Monday, July 30, 2012
Dr Mahathir Akui Balas Surat, Tolak Hubungan Dengan Israel
Mahathir opens Arab Spring Conference & War Crimes Tribunal
Transformasi Minda Penyelidik Muda - Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
By Dr Mahathir Mohamad
1. I have been sailing along the coast of Italy the last few days, staying on the island of Ischia.
2. The Italian coast is rocky but is green with shrubs and dotted with picturesque villas reaching from the beaches right up to the peaks.
3. Invisible from the sea, sturdy narrow tarred roads not only connect all the little coastal and hilltop towns but also all the villas and hotels. The roads make sharp hairpin bends as they ascend the steep hillsides at times projecting out from the cliffs. Italian drivers are as good as F1 drivers, negotiating these bend skilfully, passing the vehicles, including busses coming from the opposite direction with barely any space between them. Throughout several days of being driven along these narrow, sharply curved roads and steep cliffs I did not see a single accident.
4. When meeting an on-coming vehicle on a single-lane road, one would back to a broader part so as to let the other to pass. A wave of the hand and a smiling Italian thank you would greet the driver who had generously given way.
5. There’s a passion for roofless busses and colourful canvas-topped taxis. All the tourists are turned to a ripe brown “sawo matang” colour. Seems that their holidays are just about lying on inflated floating plastic mats and folding chairs in the sun. Nothing is free. The umbrellas, mattresses, folding chairs are all for rent.
6. You may wonder why I am talking about my holiday in financially-troubled Italy. It is that they seem to be able to build on the hillsides without spoiling the beauty or causing landslides. The reason is the rocky nature of the land and absence of torrential rain, although I was pelted with hailstones in one of the villages in Ischia. There are no 50-storey high rises to block the view of those behind.
7. A few of the villas are five storeys high, but they follow the slope of the hill, being stepped back as they rise. They appear to be stuck to the sloping side of the hill rather than standing on cut-ground. The upper storeys look out over the flat roofs of the storeys below. Often potted plants are placed on the roof.
8. Below and above them were the hill roads. In the taxi or bus you see the roofs of the houses below as you pass the frontage of the houses above.
9. Our hills are not rocky. We have a thick layer of topsoil with giant trees firmly anchored by their roots, stabilizing the slopes. The grounds at the base of the trees are covered by thick undergrowth which again grips the topsoil.
10. This coverage of trees, shrubs and undergrowths prevent the rain from hitting the ground directly and softening it. Without this cover the ground would be washed down the slope.
11. Despite all these I still believe we can build on the hillsides provided we avoid high rise structures. One or two storied houses built some distance from each other with the big and medium sized trees left standing would minimise the risk of the soil being eroded.
12. Where necessary concrete mini-piles should be driven into the ground to stabilize it. In Koh Samui in the Gulf of Thailand narrow and steep concrete roads have been built to connect the villas with other parts of the hotel. Only golf-carts are allowed on these connecting roads.
13. Extensive planting of shrubs cover the ground completely supplementing the natural undergrowth. Although the ground in Koh Samui is as soft as the ground in Malaysia, the villas of the hotel built on the slopes appear quite stable and sturdy, each with its own swimming pool.
14. Langkawi would benefit from carefully planned hillside development. Currently we get some 2.5 million tourists visiting Langkawi. We can handle more. But the developers must be a bit more imaginative and not try to maximise return for the land.
15. Tourism is the fastest way to grow the economy. The people in Langkawi are better off than those in mainland Kedah. When I served there as Medical Officer in 1956 their houses were of timber, bamboo, attap and even the bark of trees. Today they live in modern brick and mortar houses, with electricity, hot and cold running water and WC system. Langkawians have come a long way.
16. There are foreigners who retire to live in Langkawi. Retired Malaysians should do likewise and enjoy the tax-free status of the Islands, while enriching the island and the nation. They should build villas on the hillsides and Government should build two-lane roads like those in Italy. The development should enhance the beauty of these legendary islands.
17. Langkawi should become the second home not only of foreigners but also of Malaysians.
source :
1. I have been sailing along the coast of Italy the last few days, staying on the island of Ischia.
2. The Italian coast is rocky but is green with shrubs and dotted with picturesque villas reaching from the beaches right up to the peaks.
3. Invisible from the sea, sturdy narrow tarred roads not only connect all the little coastal and hilltop towns but also all the villas and hotels. The roads make sharp hairpin bends as they ascend the steep hillsides at times projecting out from the cliffs. Italian drivers are as good as F1 drivers, negotiating these bend skilfully, passing the vehicles, including busses coming from the opposite direction with barely any space between them. Throughout several days of being driven along these narrow, sharply curved roads and steep cliffs I did not see a single accident.
4. When meeting an on-coming vehicle on a single-lane road, one would back to a broader part so as to let the other to pass. A wave of the hand and a smiling Italian thank you would greet the driver who had generously given way.
5. There’s a passion for roofless busses and colourful canvas-topped taxis. All the tourists are turned to a ripe brown “sawo matang” colour. Seems that their holidays are just about lying on inflated floating plastic mats and folding chairs in the sun. Nothing is free. The umbrellas, mattresses, folding chairs are all for rent.
6. You may wonder why I am talking about my holiday in financially-troubled Italy. It is that they seem to be able to build on the hillsides without spoiling the beauty or causing landslides. The reason is the rocky nature of the land and absence of torrential rain, although I was pelted with hailstones in one of the villages in Ischia. There are no 50-storey high rises to block the view of those behind.
7. A few of the villas are five storeys high, but they follow the slope of the hill, being stepped back as they rise. They appear to be stuck to the sloping side of the hill rather than standing on cut-ground. The upper storeys look out over the flat roofs of the storeys below. Often potted plants are placed on the roof.
8. Below and above them were the hill roads. In the taxi or bus you see the roofs of the houses below as you pass the frontage of the houses above.
9. Our hills are not rocky. We have a thick layer of topsoil with giant trees firmly anchored by their roots, stabilizing the slopes. The grounds at the base of the trees are covered by thick undergrowth which again grips the topsoil.
10. This coverage of trees, shrubs and undergrowths prevent the rain from hitting the ground directly and softening it. Without this cover the ground would be washed down the slope.
11. Despite all these I still believe we can build on the hillsides provided we avoid high rise structures. One or two storied houses built some distance from each other with the big and medium sized trees left standing would minimise the risk of the soil being eroded.
12. Where necessary concrete mini-piles should be driven into the ground to stabilize it. In Koh Samui in the Gulf of Thailand narrow and steep concrete roads have been built to connect the villas with other parts of the hotel. Only golf-carts are allowed on these connecting roads.
13. Extensive planting of shrubs cover the ground completely supplementing the natural undergrowth. Although the ground in Koh Samui is as soft as the ground in Malaysia, the villas of the hotel built on the slopes appear quite stable and sturdy, each with its own swimming pool.
14. Langkawi would benefit from carefully planned hillside development. Currently we get some 2.5 million tourists visiting Langkawi. We can handle more. But the developers must be a bit more imaginative and not try to maximise return for the land.
15. Tourism is the fastest way to grow the economy. The people in Langkawi are better off than those in mainland Kedah. When I served there as Medical Officer in 1956 their houses were of timber, bamboo, attap and even the bark of trees. Today they live in modern brick and mortar houses, with electricity, hot and cold running water and WC system. Langkawians have come a long way.
16. There are foreigners who retire to live in Langkawi. Retired Malaysians should do likewise and enjoy the tax-free status of the Islands, while enriching the island and the nation. They should build villas on the hillsides and Government should build two-lane roads like those in Italy. The development should enhance the beauty of these legendary islands.
17. Langkawi should become the second home not only of foreigners but also of Malaysians.
source :
By Dr Mahathir Mohamad
1. I was surprised to be asked by a friendly Malaysian interviewer about Malaysia’s tin cartel operations. I thought I had already explained in my memoirs about the tin trading which we carried out soon after I became Prime Minister. I can understand the opposition describing what we did as a cartel. But apparently many Malaysians swallowed the accusations by the Western media that we had cornered the tin market.
2. I don’t know whether people understand what a cartel is. The dictionary defines cartel as an association of competing firms formed to fix price.
3. The Malaysian Government was never a member of any association with anyone to fix tin price. All we did was to appoint a Swiss firm Mark Rich to do the trading for us.
4. What was happening was that some shadowy tin traders were selling tin repeatedly in the London Metal Exchange in order to depress tin prices. They had no tin but as with short-selling shares, the tin they sold was not in their possession. In short-selling, the idea is to sell and sell so as to depress the price. When the price has gone down, the seller then buys the tin to deliver to buyers who had earlier bought at a higher price.
5. Tin in the early 80’s was one of our main exports. We had not yet built up our exports of manufactured goods. Therefore the depressed tin price was hurting our economy.
6. As a big exporter of tin we knew the amount of tin being traded in the market was far bigger than physical tin. Due to the low prices we had a big stock of tin.
7. It is common practice to buy any commodity including currency in order to support price.
8. And so we bought the tin in the market to support the price. We also knew that the sellers would need physical tin to deliver when they have to fulfill their contracts. And when that time comes they would have to buy the tin from us.
9. Sure enough the time came for the sellers to deliver the tin which they had sold at low prices. The tin they sold far exceeded the amount they could be holding. Then they would come to us. We could then name the price.
10. The sellers and buyers had entered into legal contracts. The sellers must deliver if they don’t want to breach the contracts.
11. But when the time came for the sellers to deliver and they did not have the tin to fulfill their contracts, we were sure they would offer to buy the physical tin we had in our stock. We stood to make a good profit as the tin price in the market would go up. This would help us regain our earnings which we lost through the low prices caused by the short–selling operations of the market players.
12. But the London Metal Exchange ruled that the sellers need not deliver. Naturally we lost a lot of money as the tin which we had contracted to buy was not delivered to us. And the tin price remained low as we were carrying a lot of stock which we could not sell.
13. The London Metal Exchange justified their ruling by saying we had formed a cartel to fix the price of tin.
14. There was no hearing of our side of the story. And certainly there was no proof of any association or cartel formed by us. The high and mighty London Metal Exchange simply ruled that the tin need not be delivered. They saved the unprincipled market short-sellers who had expected to make tonnes of money from selling tin they did not have.
15. I was annoyed. The episode influenced my decision to buy British last and not to give contracts to British firms.
source :
1. I was surprised to be asked by a friendly Malaysian interviewer about Malaysia’s tin cartel operations. I thought I had already explained in my memoirs about the tin trading which we carried out soon after I became Prime Minister. I can understand the opposition describing what we did as a cartel. But apparently many Malaysians swallowed the accusations by the Western media that we had cornered the tin market.
2. I don’t know whether people understand what a cartel is. The dictionary defines cartel as an association of competing firms formed to fix price.
3. The Malaysian Government was never a member of any association with anyone to fix tin price. All we did was to appoint a Swiss firm Mark Rich to do the trading for us.
4. What was happening was that some shadowy tin traders were selling tin repeatedly in the London Metal Exchange in order to depress tin prices. They had no tin but as with short-selling shares, the tin they sold was not in their possession. In short-selling, the idea is to sell and sell so as to depress the price. When the price has gone down, the seller then buys the tin to deliver to buyers who had earlier bought at a higher price.
5. Tin in the early 80’s was one of our main exports. We had not yet built up our exports of manufactured goods. Therefore the depressed tin price was hurting our economy.
6. As a big exporter of tin we knew the amount of tin being traded in the market was far bigger than physical tin. Due to the low prices we had a big stock of tin.
7. It is common practice to buy any commodity including currency in order to support price.
8. And so we bought the tin in the market to support the price. We also knew that the sellers would need physical tin to deliver when they have to fulfill their contracts. And when that time comes they would have to buy the tin from us.
9. Sure enough the time came for the sellers to deliver the tin which they had sold at low prices. The tin they sold far exceeded the amount they could be holding. Then they would come to us. We could then name the price.
10. The sellers and buyers had entered into legal contracts. The sellers must deliver if they don’t want to breach the contracts.
11. But when the time came for the sellers to deliver and they did not have the tin to fulfill their contracts, we were sure they would offer to buy the physical tin we had in our stock. We stood to make a good profit as the tin price in the market would go up. This would help us regain our earnings which we lost through the low prices caused by the short–selling operations of the market players.
12. But the London Metal Exchange ruled that the sellers need not deliver. Naturally we lost a lot of money as the tin which we had contracted to buy was not delivered to us. And the tin price remained low as we were carrying a lot of stock which we could not sell.
13. The London Metal Exchange justified their ruling by saying we had formed a cartel to fix the price of tin.
14. There was no hearing of our side of the story. And certainly there was no proof of any association or cartel formed by us. The high and mighty London Metal Exchange simply ruled that the tin need not be delivered. They saved the unprincipled market short-sellers who had expected to make tonnes of money from selling tin they did not have.
15. I was annoyed. The episode influenced my decision to buy British last and not to give contracts to British firms.
source :
Iftar with TDM & TDSH at Perdana Leadership Foundation
Amboi senangnya kata Dr M diktator
Walaupun benar, lebih 22 tahun lamanya Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad (Dr M) memperjuangkan nasib orang Melayu menerusi kedudukannya selaku Presiden tetapi beliau tidak memimpin Umno sebagaimana Adolf Hitler memimpin Third Reich.
Dr M berusaha untuk membangunkan nasib orang Melayu yang tercicir di tanah airnya sendiri tetapi beliau tidak pernah dalam mana-mana ucapannya menganjurkan agar bangsa Melayu menjadi bangsa agung untuk seribu tahun akan datang sebagaimana Hitler mahukan bangsa Aryan (Jerman).
Di Sukan Komanwel XVI Kuala Lumpur 1998, Dr M hanya tersenyum ikhlas apabila atlet negara peserta lain berdiri di atas rostrum dan dikalungkan pingat. Malah beliau mendapat penghormatan standing ovation setiap kali kedatangannya diumumkan dan turut bersalaman dengan pemenang. Ini berbeza dengan Hitler yang enggan bersalaman dengan Jesse Owens, pemenang pingat emas acara pecut 100 meter Sukan Olimpik Musim Panas Berlin 1936.
Seingat saya, Dr M tidak pernah memanggil Watson Nyambek ke pejabatnya dan memaksa pelari pecut negara itu supaya mesti menang pingat emas sebagaimana yang Hitler lakukan ke atas atlet Jerman ketika itu bagi memastikan bangsa Aryan adalah bangsa yang tidak ada tolok bandingnya di dunia ini.
Walaupun acap kali Dr M menyebut bagaimana bangsa Melayu teraniaya sejak lebih 400 tahun dulu namun tidak ada peristiwa Holocaust berlaku sama ada ketika pemerintahannya.
Sebelum Hitler berkuasa, pendatang dan pemastautin Yahudi di Jerman menguasai ekonomi negara itu. Mereka juga mengakibatkan rakyat bangsa Jerman menghadapi pelbagai masalah di tanah air mereka sendiri. Justeru, Holocaust atau penghapusan penduduk Yahudi dalam relau gas, dalam kata-kata Hitler sendiri, The final solution to the Jewish problems.
Justeru, bagi sebilangan rakyat Malaysia yang mengatakan Dr M adalah diktator, adalah ibarat anjing yang menggigit tangan tuan yang memberikan mereka makan.
Sepatutnya, setelah dilabel ultra Melayu oleh mantan PM Singapura Lee Kuan Yew di Dewan Parlimen pada 1963, Dr M menyarung uniform tentera dan bertindak sebagai diktator tulen sebagaimana Hitler sebaik sahaja dilantik menjadi PM pada 1981.
Namun, hal ini tidak berlaku. Sebaliknya, orang bukan Melayu sendiri merasakan label ultra Melayu yang cuba dilekatkan ke atas diri beliau jauh tersasar. Dr M melayan tuntutan daripada kaum lain sekiranya ia adalah munasabah dan bermanfaat kepada rakyat umumnya.
Bermula daripada perakam waktu dan penyeragaman masa, Semenanjung dan Sabah dan Sarawak sehinggalah terbinanya pusat pentadbiran kerajaan Persekutuan, Putrajaya, adalah hasil sumbangan idea dan usaha gigih beliau untuk rakyat Malaysia selama tempoh 22 tahun itu.
Saya berani katakan rata-rata rakyat di negara ini menerima manfaat daripada apa yang beliau lakukan seperti Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur (KLIA), Putrajaya, sistem tren aliran ringan (LRT), Litar Antarabangsa Sepang dan Astro.
Untuk melaksanakan semua ini Dr M perlu bersikap tegas dan mengambil tahu dalam semua perkara, di samping memastikan semua yang dilakukan perlu mengikuti spesifikasi dan menurut apa yang dipersetujui. Sikap berdolak-dalik tidak ada dalam kamusnya.
Ketegasan dan kediktatoran adalah dua perkara yang berbeza. Sekiranya Dr M mengambil sikap diktator, maka kita tidak akan melihat roda Proton Preve tertanggal pada hari pelancaran. Malah kita akan dapat melihat bagaimana Proton ditransformasikan sehingga menjadi Ferrari atau Mercedes Benz.
ni kerana apabila Enzo Ferrari memutuskan untuk mengeluarkan kereta maka beliau mengaplikasikan budaya National Facsist Party di bawah pimpinan diktator Benito Mussuolini yang mengutamakan semangat nasionalisme Itali. Ferrari adalah lambang kemegahan Itali.
Pernahkah anda melihat bagaimana peminat rakyat Itali seolah-olah bersolat bertikarkan bendera negara tersebut setiap kali kereta Ferrari menang perlumbaan Formula 1.
Begitu juga dengan Daimler-Benz yang membuka kilang kereta tertua di dunia dengan jenama Mercedes Benz. Semangat kesempurnaan yang mencerminkan keagungan bangsa Aryan sebagaimana yang ditanamkan Hitler terus hidup ke hari ini.
Oleh itu, tidak adil untuk melabelkan Dr M sebagai seorang diktator dan ini membuktikan kedangkalan mereka memahami apa dan siapakah sebenarnya yang dikatakan diktator.
Benar, seorang diktator ada kalanya muncul dalam sesebuah negara yang bertopengkan demokrasi dan mengamalkan pemerintahan autoritarian atau kuku besi dan membunuh rakyat sendiri seperti dilakukan Shah Iran, Hosni Mubarak dan beberapa lagi.
Mereka juga meminda undang-undang tempoh mengadakan pilihan raya dan lebih kerap memenjarakan pemimpin politik pembangkang atau menafikan mereka daripada menjadi calon.
Tanyalah pada diri sendiri, apakah Dr M melakukan semua ini? Sekiranya Dr M seorang diktator dalam bentuk yang cuba digambarkan, saya yakin tiadalah orang macam Lim Kit Siang, Karpal Singh dan Anwar Ibrahim di Parlimen hari ini.
Walaupun benar, lebih 22 tahun lamanya Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad (Dr M) memperjuangkan nasib orang Melayu menerusi kedudukannya selaku Presiden tetapi beliau tidak memimpin Umno sebagaimana Adolf Hitler memimpin Third Reich.
Dr M berusaha untuk membangunkan nasib orang Melayu yang tercicir di tanah airnya sendiri tetapi beliau tidak pernah dalam mana-mana ucapannya menganjurkan agar bangsa Melayu menjadi bangsa agung untuk seribu tahun akan datang sebagaimana Hitler mahukan bangsa Aryan (Jerman).
Di Sukan Komanwel XVI Kuala Lumpur 1998, Dr M hanya tersenyum ikhlas apabila atlet negara peserta lain berdiri di atas rostrum dan dikalungkan pingat. Malah beliau mendapat penghormatan standing ovation setiap kali kedatangannya diumumkan dan turut bersalaman dengan pemenang. Ini berbeza dengan Hitler yang enggan bersalaman dengan Jesse Owens, pemenang pingat emas acara pecut 100 meter Sukan Olimpik Musim Panas Berlin 1936.
Seingat saya, Dr M tidak pernah memanggil Watson Nyambek ke pejabatnya dan memaksa pelari pecut negara itu supaya mesti menang pingat emas sebagaimana yang Hitler lakukan ke atas atlet Jerman ketika itu bagi memastikan bangsa Aryan adalah bangsa yang tidak ada tolok bandingnya di dunia ini.
Walaupun acap kali Dr M menyebut bagaimana bangsa Melayu teraniaya sejak lebih 400 tahun dulu namun tidak ada peristiwa Holocaust berlaku sama ada ketika pemerintahannya.
Sebelum Hitler berkuasa, pendatang dan pemastautin Yahudi di Jerman menguasai ekonomi negara itu. Mereka juga mengakibatkan rakyat bangsa Jerman menghadapi pelbagai masalah di tanah air mereka sendiri. Justeru, Holocaust atau penghapusan penduduk Yahudi dalam relau gas, dalam kata-kata Hitler sendiri, The final solution to the Jewish problems.
Justeru, bagi sebilangan rakyat Malaysia yang mengatakan Dr M adalah diktator, adalah ibarat anjing yang menggigit tangan tuan yang memberikan mereka makan.
Sepatutnya, setelah dilabel ultra Melayu oleh mantan PM Singapura Lee Kuan Yew di Dewan Parlimen pada 1963, Dr M menyarung uniform tentera dan bertindak sebagai diktator tulen sebagaimana Hitler sebaik sahaja dilantik menjadi PM pada 1981.
Namun, hal ini tidak berlaku. Sebaliknya, orang bukan Melayu sendiri merasakan label ultra Melayu yang cuba dilekatkan ke atas diri beliau jauh tersasar. Dr M melayan tuntutan daripada kaum lain sekiranya ia adalah munasabah dan bermanfaat kepada rakyat umumnya.
Bermula daripada perakam waktu dan penyeragaman masa, Semenanjung dan Sabah dan Sarawak sehinggalah terbinanya pusat pentadbiran kerajaan Persekutuan, Putrajaya, adalah hasil sumbangan idea dan usaha gigih beliau untuk rakyat Malaysia selama tempoh 22 tahun itu.
Saya berani katakan rata-rata rakyat di negara ini menerima manfaat daripada apa yang beliau lakukan seperti Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur (KLIA), Putrajaya, sistem tren aliran ringan (LRT), Litar Antarabangsa Sepang dan Astro.
Untuk melaksanakan semua ini Dr M perlu bersikap tegas dan mengambil tahu dalam semua perkara, di samping memastikan semua yang dilakukan perlu mengikuti spesifikasi dan menurut apa yang dipersetujui. Sikap berdolak-dalik tidak ada dalam kamusnya.
Ketegasan dan kediktatoran adalah dua perkara yang berbeza. Sekiranya Dr M mengambil sikap diktator, maka kita tidak akan melihat roda Proton Preve tertanggal pada hari pelancaran. Malah kita akan dapat melihat bagaimana Proton ditransformasikan sehingga menjadi Ferrari atau Mercedes Benz.
ni kerana apabila Enzo Ferrari memutuskan untuk mengeluarkan kereta maka beliau mengaplikasikan budaya National Facsist Party di bawah pimpinan diktator Benito Mussuolini yang mengutamakan semangat nasionalisme Itali. Ferrari adalah lambang kemegahan Itali.
Pernahkah anda melihat bagaimana peminat rakyat Itali seolah-olah bersolat bertikarkan bendera negara tersebut setiap kali kereta Ferrari menang perlumbaan Formula 1.
Begitu juga dengan Daimler-Benz yang membuka kilang kereta tertua di dunia dengan jenama Mercedes Benz. Semangat kesempurnaan yang mencerminkan keagungan bangsa Aryan sebagaimana yang ditanamkan Hitler terus hidup ke hari ini.
Oleh itu, tidak adil untuk melabelkan Dr M sebagai seorang diktator dan ini membuktikan kedangkalan mereka memahami apa dan siapakah sebenarnya yang dikatakan diktator.
Benar, seorang diktator ada kalanya muncul dalam sesebuah negara yang bertopengkan demokrasi dan mengamalkan pemerintahan autoritarian atau kuku besi dan membunuh rakyat sendiri seperti dilakukan Shah Iran, Hosni Mubarak dan beberapa lagi.
Mereka juga meminda undang-undang tempoh mengadakan pilihan raya dan lebih kerap memenjarakan pemimpin politik pembangkang atau menafikan mereka daripada menjadi calon.
Tanyalah pada diri sendiri, apakah Dr M melakukan semua ini? Sekiranya Dr M seorang diktator dalam bentuk yang cuba digambarkan, saya yakin tiadalah orang macam Lim Kit Siang, Karpal Singh dan Anwar Ibrahim di Parlimen hari ini.
Briliant Quote

"If we choose the wrong leader, they (the other neighbouring countries) will overtake us."
"Don't choose people who only want to become the prime minister but do not want to do anything"
Dr Mahathir yang sempoi.............

Dr Mahathir is always comfortable around photographers, so much so he even massages his sore feet in their presence at a function.
Through My Lenses

Buku bertajuk “Through My Lenses” yang memuatkan lebih 300 gambar yang diambil sendiri oleh mantan perdana menteri Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad .
Gambar yang diambil ialah ketika Dr Mahathir masih menjadi perdana menteri dan selepas memegang jawatan tersebut semasa lawatannya seperti ke Argentina, Bosnia Herzegovina, Croatia, Ukraine, Jepun, China, Indonesia, Turki, Dubai serta beberapa destinasi di dalam negara.
Editor kepada buku tersebut ialah Zin Oo Ko, anak Dr Mahathir, Maizura Mahathir dan Razlan Rashid.
Dr Mahathir turut menulis dengan tangan penerangan kepada gambar-gambar tersebut tentang pengertian gambar tersebut kepadanya dan perasaan beliau semasa mengambilnya.
Diminta mengulas tentang buku itu, Dr Mahathir berkata terdapat banyak kenangan indah dalam gambar-gambar itu dan sukar untuk beliau memilih yang mana satu beliau paling gemari.
“Kadang-kadang saya tidak ingat di mana saya mengambilnya,” katanya.
Semasa melancarkannya, Dr Siti Hasmah berharap bukut berkenaan dapat memberi sedikit sebanyak gambaran tentang kehidupan peribadi suami beliau.
“Saya harap kamu akan seronok melihat pemandangan dan gambar menerusi lensa kamera beliau, sama seperti beliau seronok mengambilnya,” katanya.
Para editor buku berkenaan menyifatkan buku Through My Lenses sebagai buku yang memuatkan foto-foto tetapi bukan buku fotografi.
“Ia merupakan saluran yang digunakan untuk menyampaikan pemikiran Dr Mahathir dan faktor inilah yang menyebabkan buku ini unik, kata mereka.
Buku ini boleh diperolehi di pasaran dengan harga RM99 sebuah.
sumber : BERNAMA
Buku tulisan Dr Mahathir Mohamad

The Malay Dilemma (1970) ISBN 981-204-355-1
The Challenge,(1986) ISBN 967-978-091-0
Regionalism, Globalism, and Spheres of Influence: ASEAN and the Challenge of Change into the 21st century (1989) ISBN 981-3035-49-8
The Pacific Rim in the 21st century,(1995)
The Challenges of Turmoil, (1998) ISBN 967-978-652-8
The Way Forward, (1998) ISBN 0-297-84229-3
A New Deal for Asia, (1999)
Islam & The Muslim Ummah, (2001) ISBN 967-978-738-9
Globalisation and the New Realities (2002)
Reflections on Asia, (2002) ISBN 967-978-813-X
The Malaysian Currency Crisis: How and why it Happened,(2003) ISBN 967-978-756-7
Achieving True Globalization, (2004) ISBN 967-978-904-7
Islam, Knowledge, and Other Affairs, (2006) ISBN 983-3698-03-4
Principles of Public Administration: An Introduction, (2007) ISBN 978-983-195-253-5 Blog Merentasi Halangan (Bilingual), (2008) ISBN 967-969-589-1
A Doctor in the House: The Memoirs of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, (8 Mac 2011) ISBN 978-967-599-722-8
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