Monday, October 31, 2011
Business luncheon talk-Melaka

''business luncheon talk'' bersama sempena perasmian international women in business covention 2011(1WBC) oleh YABhg Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad (Mantan Perdana Menteri Malaysia), beliau turut berdialog dan beramah~mesra dengan peserta-peserta yang hadir di dewan MITC.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Mutiara kata Dr Mahathir
"Tengoklah kaum Cina sebagai contoh, majoriti perniagaan yang diceburi sangat berjaya dan apa salahnya kita bercampur dan bertanya dengan mereka rahsia kejayaan mereka"
~~Dr Mahathir Mohamad~~
27 Oktober 2011
Hotel Istana,KL
~~Dr Mahathir Mohamad~~
27 Oktober 2011
Hotel Istana,KL
Friday, October 28, 2011
Sabda Nabi saw bermaksud “Usahawan yang jujur dan amanah akan bersama para nabi,sodikin, orang-orang yang mati syahid pada hari kiamat kelak”.(Riwayat Imam At-Tarmizi dan Ibnu Majah).
الحمد لله نحمده ونستعينه ونستغفره ونعوذ بالله من شرور أنفسنا ومن سيئات أعمالنا من يهده الله فلا مضل له ومن يضلل فلا هادي وأشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وحده لاشريك له وأشهد أن محمدا عبده ورسوله وخيرته من خلقه وأمينه على وحيه صلى الله عليه وعلى آله وصحبه ومن اهتدى بهديه.
أما بعد:
dengan nama Allah Maha Pemurah lagi Amat Pengasih.....
Jam menunjukkan 11.50 malam,masih Jumaat..beberapa minit lagi masuklah Sabtu...Alhamdulillah aku bersyukur kepada Allah swt kerna memberikan nafas walaupun hanya pinjaman,memberikan kesihatan baik dan terlalu banyak nikmat Allah kepadaku.....
Aku dilahirkan sihat walafiat,cukup 5 pancaindera...aku juga mendapat pendidikan baik..jika dihitung amat banyak nikmat Allah padaku....
Bergelar pendakwah amat besar tanggungjawab.Pendakwah bukan sekadar hanya tahu mendidik manusia ke jalan benar,namun wajib mengamalkan segala ilmu.Allah swt mencela pendakwah yang hanya tahu mengajar manusia namun dirinya tidak perbuat.Contoh mudah pendakwah mengajar manusia agar jangan mengumpat namun dirinya suka mengumpat..maka jadilah ketam hanya pandai mengajar orang,dirinya sendiri tidak betul...
Pada 27 Oktober 2011,aku menghadiri Simposium Usahawan PUNB di hotel Istana KL.Walaupun jauh memandu dan tidur keseorangan di hotel,serta membayar pula yuran,namun aku hadir demi mendapatkan ilmu.Bukan semua ilmu itu dapat percuma,ilmu juga perlu dibayar...
Aku bersyukur dapat hadir kerna banyak pengetahuan berguna dalam dunia keusahawanan.Aku bertemu ramai usahawan Melayu.Ada tauke ayam,ada tauke kosmetik,ada tauke komputer dan pelbagai jenis tauke yang hebat dan berjaya...
Aku biasa sahaja,memakai jeans dan tshirt,namun memakai kot di luar supaya nampak elegan...Jadi usahawan ni perlu smart...takkan nak pakai baju Pagoda pi seminar....hilang akal namanya!
Bila berkenalan dengan usahawan,aku perkenalkan diri "Saya Hj Saat...".Ada seorang tauke membalas "Wah...muda2 dah haji!".
Terlalu banyak kenangan manis dapat dikutip.Berkenalan dengan ramai orang akan menambahkan rangkaian dunia perniagaan,sambil berkongsi pengalaman masing-masing...
Seawal 7 pagi aku sampai ke dewan dan mendaftar.Aku datang awal sebab nak jumpa ramai manusia.Pada jam 10.15 pagi mulalah ucapan Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad,negarawan yang amat disayangi rakyat Malaysia...
Ucapan Dr Mahathir amat bertenaga.Setiap patah aku teliti,setiap kritikan dan nasihat aku tulis.Memang hebat manusia bernama Mahathir...
Beliau memulakan ucapan dengan menceritakan sejarah.Bagaimana bangsa Melayu miskin dalam negara sendiri dan kerajaan berusaha menubuhkan MARA untuk melatih dan melahirkan usahawan .Pada 17 Julai 1991,lahirlah PUNB hasil cetusan idea beliau untuk memajukan lagi usahawan Melayu.
Beliau kecewa kerna DEB gagal mencapai matlamat.Pada 1990 sepatutnya bangsa Melayu menguasai 30 % ekonomi melalui dasar DEB namun hanya mencapai 20 %.Kegagalan berpunca dari sikap bangsa Melayu sendiri.
Dr Mahathir memberikan contoh pemberian AP kepada usahawan Melayu,namun Melayu menjualnya kepada bangsa lain.Akibatnya bangsa Cina mendapat kekayaan melalui AP.Sikap Melayu yang mahu dapat wang senang dan cepat menyebabkan mereka gagal,manakala Cina yang bijak dalam dunia perniagaan berjaya dalam perniagaan akibat kebodohan Melayu sendiri.
Beliau juga kecewa kerna suasana ekonomi negara tidak kelihatan sihat.Premis perniagaan dimonopoli bangsa Cina dan amat sedikit Melayu dan India.Keadaan ini akan melahirkan suasana tidak sihat di mana pernah berlaku rusuhan 13 Mei dahulu.
Sindiran beliau "Kadangkala bila saya ke pusat bandar,saya berasa seakan berada di negara China" amat meruntun perasaan.Beliau mahu melihat dunia keusahawanan dikuasai bangsa Melayu...
"Apa guna merdeka tapi tak dapat nikmat?"sindirnya.Dr Mahathir dikenali sebagai seorang pemidato yang baik dan bernas.Ucapan beliau penuh kritikan,sindiran,nasihat,idea,tips dan pelbagai ilmu berguna buat bangsa Melayu.
Beliau bercerita ketika menjadi doktor dan bergaji 2000,beliau mempunyai pemandu berbangsa Cina.Katanya "Kita perlu jadi tuan.....sekadar panggilan Tuan tiada ertinya..Tuan ialah duduk di belakang ,bukan depan".
Dr Mahathir amat kecewa kerna premis perniagaan dalam negara tidak dikuasai tiga kaum iaitu Melayu ,India dan Cina,namun dimonopoli satu bangsa sahaja iaitu Cina.Ia melahirkan pandangan negatif dan boleh melahirkan masalah pada masa akan datang.Beliau tidak mahu kejadian 13 Mei berulang kerna tiada faedahnya.
Beliau hairan kerana Melayu tidak memiliki agen perniagaan kereta dan dikuasai bangsa Cina.Hanya NAZA yang betul-betul berjaya dalam industri pemotoran...Melayu gagal kerna mereka gemar menjual AP kepada orang lain dan tidak berusaha untuk berjaya.
Beliau menggalakkan Melayu menceburi perniagaan dan sikap Melayu yang hanya bergantung dengan bekerja dengan kerajaan sedangkan kerajaan tidak dapat menyediakan pekerjaan buat mereka kerna jutaan lepasan Universiti,kolej setiap tahun.Justeru menceburi perniagaan adalah terbaik.
Dr Mahathir juga mahu Melayu belajar dunia perniagaan.Sambil berseloroh beliau berkata "Saya lepas pencen buka kedai roti je...jadi mamak roti..."Semua hadirin tergelak.
Antara tips dan nasihat yang amat penting dari beliau adalah :
1.Melayu perlu belajar dari bawah.
Bangsa Melayu perlu belajar dari bawah sebelum masuk dunia perniagaan.BUkan sekadar ada wang dan membuka bisnes,namun perlu belajar dengan bekerja dalam bidang tertentu dan memahami selok belok dunia perniagaan .Contohnya jika mahu mmebuka retsoran,bekerja dan melihat situasi dunia perniagaan restoran dari pekerja mmebuat air,tukang masak,pelayan dan sebagainya.Pengalaman dan kemahiran akan membantu kita bila membuka perniagaan.
2.Modal efektif.
Melayu yang mahu berniaga perlu mempunyai modal efektif dan relevan.Contohnya jika mahu membuka bisnes bernilai RM100,000 perlu ada wang tunai RM300,000.RM100,000 untuk bisnes,bakinya untuk pengurusan dan modal menghadapi pelbagai masalah dalam perniagaan.Adalah salah hanya mempunyai RM100,000 jika mahu mmebuka bisnes bernilai RM100,000.
3.Berusaha bersungguh-sungguh.
Melayu perlu berusaha bersunguh-sungguh tanpa jemu.Usaha berterusan sama ada dalam promosi,pemasaran,produk dan sebagainya.Tanpa usaha keras,kejayaan tidak akan datang.
4.Bersabar dalam tempoh lama.
Melayu perlu belajar bersabar kerna bisnes perlukan masa panjang.Dr Mahathir berkata "Saya buka kedai roti dah 5 tahun tapi belum nampak untung...".Perniagaan perlukan masa panjang untuk berjaya,bukan sekelip mata.
5.Mengenai jenis perniagaan.
Melayu perlu mengenali jenis perniagaan dengan baik.Jika buka restoran ,tahu apa jenis masakan,cara promosi,cara menambahkan pelanggan dan sebagainya.
6.Rajin meninjau bisnes.
Melayu perlu rajin keluar dari pejabat dan meninjau dunia perniagaan sama ada produk,pekerja dan segalanya.Sikap Melayu yang hanya terperap dalam pejabat akan menyebabkan kegagalan.
7.Manfaatkan teknologi.
Melayu perlu manfaatkan segala teknologi seperti peralatan mesin moden,internet dan sebagainya.Ini akan membantu melahirkan produk berkualiti dan berjaya dalam pasaran.
8.Sentiasa tambahkan aset.
Melayu perlu sentiasa tambahkan aset seperti pembelian tanah,rumah kedai,emas dan sebagainya kerna harganya akan meningkat.Beliau mengatakan tanah di KL dibeli oleh Pavilion dengan harga RM7000 satu kaki.
9.Belajar dengan bangsa lain.
Melayu perlu belajar dengan bangsa lain.Jika di Malaysia Cina berjaya dalam bisnes,Melayu perlu belajar dengan mereka.Belajar dengan manusia berjaya akan membantu kita berjaya seperti mereka.
10.Ikhlas dalam perniagaan.
Melayu perlu ikhlas menjalankan bisnes,bukan hanya mencari kekayaan namun memanfaatkan kekayaan untuk kebaikan.
11.Menolak mitos.
Ramai Melayu menganggap Cina berjaya kerna menipu sedangkan ia mitos.Hakikatnya Cina berjaya kerna usaha keras dan gigih.Mereka datang ke Tanah Melayu tiada apa-apa dan kini menguasai ekonomi negara.
Beliau menyindir "Kalau ada yang anggap Cina kaya sebab menipu,buatlah!"
12.Mengamalkan peribadi mulia.
Usahawan Melayu perlu mengamalkan sikap positif dalam kehidupan seperti rajin,amanah,tidak menipu dan sebagainya.Setiap amalan baik perlu diterapkan jika mahu berjaya.Manusia yang menipu dan tidak amanah ,kejayaan bersifat sementara dan tidak kekal.
13.Menjauhkan sifat keji.
Melayu perlu menjauhkan sifat keji seperti suka berbohong,mungkir janji,tidak amanah,menjual harga terlampau tinggi,hasad dengki,menjatuhkan bisnes org lain dan sebagainya.Sikap keji adalah punca kebanyakan usahawan Melayu gagal dalam bisnes.
14.Jangan terlalu bergantung dengan tender kerajaan.
Melayu tidak boleh bergantung dengan tender kerajaan kerna kuota terhad dan jumlah usahawan yang ramai.Melayu sepatutnya mempunyai produk yang boleh berjaya di pasaran sama ada dalam dan luar negara.
15.Mempunyai network.
Melayu perlu mempunyai network agar saling bantu membantu sesama bangsa.Amalan ini telah diterapkan bangsa Cina dan mereka berjaya...
16.Membayar hutang dengan baik.
Melayu perlu membayar hutang dengan baik dan menguruskan perniagaan dengan betul.Hutang wajib dibayar walaupun satu sen.Ramai Melayu mengabaikan hutang dan ini menyusahkan pihak yang memberi pinjaman.Mereka yang tidak membayar hutang bukan sahaja menyusahkan dirinya sendiri,namun menyusahkan pihak lain.
Demikianlah beberapa intipati yang dapat dikutip hasil mendengar dengan peka setiap patah perkataan yang diucapkan Tun Dr Mahathir.
"Jangan jadi puak kecil..tunggu di luar bandar.Apakah maknanya Tanah Melayu jika tak kuasai"Nasihat beliau amat mendalam....
Setelah ucapan,Dr Mahathir memberi peluang ramai usahawan bertanya namun masa yang singkat menyebabkan ramai tidak dapat bertanya termasuklah aku.Ada seorang mamat tu tanya soalan yang tidak membina,malah mencuri banyak masa.....Memang naik angin betul!
Nasihat dan tips dari Dr Mahathir amat relevan dan perlu difikirkan bangsa Melayu.Melayu perlu berusaha menceburi perniagaan dan berjaya agar merasai nikmat kemajuan negara pada tahun 2020 nanti.
Jika Melayu gagal dalam keusahawanan,Melayu perlu salahkan diri sendiri,bukan kerajaan atau pihak lain.Kerajaan telah menubuhkan MARA dan PUNB untuk membantu Melayu.MARA dan PUNB tidak diberi peluang bangsa lain,maka hargailah kerajaan...
"Ya Allah..sihatkan Tun Dr Mahathir,panjangkan usianya agar lebih banyak ilmu dan pengalaman dicurahkan kepada bangsa Melayu supaya Melayu lebih maju dan berjaya.amin......."
Saat Sulaiman
1.23 pagi
30 Oktober 2011....................
Simposium Usahawan PUNB-Hotel Istana

Simposium Usahawan PUNB: Grand Mahkota Ballroom, Hotel Istana, Kuala Lumpur.
27 Oktober 2011
Terima kasih Tun..................
Tidak perlu liberalisasi - Dr. M

Malaysia tidak perlu melaksanakan liberalisasi sektor automotif kerana negara-negara maju lain masih mengamalkan sekatan pelaburan dalam sektor itu.
Bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad yang menyifatkan sebagai tidak adil jika ia dilaksanakan berkata, negara-negara Eropah, Korea Selatan dan China didapati masih mengamalkan sekatan pelaburan asing dalam sektor tersebut.
''Kita belum bersedia untuk meliberalisasi sektor automotif walaupun kerajaan mahukannya bagi menarik pelaburan asing.
''Jika semua negara meliberalisasikan sektor automotif, maka kita bersedia untuk melakukan pasaran terbuka,'' katanya selepas menghadiri majlis minum petang bersama beliau anjuran Perusahaan Otomobil Kedua Sdn. Bhd. (Perodua) di sini hari ini.
Hadir pada majlis ialah Pengerusi Perodua, Tan Sri Asmat Kamaludin dan Pengarah Urusan Perodua, Datuk Seri Aminar Rashid Salleh.
Ketika ditanya mengenai Dasar Automotif Negara (DAN) yang akan dibentangkan pada Disember depan, Dr. Mahathir menjawab, kerajaan sepatutnya mengutamakan kepentingan syarikat-syarikat pengeluar kenderaan tempatan terlebih dahulu berbanding kepentingan pihak lain.
Katanya, kerajaan perlu bertindak adil kepada penggiat tempatan melalui garis panduan yang ditetapkan di dalam DAN.
''Industri automotif berkait antara satu sama lain dan tumpuan perlu diberikan terhadap kepentingan pengeluar kenderaan tempatan terlebih dahulu,'' katanya.
Sementara itu, pada majlis berasingan, Mahathir berkata, usahawan bumiputera perlu berani meniru kejayaan bangsa lain jika mahu berjaya dalam perniagaan.
Beliau berkata, seseorang itu perlu berani dan yakin dalam apa jua keadaan.
"Kita kena cerdik agar kita boleh berjaya dan menjadikan bangsa Cina sebagai contoh kejayaan kita,''
"Dulu ketika dalam kerajaan pun saya menghadapi semua ini yang datang untuk meminta itu dan ini tetapi apabila saya sendiri menceburi bidang perniagaan baru saya tahu tipu helah ini,'' katanya.
Beliau berkata demikian ketika sesi soal jawab pada simposium Usahawan Permodalan Usahawan Bumiputera (PUNB), di sini hari ini.
Menurut Dr. Mahathir, usahawan bumiputera seharusnya tidak mengehadkan diri dalam kelompok tertentu sahaja, sebaliknya perlu berani bergaul dengan kaum yang berjaya dalam bidang yang diceburi.
Beliau berkata, usahawan bumiputera perlu lebih agresif dan berusaha untuk mengambil peluang mengembangkan perusahaan seiring dengan kemajuan dan pencapaian kaum lain.
"Tengoklah kaum Cina sebagai contoh, majoriti perniagaan yang diceburi sangat berjaya dan apa salahnya kita bercampur dan bertanya dengan mereka rahsia kejayaan mereka,'' katanya.
sumber : Utusan
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Usahawan wanita perlu berani ubah minda untuk berjaya

Usahawan wanita perlu berani ubah minda untuk berjaya
DR. Mahathir Mohamad meluangkan masa membacakan buku cerita dalam bahasa Inggeris kepada sebahagian kanak-kanak sempena Konvensyen Antarabangsa Wanita Dalam Perniagaan Pertama di Melaka, semalam.
MELAKA 26 Okt. - Usahawan wanita terutamanya yang terlibat dalam industri kecil dan sederhana (IKS) perlu berani melakukan perubahan dari segi cara berfikir sekiranya ingin melihat produk yang dihasilkan mendapat pasaran di peringkat global.
Bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad berkata, usahawan wanita kini berdepan dengan cabaran globalisasi yang semakin kompleks yang memerlukan golongan itu melakukan perubahan minda.
"Usahawan wanita kini perlu lebih berani dan berfikiran terbuka serta perlu melihat negara maju yang lain sekiranya mereka ingin berjaya dan tidak hanya bertumpu di kampung sendiri sahaja.
"Paling penting, memperkasakan usahawan wanita supaya berpandangan jauh dan mempunyai cita-cita untuk meneroka dan menemui pasaran baru di peringkat global," katanya.
Beliau berkata demikian ketika menyampaikan syarahan bertajuk, Perubahan Minda di Kalangan Usahawan Wanita IKS dalam Menghadapi Era Globalisasi sempena Konvensyen Antarabangsa Wanita Dalam Perniagaan Pertama (1WBC) 2011 di Pusat Dagangan Antarabangsa Melaka (MITC) di sini, hari ini.
Turut hadir, Ketua Menteri, Datuk Seri Mohd. Ali Rustam dan Presiden Usahanita Malaysia, Faridah A. Jabbar.
Dr. Mahathir berkata, selain perubahan minda, usahawan wanita tempatan juga perlu mengaplikasikan kemudahan teknologi seperti Internet yang menjadi medium berkesan dalam mempromosikan produk ke seluruh dunia.
"Pada masa ini, apa yang paling penting dalam menjalankan perniagaan adalah berfikir, berkomunikasi dan bergerak dengan pantas ke mana sahaja dan penggunaan Internet adalah cara paling berkesan," katanya.
Melalui internet, kata Dr.Mahathir, usahawan wanita dapat mengiklankan dan mempromosikan produk mereka jauh lebih murah dan dapat dicapai oleh seluruh penduduk dunia berbanding dengan menggunakan media cetak dan elektronik yang jauh lebih mahal.
Dr. Mahathir berkata, aktiviti perniagaan kini banyak dilakukan secara dalam talian dan digemari pembeli kerana ia menjimatkan masa.
Jesteru, katanya, usahawan perlu merebut peluang itu dengan memperluaskan penggunaan Internet dengan turut menyediakan perkhidmatan pembayaran melalui kad kredit dan khidmat penghantaran yang selamat kepada pembeli dalam tempoh yang singkat.
Selain itu, katanya, penggunaan teknologi moden dalam menghasilkan produk yang diusahakan juga perlu bagi meningkatkan serta mempercepatkan proses pengeluaran yang menjadi aspek penting untuk berjaya dalam bidang perniagaan.
Beliau berkata, bagi menghadapi era globalisasi, usahawan perlu melangkah ke hadapan dengan meningkatkan jumlah pengeluaran produk dan tidak lagi mengeluarkan produk pada skala kecil selain memperbaiki kualiti dan pembungkusan bagi menarik minat pengguna.
"Usahawan perlu meningkatkan kualiti dari segi rasa, bentuk, pembungkusan dan saiznya supaya dapat bersaing dengan ratusan produk lain yang berada di pasaran.
"Dengan cara ini, produk kampung seperti keropok lekor juga boleh dikembangkan pasarannya ke peringkat antarabangsa," katanya.
sumber :Utusan
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Tun Dr. Mahathir's Speech at Lord's Tailor dinner
Launch of Globalia Magazine

Launch of Globalia Magazine
Venue: Islamic Art Museum
Date: 11 February 2011
Speech from Tun Dr Mahathir Mohammad in Moscow 2011
Jews control World Economy
This time Malaysian Prime Minister exposes their control of money supply and using countries like America as their proxy..Who is behind Financial crisis?
1) Alan Greenspan - kept interest rates low so that Jewish bankers can plunder
2) Ben Bernanke - same as above
3) Dick Fuld - CEO of Lehman
4) Jimmy Caynes - CEO of Bear Sterns
5) Maurice Greenberg - ex CEO of AIG
6) Sandy Weils - ex CEO of Citigroup
7) Madoff - cheater even by Jewish standards
8) Milken - Junk bond king
What do they all have in common - they all belong to 1 ethnic group which has started wars and famines throughout human history aka Jew.
Dr.Mahathir: IRAN has the right to make Nuclear Weapons
Dr.Mahathir : Gold Dinars can replace American Dollars
Dr Mahathir Speech on managing Malaysia Part 2
Getting Malaysians Onto The Innovation Trail
"Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower" said the late Steve Jobs, among the brilliant innovators that the world has seen so far and the co-founder of Apple Inc.
Innovation is an innate character of a dynamic society and nation, and for Malaysia to come up with blockbuster innovators like Jobs and Bill Gates of Microsoft, the awareness and diffusion of an innovation culture are the important prerequisites.
Malaysians have to learn that creativity and innovation are the first and foremost cultural phenomenon.
The guts, the single-mindedness, the stamina and the discipline demonstrated by these blockbuster innovators are something that all Malaysians should take note off.
The ways to create an innovative mindset and in staying ahead in the world of innovation were recently dwelt into at a one day conference here organised by the Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers (FMM) entitled "Beyond Innovation: Turning Ideas into Actions".
The conference lined up distinguished speakers on the subject like former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, the man who set the foundation for an innovative nation during his 22-year leadership and executives from companies in the forefront of innovation - among others Google Malaysia, Nestle (Malaysia) Berhad, GE Malaysia and Microsoft Malaysia.
Dr Mahathir set the stage for a lively discourse by emphasizing innovative thinking is the way forward and was critical of Malaysians who think of remaining in their comfort zone.
The octogenarian was ahead of his time when he conceived the Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC), Cyberjaya and Malaysia's national car Proton that literally set the nation on the innovation trail.
"You have to question everything that you do and see whether you can do it on a different way to achieve better results," said Dr Mahathir.
He illustrated how he pushed for an innovative administration that tried its best to do away with archaic laws and policies and helped bring about tangible changes and speed up national development.
He pointed out Malaysia should take a leaf from South Korea, that is now in the forefront of innovation.
Though Malaysia is yet to see the likes of Steve Jobs and Bill Gates, this does not mean the country lacks innovators or innovativeness.
Malaysians are already familiar with home-grown innovators like Tan Sri Tony Fernandez of AirAsia but there are many more out there with some have yet to gain the recognition they deserve.
However, recognition for innovators are not easy to come by despite the emphasis given for innovation as pointed out by a conference participant who inquired why design engineers, who are often in the forefront of innovation, find it hard to secure a position here upon returning from overseas.
To this, Dr Mahathir said innovators have be more diligent in finding a niche for themselves and establish their own setups instead of depending on others.
"Innovative minds will have no problems of finding a way and they should be on the forefront of things."
Speaking of innovative companies, innovation is inherent for their survival. In a high speed global marketplace quick shifting customer expectations and ever changing demands from the market place mean constant innovation is the means of survival.
However, many shy away from innovation especially when it involves capital investment.
As for companies like Google, like pointed out by its country head Sajith Sivanandan, innovation is virtually in their DNA and this is what keeps the company ahead from the rest.
Fortunately Malaysia has its own innovative companies as pointed out by Dr Mahathir, including the national automobile manufacturer Proton.
Dr Mahathir, currently Proton's adviser, illustrated how Proton is rising to the challenge in coming up with electric powered vehicles - the Range Extended Electric Vehicle (REEV).
"Proton is not coming up with a conventional hybrid like many of its competitors. Its coming up with its own version of electric cars with gasoline generators that recharge the depleted batteries".
This is a good example of a product based on innovative technology.
As innovation is the key to Malaysia's progress, the government has undertaken numerous measures over the last two decades including the setting up Malaysia Innovation Agency chaired by the prime minister himself.
The 2012 Budget literally dubbed as the Innovation Budget allocated RM100 million for creativity and innovation of which RM30 million will be used to establish the Market Validation Fund to be managed by the Malaysian Technology Development Corporation together with the Malaysia Innovation Agency.
Another initiative is to continue with the Jejak Inovasi (Innovation Trail) programme by the Malaysian Foundation for Innovation (YIM) to encourage the development of new ideas and commercialisation of innovative products, particularly from the rural areas.
Nevertheless, like pointed out by Dr Mahathir and the rest of the speakers, while the government provides the leadership role in promoting innovation, the society and businesses has to embrace innovation wholeheartedly.
Source : BERNAMA
Innovation is an innate character of a dynamic society and nation, and for Malaysia to come up with blockbuster innovators like Jobs and Bill Gates of Microsoft, the awareness and diffusion of an innovation culture are the important prerequisites.
Malaysians have to learn that creativity and innovation are the first and foremost cultural phenomenon.
The guts, the single-mindedness, the stamina and the discipline demonstrated by these blockbuster innovators are something that all Malaysians should take note off.
The ways to create an innovative mindset and in staying ahead in the world of innovation were recently dwelt into at a one day conference here organised by the Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers (FMM) entitled "Beyond Innovation: Turning Ideas into Actions".
The conference lined up distinguished speakers on the subject like former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, the man who set the foundation for an innovative nation during his 22-year leadership and executives from companies in the forefront of innovation - among others Google Malaysia, Nestle (Malaysia) Berhad, GE Malaysia and Microsoft Malaysia.
Dr Mahathir set the stage for a lively discourse by emphasizing innovative thinking is the way forward and was critical of Malaysians who think of remaining in their comfort zone.
The octogenarian was ahead of his time when he conceived the Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC), Cyberjaya and Malaysia's national car Proton that literally set the nation on the innovation trail.
"You have to question everything that you do and see whether you can do it on a different way to achieve better results," said Dr Mahathir.
He illustrated how he pushed for an innovative administration that tried its best to do away with archaic laws and policies and helped bring about tangible changes and speed up national development.
He pointed out Malaysia should take a leaf from South Korea, that is now in the forefront of innovation.
Though Malaysia is yet to see the likes of Steve Jobs and Bill Gates, this does not mean the country lacks innovators or innovativeness.
Malaysians are already familiar with home-grown innovators like Tan Sri Tony Fernandez of AirAsia but there are many more out there with some have yet to gain the recognition they deserve.
However, recognition for innovators are not easy to come by despite the emphasis given for innovation as pointed out by a conference participant who inquired why design engineers, who are often in the forefront of innovation, find it hard to secure a position here upon returning from overseas.
To this, Dr Mahathir said innovators have be more diligent in finding a niche for themselves and establish their own setups instead of depending on others.
"Innovative minds will have no problems of finding a way and they should be on the forefront of things."
Speaking of innovative companies, innovation is inherent for their survival. In a high speed global marketplace quick shifting customer expectations and ever changing demands from the market place mean constant innovation is the means of survival.
However, many shy away from innovation especially when it involves capital investment.
As for companies like Google, like pointed out by its country head Sajith Sivanandan, innovation is virtually in their DNA and this is what keeps the company ahead from the rest.
Fortunately Malaysia has its own innovative companies as pointed out by Dr Mahathir, including the national automobile manufacturer Proton.
Dr Mahathir, currently Proton's adviser, illustrated how Proton is rising to the challenge in coming up with electric powered vehicles - the Range Extended Electric Vehicle (REEV).
"Proton is not coming up with a conventional hybrid like many of its competitors. Its coming up with its own version of electric cars with gasoline generators that recharge the depleted batteries".
This is a good example of a product based on innovative technology.
As innovation is the key to Malaysia's progress, the government has undertaken numerous measures over the last two decades including the setting up Malaysia Innovation Agency chaired by the prime minister himself.
The 2012 Budget literally dubbed as the Innovation Budget allocated RM100 million for creativity and innovation of which RM30 million will be used to establish the Market Validation Fund to be managed by the Malaysian Technology Development Corporation together with the Malaysia Innovation Agency.
Another initiative is to continue with the Jejak Inovasi (Innovation Trail) programme by the Malaysian Foundation for Innovation (YIM) to encourage the development of new ideas and commercialisation of innovative products, particularly from the rural areas.
Nevertheless, like pointed out by Dr Mahathir and the rest of the speakers, while the government provides the leadership role in promoting innovation, the society and businesses has to embrace innovation wholeheartedly.
Source : BERNAMA
9/11 2001
9/11 2001
by Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad
1. I had written in this blog that the attack against the New York World Trade Centre and the Pentagon on 9/11 2001 was not by Muslim terrorist. It could have been by other groups.
2. In the Star of Friday 2nd September, a report by AFP, date-lined New York has this to say:
“For some Americans, the deaths of nearly 3000 people was not the scariest thing about 9/11. It was realising who carried out the attack: yes, the American Government.”
3. I believe Arab Muslims are angry enough to sacrifice their lives and become suicide bombers. But they or their handlers do not strike me as capable of planning and strategising such attacks so as to maximise the damage to the enemy.
4. More often they would kill other Arabs who may be quite innocent. Frequent targets are mosques at prayer time.
5. But consider the attack on 9/11. The planning must have taken a considerable length of time. The candidates had to learn to fly in tiny aircrafts. Unless they were already airline pilots familiar with big passenger aircraft, their pupil pilot licenses would not be of much help to fly the four aircrafts to their targets which were not an the route of the planes.
6. Planning to hijack four aircrafts simultaneously would require great precision in timing and logistics. One aircraft maybe. But four simultaneously!! I don’t think Arab terrorists from Saudi Arabia can carry out this highly sophisticated operation with such success.
7. Then there was the collapse of the two towers hit by the aircrafts. They came down nicely upon themselves without toppling against the other buildings close by. It looks more like planned demolition of buildings than collapse consequent upon being hit by aircrafts.
8. But a third building also collapsed in the same fashion although it was not hit by any aircraft or by the collapsing twin towers. What is the explanation for this untouched building collapsing upon itself and not damaging other buildings nearby?
9. Then there is the total disappearance of the aircraft which hit the Pentagon building. There was no debris of any kind, no broken parts of the aircraft, no black box, and no human bodies flung into the surroundings. Is it possible for an aircraft to vaporise totally after a crash?
10. And the fourth aircraft which was supposed to have crashed in an open field. Again no sign of any debris. No big crater. Did it vaporise into nothingness also. Did the innocent passengers also vaporise?
11. The American press is great at reporting incidents. They will give full coverage, with great pictures sketches and detailed descriptions. For months they would publish stories with revealing photographs. They would interview the relatives of the passengers who died in the crashes. But the American press was strangely silent about 9/11.
12. It is now the 10th anniversary of 9/11. Bush lied about Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction. As a result hundreds of thousands of Iraqis, Afghans and a few thousand of young American soldiers died, thousands more are wounded, maimed for life, suffering mental breakdowns. Two countries have been devastated and fratricidal wars have become endemic. And still no democracy.
13. This is the legacy of George W. Bush. If they can lie so as to kill Iraqis, Afghans and American soldiers, it is not unthinkable for Bush & Co. to lie about who was responsible for 9/11. Human lives do not seem to mean much to Bush!!
source :
by Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad
1. I had written in this blog that the attack against the New York World Trade Centre and the Pentagon on 9/11 2001 was not by Muslim terrorist. It could have been by other groups.
2. In the Star of Friday 2nd September, a report by AFP, date-lined New York has this to say:
“For some Americans, the deaths of nearly 3000 people was not the scariest thing about 9/11. It was realising who carried out the attack: yes, the American Government.”
3. I believe Arab Muslims are angry enough to sacrifice their lives and become suicide bombers. But they or their handlers do not strike me as capable of planning and strategising such attacks so as to maximise the damage to the enemy.
4. More often they would kill other Arabs who may be quite innocent. Frequent targets are mosques at prayer time.
5. But consider the attack on 9/11. The planning must have taken a considerable length of time. The candidates had to learn to fly in tiny aircrafts. Unless they were already airline pilots familiar with big passenger aircraft, their pupil pilot licenses would not be of much help to fly the four aircrafts to their targets which were not an the route of the planes.
6. Planning to hijack four aircrafts simultaneously would require great precision in timing and logistics. One aircraft maybe. But four simultaneously!! I don’t think Arab terrorists from Saudi Arabia can carry out this highly sophisticated operation with such success.
7. Then there was the collapse of the two towers hit by the aircrafts. They came down nicely upon themselves without toppling against the other buildings close by. It looks more like planned demolition of buildings than collapse consequent upon being hit by aircrafts.
8. But a third building also collapsed in the same fashion although it was not hit by any aircraft or by the collapsing twin towers. What is the explanation for this untouched building collapsing upon itself and not damaging other buildings nearby?
9. Then there is the total disappearance of the aircraft which hit the Pentagon building. There was no debris of any kind, no broken parts of the aircraft, no black box, and no human bodies flung into the surroundings. Is it possible for an aircraft to vaporise totally after a crash?
10. And the fourth aircraft which was supposed to have crashed in an open field. Again no sign of any debris. No big crater. Did it vaporise into nothingness also. Did the innocent passengers also vaporise?
11. The American press is great at reporting incidents. They will give full coverage, with great pictures sketches and detailed descriptions. For months they would publish stories with revealing photographs. They would interview the relatives of the passengers who died in the crashes. But the American press was strangely silent about 9/11.
12. It is now the 10th anniversary of 9/11. Bush lied about Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction. As a result hundreds of thousands of Iraqis, Afghans and a few thousand of young American soldiers died, thousands more are wounded, maimed for life, suffering mental breakdowns. Two countries have been devastated and fratricidal wars have become endemic. And still no democracy.
13. This is the legacy of George W. Bush. If they can lie so as to kill Iraqis, Afghans and American soldiers, it is not unthinkable for Bush & Co. to lie about who was responsible for 9/11. Human lives do not seem to mean much to Bush!!
source :
by Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad
1. An online news portal recently reported the Mufti of Perak, Tan Sri Harussani Zakaria, said in a forum that he advised me not to take action against Anwar Ibrahim because I had no witness and I might lose the case.
2. I am sorry but I cannot recall him giving me such advise, not personally or even in public occasions when I met him.
3. I had been convinced by witnesses, but, if by witness the good Mufti meant four sinless people actually seeing the deed, as required in Shariah court, I admit I did not have.
4. The court case was initiated by the officers responsible, not by me. But supposing no court action was taken, how do I explain why Anwar had to be sacked because he was unsuitable to succeed me as Prime Minister?
5. If I drop him, and I had no choice but to drop him because of his immorality, how do I explain to people? The accusation against me would be that it was political.
6. If I said that he was immoral and therefore I had to drop him, people would want to know about the case. Anwar would certainly sue me if I said that be committed sodomy. He would hold rallies all over the country to claim that it was all a conspiracy, a plot to stop him from becoming Prime Minister. Even when the court decided that he was guilty he was still able to convince people that it was all a conspiracy.
7. Even if the Mufti did advise me, and I deny that he did, I would not be able to take that kind of advice. I would be covering up. Let the court decide. Even the special hearing for his appeal after he was found guilty by the courts concluded that he did indulge in sodomy, but not on the day and date alleged by the prosecution.
8. The third judge in that hearing validated the findings of the three courts which heard his case.
9. The learned Mufti may be prepared to accept an immoral person to become the Prime Minister of Malaysia. I am sorry but I hold my responsibility as an amanah, a trust, and I never can be prepared to accept an immoral Prime Minister.
10. I would have ignored the claim by the Mufti that he advised me. But the report is in in the online news portal and that has political implications unfavourable towards me.
source :
by Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad
1. An online news portal recently reported the Mufti of Perak, Tan Sri Harussani Zakaria, said in a forum that he advised me not to take action against Anwar Ibrahim because I had no witness and I might lose the case.
2. I am sorry but I cannot recall him giving me such advise, not personally or even in public occasions when I met him.
3. I had been convinced by witnesses, but, if by witness the good Mufti meant four sinless people actually seeing the deed, as required in Shariah court, I admit I did not have.
4. The court case was initiated by the officers responsible, not by me. But supposing no court action was taken, how do I explain why Anwar had to be sacked because he was unsuitable to succeed me as Prime Minister?
5. If I drop him, and I had no choice but to drop him because of his immorality, how do I explain to people? The accusation against me would be that it was political.
6. If I said that he was immoral and therefore I had to drop him, people would want to know about the case. Anwar would certainly sue me if I said that be committed sodomy. He would hold rallies all over the country to claim that it was all a conspiracy, a plot to stop him from becoming Prime Minister. Even when the court decided that he was guilty he was still able to convince people that it was all a conspiracy.
7. Even if the Mufti did advise me, and I deny that he did, I would not be able to take that kind of advice. I would be covering up. Let the court decide. Even the special hearing for his appeal after he was found guilty by the courts concluded that he did indulge in sodomy, but not on the day and date alleged by the prosecution.
8. The third judge in that hearing validated the findings of the three courts which heard his case.
9. The learned Mufti may be prepared to accept an immoral person to become the Prime Minister of Malaysia. I am sorry but I hold my responsibility as an amanah, a trust, and I never can be prepared to accept an immoral Prime Minister.
10. I would have ignored the claim by the Mufti that he advised me. But the report is in in the online news portal and that has political implications unfavourable towards me.
source :
by Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad
1. When X-Ray was first discovered it was used extensively in medicine. X-Rays were taken of the human body to detect diseases. Medical assistants and doctors operate X-Ray machines quite oblivious to the dangers from radiation.
2. After many years it was found that X-Rays cause certain diseases and affect fertility. Now when an X-Ray is taken, the radiologists stay outside the X-Ray room.
3. But we still use the X-Ray on patients because the effect of radiation is only felt when exposure is continuous or very frequent as with the staff in the X-Ray room. I was X-rayed many times during treatment for my heart and lungs.
4. I am against nuclear power plants because nuclear material once activated cannot be reversed. The nuclear wastes keep on radiating harmful rays for a million years. There is no really safe way to dispose them.
5. During the time when I was PM, we had problems with activated tin mining waste or amang, used for colour TV. We had to bury the waste in thick concrete deep in the ground. Now colour TV use plasma or LED and they produce practically no radiation.
6. However, there is now no more radiation at the site where the activated amang was buried. It is now safe to live on the site.
7. Chernobyl is near the Ukrainian capital Kiev.
8. Although the Chernobyl nuclear plant is still dangerous, Kiev is quite safe from the radiation emanating from the damaged nuclear power plant. The level of radiation is very low.
9. There was fear of Tokyo being affected by the accident to the Fukushima nuclear plant. But the radiation level in Tokyo is reported to be quite insignificant. Tokyo is safe.
10. Clearly the danger from radiation is dependant on the intensity of the rays and the duration of exposure. We are all exposed to some radiation from the sun, but it is not harmful.
11. The question is whether the Lynas plant for processing rare earth is a dangerous source of radiation. There are such plants in many countries where rare earth is processed for use in batteries and magnets. There have been no reports of radiation affecting the health of the workers or the people living in close proximity.
12. The proposed Lynas plant has been inspected by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the world authority on nuclear material. They have not reported that Lynas is a dangerous project.
13. But protests are still going on. The only conclusion one can make is that the protests are political. No matter how many investigations and studies are made the protest will go on. It is not about danger to health. It is about defeating the Government in the coming election.
14. We should be careful with radioactive material. But we should not allow political activists and non-genuine environmentalists deprive us of the economic benefits rare-earth offer through unsubstantiated scare stories.
15. Although I am still not in favour of nuclear power plants, I have nothing against the Lynas project. The Government should not be afraid to let the project to go ahead.
source :
by Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad
1. When X-Ray was first discovered it was used extensively in medicine. X-Rays were taken of the human body to detect diseases. Medical assistants and doctors operate X-Ray machines quite oblivious to the dangers from radiation.
2. After many years it was found that X-Rays cause certain diseases and affect fertility. Now when an X-Ray is taken, the radiologists stay outside the X-Ray room.
3. But we still use the X-Ray on patients because the effect of radiation is only felt when exposure is continuous or very frequent as with the staff in the X-Ray room. I was X-rayed many times during treatment for my heart and lungs.
4. I am against nuclear power plants because nuclear material once activated cannot be reversed. The nuclear wastes keep on radiating harmful rays for a million years. There is no really safe way to dispose them.
5. During the time when I was PM, we had problems with activated tin mining waste or amang, used for colour TV. We had to bury the waste in thick concrete deep in the ground. Now colour TV use plasma or LED and they produce practically no radiation.
6. However, there is now no more radiation at the site where the activated amang was buried. It is now safe to live on the site.
7. Chernobyl is near the Ukrainian capital Kiev.
8. Although the Chernobyl nuclear plant is still dangerous, Kiev is quite safe from the radiation emanating from the damaged nuclear power plant. The level of radiation is very low.
9. There was fear of Tokyo being affected by the accident to the Fukushima nuclear plant. But the radiation level in Tokyo is reported to be quite insignificant. Tokyo is safe.
10. Clearly the danger from radiation is dependant on the intensity of the rays and the duration of exposure. We are all exposed to some radiation from the sun, but it is not harmful.
11. The question is whether the Lynas plant for processing rare earth is a dangerous source of radiation. There are such plants in many countries where rare earth is processed for use in batteries and magnets. There have been no reports of radiation affecting the health of the workers or the people living in close proximity.
12. The proposed Lynas plant has been inspected by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the world authority on nuclear material. They have not reported that Lynas is a dangerous project.
13. But protests are still going on. The only conclusion one can make is that the protests are political. No matter how many investigations and studies are made the protest will go on. It is not about danger to health. It is about defeating the Government in the coming election.
14. We should be careful with radioactive material. But we should not allow political activists and non-genuine environmentalists deprive us of the economic benefits rare-earth offer through unsubstantiated scare stories.
15. Although I am still not in favour of nuclear power plants, I have nothing against the Lynas project. The Government should not be afraid to let the project to go ahead.
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by Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad
1. I have been asked why I support bringing MAS and Air Asia together. Don’t I know that it is a bad deal; that MAS has been cheated by Air Asia?
2. I support MAS/Air Asia cooperation because for years now I have been fed-up with the management of MAS. Government had supported MAS with funds and protection but MAS had never done well.
3. Air Asia is a newcomer but it has managed to sustain itself. Despite giving free seats and cheap fares it is still surviving. And it is apparently making some profits. By right it should close down by now. That it is still around must be because its management knows something that I don’t know.
4. I visited the head office of Air Asia and I flew Air Asia to London and I understand a little how Air Asia operates.
5. Let us take one example. Air Asia Airbus A340 flew into Stanstead, England, with a full load of passengers and I mean full load. The business class was full.
6. I will not mention the VIP treatment that I got. It is not standard and therefore it should not be cited as an example.
7. But what I noticed about the operation is that having flown for 13 hours non stop KL-London, the aircraft flew back to KL one-and-a-half hours later (with a different crew of course).
8. But MAS aircrafts stay on the ground in Heathrow for at least 12 hours. On some routes the air crew would stay in hotels for four days before flying back.
9. When airlines stay on the ground they will not help earn income for the company. Instead they have to pay ground parking charges. Commercial aircrafts should be flying most of the time. Then and then only will they earn money for airlines. And air crews should fly after the statutory rest requirement. Can it be that four days rest is required to certify that crews are fit to fly.
10. This is just one example of not so good management. MAS has a huge staff but Air Asia make-do with a very much smaller staff. They engage in multi-tasking. In fact Air Asia does everything possible to minimise overheads. It would be interesting to compare MAS’ overheads per aircraft against that of Air Asia.
11. Long ago I told a very senior man in MAS to learn from Air Asia its operations and how to cut cost. I don’t know whether he did.
12. When I was told by Azman Mokhtar that MAS was looking into ways of working together with Air Asia, I did not object. In fact I welcome the proposal.
13. How the co-operation is to be carried out was not told to me. That is up to the parties concerned. All I wanted to see is Air Asia’s management playing a role, indirectly or directly in the management of MAS. I believe Air Asia can contribute in this area i.e. unless MAS is not prepared to learn from a “cheap” airline. That would be a tragedy.
14. I hope I have made clear why I support MAS and Air Asia working together.
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by Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad
1. I have been asked why I support bringing MAS and Air Asia together. Don’t I know that it is a bad deal; that MAS has been cheated by Air Asia?
2. I support MAS/Air Asia cooperation because for years now I have been fed-up with the management of MAS. Government had supported MAS with funds and protection but MAS had never done well.
3. Air Asia is a newcomer but it has managed to sustain itself. Despite giving free seats and cheap fares it is still surviving. And it is apparently making some profits. By right it should close down by now. That it is still around must be because its management knows something that I don’t know.
4. I visited the head office of Air Asia and I flew Air Asia to London and I understand a little how Air Asia operates.
5. Let us take one example. Air Asia Airbus A340 flew into Stanstead, England, with a full load of passengers and I mean full load. The business class was full.
6. I will not mention the VIP treatment that I got. It is not standard and therefore it should not be cited as an example.
7. But what I noticed about the operation is that having flown for 13 hours non stop KL-London, the aircraft flew back to KL one-and-a-half hours later (with a different crew of course).
8. But MAS aircrafts stay on the ground in Heathrow for at least 12 hours. On some routes the air crew would stay in hotels for four days before flying back.
9. When airlines stay on the ground they will not help earn income for the company. Instead they have to pay ground parking charges. Commercial aircrafts should be flying most of the time. Then and then only will they earn money for airlines. And air crews should fly after the statutory rest requirement. Can it be that four days rest is required to certify that crews are fit to fly.
10. This is just one example of not so good management. MAS has a huge staff but Air Asia make-do with a very much smaller staff. They engage in multi-tasking. In fact Air Asia does everything possible to minimise overheads. It would be interesting to compare MAS’ overheads per aircraft against that of Air Asia.
11. Long ago I told a very senior man in MAS to learn from Air Asia its operations and how to cut cost. I don’t know whether he did.
12. When I was told by Azman Mokhtar that MAS was looking into ways of working together with Air Asia, I did not object. In fact I welcome the proposal.
13. How the co-operation is to be carried out was not told to me. That is up to the parties concerned. All I wanted to see is Air Asia’s management playing a role, indirectly or directly in the management of MAS. I believe Air Asia can contribute in this area i.e. unless MAS is not prepared to learn from a “cheap” airline. That would be a tragedy.
14. I hope I have made clear why I support MAS and Air Asia working together.
source :
by Dr. Mahathir bin Mohama
1. No. QE II is not short for Queen Elizabeth II. Nor is it about the great cruise ship QE II.
2. It is about Quantitative Easing II, i.e. quantitative easing for the second time.
3. What is quantitative easing? It is about printing and issuing money to overcome a financial problem. Lately Britain has printed 75 billion pounds to help distressed banks and others.
4. It is very innovative. And very easy. When you lose money just print the replacement. If Malaysia had done a Q.E. during the Asian Currency Crisis, what would the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the financial and monetary experts say?
5. We would be condemned. We would be told that the Malaysian economy would collapse. They would make dark predictions about black markets in dollars as the Ringgit would be useless. It would be rejected. It is not money!! etc. etc.
6. But the United States of America did a Quantitative Easing with the printing and issuing of three trillion dollars to help distressed banks and insurance companies. Now Britain is following in the footsteps of elder brother.
7. How nice it would be if our pocket is picked, we are allowed to print some money to replace what is lost. But of course we cannot. Even our country cannot, although our central bank, unlike the Federal Reserve Bank of America, is Government owned.
8. We were told that the best way to handle a financial crisis was to let our banks and businesses go bankrupt. How that would help I do not know. What I could see were people being thrown out of jobs and any number of social problems. But that was the “conventional wisdom”. Why are the great institutions not advising Western Governments to let businesses go bankrupt?
9. Ah! But they did. Lehman Brothers was allowed to go bankrupt. Did it solve the financial crisis? No. As far as I can tell the crisis simply got worse and refused to go away.
10. They resorted to all the things they told us not to do when our financial situation was in a tailspin as the currency traders devalued the Ringgit. They bailed out failed companies and banks with huge sums of money, they stop short selling, they talk of controlling the currency traders, etc. etc.
11. We recovered by doing the forbidden. But they have not recovered. My feeling as an economic and financial ignoramus is that they are not going to recover any time soon. They will not recover because they are still in a state of denial. They still believe they are rich, as rich as before they plunged into the crisis. And believing that they can somehow continue to remain rich, they are unable to behave like poor people.
12. So they have not stopped spending. They are ever prepared to go to war, to produce costly weapons, to do research on more killing machines, to maintain military bases all over the world, operate huge fleets of war ships and military aircraft, updating them etc. etc. They must keep up the big power wealthy country image even if their people have no jobs, riot and protest.
13. The great financial crisis will be with us for a long time. Even when it is resolved the aftermath will see slow recovery for the giants of the west. They will find difficulties in returning to doing real business of producing goods, providing services and trading.
source :
by Dr. Mahathir bin Mohama
1. No. QE II is not short for Queen Elizabeth II. Nor is it about the great cruise ship QE II.
2. It is about Quantitative Easing II, i.e. quantitative easing for the second time.
3. What is quantitative easing? It is about printing and issuing money to overcome a financial problem. Lately Britain has printed 75 billion pounds to help distressed banks and others.
4. It is very innovative. And very easy. When you lose money just print the replacement. If Malaysia had done a Q.E. during the Asian Currency Crisis, what would the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the financial and monetary experts say?
5. We would be condemned. We would be told that the Malaysian economy would collapse. They would make dark predictions about black markets in dollars as the Ringgit would be useless. It would be rejected. It is not money!! etc. etc.
6. But the United States of America did a Quantitative Easing with the printing and issuing of three trillion dollars to help distressed banks and insurance companies. Now Britain is following in the footsteps of elder brother.
7. How nice it would be if our pocket is picked, we are allowed to print some money to replace what is lost. But of course we cannot. Even our country cannot, although our central bank, unlike the Federal Reserve Bank of America, is Government owned.
8. We were told that the best way to handle a financial crisis was to let our banks and businesses go bankrupt. How that would help I do not know. What I could see were people being thrown out of jobs and any number of social problems. But that was the “conventional wisdom”. Why are the great institutions not advising Western Governments to let businesses go bankrupt?
9. Ah! But they did. Lehman Brothers was allowed to go bankrupt. Did it solve the financial crisis? No. As far as I can tell the crisis simply got worse and refused to go away.
10. They resorted to all the things they told us not to do when our financial situation was in a tailspin as the currency traders devalued the Ringgit. They bailed out failed companies and banks with huge sums of money, they stop short selling, they talk of controlling the currency traders, etc. etc.
11. We recovered by doing the forbidden. But they have not recovered. My feeling as an economic and financial ignoramus is that they are not going to recover any time soon. They will not recover because they are still in a state of denial. They still believe they are rich, as rich as before they plunged into the crisis. And believing that they can somehow continue to remain rich, they are unable to behave like poor people.
12. So they have not stopped spending. They are ever prepared to go to war, to produce costly weapons, to do research on more killing machines, to maintain military bases all over the world, operate huge fleets of war ships and military aircraft, updating them etc. etc. They must keep up the big power wealthy country image even if their people have no jobs, riot and protest.
13. The great financial crisis will be with us for a long time. Even when it is resolved the aftermath will see slow recovery for the giants of the west. They will find difficulties in returning to doing real business of producing goods, providing services and trading.
source :
by Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad
1. Today the consumption of electricity is increasing at a rapid rate. We are spending a lot of money on building new power plants. We need them of course. We need the light and the power which electricity provides us. We cannot do without electricity.
2. Many people are however complaining about their electricity bill. It makes a big hole in their pockets.
3. Because of this researchers have worked hard to lower the cost of electricity without sacrificing the brightness that we have come to think is indispensable.
4. Recently I was shown new lighting systems which can save more than half our electricity bill without sacrificing our partiality towards bright lights.
5. We are already familiar with the light emitting diode or LED in our cars and televisions. Now the LED can be used for household lighting, for lighting of buildings and stadiums and for street lighting.
6. LED consumes less than half the electricity needed for the same brightness from the conventional incandescent bulbs and fluorescent tubes. Unlike fluorescent tubes LED light need noballast and the light comes on instantly upon switching on.
7. Supposing all our streets and roads are lit up with these energy saving system we would be saving millions of Ringgits. Actually it has been installed in Langkawi and Karak highway. If all the streets in Malaysia are lit this way, and also all our houses and offices we can do away with some of our power plants. At the very least we need not build too many more.
8. That will be a plan for the nation. But for individual consumers the bill would be much smaller, maybe as low as half the present bill.
9. Besides lighting, there are now air-conditioners and refrigerators which consume less power. These too can reduce electricity bills for householders and restaurants.
10. However the cost of changing to this new system would be higher than the cost of the old system. This makes people reluctant to switch to the new system. On the other hand the savings from the reduced consumption of electricity would, in maybe three years time, cover the extra cost. Since the system can last much longer than three years the user would enjoy quite a lot of savings.
11. The power company may not feel happy at receiving less money for the sale of electricity.
12. For a time the installed capacity would not be fully utilised. But consumption would still grow and eventually the capacity would be fully utilised.
13. What this means is that the power company need not invest in new plants. This would constitute a savings for the power company.
14. The real gainers would be the suppliers of the new energy efficient system and the big users. The nation too would gain.
source :
by Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad
1. Today the consumption of electricity is increasing at a rapid rate. We are spending a lot of money on building new power plants. We need them of course. We need the light and the power which electricity provides us. We cannot do without electricity.
2. Many people are however complaining about their electricity bill. It makes a big hole in their pockets.
3. Because of this researchers have worked hard to lower the cost of electricity without sacrificing the brightness that we have come to think is indispensable.
4. Recently I was shown new lighting systems which can save more than half our electricity bill without sacrificing our partiality towards bright lights.
5. We are already familiar with the light emitting diode or LED in our cars and televisions. Now the LED can be used for household lighting, for lighting of buildings and stadiums and for street lighting.
6. LED consumes less than half the electricity needed for the same brightness from the conventional incandescent bulbs and fluorescent tubes. Unlike fluorescent tubes LED light need noballast and the light comes on instantly upon switching on.
7. Supposing all our streets and roads are lit up with these energy saving system we would be saving millions of Ringgits. Actually it has been installed in Langkawi and Karak highway. If all the streets in Malaysia are lit this way, and also all our houses and offices we can do away with some of our power plants. At the very least we need not build too many more.
8. That will be a plan for the nation. But for individual consumers the bill would be much smaller, maybe as low as half the present bill.
9. Besides lighting, there are now air-conditioners and refrigerators which consume less power. These too can reduce electricity bills for householders and restaurants.
10. However the cost of changing to this new system would be higher than the cost of the old system. This makes people reluctant to switch to the new system. On the other hand the savings from the reduced consumption of electricity would, in maybe three years time, cover the extra cost. Since the system can last much longer than three years the user would enjoy quite a lot of savings.
11. The power company may not feel happy at receiving less money for the sale of electricity.
12. For a time the installed capacity would not be fully utilised. But consumption would still grow and eventually the capacity would be fully utilised.
13. What this means is that the power company need not invest in new plants. This would constitute a savings for the power company.
14. The real gainers would be the suppliers of the new energy efficient system and the big users. The nation too would gain.
source :
Dr M: We can't please everyone

PETALING JAYA - Malaysia needs to be cautious in trying to please everyone at the expense of its own growth, says Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
In a statement by the Razak School of Government yesterday, he said Malaysian leaders should avoid being leaders for a specific group of people to avoid being non-leaders to the remaining groups of people.
"Even Western governments take into account their own interests first and foremost in the face of globalisation," said the former prime minister when commenting on the challenges of globalisation.
Dr Mahathir said this when sharing his thoughts on what it means to be a Malaysian leader to 30 leaders from both the private and public sectors in Putrajaya recently.
"Leaders always focus on the needs and development of different groups of people and should continue to do so," he said.
Citing examples of how religion had caused turmoil and conflict in countries like northern Ireland, Iraq and Pakistan, Dr Mahathir said Malaysia was stable despite its diversity in race, religion and opinion.
Dr Mahathir said unlike bigger economies, the stability of a small country like Malaysia would have significant impact on its growth.
"Thus, we must engage sensitively in our public discourse. That said, having opposition and counter discourse have been healthy for the country.
"We need to clearly articulate our messages with no ambiguity," he added.
On the public service, Dr Mahathir said that although the country's public service was relatively professional, there was still a need for redundant posts to be removed.
"People should not be promoted to a 'non-post' just for the sake of promotion. It should be done because they are deserving," he said.
source :
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Rakyat Malaysia diminta cabar kebolehan diri

Dr. Mahathir Mohamad mendengar sesuatu diperkatakan Suwaibah Muhammad Nasir sambil diperhatikan Sheikh Ahmad Dusuki di Yayasan Kepimpinan Perdana, Putrajaya.
PUTRAJAYA 12 Okt. - Bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad mahu lebih ramai rakyat negara ini mencabar diri dengan melakukan sesuatu yang baharu kerana ia mampu menguji kebolehan diri mereka.
Menurutnya, aktiviti itu bukan tertakluk dalam bidang sukan sahaja, tetapi juga bidang-bidang lain yang mampu mencetuskan budaya baharu buat rakyat negara ini.
"Kalau seseorang itu sanggup hadapi cabaran, dia akan buat persediaan untuk menghadapi cabaran tersebut. Kalau kita ada sikap sebegitu atau kesanggupan seperti itu maka rakyat negara ini tetap akan berjaya," katanya.
Beliau berkata demikian selepas bertemu dengan peserta Misi Larian Sahara, Suwaibah Muhammad Nasir di Yayasan Kepimpinan Perdana di sini hari ini.
Kumpulan Utusan merupakan antara penaja bagi program itu.
Dr. Mahathir berkata, bukan sesuatu yang mudah untuk Suwaibah merentas padang pasir, tetapi dengan semangat Malaysia Boleh bekas anggota Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM) itu sanggup mencabar diri bagi tujuan itu.
Larian Sahara melibatkan perjalanan sejauh 1,111 kilometer akan dilakukan secara solo oleh wanita berusia 38 tahun yang berasal dari Kelantan itu.
Larian yang dijangka mengambil masa 35 hari akan bermula dari Aswan ke Luxor sejauh 179 kilometer, Luxor-Sohag- Assyut (221 kilometer), Assyut-Al-Minya-Giza-Kaherah (318 kilometer) dan Kaherah ke Suez sejauh 125 kilometer.
Seterusnya laluan mencabar menanti Suwaibah dari Suez ke Port Said sejauh 146 kilometer sebelum menamatkan misinya di laluan Port Said-Rafaj sejauh 122 kilometer.
Dr. Mahathir turut menyeru orang ramai agar menghulurkan bantuan untuk menjayakan misi larian yang memerlukan perbelanjaan dianggarkan sebanyak RM1 juta.
"Bantuan kewangan daripada penderma yang bermurah hati amat diperlukan untuk tujuan ini dan mereka akan diberikan hadiah istimewa iaitu dinar emas," katanya.
Sementara itu Pengurus Larian Sahara, Sheikh Ahmad Dusuki berkata, mereka yang menderma sebanyak RM1,500 akan menerima dinar emas bernilai RM800 dan ini bermakna mereka menyumbang sebanyak RM700 untuk larian tersebut.
"Sebahagian daripada sumbangan ini akan digunakan untuk membantu penduduk Palestin di Gaza manakala selebihnya akan didermakan kepada Tabung Bantuan Pulih Wajah Nurul Dahyatul Fazlinda-YPU, Persatuan Kanser Malaysia dan Yayasan Buah Pinggang," tambahnya.
sumber : Utusan
Melayu hilang kuasa 10 tahun lagi
Orang Melayu di negara ini dijangka kehilangan identiti serta kuasa terutama berkaitan hal sosial, politik dan ekonomi dalam masa 10 tahun lagi, kata bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad.
Katanya, jangkaan itu berdasarkan trend perpecahan politik yang semakin ketara di kalangan kaum itu sehingga menyaksikan terdapat di antara mereka menjadi pihak minoriti dalam mana-mana perkongsian kuasa.
Apabila itu terjadi, katanya, golongan minoriti tersebut terpaksa meminta bantuan pihak lain demi kuasa, tetapi 'berhutang' dengan pemberi 'bantuan' berkenaan sehingga akhirnya membuatkan Melayu Islam kerugian.
Menurutnya, senario identiti Melayu Islam di Singapura serta keadaan ekonomi golongan itu di Thailand wajar dijadikan iktibar.
"Di Singapura, muftinya tidak boleh memprotes hidangan daging haram yang dihidangkan di majlis membabitkan Melayu Islam (serta Islam lain) walaupun membuat ketetapan Islam tidak boleh memakannya.
"Hidang tidak apa dan ini (berlaku) kerana ketiadaan kuasa (di kalangan Melayu)," katanya semasa berucap merasmikan Seminar Perpaduan dan Ekonomi Ummah di Bangi, dekat sini hari ini.
Seterusnya, Dr. Mahathir yang juga Yang Dipertua Pertubuhan Kebajikan Islam Malaysia (Perkim) mengingatkan supaya masyarakat Islam merebut kekayaan negara serta menguruskan kekayaan itu kerana kekuatan ekonomi boleh menyelamatkan agama.
Sebagai contoh, katanya, banyak negara Arab yang mempunyai kekayaan hasil minyak tetapi gagal menjananya semula sehingga menyimpan wang dalam bentuk rizab bon di negara maju seperti Amerika Syarikat (AS).
Bagaimanapun menurut beliau, AS yang kini mempunyai hutang terkumpul bernilai AS$14 trilion dikhuatiri tidak mampu membayar rizab bon negara-negara Arab berkenaan.
"Miskin itu kufur dan pegangan (agama) juga boleh jadi lemah," ujarnya.
sumber :Utusan
Katanya, jangkaan itu berdasarkan trend perpecahan politik yang semakin ketara di kalangan kaum itu sehingga menyaksikan terdapat di antara mereka menjadi pihak minoriti dalam mana-mana perkongsian kuasa.
Apabila itu terjadi, katanya, golongan minoriti tersebut terpaksa meminta bantuan pihak lain demi kuasa, tetapi 'berhutang' dengan pemberi 'bantuan' berkenaan sehingga akhirnya membuatkan Melayu Islam kerugian.
Menurutnya, senario identiti Melayu Islam di Singapura serta keadaan ekonomi golongan itu di Thailand wajar dijadikan iktibar.
"Di Singapura, muftinya tidak boleh memprotes hidangan daging haram yang dihidangkan di majlis membabitkan Melayu Islam (serta Islam lain) walaupun membuat ketetapan Islam tidak boleh memakannya.
"Hidang tidak apa dan ini (berlaku) kerana ketiadaan kuasa (di kalangan Melayu)," katanya semasa berucap merasmikan Seminar Perpaduan dan Ekonomi Ummah di Bangi, dekat sini hari ini.
Seterusnya, Dr. Mahathir yang juga Yang Dipertua Pertubuhan Kebajikan Islam Malaysia (Perkim) mengingatkan supaya masyarakat Islam merebut kekayaan negara serta menguruskan kekayaan itu kerana kekuatan ekonomi boleh menyelamatkan agama.
Sebagai contoh, katanya, banyak negara Arab yang mempunyai kekayaan hasil minyak tetapi gagal menjananya semula sehingga menyimpan wang dalam bentuk rizab bon di negara maju seperti Amerika Syarikat (AS).
Bagaimanapun menurut beliau, AS yang kini mempunyai hutang terkumpul bernilai AS$14 trilion dikhuatiri tidak mampu membayar rizab bon negara-negara Arab berkenaan.
"Miskin itu kufur dan pegangan (agama) juga boleh jadi lemah," ujarnya.
sumber :Utusan
Monday, October 3, 2011
YIU anugerahkan Ijazah Kehormat kepada Dr. M

Dr. Mahathir Mohamad menerima Ijazah Kehormat Doktor Falsafah (Pentadbiran Awam) daripada Wan Muhammad Nor Matha di Universiti Islam Yala, Thailand, semalam.
Universiti Islam Yala (YIU) hari ini menganugerahkan Ijazah Kehormat Doktor Falsafah (Pentadbiran Awam) kepada bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad sebagai menghargai peranan besar beliau di peringkat antarabangsa.
Anugerah itu juga bagi menghargai sumbangan Dr. Mahathir dalam membangunkan Malaysia menjadi sebuah negara moden, makmur, ceria dan penuh bertenaga sehingga turut membanggakan umat Islam di seluruh dunia.
Anugerah tertinggi itu disampaikan oleh Presiden Majlis Senat YIU, Wan Muhammad Nor Matha pada majlis konvokesyen khas di universiti berkenaan yang dihadiri lebih 1,000 tetamu jemputan, ahli senat, pensyarah dan penuntut.
Turut hadir, bekas Perdana Menteri Thailand, Somchai Wong Sawad dan Rektor YIU, Dr. Ismail Lutfi Chapakeya.
Somchai dalam ucapannya merakamkan setinggi-tinggi tahniah kepada Dr. Mahathir dan juga rakyat Malaysia amnya.
Beliau berkata, selain menjadi Perdana Menteri Malaysia yang berkaliber dan berjaya mengemudi Malaysia sebagai sebuah negara moden dan makmur, Dr. Mahathir juga merupakan tokoh pemimpin yang dihormati di persada antarabangsa terutama di negara Thailand dan ASEAN.
Katanya, kesudian Dr. Mahathir menerima ijazah kehormat daripada YIU merupakan tanda penghormatan tidak ternilai kepada warga Thailand.
"Ia juga tanda jalinan muhibah antara dua negara berjiran serta kerjasama intim ke arah membina pembaharuan di sudut pembelajaran dan pendidikan menuju kedamaian sejagat,'' katanya.
Beliau menambah, Dr. Mahathir merupakan seorang tokoh yang tidak asing lagi bagi warga Thailand.
"Sepanjang memegang jawatan Perdana Menteri Malaysia, Dr. Mahathir telah banyak memberi peluang kepada anak-anak dari Thailand menyambung pelajaran mereka di setiap peringkat, demikian juga peluang pekerjaan dan hubungan ekonomi," katanya.
YIU ditubuhkan pada 1998, merupakan universiti Islam swasta pertama di Thailand hasil usaha gigih sekumpulan anak muda Islam, pemimpin masyarakat dan ahli politik yang menerima pendidikan daripada universiti tempatan dan luar negara.
Sebelum itu, ia dikenali sebagai Kolej Islam Yala sebelum dinaik taraf menjadi sebuah universiti oleh kerajaan Thailand pada 2007.
Ketika ini, terdapat lebih 3,000 penuntut termasuk 100 pelajar luar negara termasuk dari Malaysia, yang mengikuti pengajian di peringkat sarjana muda dan sarjana dalam bidang agama, bahasa, sains sosial, sains teknologi dan pendidikan. - sumber Utusan
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Islam mahu manusia menghukum dengan adil
Islam mahu manusia menghukum dengan adil - Tun M
KUBANG PASU 2 Okt. - Bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad berkata, adalah tidak adil sekiranya Pas melaksanakan hukum hudud di negara ini dengan melibatkan orang Islam sahaja dan bukan Islam pula dikecualikan daripada hukuman itu.
Menurut beliau, ajaran Islam mahukan manusia menghukum dengan adil atas kesalahan yang dilakukan.
Katanya, pelaksanaan hukum hudud di negara ini sepatutnya mengambil kira keadaan rakyat negara ini yang mempunyai pelbagai agama.
"Dalam negara kita terdapat penduduk berbilang agama, kalau 100 peratus Islam, tak mengapalah. Mursyidul Am Pas, Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat kata hudud hendak dilaksanakan untuk orang Islam sahaja.
"Jadi apabila dua orang mencuri, seorang beragama Islam dan seorang lagi bukan Islam, yang seorang potong tangan (dan) yang seorang lagi masuk penjara. Adilkah itu?
"Barang kali bagi Nik Abdul Aziz adil, bagi saya tak adillah. Sama-samalah kalau potong tangan, potong tangan. Kalau nak masuk dalam jel, masuk jel sama-sama," katanya kepada pemberita selepas menyampaikan ucaptama pada majlis Perhimpunan Perdana Jawatankuasa Kemajuan dan Keselamatan Kampung Persekutuan (JKKKP) Kedah Siri 2 Dewan Wawasan Jitra di sini hari ini.
Menurutnya, adalah tidak adil sekiranya jenayah yang sama tetapi hukuman adalah berbeza jika ia dilakukan oleh dua orang berlainan agama.
Beliau ditanya mengenai pendirian Pas yang masih berharap untuk melaksanakan hukum hudud di negara ini jika pembangkang mengambil alih pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan pada Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-13 (PRU-13).
Nik Abdul Aziz semalam dilaporkan berkata, pelaksanaan hukum hudud hanya melibatkan orang Islam dan masyarakat bukan Islam seharusnya tidak perlu risau.
Menurut Dr. Mahathir, kerajaan bukan tidak setuju dengan hukum hudud tetapi keadaan dalam negara ini yang mempunyai berbilang agama menjadikannya tidak sesuai dilaksanakan.
Ditanya mengenai sama ada bekas ketua gerila komunis Malaysia, Chin Peng yang dilaporkan sedang sakit patut dibenarkan pulang ke negara ini, Dr. Mahathir berkata, ia perlu mengambil kira sensiviti orang ramai.
Katanya, walaupun mungkin ada rakyat yang memaafkan Chin Peng, lebih ramai yang tidak dapat menerima perbuatannya itu yang memberi kesan kepada kehidupan mereka.
"Dia pilih untuk mengkhianati negara. Walaupun ada orang yang mungkin hendak memaafkan dia, tetapi lebih ramai yang tidak akan memaafkannya kerana mereka kehilangan keluarga dalam peperangan, putus kaki dan tangan. Kita kena fikir perasaan orang itu sama, jangan fikir tentang perasan Chin Peng sahaja," ujar beliau.
sumber :Utusan
KUBANG PASU 2 Okt. - Bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad berkata, adalah tidak adil sekiranya Pas melaksanakan hukum hudud di negara ini dengan melibatkan orang Islam sahaja dan bukan Islam pula dikecualikan daripada hukuman itu.
Menurut beliau, ajaran Islam mahukan manusia menghukum dengan adil atas kesalahan yang dilakukan.
Katanya, pelaksanaan hukum hudud di negara ini sepatutnya mengambil kira keadaan rakyat negara ini yang mempunyai pelbagai agama.
"Dalam negara kita terdapat penduduk berbilang agama, kalau 100 peratus Islam, tak mengapalah. Mursyidul Am Pas, Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat kata hudud hendak dilaksanakan untuk orang Islam sahaja.
"Jadi apabila dua orang mencuri, seorang beragama Islam dan seorang lagi bukan Islam, yang seorang potong tangan (dan) yang seorang lagi masuk penjara. Adilkah itu?
"Barang kali bagi Nik Abdul Aziz adil, bagi saya tak adillah. Sama-samalah kalau potong tangan, potong tangan. Kalau nak masuk dalam jel, masuk jel sama-sama," katanya kepada pemberita selepas menyampaikan ucaptama pada majlis Perhimpunan Perdana Jawatankuasa Kemajuan dan Keselamatan Kampung Persekutuan (JKKKP) Kedah Siri 2 Dewan Wawasan Jitra di sini hari ini.
Menurutnya, adalah tidak adil sekiranya jenayah yang sama tetapi hukuman adalah berbeza jika ia dilakukan oleh dua orang berlainan agama.
Beliau ditanya mengenai pendirian Pas yang masih berharap untuk melaksanakan hukum hudud di negara ini jika pembangkang mengambil alih pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan pada Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-13 (PRU-13).
Nik Abdul Aziz semalam dilaporkan berkata, pelaksanaan hukum hudud hanya melibatkan orang Islam dan masyarakat bukan Islam seharusnya tidak perlu risau.
Menurut Dr. Mahathir, kerajaan bukan tidak setuju dengan hukum hudud tetapi keadaan dalam negara ini yang mempunyai berbilang agama menjadikannya tidak sesuai dilaksanakan.
Ditanya mengenai sama ada bekas ketua gerila komunis Malaysia, Chin Peng yang dilaporkan sedang sakit patut dibenarkan pulang ke negara ini, Dr. Mahathir berkata, ia perlu mengambil kira sensiviti orang ramai.
Katanya, walaupun mungkin ada rakyat yang memaafkan Chin Peng, lebih ramai yang tidak dapat menerima perbuatannya itu yang memberi kesan kepada kehidupan mereka.
"Dia pilih untuk mengkhianati negara. Walaupun ada orang yang mungkin hendak memaafkan dia, tetapi lebih ramai yang tidak akan memaafkannya kerana mereka kehilangan keluarga dalam peperangan, putus kaki dan tangan. Kita kena fikir perasaan orang itu sama, jangan fikir tentang perasan Chin Peng sahaja," ujar beliau.
sumber :Utusan
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