinese Government. The Chinese in Perak have since become anti-BN.
7. Some Malay politicians are convinced that the Chinese being in the minority cannot ever rule Malaysia as Singapore is ruled by the Chinese. Physically holding office is not necessary. If the Prime Minister is totally under the control of the DAP then it would become a Chinese dominated Government.
8. Today the Malays are divided into three parties. For any party to win, Chinese support is essential. The Malay parties have become dependent on Chinese votes to win.
9. The DAP sees this as an opportunity to choose which Malay party should win. Their choice is PAS and Keadilan which are totally subservient to them. They believed that their Pakatan would win enough seats to form the Government. It would be a DAP subservient Government because if it leaves the Pakatan it will fall. Of course if any of the two Malay-based parties leave Pakatan, the Government would also fall. So none of the Malay-based parties would dare to leave the Pakatan. PAS actually said that it will work with the DAP even if the DAP rejects PAS’s Islamic State.
10. The DAP dangled this possibility of a Chinese dominated Government to the Chinese voters. Supporters of the MCA flocked to the opposition parties so that a Chinese DAP dominated Government would rule Malaysia. There were of course other things about the Government that the Chinese did not like.
11. But the 13th General Election saw PAS and Keadilan, despite DAP support failing to win the required number of seats to form a Pakatan Federal Government together with DAP. PAS did very badly indeed and will play second fiddle in the Pakatan as the opposition.
11. But the 13th General Election saw PAS and Keadilan, despite DAP support failing to win the required number of seats to form a Pakatan Federal Government together with DAP. PAS did very badly indeed and will play second fiddle in the Pakatan as the opposition.
12. But the DAP is not about to give up. There will be another opportunity in the 14th General Election. If the trend toward declining support for BN continues, it may result in the DAP vision of Chinese dominance in politics as well as the economy being realised. Malaysia will be like Singapore.
13. The MCA leaders will have a tough time persuading the Chinese to once again reject the idea of Chinese dominance and go back to sharing Malaysia fairly between the three major racial groups and the indigenous peoples of Sabah and Sarawak.
14. We are seeing today instability and economic regression in many countries in the Middle East and in Asia. We have not suffered the same fate simply because the founding fathers laid down the basis for racial cooperation in this country. And the basis is that of sharing political and economic dominance. The Malays dominate politics but accept that a substantial share should go to the Chinese and Indians while the Chinese dominate in the economic field but accept the need to share some of it with the Malays and the others.
15. If greed and ego influence us into discarding the sharing formula and go instead for grabbing everything for ourselves, we will lose stability, we may not grow economically, we may regress in terms of development. In the end the race that grabs everything will find little in their grasp. Nor will the other deprived races.
16. This is a truly multiracial country. We retain our racial identities and we object strongly to beng fully Malaysian. We are all racists even as we call others racists. If we want to live together in a prosperous country we must accept making some concessions and sacrifices.
17. The MCA opting to rejoin the Government is a step in the right direction. The Chinese must support the MCA because they cannot deny the benefits they gained during the partnership between the MCA and UMNO. A bird in hand is worth two in the bush.
18. I will not comment on the current status of race relations. If you think it is good then call me a racist because I speak frankly. But if you think that tensions between the races are worse today than before, then accept the multiracialism of our country and be prepared to concede and make some minimal sacrifices. Be prepared to share political power and economic wealth for the sake of stability and growth. In the end your share of both will be far greater than your lot if you gain total control over the country.
19. This applies not just to the Chinese. This is also what will happen to the Malays, Indians, Kadazans, Ibans, Melanaus, Orang Ulu and all others should any of them try to grab everything for themselves.
20. Forget the idea of dominating all fields, of dominating both politics and economics. Go back to the idea of sharing. It will not be forever. It will be only for the duration when the Malays through their numbers dominate politics and the Chinese through their business acumen and money dominate the economy. Once the Malays and other indigenous people gain a fair share of the economic wealth of this country, they will lose their fear of Chinese domination. At that stage the Chinese share of political power would be enhanced.
21. It may take years but that is as much as we can expect for as long as we insist on being identified by our racial origins.
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
Sunday, April 6, 2014
Ucapan pelancaran 3 buah buku oleh Y.B Datok Ahmad Maslan
Friday, April 4, 2014
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